4 !4«in)eror) (£®ui)fy [f ress. ESTABLISHED BY C.B.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERMSOF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year f2 00 If paid in advance $1 60 ADVERTISING RATES. Advertlsementsarepublishedat the rateofone lollar per squarefor one insertion and tifty cents per square for each subsequent insertion. Rates by the year or for six or three months are <W and uniform, and will be furnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising persqnare. three imesorless,f2 00; each subsequent insertions!) cents per square. Loca 1 n oticesten ce nts per line for onei nsertion, Ave cents perlineforeacnsubsequentconsecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per 1 oe. Sitnpleannouncenientsof births,marriagcß and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year over Ave lines, at the regular rates of advertising No local inserted for leas than 75 cts.per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, and affords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages •repaid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent outofthecountymustbe paid for In advance. «SrNo advertisements will be accepted at less hsn the price for fifteen words. 4V*Religious notices free. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For State Treasurer, JOHN O. SHEATZ, of Philadelphia. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. For County Treasurer, CHAB. J. HOWARD, of Portage. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, T LUCAS COUNTY. F Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed io my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D., 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (SEAL.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Panama Canal—Erie Canal. Machinery is digging the Panama Canal a thousand times quicker than the shovel dug the Erie. Machinery produces the L. & M. Paint at 50 times les.- cost tor labor, than if made by hand. The L. & M., gives the best job in the world, because L. <& M. Zinc hardens L. & M., White Lead and makes L. & M. Paint wear like iron for 10 or 15 years. It only requires 1 gallons of this cele brated paint and '{gallonsof Linseed Oil at 60 cts per gallon, to paint a moderatl sized house. If any defect exists in L. & M. Painte will repaint house for nothing. Sold by Harry 8. Lloyd, Emporium. Warning. Allperßons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903. 24-tf. Get a fret; sample of Dr. Shoop's "Health Coffee." If real coffee disturbs your Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, then try this clever Coffee imitation. Dr Shoop has very closely matched Old Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and taste, yet he has not even a single grain of real Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted grains or cereals, with Malt Nuts, etc. You will surely like Health Coffee. Sold by all dealera. "Everybody Should Know." Says 0. <j. Mays a prominent business man of iiluf]. .Mo., that Bucklen's Ar nica Salve i.the quickest and surest heal ing salve ever applied to a sore, hum or wound, or to a case of piles, fve used it and know what I'm taking about." Guaranteed by all druggists. 25c. 3o*un ltiba. a prominent dealer of'Vin ing, la., says I have been selling De- Witt's Kidney and Bladder 1 'ills for about a year and they give better satis faction than any pill 1 ever sold. There are a dozen people here who have used them and they give perfect satisfaction in every case. I have used them myself with fine results." Sold by li. C. Dod son. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its action is positive and certain. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles dis appear like magic by its use. Large nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by all dealers. I'll stop your pain free. To show you first—before spend a penny—what my PinkJPlain Tablets can do, I wil mail you free a Trial Package of them —Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neu ralgia, Headache; Toothache, Period pains, etc.. are due alone to blood con gestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by all dealers. You can get all kinds of good cedar hingles at C. B Howard & Co.. Two Commandments. Harrisburg Telegraph. The absurd self righteousness of the proposition to conduct the Democratic campaign in the state on the command ment "Thou shalt not steal" has react ed upon those responsible for the sug gestion. The newspapers of the state many of them with Democratic sympa thies, are already denouncing that sort of canvass. As indicated by this newspaper when the matter was first broached, the commandment. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor," is as important and as binding as the other. Any campaign of the Democra cy based upon the assumption that the Republican candidate for State Treas urer shall be defeated because of the alleged wrong-doing of others is so preposterous as to work its own defeat. When the Democratic party or any other party presumes to claim all the virtue and honesty among the people it is time for the truth to be told. When John O. Sheatz was nominated for State Treasurer newspapers of all shades of political belief commended the selection as one worthy to be made, and the career of the Republican can didate is the best answer to the phari seeism of his political opponents. It is wrong to steal, but it is just as wrong to bear false witness against one's neighbor. These two commandments must go together in the campaign which the Democrats propose to wage, and when they by direct charge or inferenco as asperse the of John O. Sheatz by urging the eighth commandment, they must expect to hear thundered from the housetops: "THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGH BOR." I will mail you free, to prove merit, ! samples of my Shoop's Restorative, i and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The I Heart or The Kidneys, Troubles of the , Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are mere- ! ly symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treat ing symtoms only. Symtom treatment is treating the result of your ailment, j and not the cause. Weak Stomach j nerves—the inside nerves—mean Stom ach weakness, always. And the Heart, and Kidneys as well, have their con trolling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves, and you inevitably have week vital organs. Here in where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy ever claims to treat the "inside nerves" Also for bloating, biliousness, bad breath or complexion use Dr Shoop's Restorative. Write me to-day for sample and free Book. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restora tive is sold by all dealers. Those who have stomach trouble, no ! matter how slight, should give every possible help to the digestive organs, so that the food may be digestive with the ! least effort. This maj be done by tak- i ing something that contains natural di rective properties—something likeKodol. j For Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Kodol ! is a preparation of vegetable acids and contains the very same juices found in a j healthy stomach. It digests what you eat. Sold by 11. (J. Dodson. Big bargains in ladies and gents shoes. THOS. W. WELSH. C. B. Howard & Co., have the only large stock of shingles in the county at the present time. RED CEDAR from the Pacific Coast and WHITE CEDAR rom Wisconsin. Some Good Bargains. I have several pieces of summer suit ing which 1 will sell at great reduction during July and August. TIIEO. HABKRSTOCK, 22-4t. Over Express Office. Our base ball team were defeated at Ridgway on .Saturday and at Johnson burg yesterday. The Limit of Life. The most eminent medical scientists j are unanimous in the conclusion that the | generally accepted limitation of human life is many years below the attainment I possible with the advanced knowledge ot : which the race is now possessed. The critical period, that determines its dura- j tion, seems to be between 50 and 00; the ■ proper care of the body during this j decade cannot be too strongly urged; care- I lessness then being fatal to longevity. | Nature's best helper after 50 is Klcctric ! Bitters, the scientific tonic medicine that I revitalizes every organ of the body. I Guaranteed by all druggists. 50c. 9 W *****w w w m m* hwf use w w % N fc* ■ « Plumbing Perfection»« =================== »* N )< N 53 a - IS You cannot exercise too much caution in N the selection of your plumbing fixtures. Their M construction and manner of installation is of paramount importance to you if you would have N good health. We insure you plumbing of a high char- |M| |i ii acter. Let us estimate for you. Whether you are going to build or remodel, it will pay you to ||j| $4 examine|the fixtures we have on display and get M M M EJ our prices. M N N M M M *•* ts, t, g Stephens a Saunders Plumbing Go. 11 it JSfkjet tot jwHfc mm. *% mm. mm m.m. m mm.** # CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1907. Old Home Week, kcduced Kates to Reynold*, vllle's (Ireat Celebration via Pennsylvania Railroad. To accommodate those desiring togo to Re.vnoldsville for the Old Home Week Celebra tion, to be held August 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24, the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company wiil sell ex cursion tickets to Reynoldsville, on those dates, good for return passage until August 26, Inclus ive, from Kittanmng, Emlenton, Driftwood, Em porium, Johnsonburg and intermediate stations at reduced rates (minimum rate 25 cents). Con sult nearest ticket agent. 937-25-lt. K.G.E. REUNION. Reduced Rates to Dußois via Pennsylvania Railroad. For the accommodation of those desiring to at tend the Reunion of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, at Dußois, Friday, August 16, the Penn sylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Dußois, on that date, good for return Sassage until August 17, inclusive, from New ethlehem, Driftwood and intermediate stations and from Renovo, Kane and intermediate sta tions at reduced rates (minimum rate 25 cents). Consult nearest Ticket Agents. No. 938-26-11. Notice to Contractors. We wish to correspond with log job bers in Pennsylvania, that can stock to railroad, from one million to three mil lion feet in a job. When job is com- Sleted, will give new job so jobber will ave work from year to year. We have the stocking of the timber on 87,- 000 acres and pay the best prices. Our work is worth investigating. G. W. HUNTLEY & SON, 23-tf. Shryock, W. Va. Piano for Sale. A good second-hand piano for sale very cheap, |3O. J. P. MCNABNEY. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Harrisburg, Pa., July 25, 1907. ADDITIONAL RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE REPORT OF COM MUNICABLE DISEASES. [N ORDER to carry out the provisions of the Act of Assembly or April twenty-seven, one thousand nine hundred and live, entitled, "An Act creating a Department of Health and de fining its powers and duties," the Department of Health ofthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has adopted the following additional Rules and Regulations governing the control of Communic able Diseases. RESOLVED: That Sectiou 1 of the Rules and Regulatioas as published in Circular No. 1 which reads as follows: "All physicians practicing within the limits of the State shall make an immediate report of every case occurring in their practice of the diseases hereinafter specified, if occurring in a city or borough, to the Secretary of the Board of Health of such city or borough, and if occurring within the limits of a township, to the County Medical Inspector of the county in which said township m'av be located, and also to the Department of Health at Harrisburg," be amended tore id as follows: All physicians practicing within the limits of the State shall make an immediate report, of every case occurring in their practice of the diseases hereinafter specified, if occurring in a city or borough, to the Secretary of the Board of Health, Bureau of Health or Sanitary Com mittee of such city or borough, and if occurring within the limits of a township, to the Health Officer in charge of the township in which said patient may be located. PROVIDED, that in any city or borough not having a Board of Bureau of Health or Sanitary Committee, the report of such cases occurring within the limits of said city or borough shall be made directly to the Department of Health, and PROVIDED, further that when a vacancy shall be known to exist in the position of Health Officer in any township, the report, of such cases occurring within the limits of such township shall be made directly to the State Department of Health. RESOLVED: That physicians or others in charge of hospitals situated in cities or boroughs shall report cases of diseases herein after specifieil occurring in cities and boroughs to the respective local Boards of Bureaus of Health or Sanitary Committees of such cities or boroughs, daily, anil report all such cases of communicable disease received from territory outside of cities or boroughs to the State De partment of Health at Harrisuurg at the end of each week. PROVIDED, that in any city or borough not havinga Board of Health or Bureau of Health or Sanitary Committee, the report of such cases occurring within the limits of said city or borough shall be made directly to the Depart ment of Health. RESOLVED: That physicians or others in charge of hospitals situate in the respective townships outside of cities and boroughs shall report cases of the diseases hereinafter specified received from cities and horouglis to the respec sive local health authorities of the cities and boroughs from which the cases are taken, daily, provided that where such citv or borough has no Board of Health, Bureau of Health or Sanitary Committee, the report of such cases shall be made directly to the Department of Health, and shall report all such cases received from the townships outside of cities and boroughs to the State Department of Health at Harrisburg at the end of each week. RESOLVED. That when none of the diseases hereinafter enumerated occurs iu a eltp or borough during any calendar month a report of this fact shall be made by the .secretary of the Board or Bureau of Health or Sanitary Committee at the end of such month to the Department of Health at Harrisburg on the report cards supplied for this purpose. RESOLVED: That the quarantine period for cases of scarlet fever shall be 39 days from the date of onset of the disease, provided that at the end of said period the physician iu charge certifies in writing that desquamation has entirely and absolutely ceased. The diseases refered to above and of which report is required to be made by physicians and health authorities are as follows: Actinomyco sis, Anthrax, Bubonic Plague, Epidemic Cerebro Spinal Meningitis (Spotted Fever), Chicken pox, Cholera. Diphtheria (So-called membranous croup, diphtheritic croup, putrid sore throat, should be reported as diphtheria). Epidemic Dys entery, Erysipelas, German Measles, Glanders, Hydrophobia, Leprosy, Malerial Fever, Measles, Mumps, Pneumonia (true) Perpetual Fever, Re lapsing Fever, Small-pox, Scarlet Fever, iSo called scarlatina and scarlet rash should be re ported as scarlet fever,) Tetanus, Trachoma, Trichiniasis, Tuberculosis (specify what form). Typhoid Fever, Typhus Fever, Whooping Cough and Yellow Fever. SAMUEL G. DIXON, Commissioner, ALLEGHENY COLLEGE. This college has recently taken a new place »mong the colleges of the country. Within five years, six new buildings hare been erected, new professors added and entering classes nearly doubled, Cioud traditions, strong faculty, superb location, beautiful grounds and buildings, reasonable expenses. Fall term opens September 17th. Write for cata loewe to President Crawford. Meadville, Pa. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to the public that the co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, who were engaged in farming and dealing in meat, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the firm ofC. W. Sewell and Grant Haynes are re quested to settle the same with either member. C. W. SEWELL, GRANT HAYNES. Gardeau, Pa., July 25th, 1907. 24-3t Charter Notice. is hereby given that an application will be made to the Governor of Pennsyl vania on Tuesday, the seventeenth day of September, 1907, by Josiali Howard, Joseph Kaye, Henry Anchu, Mrs. Laura B. Howard, B. W. Green and William H. Howard, (under the act of Assembly, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain cor porations," approved April 29th, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an in tended corporation to be called EMPORIUM LAND COMPANY, the character and object of which is purchasing, holding, improving, leas ing and selling real estate and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits, and privileges of said act of Assembly and sup plements thereto. 26-st. GREEN Si FELT, Solicitors. Sealed Proposals. SEALED proposals will be received by the Com missioners of Cameron County, Pa., at their office in the Court House in Emporium, Pa., un til eleven o'clock, a. m., on the 2'/th day of Aug. 1907, and opened two hours later, for build ing the substructure and superstructure of a highway bridge in Shippen Township, Cameron County, Pa. Plans and Specifications for said bridge may be seen in the Commissioners Office. Bidders must submit a certified check on the First National Bank of Emporium, Cameron County, Pa., for amount mentioned in specifica | tious 011 tile, Commissioners reserving the right to reject any or all bids. J. W. LEWIS. S. P. KREIDER, O. L. BAILEY. Commissioners. Monday, July 22,1907.—23-St. Notice of Stockholders Meeting. OFFICE OP PKNN VITRIKIKD BRICK Co., Cameron, Pa., July lfith, 1807. M"MIE Penn Virtrified Brick Company having J by its Board of Directors duly declared its purpose to increase the indeotedness of said cor poration has by resolution duly adopted directed that the question of such proposed increase shall be submitted to the stockholders of said corpora tion for their consent. Notice is therefore here by given that a special meeting of the stock holders of the Penn Vitrified Brick Company will be held at their office, 18 Ohio Street, Buf ffalo, New York, on the the 19tli day of Septem ber, 1907, at two o'clock p. 111., when and where an election of the stockholders will be taken for or against such increase of indebtedness. By order of the Board of Directors, 22-51. W. H. G. WALKER, Secretary. A BEAUTIFUL FACE Before UHing II you have pimples, blotches, tor other akin Imperfections, you can remove them and have a clear and beautiful complexion by using BEAUTYSKIN It Makes New Improves the Removes Skin Imperfections. Beneficial results guaranteed Tn or money refunded. j( •Send stamp for Free Sample, \ ji' Particulars and Testimonials. Mention this paper. After Using. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. \ \ \ X N V \ \ \ \ V \ \ SECOND TO NONE fj Z ADAM, J MELDRUM & ' ANDERSON Co. ' / i y 396-408 Main Street, |> BUFFALO, N. Y. \ \ I % | '' = I I % I BUFFALO'S | | LEADING | ; DEPARTMENT 1 ; STORE REFUNDS J I YOUR RAILROAD I S FARES | \ ACCORDING TO I I THE AMOUNT I | OF YOUR | PURCHASES I . i* 112 1 | YOU CAN SHOP | I BY MAIL I * % % \ i = ■ l / i % ADAM, | MELDRUM & >; Z ANDERSONICO %\ Si / American Block, Bull'alo, N.Y. / > > V.,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Administratrix's ."Notice J KnUitr of MA Y S. O'DELL, Deccaned. I ETTERS of Administration oil the estate of .1 May S. O'Dell, late of the Borough of Em-' porium, Cameron county, Pennsylvania, deceas ed, have been granted to Estella 8. Coppersmith, residing in said borough, to whom all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make pay ment, and those having claims or demands, will I make known the same without delay. ESTELLA 8. COPPERSMITH. _ Administratrix, i GREBN A FELT, Attorneys. Emporium, Pa., July 23, 1907.—23-4t. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SI.OO from Emporium to Romantic Portage Falls AND RETURN EVERY SUNDAY DURING August and September, 1907 SPECIAL TRAIN Leaves 8:00 A. M. Returning, leaves Portage Falls Park 6:15 P. M. Tickets will be good going and returning only on Special Train on date of issue. Baggage will not be checked on these tickets. CHILDREN BETWEEN FIVE AND TWELVE YEARS OF AGE, HALF FARE. J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia, Pa No. 652-21-13t.' "Stfiftly the seasons come and go" Haying and Harvesting Supplies Will soon be needed, and onr stock is very complete. Binder Twine, Hay Rope, hay Forks hay Rakes, Etc. Will yon allow us to quote you prices. Agents for McGormick Harvesting Machinery F. V. HEILMAN & GO • —BKaiM>iMirtaaiißtM«Mß>M«ana a—Brag—aa—— RUGS, RUGS!] RUGS. Our Rug department is under the supervision of Mrs. B. Egan. Every Rug was selected by her with special care and carefully inspected. They are new and strictlv up to date. No close outs or or last year stock. Many of you bought rugs here last year and can attest to the fine rugs we carrv. This year we show a still larger and better stock. Neve be fore has such rugs been placed on sale in this part of the state. As irreputable proof that the adver tisements of this store lis'believed and lived up to, we point to our phenomenal increase in business. We try to merit your patronage by dealing with you just as we would like to be dealt with. EMBALMING AND FUNERAL DIRECTING Emporium Furniture Co., KIiKNAHIt KCiAK, Manajfcr. SPILES TCte Suppository! I r Matt. Thompson, Sup tl ■ Graded School*, Btatenrlllc, N.C., wrlita: •• I C an aurl ■ the/ do all TOO claim for them." \ tt% 8. *j. Dcvor/H M Haven Hock, w. Va., wrlt«§| "They give utilv.-raal H.tia' I , ■ration." Dr. H. D. McOlll, Cl.rk.barJ, Tew writJ.*B ■ In » prune, of 31 J'.ri, I h.re r.„,nd b. r.'med, 1 ■ ■ eqa.l your*. F.ic, 60 C..r., FreS. SoW/n Emporium by L. Taggarib R. C. Dodson CALL FOR FRFE SAIHPLS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers