j<arr>c '* i S®ur)fj jfress. (JSTABI.I-IUBD UY I'. B.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUHLIS)I!'JI> KVtiliV THURSDAY TERMSOF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year * 00 If paid in advance SO ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements are publishedat the rate of one 1 o 11;\r per square for one insertion and buy cents ner square for each subsequent inserti on. Rates by t he vear or for six or three monthsare ow and uniform.and will be furnished on appll- and Official Advertising per square, three lmesorless,|'2 00; subsequent insertionSO C °Locafnot?ces ten cents per line for one insertion, Ave cents per line for eacnsubsequentconsecutlve '"otiUuary notices over five lines, ten cents per i ne. Simpleaiinouncementsofbirtb*, marriages and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year over live lit the regular rates of advertising No locaiinsertodfor less than 75 cts. per issue, JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, ind a't'ords facilities for doing the best class ol work. PARTICULAK ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. _ ... No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent out oftliecounty must be paid Tor i n advance. *S-No advertisements will be accepted at less han the price for fifteen words. notices free. mm i i FOR RENT OR SALE. A number of rooms, with use of bath, for rent. Apply to Frank F. Day. 41 tf. Office or store. Best location in town. Inquire at this office. Or.e furnished room, with privilege of bath, for rent. Inquire of 40-3 T. MRS. HENRY LUDLAM. Three furnished rooms with use of bath. Men preferred. Apply to 39 tf. MRS S. L. STODDARD. Sterling House, opposite depot Sterl ing Hun, Pa., for sale Inquire at my residence, opposite Catholic church, Emporium. 11-tf MRP. MAHONY. English Spavin Liniment removed Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King Bono, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by L Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr Dry Goods, Millinery anil Variety Bazaar, SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN GOATS AND MILLINERY Dress Goods, Largest Line and Lotfest Prices in Cameron County. I To Christmas Shoppers—Buy your presents early. That will be your biggest gift o the holidays—to the workers behind the counters. E. S. COPPERSMITH. Council Proceedings. lingular meeting Borough Council, Emporium, December 2,1907. Present: Messrs. Marshall, Cramer, Clark, Norris and Green. Absent: Messrs. White, Goodnough and Hamilton. In the absence of Mr. Goodnough and on motion by Mr. Marshall, sec onded by Mr. Clark, Mr Cramer was called to the chair. Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved, after change as follows: William Clark, Thomas Smith, John Hout and Thomas Smith, work on streets $2.00 each, changed to Police Service $2.00 each. The bills were read and on motion by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Clark, the following bills were ordered paid: John Welch, Work on Streets, $ 10 75 James Murray, " • 22 75 James Davin, " 10 50 Charles Farley, '• 11 20 W.M.Scott, '• 8 75 F. D. Logan, " 4 00 Lee Halderman, Draying streets, 2 75 W. IJ. Cramer, Repairs to lock. City Hall, 60 St. Marys 'las Co., Gas for November 1907. 19 88 Struthers Wells Co., Invoice, 31 00 C. B. Howard Co., Invoice, 32 81 Emporium Concrete Co., Crossings 235 -18 Emporium Water Co., July to Jany. 1908 . fiOO 00 John McMillian, Hauling hose cart 3 00 Stephens & Saunders. Invoice, 5 51 W. F. Loyd, Paid express bills 1 15 Message from Burgess was read in which resolution by Mr. Hamilton, seconded by Mr. Norris, that Street Committee be authorized to establish grade for sidewalks on Fifth Street Ex tension, was vetoed. There was no action taken on Burgess Howard's veto at this meeting. Burgess and Treasurer's reports read and ordered tiled. Amounts collected as follows: Fines collected, $30.00; License collected, §(>.00; from Hacken burg & Thomas, for sidewalk, $24.77; from Emporium Theatorium §lO 00; from Cameron county for use of Bor ough buildings for election purposes, §3O 00. Moved by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr. Green, that notice be given Mr. Geo. H. Spring, Elmira, N. Y., owner, to tear down old partly burned build ing on Chestnut Street next to Penn sylvania Railroad tracks. Unanimous ly carried. Moved by Mr. Marshall, sec inded by Mr. Norris, that bill be rendered Charles Weller for lumber used and labor in rebuilding sidewalk in front of his property in Emporium Borough. Unanimously carried. Gn motion by Mr. Marshall, second ed by Mr. Norris, Council then ad journed. B.C. MOORE, Sec'y. Golden Seal. The following disability claims have | been paid by the Order of Golden Seal: i Alva Wright, $30.00; John Harbot, §ls 00; Myrtle Shaffer, §45.00; Henry O. Haupt, §15.00. A. F. ANDREWS CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1907 DEATH'S DOINGS EHffiRZ OVERIIIBER. FRANK M. OVERIIISER, aged 05 years and eight monthn, passed away on Fri day morning at his residence on West Fourth street, after a long and painful illness, covering several years. His deatli was peaceful. He leaves a wife, nee Miss Isabella O. Root, formerly of Coudersport, to whom he was united in marriage in 1870, also one brother, Ex-Sheriff R. M. Overhiser. Deceased came here with his parents in 1851 and always resided in Emporium, being en gaged in several lines ot business. When in health he was jolly, good company and always made friends During his illness his faithful wife stood by him and administered to his every want and her task was not an easy one. Many were the kind words of sympathy and condolence extended to her, as well as acts of kindness, which she deeply appreciates. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon and was largely attended by relatives and friends Rev. Dr. John ston, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church officiated and made appropriate remarks. A male quartett, composed of H. C. Olmsted, I. K. Hockley, Chas. Felt and W. 8. Sterner, sang several hymns. Interment was made in New ton cemetery. "The taste tells," Utopian Choc olates. J. B. MEISEJ,. No. 32r,5. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK, AT EMPORIUM. IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS. DECEMBER 3. 1907. RESOURCES. 1.1 ABILITIES. I OIIIH anil Discounts sl2l 756 17 Capital stock paid in *100,(100 00 Loansami u ucuunu... ,oo i. Sur|)lus flmd 75,000 00 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.... •>.». J. Undivided profits, less expenses and U. H. Bonds to secure circulation 100,000 00 taxes paid 15,715 90 Other Bonds to secure U. 8. Deposits.. 50,000 00 gSeAStSi"!!:::'. 45 U. 8. Bonds on hand I,HOO 00 Dividends unpaid 200 So Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 4,500 00 Individual deposits subject to Bonds, sccureties, etc WW 35 of Banking house, furniture and fixtures. 19,000 CO (tier's checks outstanding I">JOK :X, Other real estate owned 1,000 ou United .States deposit 50,000 00 M 6,678 21 Due from Nat'l Banks (not reserve W97 of' 2U,# ' l 7 " Due from approved reserve agents. . 47,28195 deposit for money borrowed, 10,000 on Checks and other cash items, 96 01 • Notes of other National Banks 2.140 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 227 42 LAWFUL MONEY RESERVE IN BANK: Specie s32.4i>G 21) Legal-tender notes. H,st>o 00 40.9t0> 20 Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer, 6 per cent of circulation 5,000 oo _ Total #774,853 34 *774,353 34 State of Pennsylvania, Cou nt\f of Cameron, SS: —I, T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of the above named Bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. H !j 4 ovn, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me) < f . nBP ,. ( , T Attnst • tli is sth day of Dee. lt)07. / CORRECT Attest. B. W. GREKN, . ) .JAN P. FELT, Notary Public. I W. S. WALK Kit, > Directors My Commission expires Feb.2l 1910. v N. BEGER, ) The Toy Store is a veritable Holiday Bazaar of itself, with its great assemblage of Dolls, all sorts and sizes, Doll Clothes, Doll houses and Doll Furniture. Dolls all prices from 10 to $15.00. Teddy Bears of twenty-five dif ferent kinds, sr.oo to $5.00 Everything for Teddy Bears to wear —Sweaters, Overalls, Rough Rider Suits, Goggles, Coats, Boots, etc. Silverware and Jewelry Novel ties in the greatest profusion ever known in this store. Rings, Necklaces, Brooches, Hair Ornaments, Opera Glasses, Beads, Pendants, Belt Pins, Belts, Hand Bags, Piuses, Hat Pins and many other pretty things for women. Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Manicure Sets. Cut Glass, China and Fancy Baskets. Holiday Gift Books in profu sion. Books of Foreign Travel, Books for Boys or Girls, also all late works of fiction. Writing Paper in fancy Christ mas Boxes. Calendars, Christmas Cards and a host ofFaucy Metal Novel ties for Christmas. Greatest showing of Pictures this store ever exhibited for Christmas. Art Needle Work, sections full of interesting things. Fancy appliqued and spangled Chiflon Evening Scarfs—beauti ful things imported from France —56.50. Spangled Net Robes, Waist Patters, Silk or Cloth Dress or Waist Patters in neat Christmas boxes. Dainty Laces and Trimmings for Gowns —large selection beautiful imported Trimmings and Real Lace, besides exceed The Fair Store. We wish to announce te the public ! owing to our surplus stock we have j now opened a branch in the Newton & Green office, corner of 4tt> and Broad streets, and will close all lines of goods 1 out less than cost, for cash. See our adv. in next weeks papers. 11. A. ZARPS & Co. To please your wife, sister or sweet heart, buv a nice box of Utopian Choc olates, at"J. B. MEISEL'S. "I'm Married Now." I'm Married Now" with George F. 1 Hall, the popular comedian will be the ! attraction at Emporium Opera House, 1 Saturday evening, Dec. 7th. "I'm Married Now" is one continous laugh j ing fit, a comedy which hrinps laugh ter to people who have not laughed for 1 years, it is noted for it's singers, danc ! iirs and comedians, it is pure and wholesome fun without one dull mom | ent. Eye Specialist. Prof. W. H. Budine, the well known Eye Specialist, of Binghamton, N. Y., ! will be at R. H. Hirsch's jewelry | store, Emporium, Pa., Dec. 21st. llf you can't see well or have headache don'tfail to call and see Prof. Budine, as he guarantees to cure all such cases. Lenses ground and fitted in old frames. Eyes tested and ex amined free. All work guaranteed. ingly pretty machine made. Lace and Embroidered Collar and Cuff Sets —fancy embroider ed Velvet Collars —Persian em broidered Silk Scarfs —dainty Crepe deChene for making scarfs, | and many other beautiful stylish | things for the neck. Crepe de Chene in two yard Scarf Patterns, $2.00. Ostrich Plumes —something every girl and women appreciates —beauties, $2.50 to $15.00. Fancy Aigettes for the hat, $1.50 to SIO.OO. Sets of Furs or Fur Coat — Sable, Chinchilla, Ermine, Mink, Marten, Squirrel, Peasian Lamb, Broadtail, Russian Pony and ; other Furs in plenteous assort ! ment. Furs, $5.00 to $50.00. Kid Gloves—Evening or Street Gloves —$1.00 to $4.00. Men's Gloves, SI.OO to $2.00. Fur or Fur lined Gloves, Children's Gloves, Fabric Gloves ; —Gloves for everybody and every ! purpose. Silk Petticoats—Black and shades to match gowns— s3.so to | SIO.OO. Net and Lace Waists—Silk Waists —Lingerie Waists —Linen" Waists —thousands of new beauti i fill Waists, SI.OO to $12.00. Lace or Silk Waists extraord -1 inary, $5.50. Hosiery for Men, Women or Children —Silk, Cotton, Wool — practical or dress kinds. Little Children's Bonnets, Toques or Caps. Handkerchiefs—always appro priate and acceptable. Men's Blanket Bath Robes— s3.oo to $5.00. Table Linens, Lunch Cloths, Fancy Linens, Bedding Linens, Towels, Blankets. Lunch Cloth and Doylies would ; be especially appreciated. | Curtains, Draperies, Pictures and things of utility and beauty for the home. THE POPULAR I THOS. W. WELSH/jProp'r Come and get my prices before buying Xmas Presents Our large new stock is now open for inspection and we feel positive we have just what you desire. See a few Spe cials for Christmas. Royal Flannel for bath robes, in black, white, brown,and blue. Just the thing for a robe for the little ones to slip on at night or morning. Cathedral Damask for dra peries for the den. Silk Shirt Waists. Dress Skirts going at cost. Linen Towels from . ? 25e* to 40c each. Dress Goods all marked down. Our lady patrons should see our Shawls, Fasci nators.handkerchiefs, Slippers, Blankets, Dolls, Toys and Xmas Decorations. For the men we have Um brellas, Slippers and many useful presents. | * Our Grocery Department 1 • - * I Special Bargains for the Month. 25 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.40. Cranberries 12c per qt. |6lbs Coffee for SI.OO 2 pkgs Shredded Wheat 25c. 2 cans pink Salmon 26c. Cream Corn Starch 9c per pkge. Klinck's Hams 15c per lb. White Soup Beans 5c per lb. Canned Spinach, (3 lb cans) 18c. Fruits and Confectionery Very choice line of Malaga Grapes and Tropical Fruits, Nuts and Confectionery, in boxes and bulk. Fine quality and prices are right. Choice Winter Apples, pop ular varieties—Northern Spy, Baldwin, Greenings, etc. For a First Class Dinner We are prepared, better than ever, with a choice line of Groceries and Meats, Vegeta bles of all kinds, to supply the most fastidious. We pride ourselves on quality. Leave your orders early for Poultry. Yours to please,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers