~ - - -y = Backward Season 1 jf\ * [»W3 1 I CLEARANCE SALE I I 1 I I 1 IS ISa |j "The best laid plans of wisest men aft gang estray" is an old saying, but it ex- || jj| presses our position this season exactly. |g Sj Never in our nine years of business in Emporium have we had as large and fine ® |g • a line of Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Bags, etc., etc., as we bought 2 % _ *° r this winter. j \ yfjt 1* I The Backward Season Forces us to do one of two things, either 1 2K I.' carry over stock or sacrifice prices and —'!§ P Jw Til 'Bll? Sell now * It being P°or policy to carry stocks over we have decided to '?.?«|| | Sacrifice Prices and Sell Now | | Commencing Saturday, November 9th, at 9 o'clock A. M., for 15 Days J Men's fine dress worsted and velour cassimere suits,all sizes and Men's line Kersey Overcoats, regular price $10.50. Reduced (IhllHrPn'c 3t PmPPQ \ht 3 styles, bought to sell for 89. Clearance sale price $6.65 «"*» $7.95 ' 011 l sdl OdUlllllG rllbllO | *JX Children's two piece and three piece suits, bought to sell for <P Men's black Thibits, regular price $10.00; Backward season Men's fine Oxfords Vicunas and Thibits, bought to sell for sl3 82 75 83 50 $3.75, 54.00, 44.50, and $5.00. ®J P price $7 95 Backward Season price - - $10.95 Clearance sale prices $1.95, $2.45 $2.95, - $3.95 3 * Men's Bain Coats and Overcoats, bought to sell for sls, $lB and J>C Men's Dress worsted, all colors and sizes, value $12.00. Clear- 22.50. Clearance sale prices $11.95, $13.95 and 17 OR n , . n ■ 1 .■ n . . 11 1 $5 8 aocc sale price . - - - $ 9 45 Voutllß flne Sllite , [or » 7 , 50 , slo J Pants it Prices Less thin Cost to Make I '/© Men s fine worsteds, \ icunas and Thibets, bought to sell for Clearance sale prices 84.05, 85.95, $7.05 and $Q Ckfr Men's Work Pants at 7Q C 3i jsb< sl3, sl4, sls, $lB, S2O and 822. Clearance sale price $10.95 \r„„i o itr„„i „n „ rh -i tr T/C 1 gjl gjl 95 813 95 10.95 and - - (hiw qc Youths'good wear and dressy Overcoats, bought to sell for 80.50 Wool i ants, all sizes ... Jp1.35 LYil . . $7.50, $lO and $12.50. Clearauce sale price $4.05, $5.95 Men's Woosted and Cassimer Pants at Q5 iaJ? r/'fl Men's Dress Overcoats, lining and cloth guaranteed, bought to 47 «ir ;Ln ,i ... . d>o CkPL .. . _ , T n/«] 11 112 isii e •• , . . cbc nc »<.aoana Men's Dress Pants, none better - - $3.95 ®// so 01 v . . a e pri e - - - JJjO.yO A big line of Childten's Overcoats at cost and less than cost Children's Pants from 39 cents up. ' roQ Hur ! nnrt in Vnur Onin a l wa Y s had the reputation of selling only the best makes on the market. We j|| ' ylli Luby lb lUlil UdlEl have no old shop-worn, cheap, shoddy goods to anload on you. and we intend making this vk fe| 1 BACKWARD SEASON CLEARANCE SALE the most gigantic, quick move clothing || Kg event in the history of Emporium. m m —~~~ " " " " is >/A We can only give you a hint in this limited space of the thousand of Bargains that await you % 1 Read/ Read/ Then Comeandßring this With You | I© Men's lleece lined Underwear, 50c value, sale price 39c ' toys' lleece lined underwear ... 19c Men $3.00 derbys ... ... $2 25 Oil jjsJ Men's all wool shirts and drawers, SI.OO. Clearance price Men's heavy wool hose 39c ]den's Shoes, regular $1.25 at ■ 99c I RSI I Si Men's fine medium and heavy weight underwear, value $1.25 Men's casimere hose - - - - l 9c ] leu's shoes, regular 1.50 at - - - 1.19 \m\ I/Q Backward season price ... 990 Men's heavy wool hose .... 19c Men's shoes, regular 2.50 at .... 1.99 jjjfe Men's and Boys' Sweaters from - - 39 Up Men s black diess sox - - Qq Men's shoes, regular 3.50 at ... 2.95 [(& Men's Overshirts ..... 39C Wuß P enders ! and 39c Men's shoes, regular 4.00 at .... 3.25 Sj? jA Men's gloves and mittens from IJ9c to 7QO w > iv. t r\r\ K Men's Blue Flannel Overshirts - - - ?Q C , h . Boys' dress shoes from 99 c 0 1 (® #co Men's fane handkerchiefs A-O xt 1 Ul< ivt , ,• . _ _ Neckwear 19e, to QQp irL Men's black and white work shirts - - - 39c «.nrl 1 yr< % Men sand Jloys caps 19C Up 4 ply linen colars, (Arrow brand) at - - - IOC IvJ Jl Men's dress shirts, all colors 39 c Men's $2.00 black and pearl stiff and soft hats $1.45 Umbrellas, Trunks, Bags, Valises and Suit Cases at big ffa Men's "Monarch" and "Silver" shirts - - 79c Men's $2.50 soft and stiff hats K all colors - - 1.95 reductions. < Tell Your Friends Saturday, REMEMBER THE DATE. „ „. 1 U Remember the 1 Opening Date A NOV. 9th, Cameron County will The opening will be a gala day. All profits thrown to the winds. This quick ======= |jg 5p never have such a Clothing move Clearance Sale will a^oun d with maney saving opportunities, the like of Big'.Opening Day, fo which has never before been held in Emporium. It will pay you to come ' ul § opportunity again, Bet your early, as all the best usually goes first* but come anyway. We will have bargains Saturday NOV 9th at 9 a m IM 1r sharp nf it enough for all. Remember this is a bountiful clearance sale. NO GrOODS §| to snare 11. CHARGED DURING THIS SALE. P JASPER "HARRIS, 112 | Opposite Post Office, Emporium, Pa p CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1907.
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