EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., Oct. 16, 1907. NEMOPHILA, per sack 50 Felt's Fancy, " 1 "0 PetQrove, " 1 70 Uraham, " 75 Rye " Buckwheat " 85 Patent Meal., " 55 Coarse Mea . per 100, 1 60 Chop Feed, " 1 60 Middlings Middlings, Fancy " 1 70 Bran 1 50 Chicken Wheat 170 Corn per bushel,.... 89 Whit® Oats, per bushel 68 Oyst r Shells, per 100 Choice Clover Seed, ) OhoiceTiinothy Heed , > At Markest Price Choice Millet Seed, \ R. c. DODSON7 THE Qrucjcjist, icxroKiiiM, PA. S LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. ll j K. C. OODiMtN. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL, DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Cxtutributionn invited. That which you would ike to see in this deparimeni t let us know by pot jalcard or letter, personally. Lyman Wiley has returned home from Buffalo. E. F. Comley, of Cameron, was in town yesterday and called to see the PRESS. Asa Murray visited his father-in-law, Mr. W. E. Devling, at Williamsport Hospital, over Sunday. Our old friend Almeron Chapman, of Spokane, Wash., remembers the PRESS with a renewal of his subscrip tion. Mrs. Allen Hamilton, of East Em porium was a PRESS caller on Friday last, renewing her paper for another year. Mrs. W. D. Gallup, of Smethport, who has been guest of her friend, Mrs W. H. DeLong, returned home yesterl day. H. R. Klees, as Representative of Emporium I. O. O. F., Encampment, is attending the annual session at Lancaster, Pa., this week. Mrs. J. A. Currey and sou Whiteley of Portland, Oregon, are guests of W Howard and wife, on Sixth street The lady is a sister of Mrs. Howara. Miss May Cole, Curwensville, Pa., and Miss Mame Casey, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., have been guests of Postmaster Chas. Seger and wife the past week. Mr. Geo. White, who has been mak ing his home with his son E. D. White and family, at this place, left on Tues day for Lebanon to pass the winter. Mrs. John Meisel, of Clermont, Pa., is guest of her son, Mr. J. B. Meisel and wife. Mr. Meisel has been confin ed to his room for a week, suffer) * with rheumatism. Miss Mary C. Welch, one of Empor' um's excellent young ladies, attending Central State Normal School at Lock Haven, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. J. Welch, Saturday and Sun day. Geo. W. Towers and son, of Drift wood, were attending court on Tues day. Mr. Towers is an old PRESS read er and renewed his paper for another year. Reuben Fouutain and daughter. Miss Belle, returned on Friday from visit ing at Sharon, Pittsburg and other cities, having attended the marriage of Miss Bertha Jones to Mr. Chas Morg m at Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ludlum are n .w comfortably situated in their new home recently purchased from G. W. VanWert. The old home is being en larged and greatly improved by C. B. Howard Co., and will be occupied by Joseph Friendel aud family. Clem T. Fountain, of Brooklyn, N. Y., arrived in Emporium last Saturday to visit his mother, sister, (Mrs. Mose Johnson ) and brother (Reuben Foun tain). Mr. Fountain is a wholesale and retail dealer in fish, clams and oysters and enjoys a large trade. Ralph M. Williams, of First Fork, while attending court this week as a grand-juryman, favored the PRESS of fice with a call. Mr. Williams, as "Nuf Sed" has been a faithful corres pondent of the PRESS for very many years and his letter* are always inter eating, short and truthful. Ralph Williams is one of our best citizens and faithfully served ourcouuty as county commissioner in the 70's. J. P. Pelt atid family leave to-mor row for their Florida home. Mrs. D. H. Lamb, of Galeton, visited in Emporium last week, guest of C. Jay Ooodnough and wife. A. F. Andrews is now Secretary of Golden Seal. Miss Alice D. Sofield, of Harrisburg, visited in Emporium over Sunday, guest of ye editor and family, also visiting relatives in town. Sheriff J. Harris Mussina, Clinton county's popular official, transacted business in Emporium] Monday and Tuesday. He reports a murder trial for next court, also several "spicy cases. Judge and Mrs. H. A. Hall, of Ridg way, were entertained at six o'clock dinner yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knight, at their home on West Fourth street Mr. C. G. Minick, of Ridgway, one of the Elk Tanning Company's bark' Supts. visited old friends in town yesterday between trains. His Cam eion county friends are always glad to meet him. Dance. 1 * To-morrow night (Friday) the Thea torium Co, will give another dance after the show. The show will be from 7:30 to 9:30, music during entire per formance; show scts. Dance from ten to one o'clock, 50c per couple; extra ladies 10c. Genuine Offer. Seger Bro's of Now York City, offer for sale one high grade Becker Bro's piano, brought to Emporium recently Same can be seen at R. Soger's resi dence. We will sell this piano for $250 cash, or §3OO ou time, SIO.OO down and $5.00 a month. We have also on hand two or three second-hand we will sell out cheap. Further infor mation can be had by writing UP. SEDER BROS, 237 West 142 St. New York City. SIZERVILLET - Hallie Hamilton has moved to Galeton and entered the employ of the B. & S. R. R. Robt. McDowell is attending court this week as a jnror. Hon. F. X. Blumle and family paid the Springs a visit to-day and sized up the improved hotel, of which he formerly owned. A box social is booked for Saturday evening at tha house of W. A. Sprung. The object is to raise funds for the pur chase of a new organ for the Barr school house. The teacher of that school ex teuds a cordial invitation to all. Hon. F. D. Councilman made a hustl ing trip to Buffalo to-day in the interest of the sanitarium and other business per taining thereto. C. J. Howard and wife took a spin in E. P. Councilman's auto to-day. Chas. likes to have a change occasionally from the accustomed one. We expect he will be the next to tall in line with one of the latest improved. J. E. Flynn, (the inventor) putin ap pearance last week after a loug space of time, has been introducing his patents in Buffalo and Pittsburg, with good success. "Paddy" has a winner and will eventually be master of the situation. Many are the compliments we hear for Supervisors Kephart aud McDonald, who are showing the public what good roads are in this township. Chas. Wellcr wants the road turnpiked and he may yet have his desires gratified, if the coin holds out. Frank V illie was appointed section foreman of the hill last week. He is considered a taithful and competent man *br the place, having been in constant 'ploy of the R. R. the past ten years. Those who attended the Masonic ban quet last week speak in highest terms of the grand affair. The fraternity in Em porium are to be congratulated for the marked attention shown all who partici cipated. The order is in a flourishing condition. A. B. Doll has the contract painting the hotel. He is making a much needed improvement. A. 8., is a adept weild er;of the brush. Ilpjliasfother contracts to follow as Boon as hotel is completed. Messrs. Seger and Prindel, lumbermen, are letting contracts for putting in their stock on Salt Run. They will sood erect a mill and commence manufacturing. They expect to give employment to a large number of men and teams. Mrs. I. K. Ilockcy and daughter took a delightful auto ride to the Springs, to day in Supt. Brady's elegant car. With ideal weather and roads we expect to see their trip this way repeated before the auto days are past. X. X. X. English Spavin Liniment removes Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by L.Taggart, druggist. 32-lyr To cure a cold first move the bowels. 'Sees Laxitive Cough Syrup acts gently n the bowels, drives out the cold, clears the head. It's pleasant to take and mothers hijtly recommend it for colds, croup and wb oping cough. Guaranteed to give satisla tion or money refunded. Equally goood for young and oid. Sold by B. C. Dodson. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1907 A woak Stomach causing dyspep sia, a weak Heart with palpitation or intermittent pulse, always means weak Stomach nerves, or weak Heart nerves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with T)r. Shoop's Restorative and see how quickly these ailments disappear. Dr. Sboop, of Racine, Wis , will mail s-impies I'rr-e. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth this simple trial. Sold by all dealers. Wise is the man who realist 1 * ih <t I e is a fool and tries to live it il wn. MflHßyßK' 9 * .J., * p t T^^r^of J n S|^HH(gB9l imffllll U ia»raui DR. HENRY R. ROSE—lllustrated Lecture "Parsifal" Wednesday Evening, at Teachers' Institute in Opera House. 1 I!S^ ' ;•: /Jare iSj r&l / ?vt ¥ J sim ■ " | I I"MrsJane Hopkins Boy-Proof" Clothes I Sold at Jasper Harris' I Are the pride of the youngsters everywhere. This sea- BM son we are proud to eflferan assembly of styles in these IIS famous little-fellow Clothes that will fairly astonish you. They're the dressiest garments yet conceived and 110 B| boy will want to punch holes in them even were he so j|f inclined, and he couldn't if he tried to, because these ip suits are made purposely to withstand the toughest wear Ik —they're boy-proof from coat color to trousers' hem, &| stylishly cut and tailored by experts who make boys' H elothes and nothing else. fft? Every latest fabric, every acceptable pattern, every I * fitting size for every shaped boy and priced much less than the clothes are worth. |.% I Jasper Harris, I Opposite Post-Office, Emporium, Pa. | OP YE WRITERS &P P OUR NEW LINE OF You may be gifted with the abil- US ll(j I ity to compose a good letter, and fp] nil w r it w-v p _ i / you may write a very fine hand; [}.- I; Wsl I I Lin TOf* 1 Oil y ill but your letter lacks 40 per cent of UjJ Jfjj TT C4ll 1 Cl pvl Iv/1 A \J M • m good impression unless you use a || „i \\\ pure substantial writing paper. fis i ' \ \ Your letter reflects you. It re- '-4 Ujjj ' fleets your taste, temperment and [p] 1 Consists of the best things from three factories. Also Judgment of Y you isas j§] the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all | JoS^^^mpositton. 81 ' Jsj kinds. EATON'S TWOTONE LINEN? This is a popular, up-to-date paper, com- !=J jliJ —ing 111 various shades and sizes. By us P» I® The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. 11 B Twotone Linen y° u are a9Bured of beinß " co " ect -" - lfi| Louis against the world. | A „ Eaton . Hurlbut Paperß are C ** J &. RRY S * LLOYr) - mj€ksi ►solicitors fur a charitable entui) rise :ne offered moic excuses than nioncv. ft --" - lYiiiriyiff "••1 hfl hyfl fIF AIM FRENCH FEfOI irnm MA Spills;. - .»F*, f'i.lßß*iN PK'l-V for MfprHi's/n y*v^Tr.T'An-s. XMIWN TO /All, Pfif'J . w «ir.»! 3|*<-iv I ■ /j tiua'MUtee<l ..r Money Keft*o«l I. Jv m i.r ...»■• 112 51.«1u per box. Will H-n-l them »•> irUl,t«. ha |.«, t ,„ r , M. r-iietml. Kres. If )our arugjUcdood mi u - : :n«ra gon-l jour ori-r* to tb* «112 •.•■JT£O M EPICAL CO., BO* 7-4, UNOASU'I, p«. * - JTT.IHKEBSESGE?* ■ m tmporiumbyL Tag?art6R. C. Godson It Pays to Advertise in the PRESS '-sff=lSnsLSTf^ : [M j||g 1 Lots of | I Satisfac- JBSpI tion. 7 s * I I i Jjjl In having a Cook .Stove that you know is a good [b it baker. All Cook Stoves are not good "bakers" by any Iff Ml means. If you want a stove that is a good baker we have Jf [p| just what you are looking for, and will be pleased to show [tffj I ID you our line of stoves. fijl i ilii I HI (ill ; p CALI. AND SEE US. | I STEPHENS & SAUNDERS, | j Iff Leading Hardware Dealers. p | and Cie • I, ■ I CHOICEST T\ 7k T/J PURE FRUITS /J /\ V - SPICES and I AND PICKLING The Satisfactory Store I Vegetable * j VINEGAR 9 • g. ' Are you participating in the benefits to be derived ft from the week end special sales of thoroughly reliable I ■ goods at the Day grocery store! Look carefully over I 112 the list for this week and see if there is not something I I teat will interest you. I Week End Special Prices for Friday atid Saturday J 25 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.40. California Hams, Trimmed Shoulder a lb 101 c. Pure Lard in bulk, a lb 12 Extra Choice Lemons, 25c dozen. I I Choice Onions 25c a peck. ■ Malaga Grapes a lb 17c. Crolts Carotnel Mint Cubes, a lb 20c. Churche's Arm and Hammer brand Soda 8c lb. Heinz 15c pickles, mixed,plain or chow, bottle 10c. 12c Canned Corn—Maine packed the can 10c. _ Canned Corn, Baked Beans, Pumpkin. Extra 10c ? jj|j values, 3 cans for 25c. Carolina Head Rice, choice 8c lb. 1 Booth's Fresh Caught Lake Fisli 9 Each Thursday afternoon. Leave : orders for delivery Friday : morning. { F A resli Baltimore Nhucked Oysters Crushed Oyster Shells. Pratts Poultry Food B Pratts Animal Regulator, You get Better Values Here. 112 Prompt delivery to all parts of town. J, H. DAY, ! Phone 6. EmporitHii^| If you have anything to be printed bring t to the PR-cISS office where it will be done in first class shape.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers