KM POIiWM MILLING COMPANY. "RIOE LIST. Luiportiim, Pa., Nov. 11, 1907. N gHOP . i l. • , per tack. J l ts Felt's Fancy, " 186 Pet Grove, '■ .165 Graham, " 75 Rye " »o liuckwheat. " 85 Patent Meal., " 60 Coarse Meal per 100, 1 50 Chop H'eed, .." 1 60 Miilillinns M'ddlinKs. Fancy" Bran,... .. 1 50 Chicken Wheat 1 85 Corn per bushel, Whit e Oals. per bushel 85 Oysl r Shells, per 100 75 Choke Clover seed, / Choice Timothy Seed, > At Market Prices Choice Millet Seed, l R. C. DODSON, THE Qrucjcj ist, JCMPOUIIIM, PA. IS LOCATED !N THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. 4k VfW/ Mit J-n' ' ' n rl, Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DFI'ARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would like to sec in this depart merit,let us know by pos tal card or letter, personally. Mrs. Barr, an aged'lady, died on North Creek yesterday. Victor A. Brooks, of Sinnamahoning, is transacting business in town to-day. Mr. A. F. Walker, of Cameron, was a business caller in town on Wednes day. C. Jay Goodnough and wife visited Austin and Galeton last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Samuel Lewis, nee Mingle, of New York Citv, is guest of .Mrs. Josiah Howard. Miss Railings, of Buffalo, was the guest of Miss Edna Auehu, several days last week. Miss Mildred Green has returned from Buffalo, where she has been lo cated for several months. Mrs. O. D. Miller, of Olean, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.T.N.Hackett, over Sunday, at this place. J. M. Walker, of Scranton, Pa., and j W. S. Walker, of Austin, are transact ing buiness in town to-day. Edward Lussey, of Buffalo, is now night clerk in New Warner House liquid refreshment department. Thos. W. Welsh, the energetic West End Grocer, has something interest ing in this issue. Bead his "ad." James Brown, clerk in Essex Hotel, Buffalo, visited his old friend Herman Knowles at New Warner, over Sun day. When planning for Christmas festivi ties call at the City Bakery. Mrs. Schmidt will serve you right and proper. Stephens & Saunders, the big hard ware dealers in the brick block, invites your attention to their new adv. this week. Mrs. Mary E. Beers, of East Empori um, left on Monday to spend the winter at Elmira, N. Y. The PRESS follows her. Miss McCormick and Mr. Adams, of Russell, Pa., spent Thanksgiving with O. C. Dininny and family, returning home Sunday. Miss Stotell, of Buffalo,was the guest of F. F. Hilliker and family, over Sun day. She attended the Mountaineer Hose ball while here. R. L. Lindauer. of Watsontown, is guest of Mr. Harvey Welsh and family on West Fifth street. He is a practi cal painter and paper hanger. Mrs. Editha Howard, and daughter, Miss Marcia of Williamsport spent Thanksgiving in Emporium, guests of the former's mother, Mrs. M. A. Rock well. Mrs. W. H. Miller and son Raymond left on Thursday for Dußois, where Mr. Miller went some days ago, hop ing the climate may be beneficial to his health. He is a great sufferer. Reuben Fountain called on the PRESS yesterday, exclaiming: "She's a bouncer and weighs ten pounds!" Mr. Fountain is an industrious citizen and his well behaved children are a credit to their parents. Chas. T. Logan and wife, and H. G. Tompkins are visiting in Philadelphia this week. The men are attending a session of Grand Lodge and Chapter, as Representatives of Emporium bod ies, while Mrs. Logan will take in the sights. Miss Rose Gayney and Miss Katie Welsh, two of Emporium's bright young ladies were agreeable PRESS call ers on Monday evening. The last named lady has just returned from visiting friends at Bolivar, N. Y. She did not even look at Keating Summit on her home-coming trip. Just a lttle Cascasweet is all that is necessary to j;ive your baby when it is cross and pevish. Cascasweet contains no opiates nor harmful drugs and is highly recommended by mothers everywhere. Conforms to the National Pure Food Law. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. Mrs. Bradley Not Guilty. WASHINGTON, T). 0., Deo. 3.— Every one was late and looked tired this morning when court opened in the Bradley case. His honor's melancholy face was sadder than usual. The prisoner came in wearing a new chiffon gown, the gift of her sister. She looked anxiously at the jury, which avoided her eyes, as they filed in looking pale and exhausted. "We find the defendant not guilty," said the foreman. A long sobbing breath went up from the men and women at the announcement of the verdict. "Order, keep your seats," shouted the court crier. The prisoner's body quivered like an aspen leaf. Her life long friend Emma Pischall violated the order of court, but no one cliided her as she went to the side of her friend, and leaning close brushed her cheek with her lips. The case went to the jury at 4:17 o'clock Monday afternoon and it was 10 o'clock at night before any word was heard from the jury room. After deliberation for five hours and forty-three minutes, the jury in the case of Mrs Annie Bradley, charged with the murder of former United States Senator Brown, of Utah, failed to reach an agreement and was ordered locked up for the night. It was 10 o'clock when the court crier announc ed that they would be unable to reach an agreement and that court would convene Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Fifteen minutes after the verdict had been announced Mrs. Bradly was spin ning through Judicial Square in a big touring car with Mrs. Hayes, wife of Judge Hayes of the internal revenue, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Masters, Attorney Hoover and Wells. News of the verdict spread rapidly and thousands of people gathered about the machine. Mrs. Bradley smiled upon those about her although evidently much confused. Ten minutes later she returned to the courthouse and met the members of the jury. As each juryman was in troduced she shook hands and express ed her gratitude over the verdict. She will remain indefinitely at the home of Judge Hayes. Sound as a Rock. If any of our citizens feel "shaky" about the banks they have only to read the quarterly statement of Emporium's solid banking institution, the First Na tional Bank, in this issue. I'nele Sam deposits there and if you have money hurried in your cellar get it out and join Uncle Sam. Taggart's full line of Holiday goods will be sold at cost. Come and ex amine and you will be convinced. At cost, at cost, at Old Reliable Drug Store, L. Taggart, Prop. For a hot lunch drop in at J. B. MEISEL'S. A Dangerous Deadlock. That sometimes terminates fatally, is the stoppage of liver and bowel functions. I'o fjnickly end flu- condition without disagreeable sensations, Dr. King's New Lifr Pills should always be jour remedy. < I urranti ed absolutely satisfactory fn every case or money back, at all drug stores. 25c. Remember that \V. G, Bair has the swellest line of cards and folder photo mounts made this year. Call and see them. 42-2t Humphreys' "Seventy-Seven." "Even the doctors When at their wits end Take Seventy-seven Their colds to mend." Humphreys' "Seventy seven" is tak en alike by the wise and the simple. The difference is that the wise keep it handy and take a dose at the first sneeze or shiver and stop the cold at once. The foolish let it run on and it takes longer to break it up—but "77" does it at any stage. All druggists sell it, most druggists recommend it. 25c. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Streets, New York. A dozen photographs will make twelve Christmas presents. Now is time to have them made. W. G. Bair has somthing fine this year. 42-2t. Caterers. Mrs. Brady and Mrs. Dorsey, first class reference furnished, parties furn ished and served in their own home. Prices reasonable. Fancy dishes; table linen and silver. 41-tf. A large line of dolls; closing out at cost at L. Taggart's. , Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wood ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by L. Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr. It will be unnecessary for you togo through a painful, expensive operation for Piles if you use ManZan. Put up in collapsible tube with nozzle, readv to apply to the soreness and inflammation. For any form of Piles, price 50c, guaran teed at R. C. Dodson's drug store. 3m Boarders Wanted. Two large front rooms, with board, and use of bath. Gas in rooms. MRS. Jos. NEWEON, West Allegheny Ave. It As beautiful a line of china as will be found in town; every piece of which will be BOLD AT COST. Come early and often and get the best bargains you ever made, at L. Taggart's. Don't wait until Christmas week to have your photos made. Come now and give me lots of time to make you good work. <2-2t. W. G. BAIR. The only place in town where you can buy Utopian Chocolotes, at J. B. MEISEI.. See our Xmas adv. in this issue. J. B. MEISEL. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1905 Thousands or men and women in all I Wiilks of life arc suffering from kidney and bladder troubles. Don't neglect your kidneys. Delays are dangerous. De- Wilt's Kidney and Bladder fills afford <|iiiek relief for all forms oi kidney and bladder trouble. A week's treatment. 25c. Sold by 11. ('. Dodson. In January, IS4O, one year after the first discovery of gold in Oa'lfornla, there wore 10,000 men mining there. DeWitt's Carboiized Witch Hazel Salve—don't forget the name, and accept no substitute. (Jet DeWitt's. It's good for piles. Sold by 15. C. Dodson. To Talk About. "She hasn't any friends to speak of.' "No? Then what are they for?" Puck. King's Little Liver Pills wake up lazy livers, clean the system and clear the skin, 'fry them for biliousness and sick headache. Price 25c at 11. C. Dodson's drug store. Uui. Pinesalve Carboiized acts like a poul tice, draws nut inflammation and poison. Antiseptic healing. For chapped hands, lips, cuts and burns, li. C. Dodson's drug store. ISm. I Windsor Hotel I 1217-1229 Filbert St. H A SQUARE FROM EVERYWHERE |j Special Automobile s rvice for our guests 53 Sight-seeing and touring cars. Rooms SI.OO per day and upwards. £3 The only moderate priced hotel of repu- H tat ion and consequence in Philadelphia, Pa. ifflßßMli. IHWUMMU WWWrtfMßßMgiSti j(s§jjj The Sensible Thing to do p§j >s to s£s g e|]S j|i| e Qj|| - Ml fWR S7&, gmmffikzammsmMmm i 1 IrS H Anything useful is always a cs~aS I appreciated by the recipient, 1 ffllJy 3 and it is a well known fact I ra&Jf RC& sanmal Mum— j!(M Kg that we do not have an article ■ rvf~ B ' n our store that is not useful, I 9 also of the highest quality. It I asrvs ■■MESH ] ias always been our hobby to l®"®"®® jfjtrjj ||| I Give the Best foMhiHteiJ ||| | Outline of Handkerchiefs^ MM For the Christinas trade has always ifvQ attracted the attention of all, and there jgsTva QSgj is no doubt but that we sell more hand- OK) KSjry kerchiefs than all the stores in town ESS m| during the Holiday season. ||j It is Now Time to MakeHolidayPurchases |S SjiS And our stock of fancy China and Glassware, Crockeay, etc., Ladies and jpjj|iij Gents' Furnishings, Umbrellas etc., Swill undoubtedly please you this year BALCOM & LLOYD. 1 |lj OUR NEW LINE OF A P°o r dressmaker can make an ugly |ji Ifjjl gown from good material. The cut- jfJ! 1 Wall Paper for 1907. ffl T*tZ7Z*T»2 d „ 1 I /Iff EATON S FRENCH MADRAS 1 itj _ , , . J\ i Is not only the most beautiful of 10! »J Consists of the best, things from three factories. Also /il La_ writing papers, but ahe cutting of the 0 h } he Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all sheets and envelops has given to it a t| r kinds " style and "smartness" which appeals fi Hi /V to discriminating buyers of stationery ff| The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. May we not show you this celebrated paper? Louis against the world. HARRY S. LLOYD. J?j SB§sriaiiqigagggrQia!si=!SpSiH@igggg§@ggigjSg§gs |ggpgK=ig§ S§S§SSS@B!Sg^' | Useful Things I | for foe I * Christmas Buyer § Bj | i BEAUTIFUL SILKS in plain |M and plaid patterns. JSJi lU| Plain and fancy nets for Waists jly] and Dresses. Scarfs in Silk and Lace. tal Pretty Neckwear. jlyf Fancy Hosiery. viO/ Drawn-Work, Lunch Cloths, Bn reau Scarfs, Centrepiece and Doy- jkd JW lies. The fiinest line of Handker- IIW chiefs ever shown in Emporium. yf&x M| Prices from five cents to two and jnil one-half dollars a piece. WJ - rib- Holiday Goods Now Ready Q For Your Inspection. 9 NEW FIGS yv Jk T/ft O NEW I nuts JLsJa Y d cauforn,a I ffl DATES PRUNES « '" e Satisfactory Store m ft ORANGES J 10c to 2Gc lb. 1| I Friday and Saturday Grocery Bargains. ;| I Choicest Sugar Cured Hams—Convenient size—alb. 15c A 25'lb Bag Granulated Sugar, $1.40 j§£ Princess Paper Shell Almonds, alb. 25c H Uncolored Japan Tea—basket fired—soc quality alb 40c 3 ioc canned corn, 3 cans for 25c 7 cakes Acme soap for 25c « IJ.OC Florida oranges—sound and juicy—a doz. 35c New California prunes, 15c size,large and meaty, 2 lbs 25c I Large ioc bottle laundry blueing, 8c 1 lb cans Royal Baking Powder, a can 45c 15c packages Imported macaroni, all styles, 12c Churche's Arm and Hammer brand Soda a lb. 8c | Booth's lake Fish EA MK AV | I Fresh Shucked Baltimore Oysters jj Leave orders for delivery Friday I morning. NOTABLE KITCHEN SPECIALTIES China, Crockery, Glass, Wood and Willow ware EiE X MAB (fIFTS. We are now ready to meet your demands in this line. Come and see our immense stock. See how many pretty and useful things are here to tempt the gift giver. Remember they are inexpensive but will please the recipient. Who ever knew of a woman hav ing too many dishes in her closets, or too many handy , kitchen utensils. Come and look them over while vou ® wait for your grocery order. You get Better Values Here. J. H. DAY, I V.. Phone 6. Empor ini^^^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers