Hatest (Lountv Correspondence. HUNTLEY. 'l'll' l Priftw Mul. callcijtthis week were Wm. \Y !i \ Win. L i.rs'l S Kuril Logue. Our new 'her Gertrude Hilt ex peels to oi \ the residence recently vacated bv M<--. I-Vsm- LogM' l . in irder to be near the school. W. li. Sini'h spent -.no .y with his sister at Oleau and ii ,ok City. B. J. Collins was a business caller in Kmporium Mouday. Charles Taylor, ol Tin.. •! i till, was a welcome caller in town Sundav. Mrs. C. K. Coleman and sons Stewart and Eugcue, and the Clean; sisters ol Re novo, are the guests ot ('. Wesley Rarrat Tunnel Hill this week. (J. W. Starr called on fri ' 's in Sterl ing Bun Saturday. Emmaline Summerson, of W'ylie Hol low, visited Mrs. A. i. Nelson Saturday. Nellie Logue returned from Dents Run on Monday, where she has been the guest ol Mrs. lleubeu Bailey. W< Icar that Rube has a twenty pound boy and is stepping high. Congratulations. Assessor 11. B, B. Crutn, ol Sinnama honing, was a pleasant caller in town Monday. lie is as jolly and good natur ed as ever and holds his age well. Darius Ives has sold hi- team and out lit to Judge Huntley, who will take them to West Virginia. B. J. Collins has purchased the Hunt ley property and is arranging to iix the line fences in proper shape. This is a fine piece of property. Wm. 11. Logue is in receipt ol a letter from his son Roy who is in Alabama in which Roy says lie is earning big money but will be home this fall to help Wesley Barr hunt the festive bear in Wylie Hollow. W. R. Smith has sold his entire stock of young Ayrshire cattle to B. J. Col lins. Electrician D. E. Spangler, of Sterling llun, and signal repairmau C. Johnson, of Cameron, are making some much needed improvements on the electric plant. J. F. s. For Sale. A good six room house, with gas and water; centrally located. On easy terms. Apply to 52-tf. W. H. HOWAIID. Local news on every page. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Bulletin: THE CALL, OF THE SEA. "The water is fine; come in !" This is the call of the sea, the generous invitation of Old Nep tune to partake of the delights of his realm, and it comes clear and distinct from each of the points in the greatest chain of sea shore resorts in the world~the wave-washed New Jersey Coast. Gay Atlantic City; witching Wildwood; New Cape May in the first flush of its rejuvenation; Sea Isle City, Ocean City, with their smaller sister-resorts nearby; Asbury Park and Long Branch where sylvan shades meet incoming billows—each echo the call to young and old: Come one; come all!" Unequalled opportunities are offered to pay a visit to the Southern New Jersey sea coast resorts in the great seashore ex cursions of the Pennsylvania Railroad now being run at frequent intervals From Buffalo, Rochester, Erie, Titusville, Kane, Renovo, Canandaigua, Elmira and other stations in Northwestern Penn~ sylvania and Western New York the remaining dates are August 16 and 20. Tickets are sold to AtlanticCity,Cape May,Wildwood,Sea Isle City and Ocean City at very low rates. These tickets are good for return passage within fifteen days, including date of excur sion, and are good to stop off at Philadelphia on the return trip within limit. Full details of these fine outings beside the sea may be obtain ed of Ticket Agents. 91 g-2t FROM OUR REPORTERS. CAMERON. M. Robinson. D. C Lininger and (' R PotteF attended the :-ehool directors iDvi'Si: ■: at Sterling Hun last Saturday. Jas. Crug r, was n business caller at S;crli»> Run, ir' irday. AndySwnb. a man employed if the t. ai mines, had the misfortune to )>».••• one <il' ihi* toe.s while riding on tin; eoal engiue Tuesday morning. Dr. Bush is attending him. 11. 11. Rockwell, wife and daughter, of Henovo, spent Sunday with <>. L. Page and wife. K D. Krape and wife were Emporium visitors Wednesday. <!. 11. Page, was a business caller at Renovo Saturday. Mr.'. Robert Graham, arrived home last Suuday from Friendship, N. V. Walter Mote, o! Dents Run. visited friends in town Sunday. John Schwab and wife were Sterling Kun visitors Sunday. Maud Willson, of Portland Mills, is visiting Wm. VVykoff and wife. ("has. Uurkland visited in Beechwood over Sunday. (ieo. li. Page was a business caller at 1 )rifcwood Tuesday. .1. V. .s, I will mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Shoop's Restorative, .'i!id my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart or The Kidneys, Troubles of the ; Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are mere ly symptoms of a deeper ailment, iJo n't make the common error of treat ing symtoms only. Symtom treatment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak Stomach nerves—the inside nerves—mean Stom ach weakness, always. And the Heart, and Kidneys as well, have their con trolling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves, and you inevitably have week vital organs. Here is where I)r. Shoop's Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy ever claims to treat the "inside nerves" Also for bloating, , biliousness, bad breath or complexion use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write me to-day for sample and free Book. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restora tive is sold by all dealers. Warning. Allpersonsare hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this I Company without a permit lrom this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDEK MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903. 24-tf. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1907 STERLING RUN. Tlios. Kddy and family ol' Ilarrisburg are visiting their mother, Mrs. L. J. Wylie. 'aj.'.'ji Pauley of Weedville, was the Juest. of h. r aunt. Mr.-. Frauces Sterling, a few diivr the ]•!»>! w-•'•!{. Mv-. Geo. Ilulsm.-.or and son of Keno vo, were visitors in town tlie past week. Mr-. John Anderson and family went to Hicks Bun on Monday to visit. Jenuie Stiver and Lulu Lewis were "visitors at Emporium Thursday, guests of Mrs. .J. P. McNarney. Mrs. Jos. Bruner and family wore visitors at llenovo the past week. D. W. Eastman has rented the Sterl ing House, where he will board his men. Nettie Kay Kissell has returned from a short visit at Siunamahoning and lle novo. Mr. Leonard of Jtcnovo. was a visitor in town Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Whiting was quite sick a few days the past week. The M. E. Sunday school will have a picnic on the landing near the bridge, un Friday. Mrs. Wiu. Stephens has returned home from Hicks Run. John Wade of Meadville is visiting his parents here. Mrs. J. P. McNrrney and son Wilford visited T. M. Lewis and family Monday. Ethel Swaitz, of Sinnamahoning, is visiting her pareuts W. K. l)evlin» and wife. Rev. Wui. Allen, Carlton Smith, Geo. O Kecfc and John Kissell went to Water ville on Monday to fish for bass. Buth, John, Teoka and Marion Whit ing aud Clara and Max Stewart visited Kvangelinc Brooks of Sinnamalionig on Saturday. Mrs. Heilman, of Emporium, was the guest of Mabel Wylio a few days the past week. Jennie Berry, of Corry, is visiting her parents, Wm. Berry and wife. BLUE BELL. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte has received a full line of the lat eßt and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. FIRST FORK. At a picnic, near First Fork station Saturday last the sum of §43.80 was cleared for the benefit of the pastor, Ilev. lleinis. There was a ball game between Wharton and First Fork clubs. Whar ton came out ahead. Mrs. A. K. Woodard and daughter Nina ofiSalamanca, are making their an nual visit to K. M. Williams and wife. Mary Hussey ol Medix Hup, is visit ing her mother, Mrs. Arch Caldwell. Uncle Hugh Coldwell,who is crowding hard towards the 100 th year mark was i .aking a lav; w i.; , with h. • daugh ter on Kettle Creek, but has returned in good health. The Currier mill has closed down and will soon be dismantled and removed, as the machinery, we understand has been sold. A large amount of huckleberries have been picked and marketed, although they were supposed to be very scarce earlier in the season. * The Bailey school at Lusbbach has opened with Lueella Logue of Brock way vi lie, as ' aeher. Howard Burliugame and wife, former ly a Miss Stewart ol Cameron, came up on the Sunday evening train to visit his parents, Joe Burliugame and wife of Birge Run Chas. Council id Sinnamahoninu', took in the picnic aud ball game Saturday and stayed over Sunday with C. E. Logue. The corn crop will want several weeks of good corn growing weather as it lias hardly reached the boiling stage yet. Alfonso Bailey ol Hicks Run, is visiting friends. NI T' - SEIJ. Aug. 19* 1907. A large lin'e of ladies and gents shoes will be sold at a sacrifice to close out the line, not'desiring to handle shoos. Titos. W. WELSH, 23tf Diehl's old stand. SINNAMAHONING. A.J. Barclay reports killing three big rattlesnakes last week. Postmaster C. K. Logue of First Fork, was in town Monday. Port Stcwurt of Westport, visited in town on Monday. J. F. l'easley and wife have been vis iting friends in Clearfield county the past week. Mrs. Kdw. Cole is moving to Auleg tow, Clearfield county, this week. John F. Berfield aud son Rex of Hicks Run, visited friends here over Sun£ day. J. R. Batcbclder, constable and collec tor, was at the county scat Tuesday to pay in the taxes for 1907. Commissioner O. L. Bailey was at the county seat Tuesday. M. J. Colcord of the Potter Journal, Coudersport, was in town between trains on Tuesday. C. A. Council was a Kidgway v.ssitor Tuesday. The Sunday school hold their annual picnic Wednesday in Wykoff's grove. The "flying ginnie" that Mr. Shafer was negotiating for has been sold to an other party and he is now on the look out for another one. The skating rink is being well patron ized. Dr. V. K. Corbett came down Mon day evening to the pool contest and won out by 17(5 points. The Dr. is an ex pert with the cue. W. H. Metzger, who has been buying clerk for Barclay Bros, for a number of years, resigned his position with that firm and has taken a position with a firm at Dickersonville, Pa. Mr. Metzger left for his new field of labor on Monday. He has been in Sinnamahoning a good many years aud has a host of friends here who wish bim success in his new home. His family will follow later. DKBSE. STATE OP OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO, I LUCAS COUNTY. J Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed ip my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D., 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (SEAL.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. "Everybody Should Know." Says C. G. Hays a prominent business man of Bluff, Mo., that Bucklen's Ar nica Salve is the quickest and surest heal ing salve ever applied to a sore, burn or wound, or to a case of piles. I've used it and know what I'm taking about." Guaranteed by all druggists. 25c. Those who have stomach trouble, no matter how slight, should give every possible help to the digestive organs, so that the food may be digestive with the least effort. This may be done by tak ing something that contains natural di jeetive properties—something likeKodol. For Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Kodol is a preparation of vegetable acids and contains the very same juices found in a healthy stomach. It digests what you eat. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Undorsed by the County. "The most popular remedy in Otseso County, and the b st friend of my fam ily, writes Wm. Dietz, editor and pub lisher of the Otsego Journal. Gilbers-'j vilK N. i r ., "is Dr. King's New Dis cern ry. It has proved to he an infallible* cure for coughs and colds making short work ol the worst of th in. We always keep a bottle in the house.l believe it. to be the must valuable presciij turn known f<«r lung and throat diseases " Guaranteed to never dii ;>|.oint the taker, at all drug stoios. Pri> 50c aiul SI.O(K Trial 1 Mtk- fi ■. "Regularas the Sun." Is an expression as old as the race. No dm! ( the rising and setting of the sun is the most regular performance in the universe, unh-s it is the action of the liver and bowels when regulated with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Guaranteed by all druggists. 25c. DeWitt'- Little Early iiistrs don't sicken or gripe. Sma'l Pills, easy to tale. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Keep tile pores open and th" skin clean when you have a cut, burn, bruise or scratch. DcWitt s Caibolized Witch Hazel Salve penetrates the ports and heals quickly. Sold by I!. 0. Dodson. "We never repent of eating too litte,' - was one of the ten rules of life of Thomas .Jefferson, president of the I'nited States, aud the rule applies to ./very one without oxccptinu during the hot weather, because it hard, for In 1, even in small quanti ties, to be digested when the blood is at hi ill temperature. At this season we should eat sparingly and properly. We should also help the stomach rs much as possible by the use of a little Kudol. For Indigestion and Dyspepsia, which will rest th" stomach by digesting the food it self. Sold by I'. li. isou. Everybody loves "ur baby, rosy, sweet and warm, With kissy place- on her neck and dimp les on her arms. Once sln>-was so thin and cross, used to cry with pain— Mother gave her Caseasweet. now she's well Sold by It. C. Dodson. centra' State Normal School LOCK HAVEN PA. .. % J. R. FLICKINGER, Principal. Fall let in begins September 9th, 1907. If you are interested in securing the best pos sible training for teaching or for business or de sire to fit for college, or are seeking an excellent course in Music, Elocution or Art, it would be to your advantage to patronize this reputable and thoroughly established institution. Its policy is to train not only the intelluclual faculties but to develop character and to fit for life's duties. Address for illustrated catalog, 24-st. THE PRINCIPAL. Pennsylvania Railroad 1 PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS TO 8 Niagara Falls I September 11, 25 and October 9, 1907. Round-Trip Rate $4.15 from Emporium Tickets good going on SPECIAL TRAIN of Pullmau Parlor Cars, Dining Car and Day j Coaches, leaving 3:15 P. M., and returning via PICTURESQUE SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY ROUTE Tickets good returning on regular trains within TEN DAYS. Stop-off within limit ' allowed at Buffalo returning. Illustrated Booklet and full information may be obtained from Ticket Agents. J. K. WOOD, Passenger Traffic Manager. QEO. W. BOYD, General Passenger Agent. No. 608-21-ISt. ( Pennsylvania Railroad VACATION EXCURSIONS $9*95 from Emporium. TO Atlantic City Cape WILDWOOD, SEA ISLE CITY, or OCEAN CITY, Neti? Jersey August 26, 1907 Tickets good going 011 all regular t rains on date of excursion to Philadelphia and connecting trains to seashore points. STOP-OVER OF TEN DAYS AT PHILADELPHIA allowed ongoing trip if ticket is deposited with Station Ticket Agent, or on return trip, without deposit, within limit. Tickets good to return within fifteen days. Full information of Ticket Agents. I J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. No. 756-22-6t, HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specifies cnro diseases of Horses, Cuttle, Slioep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry by acting directly on tho SICK PAUTK without loss of time. A. > FEVERS. C'ui:ce>:<lnitii. Inflamma- ODBikH i tloilM, Lllll« rcicr, Milk I'ovcr. R. n.>Bl»R AI\S. Lameness, Injuries, CUBES UhcuiuatUm. O. I.ifcOitC «'SIRC -■Juiuay, Epizootic. OOBEB> l>int«ilirer, Bot*, (iratis, E. IC'Ol fills. Colli , Influenza, Inllamei cunEd) Lung*. Jrleuro-i'iieuiiioxilc. * r ■ ' »te»v.. V/Sud«lHown a CUIU£S) Diarrhea. Dysentery. a. G. Prevents MKBCA£tHIAGE. » rt; It: i.lt DISORDERS. 1.1. I SKI* Dl*l V laoer. r rupdowi. ccr.ES S Llcera, <ireu<e J. K.J DA!) COXnii 1 I',. Blaring <uat, COKE 3 { IlidiKCßtiOll, SI e. I tola • OCc. each ; Stable Case, Fen Specifies, Book. A?. At druggists,or cat: .. ,-iud on receipt of price. Humphreys' Mcdlclno c:o., Cor. William c-nd John Streets, New York. STTBOOK ."if VILED FREE. I imp Woafc 'Cidneyc, smroly jn Infc t" weak kidney Nerves. The Kid:. . i the.ilirt, ..ml the Stomach, tind'tli w kit- *s. not in the organ itself, but in the n»rv- s U t contrril and nuide and ttrciiffthen them Dr. whoop's H. stwrativ.j Is a medicine ipeeilli illj are tared to roach these controlling nerv • * >:• ti.e Kidneys alone, is futile Jt is a uu-te oi t rae, and of money as well. li your back acl:<vi or u weak. If tho urine scald-. or Isdark an I -ironpr. 112 you have symptoms of JSrighU or oth' r di-tre---' or dangerous kid n v disease, try lir. Shoop's :• -lontivea month — Talrl ts or Liquid—and see vhnt it ean and will do for you. Druggist recommend and sell mm *- t V m ;L- a w I, . a S GR • * f&k r~ r r. r;-- ••• n m ;•!•, - ' : : L uz & w » a w 'w "ALL DEALERS" Sour StomacH No appetite, loss of strength, nervous ness. headache, constipat.on, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all dus to Indigestion. Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural Juices of diges* tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with tfri greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol for dyspepsia does not only relieve Indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswocd, W. Va., says:— "I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years. Kodol cured me and we are nov using it in milk for baby." Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottles only. Relieves Indigestion, sour stomach, belching of gas, «tc. Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO., CHICAGO. Sold by R. C. Dodson. IHESSS * A SAFB, CERTAIN Rklikk for SeppunnKD [•, ♦ NEVER KNOWN TO Mil. Sard Buret Srwiy rs.ti- jj • faction (iuaranteed or Money Refunded. Scut prcpnil LJ f«-r 112 1.00 |«cr box. Will scud them oa trinl,t» H-paid fur R . when relieved. Samp leu Free. If yout Urutfgut Uoea not J J hare them uend jour ordora to the UNITED MEOICAL CO.. BOX T4. L*f<ca«TCW, PA. Sold in Emporium by L Taggart & R. C. Dodson SDR. CALDWELL'S Mg YRUP PEPSI|¥ CURES INDIGESTION. I *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers