Xatcst Count? Correspondence. FROM OUR REPORTERS. HUNTLEY. C. Wesley Barr, of Tunnel llill, visit ed friends in Driftwood Sunday. Anson Marsh and family, of Tunnel Hill, were guests of W. R. Smith Sun day. The social held at .Mrs. Nelson's Fri day evening was a success iu every par ticular and everybody had a good time. Over ten dollars was subscribed toward the library fund which is very encourag ing. Supervisor L. 11. Smith is suffering from rheumatism. Mrs. J. F. Sullivan and son \isitod re latives at Olean this week. D W. East tub n spent Sunday with his family in Coudersport. Pennsy Fireman, Dan Kilburne, of Renovo, is visiting bis father this week. Key. Silas W. Bond, A. M., of Hough ton, N. ~ was a pleasant caller in town Friday. Charles Taylor of Tunnell Hill, visited friends in town Sunday. The Driftwood callers this week were: Walter Loguc, Elmer Hill, B. ,J. Collins, C. .J. Miller, William Loguc and W. 11. Smith. W. W. Johnson, who has been quite ill for the past week, is now able to at tend to his duties again. Supervisor Judge McDonald of Drift wood, called on friends in town Friday. Herman C. Jones spent Sunday in Sterling Run. George Tracy, of Ilornell, N. V., was a business caller in town Friday, negotiat ing for the purchase of the pine lumber from D. W. Eastman. Assistant Foreman Alfred T. Smith was a business caller in Emporium Fri day. Mrs. Ada Jordan spent Sunday in Sinnamahoning. Assessor Crum, of Sinnamahoning, was taking a line up of our liabilities and as sets last week. He holds his age splend idly. David Ives, of Dents Run, compared watches with the standard time Saturday. Score another for John Sangerfield Jordan. John S. Jordan secured anoth er bear Tuesday morning in Dry Run. It was a young bear but iu good condi tion. This makes five this season. John says on account of the enticing bait he uses the bears simply can't resist coming after it. He did not expect to get any mure bears until the lakes froze over as the bears all went to Canada but he thinks this bear swam the lake to try Levi's onions and Williams peanut butter. Incidentally John has added four more coon skins to his collection of furs. It's Four Miles turn now. Where is Sinna mahoning? A head on collision occurred between Angelo Bocashio, the night track walker, and a black and white polecat, one mile west of Ily Tower, Monday evening. Angelo was making fast time to reach the tower ahead of the flyer and when the erash came things happened rapidlv. Angelo claims the polecat had no classifi cation signals out but he was not long in discovering the kind of an obstruction he collided with. When Angelo reached the tower we felt that there was trouble in the air and Operator Getchell went out of the window while Sullivan and Smith fell down stairs. A warrant was sworn out by W. 11. Smith and Angelo was brought before Squire Sulli van who sentenced him to buy a new pair of trousers and bury the damaged ones for a period of thirty days. Aside from the heavy air there was no further dam age. Angelo says: The little robin's song is sweet, The crow sings very plain; The polecat sings no song at all, But he gets there just the same. J. V. 8. BACK GIVING OUT. Plenty of Emporium Readers Have This Experience. You tax the kidneys—overwork them. They can't keep up the continual strain. The back gives out—it aches and pains, Urinary troubles set in. Don't wait longer—take Doan's Kid ney Pills. Mrs. A. J. Andrews, N. Main St., Port Allegany, Pa., says:"l have used a great many remedies for the relief of kidney trouble but have never found any thing to <;ive such beneficial effect as Doan's Kidney Pills. I suffered con stantly with backache and pains. In the morning it was with the greatest difficulty that I arose and if I attempted to stoop or lift anything,sharp thrusts of pain were the result. Headaches and a tired feel ing were also present and it was with difficulty that my ordinary duties were performed. Doan's Kidney Pills gave me relief at once and at the present time, lam much better in every way. For the results received, I am glad to give my grateful recommendation of Doan's Kid- | ney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., liuftalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Re- j member the name—Doan's—and take no ! othei. CAMERON. Annie Sullivan, of Johnsonburg; is home spending a few days with her par ents Dan Sullivan, Sr., and wife. Dr. S. S. Smith made a eall iti town Thursday. Hon. John MeDouald, <>f Driftwood, incpcjted the railroad siding leading to the brick works. Friday. Tony Hoehn, of St. visited his sister, Mrs. (». L. l'age, a lew days aud assisted Roy in butchering his fatted beef. Dan Sullivan, Sr., is the proud father of a big baby girl. Congratulations Danny. Mrs. D. B. Petterson attended the Sock Social at the Parish House, Em porium last Thursday evening. D. E. Spangler, of Sterling Hun, made a business trip to this place, looking over the electric work at the tower, last Thursday. Jack Brian and Jack Greenalch re turned home Thursday after working in the coal mines at Snow Shoe. Dan Sullivan, Sr., butchered last week and excitement prevailed. The beef which they intended killiug did not care to have his happy days ended, since, it so close to the holidays, and so took to the woods, with five or six of his would be butchers on his trail. And if it were not for the fast sprinting of Danny, he would undoubtedly be going yet. Danny now wears tho championship belt and chal lenges any other runner in the county. Wm. Leany and Geo. Wykofl spent a few days hunting in this place the past week and secured a nice lot of game. They returned home Friday morning. Mrs. E. D. Krape and son visited friends in Emporium Saturday* J. F. s. 112 Qnonial $5.00 Ww $5.00 our OfjUUlul IJjC We have jKI THESE COATS ARE FINER COATS ARE Colo nf (IK reduced ALL THE LATEST , WfW hßs REMARKABLY ' Odlu Ul °f SMMffl I wSsk LOSE FITTING COATS'' LOW PRICED. WK&»m i .ju. 2" fl ? e xrw'-lai handsomely remember we m Great Bargains in Ladies Trimmed Hats All our Stylish Trimmed Hats that were $3.00 to $4.00 reduced to --------- <jjj gg All our fine Silk Velvet Trimmed Hats that were $5.00 to $7.50 reduced to - "$3 98 Opening of our Toy Dept Saturday, Nov. 30th ® & ® r * n £ Children to Santa Claus"Headquarters on the second Jpl^ Child's Bear Skin floor of our building. Greatest variety of Toys and I 9RI - r Coat Children's Cloth $3.98 Novelties in the County. Coats[, ' om $2.98 Special Bargains. j, li Furs. inches wide, black, tfrow, navy, Mufts and handles. Regular $1.50 kindat We are agents for the "Ducli- a( vK y\' i VI // k ess" Cloth Walking Skirts, the S I .OO / it Underwear. M§UVjfeJ * /) .™,- We sell the best Men's, Wo- <3 #*»» $6.00 to $12.50 _ men's and Children's nnderwear HolidaV for the money. THE NEW DRY GOODS STORE, Handkerchiefs. 25c to $2.00 Emporium's Largest and Finest Store. (greatest and finest variety. R. KUEHNE. Prop. 3c to $4.50. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1907. STERLING RUN. Harry Wylie, of Allendale, is the guest of his mother Mrs. L. J. Wylie and daughter Margaret this week. George Darren, of Sinnamahoning, visited his parents J. 11. Darren and wife the past week. Susie Killeen, of Chicago, and Mrs. Katie Dawson, of Buffalo, Was called here the past weeek on account of the illness of their father Patrick Killeen. He is reported better at this writing. George Hulsinger and wife, of Renovo. are the guests of their parents Joseph Kissel and wife. Mrs. H. F. Fosfer is visitfng Hattie Franlz, of Williamsport thte week. Nellie O'Keefe spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. Martha Smith. Mrs. James Berry attended the fun eral of her grand-mother Mrs. Piper at Emporium Wednesday. Miss B. E. Sterling returned home the past week from Byrnedale where she has been nursing. Mrs. Dorsey Spangler gave a party to some of her triends last Thursday after noon. The lecture on the liquor traffic in the M. E. Church Sunday evening was well attended. Mrs. J. E. Smith was an Emporium visitor Monday. BLUE BELL. What Would You Do? In case of a burn or scald what would you do to relieve the pain? Such injur ies are liable to occur in any family and everyone should be prepared for them. Chamberlain's Salve applied on a soft cloth will relieve the pain almost instantly and unless the injury is a very severe one will cause the parts to heal without leav ing a scar. For sale by L. Taggart. SINNAMAHONING. The Liars Club met on Friday night as per call, but nothing of much interest was in the beginning. Frank Tice fell asleep on the waiting bench but when one of the members reported a scarcity ol bucks in this vicinity, and said they had all gone to Ilarrisburg for a permit to camp on state lands, it brought Tice to his senses, he declared he would kill a cotton tail, horns or no horns, be fore flit' season closed. Batchelder re ported he got a toe of a will cat in one of hi- traps, which was produced as evidence and hr was fined six cents for bringing proof. I here was hits of bear stories sprung and some very narrow escapes made. One member said he saw a doe and a fawn not over twenty feet from him but could nol shoot as 8100 bills are a scarcity here. Pap Blodget is feeling bad as some one shot to death his pet maltese cat, which he prized very highly he has the sympathy of the club. No further business the club adjourned sine die. FIDE. Hunting stories is about all one can hear now. Frank Miller and party who are camp ing in Arksill captured a fine buck .Satur day. Most of the hunters from a distance have gone home without any deer. A good many deer have been seen but no does and fawns. Jim Batchelder captured a wild cat last week without any hide or head. Some noble hunter shot Pap Blodget's cat Bowser one day last week. Pap of fers §5.00 reward for parties who done it. •Several parties are usiug dogs to hunt with duriug deer season. Keep the dogs out of the woods and let the deer have a chanee. The bear trappers around here all got a lot of John Jordan s bear bait of onions and peanut butter and are waiting to see the results. Jim Batchelder like John Jordan, of Hunley, tipps his hat to Mr. ltussel, of Four Mile, on bears, but he says if his traps are left alone he will come out ahead on wild cats. Anson Logue is putting up a small mill at Board Rock. J. F. Furlong, Jim Berry and George O'Keefe, of Sterling ltun, were callers in town Sunday. Mrs. Will Floyd, of Washington, is visiting Mrs. Mary Floyd, this week. Mrs. Jos. Hailing, who underwent a very severe operation ou Friday is im proving as much as could be expected. Dr. John Gilmore, of Renovo, is attend ing her. Mrs. J. D. Shirk who lias be. n ill with typhoid fever at her sister's, Mrs. A. 11. Shaffer, of Ridgway, is slowly improving. Mrs. Fred Tigh and son, are visiting at Niagara Falls this week. Bertha Wylie, of Sterling Hun. was the guest of Mrs. John Lightner on Fri day. Mrs. Harry Taylor and Mrs. Bunco, of Renovo, are visiting friends here this week. Casus O. Sliafer, ot Watoga, W. \ a., visited his friends here last week. Mrs. Andrew Ulrich was called to Emporium last week on account of illness of her daughter, Mrs. Fisher. Dr. John ( jilmore, of Renovo, made a professional call here Monday. W.A.Snyder, of Espy Lodge, No. CSI, 1.0.0. F., made Sinnamahoning Lodge No. 1128 a pleasant visit on Satur day evening. Come again brother. County Commissioner (). L. Bailey started for the woods Tuesday in pursuit of a big buck. The Liars Club met on Tuesday uml.t with a full house and according, to the sound of the gavel calling the club to order, there must have been some whop pers. The paint works are tuakiug prepara tions to start soon, as the machinery has come and is being put in. BEBSE. Some girls who think they can sing ought to patronize a correspondence school of thought. | Do you know that I'inesalve Carbol ; ized acts like a poultice in drawintr out i inflamation and poison? It is anticeptic - For cuts, burns, eezouia, cracked hands it is iojmediate relief. 25cts. Sold by R. j C. Dodson. rOBtSP** The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is LflXAffl^ COUGH SYRUP ... . « ; Bees is the original laxative cough syrup, I contains no opiates, gently moves the | bowels, carrying the cold off through the j natural channels. Guaranteed to give ! satisfaction or money refunded. FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations of peo ple who have been cured of coughs and colds by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and commerce over a large part of the civilized world.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers