<<arr)ep(?>r) o®ui)iy p? i»ess. Established ii Y C. B. GOUI-P. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISH BO EVKRY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year $2(10 If paid in advance $1 50 ADVERTISING RATES, advertisement s arc publinhedat the rati* ofouo lollar per square for oueinsertion and ttftycento per square for each subsequent insertion. Rat.es by the year or for six or tli ree months are ow ami uniform, and will l>ofurnished on appli cation ■Local and Official Ad' ertisiim persijuare.three imesor less. 00; each subsequent i nsertion-IO cents per square. Local notlcesten cents per line forone insertion, five cents per line foreacbsubsequentcouseoutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five lints, ten cents per i nfi. Si in plea u nouncements of l>ir.bn,marriages and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less JS.OO per year over live lines, at the regular rates of advertising Mo locali nserted for less than 75 els. per issue. JOH PRINTING. The .lob 'department of the PRKSS is complete, and affords facilities for doing the best class of work. Particular attention pun to Law Pr' ntins. N'o paper will be discontinued until arrearages, are paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent outofthecounty must be paid for i n advance. Wio advertisements will be accepted at less han the price for fifteen words. Kifßeligious notices free. I mmmmMiWßßnmaanu) .m n I 111 H The Vanishing Trick. . i.ato thf grocer's shop walked an an ci'ent lady with ;; slow ami halting tread and carrying on her arm a bas ket containing a large earthenware pot with a lid. Placing the basket on the counLer, she made various purchases, which she put carefully in the pot, and had her bill made out. •'By the way," she said before paying: ibis, "do you mind keeping this pot ■With the purchases in it until 1 come back and pay for 1 hem. as I have to f»n.\ other tilings some distance "ft. and it will be more convenient for me to leave the things here till later?" This request was willingly acceded to, ajid, lifting the pot carefully out the basket, the old dame placed it. iwith an effort, in a corner; then, plac ing her basket on her arm, left the shop. Hours went by, day ripened into evening, and evening gave way 'to night, but the old woman did not return. At last the proprietor thought of examining the earthenware pot to Hue if by any chance it bad its owner's ftddress upon it, and great was his as itnnisliment, not nntinged with dis may, to lind that it possessed no bot tom. —London Answers. Witchcraft In the Nineteenth Century. *lost people believe that witchcraft among civilized people ended when the "Salem witch mania" ran its course and died out In the year 1092. It did as far as America is concerned, except among savages, but in other countries the belief in the superstition did not die until a much later date, even if it can be truly said to be dead now. In France an old beggar was tortured to death as late as 1807 on the charge of being one who "communed with evil spirits." and In Spain a witch was burned in ISOB. In 1850 in France a man and his wife tortured a suspected witeli to death, and nothing at till was done with them by the criminal courts on account of the lingering belief in sorcery. Four years later a witch was drowned i:i England, and in 18(10 one was burned in Mexico. In 1874, 1879, 1880 and again in 1889 witches were publicly burned in Russia, and even as late as IS9O regular judicial trials of witches were had in Prussia, Po land and Austria-Hungary. Hoped He Wouldn't Grow. \ well known member of parliament was addressing an agricultural meet ing in tiie south of England and in the course of his remarks expressed the opinion that farmers do not sufliciently vary their crops and make a mistake iu always sowing wheat. One of the audience opposed to him in politics asked him what crops he would recommend. "Everything in turn," he replied. "Weil." said his interlocutor, "if swedes don't rune up, what then?" "Sow illusion]," said the M. I'. \i l if : listard doesn't come up, what then?" And so lie went on through a whole list of crops until, the M. P.'s patience being exhausted, he put :in end to his questioning amid roars of laughter by ,'m tying: "Oh. .sow yourself, and 1 hope you W il't COUiO lip." Circumstantial Evidence. Chick i Jruce was a famous Adiron dack guide, who accompanied O rover '.levi land <>n one < r two oi' his hunting tip in those mountains. Clilck left Mr. Cleveland sitting on a log one morning while lie went out to drive down a deer should he chance to lind one. When he came back he saw his distinguished employer still sitting on 1 lie log, but with the muzzle of his gun Violating directly at the presidential chest. "Here," shouted Chick, "quit that, <'od gast ye: Suppose that gun had gone off and you had killed yourself, what would have happened to me? !?.)ei'n ye, everybody knows I'm a He ir blican!"—Saturday Evening T'ost. A Large Order. lie proprietor of a certain restau rant "leased" the reverse side of his thill of fare to a carriage manufacturer, , ho prints advertisements thereon. .'Hie other day a customer, in a great hurry, ran into the restaurant, sat at a ;i■! ijle MTUI was handed a bill wrong : iile up by tho flurried waiter. The easterner put on his pince-nez, curled i mustache -with his left liand and ; iiotUed in a voice of thunder: "Bring .me a tly, a laudau, two victorias and a dogcart. Got any funeral car.;?" Tli ■ "tvaiter fled. -London Graphic. . DEATH'S DOINGS? ran HOUSIJK. Flossie liousier, ag« c 20 years and six days, after an illness of about aj year, suffering with consumption, pass- | ed to her reward on June 6tli, 1907. She leaves four Bisters, three brothers and father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Honsler. The funeral was held in the Wesleyan Methodist church, , Cooks Run, Sunday at 2:30 p. in., the services being conducted by Rev. A. C. Dow. The services were largely at tended, it being the largest funeral ever held in this place, showing the esteem j in which the deceased was held by her | neighbors and friends. L. 11. L MITRPHY. Michael Murphy, son of John Mur- j phy of town, died at the residence of his parents on Chestnut street, last Fri day morning, after a long illness with } consumption. Funeral services were j held at St. Mark's Catholic church last | Monday morning, after which there- j mains were taken to Dußois for inter- j merit. (iet a free sample of Dr. Shoop's j "Health Coffee." If real coffee disturbs I your Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, then try this clever Coffee imitation. Dr Slioop has very closely matched Ok! j Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and taste, yet he has not even a single grain of real Cofl'ee in it. Dr. Shoop's Health ; Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted grains or cereals, with Malt j Nuts, etc. You will surely like Health Coffee Sold by all dealera. The Old Heliable Sheeter's Lina ment. A general household preparation. None genuine without trade mark Guaranteed under the Food and Drug Act, June 30th, 1906, Cerial No. 4515. We desire to state that the genuine article is manufactured in Pittsburg, j Pa., only. Use no other. All drug [ stores, 50c. 14-4t. Piles get quick and certain relief from ! Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for Piles, and its j action is positive and certain. Itching, I painful, protruding or blind piles dis- j appear like magic by its use. Large ' nickel-capped glass jars 50 cents. ; Sold by all dealers. For Sale. Three residences singly or in double also all the vacant lots and store build ing on Fourth street. Terms to suit ; purchaser. 3-tf. R. SEGEK. { Harry S. Lloyd sells Longman & Martinez L. & M. Paints in pints and quartz at half gallon price. 13-4t. | When you feel the need of a pill take a DeWitt's Little Early Riser. Small ! pill, safe pill, sure pill. Easy to take— pleasant anil effective. Drives away headaches. Sold by R. C. Dodson. For scratches, bums, cuts, insect bites and the many little hurtscemmon to every family, DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve i> the best remedy. It is soothing, cooling, clean and healing. 15c sure you get DeWitt's. Sold by R. C. Dodson. A prompt, pleasant, good remedy lor coughs and colds, is Kennedy's Laxative Cough Sjrup It is especially recom mended for babies and children, but good for every member of the family. It con tains no opiates and does not constipate. Contains honey and tar and tastes nearly as good as maple syrup. Children like it. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. The riagic No. 3. Xumber three; is a wonderful mascot for Geo' 11. Parris, of Cedai Grove, Me., according to a letter which reads: "After suffering much with liver and kidney trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by the failure to find relief, 1 tried Electric Bitters, and as a result lam a well man today. The first bottle relieved and three bottles completed the cure." Guar anteed best on earth for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by all druggists, 50c. Register's Notice. .STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, I COUNTY OFCAMERON. ( "Vf OTIC 13 is hereby given that George ,1. I.a liar, . \ guardian of Harry E. liarr, Carrel l„ Barr and William L. Barr, minor children ot Alice Belle Barr, deceased, late of Shippen township, Cameron county. Pa., lias tiled It IN first and final account, and the same will be presented at next term of court for confirmation. WM. J. LEAVITT, Register. Register's Office, | Emporium, Pa., June 4th, 1907. ( lfi-tt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Bulletin. ANNUAL SEASHORE EXCURSIONS. The annual fifteen-day summer excursions from West ern New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania to Atlantic City, Cape May, Wildwoood, Ocean City, and Sea Isle City, N. J., via the Pennsylvania Railroad will be run this year on July 5, August 2, 16 and 26. The rates will be the same as lieretotore, SIO.OO from Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Erie," Titusville, Kane, Dußois, Mayville, Bradford, and Syracuse; $9.95 from Rochester, Canaudaigua, and Olean; $8.75 from Elinira, and propor tionate rates from other points. Tickets will be good going 011 dates given above, and good returning 011 regular trains within fifteen days, in cluding date ot excursion. A stop-over at Philadelphia will be granted 011 the re turn trip, within ilie limit of the ticket. These excursions offer opportunities to spend a fort night at the popular New Jersey seacoast resorts during the most attractive season at a minimum expense. Additional information regarding rates and train ser vice will be furnished 011 application by Ticket Agents. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1907. Executors Notice. Estate of JOHN DA I', late of the Borough of Em porium, Deceased. N'OTICE i« hereby given that letters testamen tary upon the estate of said decedent have been granted to the undersigned. All persons I indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay, to GEORGE L. DAY, HEHBEHT DAY, Executors. Or to their Attorneys. (Jhkkn Felt. 17-OT. Emporium, Pa., June 12th, 1907. Executor's Notice. j /otitic of AUOU3TUBC. GOODWIN, late of the Toirnshij) of Shipperl, deceased. N'OTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentary upon the estate oft he said decedent have been granted to the undersigned. All per- ] sons indebted to said fstate are requested to I make payment and thot6 having claims or de*! in and s against the same will make them known without delnv to DEIJMONT H. ADAMS, Executor. Emporium, Pa., Or his Attorneys, («hei:n & Fblt. 15-6 j Notice. j Estate of JOHN ADAMS, late of the Township < 112 \ Ship pen, deceased. N'OTICE is hereby given that letters testa 1 mentary upon the estate ol the said deced i eut have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or de mands against the same will make them known | without delay to DEL MONT H. ADAMS, Executor. Emnorium, Pa. J Or to his Attorneys Green Kelt. 15-6. AUDITORS' REPORT Of the Receipts, Expenditures, Assets and Liabilities of the Poor Fund of Emporium Borough, Pa., for the Year Ending March 4, 1907. F. P. STRAYER, Poor Master, in account with Poor Fund. RECEIPTS. balance on hand last audit £lO7 27 RecM from C. W. Shaffer, Coll. 1005. 10 04 j Rec'il from Fred Seger, Coll. 190U 1,013 85 sl,lOl 1G EXPENDITURES. ' Paid relief of Lloyd Spence. $lO3 50 ! Paid Mary Lyons for paupers i Deit.ick 159 07 I Paid Samuel Parker for relief 16 01 ' Paid Ray Lyons for paupers to March 1, 1007, Hitchcock and Gilford 251 40 I Paid It. C. Dodson, drugs .'l9 60 I Paid Mrs. P. K. Lewis, relief M. K. : Mundy to May 1. 1907 10 00 Paid R. J). I Jacket, rent for Haskins.. 10 00 ; Paid A. McDougall, relief of J. Bell GO 00 i Paid J. D, Swope, expenses 10 00 Paid sundry paupers 34 31 ] Paid making t ix duplicate 5 00 i Paid 11. W. Green, retainer 15 Oo , Paid tramp account 5 25 Paid Independent, publish two audits 1H 00 $B3l 11 ! Balance in hands of F. P. Strayer 327 05 $1,161 16 ! J. W. KIUNKIi, Poormaster, in account with Poor Fund. RECEIPTS. Halance on hand last audit 82 71 I Uec'd from C. W. Shaffer, Coll. 1903 Ck. outstanding 69 25 j Rec'd from Fred Seger, Coll. 1906 512 77 $(591 73 EXPENDITURES. I Paid Press publishing two audits $llOO Paid State hospital 217 50 Paid Mrs. P. E. Lewis for M.E. Mundy 100 00 j Paid funeral expenses Emma Willett 48 75 Paid L. Taggart, drugs 52 40 Paid Dr. 11. JS. Falk, professional ser vices 3 50 Paid Dr. S. S. Smith, professional services 7 00 Paid tramp account 3 33 $176 48 Balance in hands of J. W. ICriner 218 25 $691 73 RECAPITULATION OF POOR FUNDS. ASSETS. Balance in hands of F. P. Strayer $127 05 Balance in hands of J. W. Kriner 218 25 Due from C. W. Shatter, ('oil. 1903... 23 47 568 77 s LIABILITIES—NONE. We, the undersigned auditors of the Borough of Emporium, Pa., hereby certify that we have examined and audited the accounts of the Poor Masters of said borough and find the foregoing a correct statement, of the same. I. K. HOCKLEY. GRANTS. ALLEN, Borough Auditors. May 27th, 1907. RDM ill Schedule in Effect NOV. 25, 1906 TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUH. For Ilarriaburß, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washington, 8:10 a.m., 12:05, 3:15,10:30 p.m. daily. PorWilkesbarre and Scran ton, 8:10 a. in. week days. For Erie and intermediate stations: 10:45 a. m„ 4:23 p. m.daily. For Falls Creek, lied Bank and Pittsburg, r 10:45 a. m. week days. ' TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM JUNCTION For Buffalo: 4:os'a. m.and 4:15 p. m.daily. •J. R. WOOD, Pass'gr Traffic Mgr. W. W. ATTERBURY, GEO. W. BOYD, General Manager. Oen'l Passenger Agt. DeWITT'S CARBOLIZED WITCH HAZE!. SALVE For Piles, Burns, Sores' I ""dTehT—^ Shoes Shoes Shoes PATFNT POIT * n O x f° r( * s f° r Men, Ladies and Children. To LIL-_L! UULSi see them is to buy them. You do yourself an in justice when you do not look at this beautiful line before I [pur chasing. We also carry a complete line of Men's Working I Shoes. In fact anything in the shoe line. jlfl vnn KNOW About the Banner Patterns. These are the UU lull ixiiUTi very best. The prices are 10c and 15c. Every pattern is a new one. They are the simplest patterns on the market to-day to put together. Counter books only 10c. Monthly sheets are free. Inny'T FHRHFT To examine the largest and most complete line _ 1 runULi } on g an( j s i lort anc l G.i oV es. We have them in many different colors, ranging in price from $1.50 to $5.50 the pair. Ohjrf WflktQ * n black, white and colors. These Shirt Waists ! I tffliolo were selected from the very best samples that have I been shown this season. We can surely suit you in this line. OH AS, DIEHL. 112 Furniture Luxurious Comfort If |J li A I r , , Is suggested by the sight of one of our new and handsome Easy Chairs, upholstered in various fabrics and in leather. They are beautifully and strongly built for constant use, as well as permanent ornament. They set olf a parlor, dining or drawing room to great advantage, and provide practical comfort for the tired limbs. Tlfere sire varied styles and prices to select from. Undertaking w'n. -I. IjlSiir I NEW FIRM! I I John Edalnsan \ I& Son, I Cj ' !fl nj Opposite St. Charles Hotel, in M EAST EMPORIUM, PA. [J{ n] Where you can always find a [Jj In new supply of woolens to suit al pj the season and customer. We jf] n] solicit new trade and shall try [)j (n our best to satisfy all our patrons, ru (u GENTLEMEN —Why go out- [{] f([ side to get your Clothes, when [n Ln we can furnish you with the best ru pj goods and latest styles at the J{] [{] lowest possible price. Spend [}j Ln your money at home. We, as ru pi well as our help, spend our }jl n] money here. [n In We are cutting our clothes by nJ fLj a new system and have met with ||] good success. m Ln Thanking you for past favors riJ we respectfully invite you to [J] £| call again. [n | JOHN EDELMI & SON, a Hi ICAST KMPOKIUM, I»A. m VCv. l> v «saHasTisassaHsasasasHsc;is' "THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES the WORM" R. Seger & Son's Spring Opening We take pleasure in calling attention to our extensive display of Early Spring Clothing, Hats, stylish Furnish ing floods, Trunks, etc. The latest styles in Dunlap and all the popular Derby as well as soft hats. We are agents for the popular KIRSIIBAUM ready to wear Clothing. NEW LINE of FASHIONABLE SHIRTS all colors now in stock. DOUGLAS SHOES. We carry a large assortment of the celebrated Douglas Shoes, all shapes and sizes. This comfoatable shoe is a good.wearer, looks well and saves you money. Complete and New Goods in Every Department. Don't forget the Merchant Tail oring department if you wish some thing special. Prepare now for spring liiiiiEffE ■ A S*. K. CURTAIN RBLIKI' for SL-FPBKSKD MKNSTRUATION. i tVEh KNOWN TO .-AIL. P»f-! Hur..| Si •■i. ! Sv: , iiicTi.<u (iuiranicotl or Money Rctanded. JSi-nt i>r<-pa;,l t ; rfJ.OO |»er box. Will send thorn on trial, i» ho |>uid for 112 v* ln>u relieved. Sample* Free. If your UruggUt d«w net, : • havo the-in send your order* to the * j J4ITKO MCDIOALCO.,IIOX74I UNSAQTTR, PA. [i* >aaßgr<iwii' iwirw aiiwi isaac?:-- i i" bmporium by L Taggarf & R. C. Oodsor; 7" -JrtlGIKAi. LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP ii iNEBY'S LAXATIVE HONEYHAR Be'! Clever Blossom am! Uoa;;- Bee oil Every BollJc- \\N\ \\XN \ \ \ \ \/ % SECOND TO NONE % ' ADAM, > Z MELDRUM & / ANDERSON CO. ' / 390-408 Main Street, / BUFFALO, N. Y. 112 / / > / j We | | Refund j I Railroad I '< * \ Fares to j | Out of town 112 Customers: % / / / / / } Our June Sales % and Pre-Inventory / | sale present the / greatest bargains of , /. the year. I ===== v & I | ADAM, % ; MELDRUM & ' P > ANDERSON GO / 112 American Block, Bull'alo, N.Y. S k / MM—B——■BBi THE Windsor Hotel 112 Between 12th and lilth Sts.. on Filbert St. I Philadelphia, Pa. Three minutes WALK from the Reading I Terminal. 1 Five minutes WALK from the Penn'a R. Rg R. Depot. n European Plan SI .OO per day and upwards. jfl American Plan $2.00 per day. E. A. PYLE, Insurance Agency, Fire, Life, Health ,and Acci dent, Employers Liability, Boiler Insurance, Plate Glass, Surety Bonds. OFFICE CUM X BLDG. Fourth Stree , tuporium, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers