L-tarqeroi) j^ress. BSTA BLISHED BVO.B. GOULD. FIRNRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERM 8 OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year 00 !f paid in ad vance 80 ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements are publiahedat the rate of on* lollar per squarefor one insertion and fifty cents per square for each subsequent insertion. Rates by the year or for six or three months are ow and uniform, and will be furnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising persquare. three i me* or less, $2 00; each subsequent insertlonso cents per square. Local noticestencents per 11ne for onei nsertion, five cents per line for eaclisubsequentconsecutive insertion. * Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per 1 ne. Simpleannouncementßofbirths,marriages and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising Nolocalinsertedforlessthan7s cts.per issne. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRBSS is complete, and at'ords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for I n advance. «a~No advertisements wiU be accepted at less han the price for fifteen words. ■»W Religious notices free. It is claimed indigestion is the nation -, disease. That's why the demand ft i Rings Dyspepsia Tablets keeps increas ing because they do the work. Stomach trouble, indigestion, dyspepsia, bloating, etc., yield quickly. Two days treatment 1 roc. Ask your druggist about them. For sale by R. C. Dodson. When the Stomach, Heart or Kidney nerves tret weak, then these organs al ways fail. Don't drug the Stomach or stimulate the Heart or Kidneys That is simply a makeshift. Get a prescrip tion known to the druggists every where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The Restorative is prepared expressly for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves and build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative —tablets or liquid—and see how quickly help will come. Free sample test sent on re quest by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is surely worth this simple test. Sold by all dealers. Many a woman who doesn't know her own mind gives her husband apiece of it. Don t worry about your kidneys when you can obtain a 30 days treatment of J'ineuels for §I.OO. These little globules bring re lief in the tirst dose. Backache, Lumbago and Rheumatism yield quickly. If not satisfied your money refunded. This is a fair oiler, you can't lose. Sold by R. C. Dodson. About the only way you can arouse a man's conscience is to catch him at It. Appendicitis [s due in a large measure to abuse of the bowels, by employing drastic purga tives. To avoid all danger, use only Dr. King's New Life Pills, the safe, gentle cleansers and invigorators. Guaranteed to cure headache, biliousness, malaria and jaundice. All Druggists. 25c. An indolent man draws his breath, but does not live —Cicero. You can't be well if you have a weak, unhealthy, tired out stomach. Neither can you feel good if by some irregularity in eating you have caused the stomach to get out of order. These little stomach troubles are sings of indigestion, which may and very often does turn into a very bad case of dyspepsia. Don't allow this togo on a single day without doing something to overcome it. Take some good reliable and safe digestant like lv(>- DOL. For Dyspepsia. KODOL is the best remedy known today for heart burn, belching and all troubles arising from a disordered digestion. It is pleasant to take and affords relief promptly. Sold by R. C. Dodson. To Talk About. "She hasn't any friends to speak of." "No? Then what are they for?"— Puck. He Fought at Gettysburg. David Parker,.of Fayett, N. V., who lost a foot at Gettysburg, writes: Electric Bitters have done me more good than any medicine I ever took. For several years T had stomach trouble, and paid out much money for medicine for little purpose, until I began taking Kleetric Bitters. I would not take 8500 for what they have done for me." Grand tonic for the aged and for female weaknesses. Great altrative and body builder; cure for lame back and weak kidneys. Guar anteed by All Druggist. 50. Sick Headache This distressing disease results from a disordered condition of the stomach and can bo cured by takiug Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Get a free sample at Taggart's drug store and try it. Genuine Offer. Seger Rro's of New York City, offer for sale one high grade Becker Bro's piano, brought to Emporium recently Same can be seen at R. Soger's resi dence. We will sell this piano fors2Jso cash, or S3OO on time, SIO.OO down and 35.00 a month. Wo have also on hand two or three second-hand pianos which we will sell out cheap. Further infor mation can be bad by writing us. SEGER BROH, 237 West 142 St. 35tf New York City. Dog Pets In Hotels. "The "lie thiuji we have more tron hie with than anything else," said th. manager of one of the large hotels li tipper Broadway, "Is the fact that wo men iuslst ou smuggling their pet dog, to their rooms. We have no objection) to dogs as dogs. If the animal Is no too large or too fierce our guests ma; take them to their rooms during tht day and may even feed them there But we draw the line at having dogi in the bedrooms at night. Any womai with a pet dog can have the bens cared for by the porter at night, am we have specially constructed kenneli for all kinds of dogs, and we giv< them the best of care. But owners o pets seem to think that no one savi themselves understands Fido or Gyp The women seem to think that if dog gie has not the comforting assuranci of the owner's nearness then doggli will not sleep well. So women try t< smuggle their pets to their rooms un der their cloaks or by back ways o: even bribe one of the porters to taki it to their room, believing that we w.il not hear anything about It. "As a matter of fact, the tirst thinj the porter does after getting his tip it to tip me, and a couple of hours late, the woman is called upon by a clerk who tells her dogs cannot stay in th« bedrooms all night.—New York Press. His Neighbor's Cat. A Cleveland lawyer tells of a mat living in a suburb of that city whos« sleep had been disturbed nightly bj the howling on his own back fence o> his neighbor's cat. At last, in despair he consulted his lawyer. "There sits the cat every night ot our fence," explained the unhappj man,"and he yowls and yowls auc yowls. Now, 1 don't want to have anj trouble with this neighbor, but th« thing has gone far enough, and I warn you to suggest a remedy." The lawyer looked solemn and said not a word. "I am well within my rights if 1 shoot the cat, am I not?" asked the sufferer. "I would hardly say that," replied the legal light. "The cat does not be long to you, as I understand it." "No." "And the fence does?" "Yes." "Then," concluded the lawyer, "1 think it safe to say that you have a perfect light to tear down the fence." —Lippincott's. Weeds Worth Millions. New Zealand flax is one of a num ber of wild weeds that yield theii gatherers great wealth. The flax, the strongest known, grows wild in marshes. When it is cultivated it dwindles and its fillers become brittle and valueless. Indiau hemp grows wild, and out ot it hasheesh, or keef, is made. Keef looks like flakes of chopped straw. It Is smoked in a pipe; it is eaten on liver; it is drunk in water; it produces an Intense, a delirious happiness, and among orientals it takes the place of beer and whisky. The most, valuable weed of all the wild growths is the seaweed. The nitrate beds of South America, which yield something like .$05,000,000 a year, are nothing but beds of seaweed de composed.—Columbus Dispatch. One Kind of Fame. Authorities who have in charge some of England's ancient treasures try to discourage the habit of carving initials on these relics. A line of .sls was re cently imposed on a man who had chipped his name in letters six inches high on one of the stones in the "Druids' Circle" near Keswick. Close to the giant stone globe at Swanage a special slab is provided for the harm less reception of the names of all who are addicted to this self advertise ment. On popular Alpine summits it is customary for names to be left on cards in emptied wine bottles.—Chica go News. A Story of Beau Nash. Beau Nash was not entirely a butter fly, as is proved by the following anec dote: Ills father was a partner in a glass business :it Swansea. This was little known, and the Duchess of Marl borough once twitted him with the ob scurity of his birth. "Madam," replied Nash, "I seldom mention my father in company, not because 1 have any rea son to be ashamed of him, but because he has some reason to be ashamed of me." fVt the Opera House, Wednesday, Dec. 4th. Prices, 25c, 35c 50c and 75c. Don't miss it. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1907. Order of the Court of Quarter Sessions. NOW, September 2, 1907, it is ordered and de creed that all liquor licenses granted at the next term of License Court will be granted to take effect oil the first Monday of January, 190H, and to expire March 31, 1909. Beginning with January Term, 1909. and thereafter from year to year, applications for liquor license will be heard on the first day of the regular January Terms ot Court and licenses granted at such January Terms will take effect on the first day of April next succeediug and expire on the 31st day of March of the year following. The Clerk of the Court is ordered to give pub lic notice of this order forthwith by publication thereof once a week for the term of three months in two newspapers published in Emporium, in accordance with the Act of Assembly in such case made and provided. Hy the Court, HARRY ALVAN HALL, ATTEST: President Judge. W. J. LEAVITT, Clerk. Sept. 5-3 M Executrix's IVotlce. Estate of LUCY SIXER, deceased, late of Portage Townnhip. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamen tary upon the estate of said deceased have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same wi.'l make them known without delay, to EUNICE ME DORASIZER. Emporium, Pa., Oct. 21st, 1907.—36-6t. PARTITION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all parties to the tol lowing action that the Court has made the fol lowing order: IN THE COURT OFJ COMMON PLEAS OF CAMERON COUNTY. No. 2, December Term, 1906, IKrif dc Partitione facienda. Elizabeth S. Harrows, Mary W. Harrows, Nancy C. Harrows, and Elsie B. Peale, belrs-at-law and devisees under the last Will and Testament of W. W. Harrows, deceased, Frank Dallett, Laura A. Dallett, George P. Dallett and James Dallett, heirs-at-law of Estellina A. Dallett, deceased, vs Martha Noyes, Elizabeth Noyes, Hannah V. No.ves, Daisy Noyes, Margaret Noyes, Ellen (Mrs. J. W.) Schnarrs, Edward Noyes and Harriett Noyes, heirs-at-law of Charles li. Noyes, deceas ed, and devisees under the last Will and Testa ment of Hannah M. Noyes, deceased, Mary E. Farr, Frank P. Noyes, and the following heirs at-law of James C. Noyes, deceased, to-wit: Maroa H. Noyes, Mrs. Belle Southard, Mrs. Oeorge B. No.ves and Mrs. George B. Noyes, Guardian of Christine Noyes and Margaret Noyes, minor children of George B.Noyes,deceas ed, and Willis B. Blandin, and Amos N. Blandin, heirs at law and devisees under the Will of Jen nie C. Blandin, deceased, Annie B. Southard, James N. Southard Agnes Southard, and Fran cis Southard, devisees under the last Will and Testament of Hannah M. Noyes, deceased. And now, October 16th, 1907. The said writ having been returned by the Sheriff and the re turn thereof approved by the Court, on motion of Green Felt, attorneys for plaintiffs, the Court grant a ruleon all persona interested in said case to appear in Court on Monday, the 16th day of December, next, to accept or "refuse the premises mentioned in said writ and purparts thereof at the valuation made thereof or at a higher price. By the Cuurl. HARRY ALVIN HALL, President Judge. JOHN D. SWOPE, Sheriff. GREEN & FELT, Attorneys for the Plaintiffs. Emporium, Pa., Oct. 30th, 1907.- 37-7t. DR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. Dlrvrtlom with rarJi Vial In Five lantf-uepn English, German, Spanish, Portuguese anil Frenchu No. FOR Price 1. Fcvcra, Conffcstlong, Inflammations 25 2. Worms* Worm Fever, or Worm Disease 25 3. Colic* Crying and Wakefulness of Infanta 25 4. Ilinrrhen. of Children and Adults 25 ft Dysentery, Grlplnga, Bilious Colic 25 7. Couslis, Colds, Bronchitis 25 H. Toothache, Facenohe, Neuralgia 25 112». Hfndnehe, Slclc Headache, Vertigo 25 10. Indigestion, Weak Stomach 25 13. Croup. Hoarse Cough, Laryngitis 25 1 I. Salt It Ileum, Eruptions, Erysipelas .25 15. KhruiiisitiHiii, or Rheumatic Palus t£s 1 <i. Fever am! Ague. Malaria 25 17. I'lleM. Blind or Bleeding. External, Internal.2s 18. Ophthalmia. Weak or Inflamed Eyes 25 1!>. Catarrh, Influenza,CoM in Head 25 20. Whooping Couuh, Spasmodic Cough 25 21. Asthma, Oppressed, 1)1 flic lilt Breathing 25 27. Kidney Disease. Gravel, Calculi 25 Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness 1.00 29. fcore .Mouth, Fever Sores or Canker 25 30. Urinary Incontinence. Wetting Bed 25 34. More Throat, Quinsy and Diphtheria 25 35. Chronic Congestions, Ueadaches 25 77. Grippe# Fever and Summer Colds. -25 A small bottle of Pleasant Pellets, fits the vest pocket. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Medical Book sent free. _ HUMPHREYS' HOMEO. MEDICINE CO., Corner William aud John Streets, Nuw York. —rr Win dsor Hotel 1217-1229 Filbert St. A SQUARE FROM EVERYWHERE Special Automobile service for our guests Sight-seeing and touring cars. I Rooms SI.OO per day and upwards. The only moderate priced hotel of repu tation and consequence in Philadelphia, Pa. samiiiaii—iiiMMMniiiiiiiiii ■ Foley's Honey and Tar for children,safe, sure. No opiates. | LIKE A WHIRLWIND! ! j The NEW Low Cost PRUDENTIAL Policy Has Rushed Into Public Favor Every Rate, Value and Feature in the Policy ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED SEE WHAT OUR FIELD MANAGERS SAY. THEY KNOW. THEY MEET THE PUBLIC FACE TO FACE, AND ARE EXPERTS IN THE STUDY AND SALE OF LIFE INSURANCE CONTRACT S. "Superior in Every Point to Any Policy Issued" —C. B. Knight, Pittsburg, Pa. "No Man of the Field should Fear any Competitor." —J. S Cranston, Boston, Mass. "Policy is the Best in the Market." —W. H. A Ives, Lawrence, Mass. "There haR never been Offered to the Public a Policy that so Fully and Perfectly Meets the Rights and Needs of the Insured." — Perry & Cummings, Newark, N. J. "Policy is Easy to Sell, People Want Them." — C. M. Adams, Macon, Ga. "The Best Life Insurance Contract Ever Put Before the Public." — E. W. Hedden, Brooklyn, N. Y. "Supplies Demand from Professional and Business Men." —W. M Dutcher, New York, N. Y. "Difference in Premiums, at 4 per cent, compounded, Beats Dividends by any Company" — J. W. Wilson, Cleveland, O. ; "Competition has been Practically Eliminated owing to the Low Rate and Other Good Features." — F. Longton, Brocton, Mass. ; "Policy has no Equal in Insurance Market." — A. C. Crowder, Jackson, Miss. | "Policy is a World Beater—Maximum Protection, Minimum Cost." — Rowland & Wilson, St. Louis, Mo. "What the Insuring Pablis Desires. Company Should Break all Pevious records." — D. A. Leonard, Youngstown, O. | "The Prudential Has Blazed a new Trail in Liberality to Insurers." — Blackford <& Wilmer, Richmond, Va | ''Agents of other Companies Congratulate us." — H. R. Gould, Omaha, Neb. "The Very Best thing on the Insurance Market to-day. Absolutely no competition." — R F. Reeve, Dußois, Pa. I "Now in a Position to meet all Competition and Better Cope with the De mands of the Public for Cheaper Insurance " » — H. O. Wolcot, New Castle, Pa. \ "With knowledge of Contracts, ot all reputable Companies and 23 Years' Experience, Consider our new Contract Incomparable." — W P. Corbett, Jacksonville, Fla. ' "Will Sell Itself if Compared with other Companies' Contracts." — G. C Dieterly, Cincinnati, 0 HUNDREDS OF OTHER MANAGERS, WITHOUT A DISSENTING VOICE, CHARACTERIZE THIS AS The Greatest Advance in Life Insurance in Recent Years. Nothing like it offered before. Send in your Age and We °' ,}e you Rates j REEVE, Supt. 112 Ave. Theatre Bldg. Dußois, Pa. 112 j \ BAIRNS, Ass't Supt. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Ridgway, Pa. />?/ Local Agent, G. W. STRONG, I ( Q j BOX 76, EMPORIUM, PA. \\||Br/The Prudential Insurance Company of America Incorporated as a Stock Company by the State of New Jersey • JOHN F. DRYDEN, Prest. HOME OFF I CE: Newark. N. J. Administrator's Notice. Estate o JACOB MILLER, deceased. "VTOTICE is hereby given that letters testa _LN mentary upon the estate of Jacob Miller, I late of Grove township. County of Cameron, Pa., I deceased have been granted to the undersigned to j whom claims against said estate must be present- ■ ted, duly authenticated; also all persons indebted to said estate must make settlement. O. L. BAILEY, Administrator. Or hi 3 Attorneys, JOHNSON MCNARKEV, Emporium, Pa. WILLIAM MCDOWELL, Sharon, Pa. Oct. sth. 1907.—84-et. /"10URT PROCLAMATION— WHEREAS:— The VV Hon. HARHY A. HALL, President Judge and the Hons. JOHN MCDONALD and GEO. J.LABAR, Associate Judges of Courts of Oyer and Terminer ; and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearing date the 15th day of Oct. A. D., 1907, and to me directed for holding j Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Jail De- ! livery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' 1 Court, and Court of Common Pleas in the Borough ot Emporium, I'a., on Monday, the j lfith day ot Dec. 1907, at 10 o'clock, a. m. j and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to tlieCoroners, Justices j of the Peace and Constables within the county, | that they be then and therein their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. m., of said day, with their i rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute I against them as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa., Nov. 11th, 1907, j and in the 131 st year of the Independence of the j United States of America. J. D. SWOPK, Sheriff. LICENSE APPLICATIONS. N'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol lowing named persons have filed their peti tions for Liquor Licenses, in my office, according i to law, for the term of December Court, 1907: HOTEL LICENSES. Grove Township. O. L. Bailey, Enterprise House Geo. P. Shafer, Sinnemahoning House Driftwood, W. H. Mitchell Mitchell House Thos. J. Riley, Commercial House Sophia McVicker, Lafayette Hotel A. M. McDonald, Curtin House Gibson Township. J. 11. Welton Everifreen Hotel Lumber Township. Mary A. Furlong, Alpine House Robert Graham The Valley House | A. K. Walker, .... Cameron House i Portage Township. P. E. Councilman Si/.erville Springs Hotel j Emporium, East Ward, Motel Licenses. Charles F.Johnson St. Charles Hotel j John L. Johnson American Hotel j John Costello Eagle Hotel I John C. Kibe, Exchange Hotel I Samuel D. McDonald, Central House | Emporium, Middle Ward, Hotel Licenses. William Schutte New Warner House Michael J. Dolan City Hotel William Bente, Cottage Hotel I). W. Donovan, Emporium House Frederick Levecke Commercial House RESTAURANT LICENSES. EMPORIUM, MIDDLE WARD. H. N. Knight (doing business as H. N. Knight «c Co.) Novelty Restaurant EMPORIUM EAST WARD. Daniel McCormick, Eastward Restaurant j WHOLESALE LICENSES. Henry Kraft Emporium A. A. McDonald Emporium William McDonald Emporium F. X. Bluinle, Sliippen Township BOTTLERS LICENSE. Henry Kraft, Emporium WILLIAM J. LEAVITT, Clerk Q. S. A BEAUTIFUL FACE f'.« I• • »•/ « - in.] II you have pimples, iilotchrn, or o!hcr skin imperfections, you j - ... .an remove them and have a clea . >. N uid beautiful complexion by utin;' V'-A'" •. 112 KMskcsHcw "SSS 1 • . • .~Jj Blood, i-' .-jy Im! ra ,hß J. —c Health, ■!#.' y taCj it*:*.loves Uliia Imps! Sections. ' l .ncfieiai insults guaranteed r) " '•rvf or money refunded. \V». TJT : end stamp for l'i no Batnple, A i 'rrtieulars and Testimonials. -- y Mention this papoi. Aucr Isin;,' j ifCHESTER CHEMICAL. CO. Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pu. | The Bargain) s Store | s Get your wife, mother, sister < £ or daughter a nice dress for i \ Xmas. I have a large stock of \ < fine dress goods, all marked < £ down—for instance, dark blue i X Cheviot, marked from §1.75 to \ £ 00. < ? Come and see my Jewelry 5 X display all marked down, s 112 Rings, Hat Pins, Scarf Pins, etc. ? A nice line of fine linen towels i X just in, percales and ginghams, s < New Scrim at and 15c. % £ Ladies Dress Skirts going at cost 5 X and only a few left. \ \ Groceries, Cranberries, Oysters, s £ Meats, fresh and salt, English i \ Walnuts, etc. s C Order by phone or come your- ? self. Goods delivered to any 5 X part of town. s T.W.WELSH Chas. Diehl's Old Stand, West Ward j jtfiP SaSHSaSBSHSHSaSe3I; SB^ I Wall Paper! I 3 AT I Old Reliable | I Drug Store § i Ln Variety and styles. Im- m rnense line. Prices so jj] low as to not fear honest (n Ln competition. Come and pJ Ci Bee " S | Paints, paintsf pJ Paint for the house, Paint In nj for the floor, paint for the [}i 'jl furniture, paint for all nJ in kinds of fancy and deco- U] [}l rative work, also varn- [J; nJ ishes and oils. All fully nJ If guaranteed. j/J | L. TAGGART, Prop a SHEJHSHS as sasasasa as atf- JIM WRENCH FEI.:.V . ••£« .• . • r SI.OO ~ rl. .V. tt'ill »..! i.„r,.... ; .-i.il, t.i • , r. ivo them gcuil your orders to t'..: " > MEDICAL CO., AOX-A, I.*MOSOTER, !>A. I J — - - . ic ltl in Emporium by L (aggart &R. C. Oodson \ \ \ X N \ \ \ \ \ \ \.\/ SECOND TO NONE % ' ADAM, ; MELDRUM & < ANDERSON CO. < ! % 396-408 Main Street, |j BUFFALO, N. Y. |e < THE ! Christmas^ I STORE S S I 112 Wc carry the largest and most complete line off* | Gift Goods H vin Buffalo. Every depart- ment is now showing its $ < best goods. The time to % Z. shop is now, before the rush $ |j comes, and while assort- |j ments are complete. | k |s Furs, Neckwear, f| i Smoking Jackets, 4 Umbrellas, g Gloves, Hosiery, Fancy Goods, £ Jewelry, Toilets, j| p| Boys' Clothing, < Men's Furnishings, / Waists, Robes, |j Books, Stationery, |g Toys, Dolls, Games, Leather Goods. < | ' We refund Railroad Fares J % In connection with the / Chamber of Commerce we / refund your railroad fares |j y according to the amount of g |j your purchase. < ( I ADAM, § MELDRUM & I | ANDERSON CO. | % American Block, Buffalo,N.Y. X / /\ \ \ \ V \ V.\ \ \ \ \ S 'Allrrvl-fi Si' 'V vi:v, N* C., Vril. '*• V . ffjllicy do ii l Tnii claim f..r th. m." !>r. 8. M. H.-ror. , Bfl tj-j Km-n Kock, \V. Va., wrltr*; ••Thoy giro universal Kalis- vfl |K 112 iction." l>r. 11. D. MrltlU, Clarksburg, Ti un., writes :13 UjS"!u a praotivi of 'J.Z >«.:«rI have found no rniedy t>W equal your*." Pitict, £0 CUNT*. Sniuples Iree. Hold® jfl J " r "?3' MARTIN RUDY, I»NC*STER, Pft 'SaEs^aonnnßi^ia Sol'l in Emporium by L TaggartO R. C. Dodson CALL FOR F: >• SAMP/.S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers