STATE OK OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO, I I Luc AS COUNTY. J Frank J Cheney makes oath that lie j ig senior partner of the firm of F J. i Cheney & Co., doing business in the J city of Toledo, County and State afore- ; said, and that said firm will pay the j siiin of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS I tor each and every case of Catarrh that I cannot be cured by the use of Hall's | Catarrh Cure. FHANK J CHKNBY. ,Sworn to before n "■ and subscribed | it) my presence, this Oth day of Decern- | her. A. D., 1886. A. W. QLEASON, (SEAL.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken intern ally, and acts directly oil the blood and mucnous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. P. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. What Our Reporter saw in New York A recent visit to one oft lie largest paint ! factories in the world disclosed machin ery that was producing 10,000 gallons of Paint, and doing it better and in less time than 100 gallons could 1» made by hand mixing. This was the celebrated L. & M. Paint. The l<. & M. Ziuc hardens M. White Lead and makes L & M. Paint wear like iron for 10 or 1 i» yeur>. 4 gallons L. & M., mixed with •'! gal lon- Linseed Oil makes 7 gallons of paint at a cost of Jess than Sl.2d per gallon. If any defect exi>ts Lu L. & M . Paint, will repaint house for nothing. Donation of L. & M.. made to church. Soid by Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium, I'se Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Ohildreu like its pleasant taste, and moth ers give it hearty endorsement. Contains no opiates, but drives out tho cold through the bowels. Made in strict conformity to Pure Food and Drug Laws. Recom mended and sold by R. C. Dodson. What it it that tastes as pleasant as maple sugar and <|uiekly relieves coughs and colds? Mothers who have used it will quickly answer: '-Kennedy's Laxa tive Cough Syrup." The pleasant cold remedy that expels the cold through its laxative action on the bowels. Conforms striekly to the Pure Food and Drugs Law. Contains no opiates. Sold by It. S. Dodson. Williams' Kidney Pills. Have you neglected your kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your Kidneys and Bladder? Have you pains in the loins, side, back, groins and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too frequent desire to pass urine? If so William's Kidney Pills will cure you. Sample free. By mail 50 cents. Sold by 15. C. Dod son. Williams M'f'g. Co.. Prop's, Cleve and, <). D-ly. Williams Carbolic Salve with Arnica and Witch Hazel. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores. dcers, Salt Rheum, 'letter, Chapped Hands, ami all skin eruptions. It is guaranteed to give satis faction, or money refunded. Price l!.">c by Druggists. Williams M'f'g Co., Prop's Cleveland, <). For sale by R. C. Dodson. 0-ly. Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903. 24-tf. NOTICE FDR PROPOSALS. LED proposals will be received by the O County Commissioners of Cameron county, Penna., at their office in Emporium, Penna., un til eleven o'clock, on the seventh day of May, !907, and be opened two hours later, for repair ing bridge over Driftwood Creek, at Howard's .store, Emporium, Penna., said repairs to consist of furnishing such material as is required, and placing the same in position according to speci oations on tile at said County Commissioners of tice. All new work to be painted and bridge ad justed. Certified check of two hundred dollars to accompany all bid. Commissioners reserving the right to reject any or all bids. J. W. LEWIS, S. P. KREIDER, O. L. BAILEY, ATTEST: County Commissioners. W. L. THOMAS, Clerk- 9-3t Register's Notice. STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, I SS . 4 COUNTV OF CAMERON. S N'OTICE is hereby given that Henrietta Fetter, Administratrix of the Estate of Jas. R. Fetter, late of the Borough of Emporium, Pa., deceased, has filed lier first and final account, and the same will be presented at next term of court for confirmation ni xi. WM. J. LEAVITT, Register. Register's Office, I Emporium, Pa., March 11th, 1907. I l-7t. Uniform Primary Elections. Uniform Primary Elections will be held in the several election districts of Cameron County on Saturday, June Ist, 1907, from two o'clock, p. m.» to eight o'clock, p. 111., at the usual places of holding the general elections, when there shall be elected: DELEGATES TO STATE CONVENTIONS. REPUBLICAN, ONE DELEGATE DEMOCRATIC ONE DELEGATE PRO HIBITION, ONE DELEGATE PARTY OFFICERS. REPUBLICAN, One Chairman County Committee. One Member County Committee from each election district. DEMOCRATIC, One Chairman County Committee. Two members County Committee from each election district and when there shall be nomi nated by each party: CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY OFFICES. One Candidate for County Treasurer. J. W. LEWIS, S. P. KREIDER, O. L. BAILEY, Cotinty Comniissioners. ATTEST:— W. L.THOMAS, Clerk. 7-3t. Xatcst County Correspondence. CAMERON. Monday, the ojit niritr (3ay of trout sea sou. was very cold, but as usual good ' catches are reported. Fish stories have , commenced. Mrs. Win. Mcilvaoe was an Empori um caller on Monday. The dance held in the k. G. E. hall Monday evening was well attended and all report having a good time , Oy Lupro left Sunday for Sinnatua-1 honing, where lie is employed in the lum- j her yards ot Barclay Bros. Owing to the resignation of thepresi j deut of the athletic club, of this place, it ! has cancelled all schedules until further j notice. The cancelling of the meeting ; which was to he held Saturday, was a t great disappointment to all as some good - bouts were scheduled. John Cruger, of Canoe llun, visited Emporium. .John May, of Sterling Run, spent a few hours 111 town Monday. Ed Me bidden has purchased a fine j team, which he intends to use on the j farm this summer. He is at present us- j itig them on the road. Great improvement has been made on i the public roads under ibe able supervis- j ion of path master I lousier, who was ap-1 pointed by the supervisors. Let the j good work goon as it is badly needed. j .1. Vs. j MIX RUN. Gladys < CKeefe closed a very success-1 ful term of school last week. We learn that Mrs. K. A. Lord ex pects togo to the Williamsport hospital in a few days, to receive medical treat- i ment. Iler many friends hope tor her j speedy recovery. Henry Smith lias begun his spring farming, also painting. Henry is an up- \ to date farmer. Mesdames Henry Smith, Ella Mc- i Mullen and K. A. Lord visited Mrs. Mar-! shall Barr oue day last week. Soloman Mix and grand-daughter J Nitia Ross are visiting Mr. Mix's niece, j Julia Smith aud other relatives. Misses Frankie Barr and Audra Lord i did shopping at Driftwood Saturday. R. G. Smith aud James Smith are do- j ing carpenter work at Mix Run. Mrs. Wm. Bisset of ltenovo is visiting ' her mother Mrs. Dan'l McQuay. POPSV. HUNTLEY. Miss Helmbrecht spent Sunday with friends at Wyside. The employees of Hon (!. W. Hunt ley are moving the hay from his storage barn this week. Albert Jordan of throve II ill, lost a valuable horse Monday morning with colic. Mr. Jordan was in Big Bun for a load of ties when he noticed the horse was in great pain rud took it home as i|uickly as possible, but the horse soon dieg. Pcnnsy »foreman M. E. Confer of Shintown, was the guest of J. F. Sullivan Sunday. Misses Gladys O'Keefe and Floy Whiting of Sterling Ruu, visited Mrs. Henry Layton Saturday and sampled some of her famous buckwheat cakes and maple syrup which are the best in the county. Wallace, the son of foreman Johnson rau some foreign substance into his leg one day last week. The leg swelled very badly and would not respond to local treatment. 11c was taken to Driftwood Sunday and Dr. Beale operated on the limb and removed the .offending matter. At present the little fellow is doing as well as can be expected. Operator F. J. Confer was an Empori um caller Monday evening. Mrs. J. F. Sullivan was a business call er in Emporium and Renovo Monday. Wm. H. Logue and Minard Farley were business callers in Emporium Fri day. Wm. Logue has purchased the Farley estate and expects to make some extensive improvements on the property in the near future. Mrs. John Witchey and son, who have been visiting relatives in town for the past month, have returned to Renovo. Miss Colwell, of First Fork, is the guest of Flossie Johnson. G. W. Starr was a businoss caller in Driftwood Saturday. Signal Inspector D. E. Spangler, of Sterling Run, was a business caller in town Monday. Mrs. Henry Layton, was an Empori j um caller Monday. Bertha Wylie, of Pine Street, visited friends in Driftwood last week. B.J.Collins, J. E. Johnson, C. J. Miller and Clyde Collins were at Drift wood Saturday. Have you heard Levi Smith's new Edison records ? They are a sure cure for the blues. S(juire Sullivan was the guest of Srjuire Larrabee at Emporium Tuesday. Mr. Birmingham, of Sinnnamahoning and train dispatcher Barraws were the guests of J. F. Sullivau Saturday. Clarence Johnson has joined the Grand Worthy Older of Section Men and is en titled to all the courtesies and benefits connected with the job. The athletic club, after being closed CAMEROIs COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1907 FROM OUK KEPOKTERS. since the memorable contest betweenWm. Killinger and .J. F. Sullivan, opened its doors Saturday evening to a full house What was to be a six round contest be tween one of our town boxers and a Renovo man was stopped by manager W. R. Smith, in the second round and awarded to the iocal man on a foul. Both men were fresh at the end of the bout but were somewhat marked up about! 'the face and shins. Manager Smith an- j nounces that there will be several more j interi sting bouts shortly. However he' says the use of Driftwood conversation water is strictly forbidden on the premis- j cs. Ray says: Chicago is noted for pork, Rochester boasts of fine wrappers, • i New York and Boston are away up in "G" But "old Huntley" beats them all for scrappers ; G. W. Starr held the stakes. J. P. 8. RICH VALLEY. 11. J. Lewis and Louis Evans, of Lewis i Run, called on L. Lockwood and wife, j Sunday. Estella Dulling, of Emporium, visited j her parents at Cooks Run Junction Sun- ' day. Mrs. Leon Chadwick, of the city, was the guest of Oscar Heath and wife, of Elk Fork, last week. Ray Poorman, of Emporium, called on his Valley lriend Saturday evening. Some weddings are booked for the near future. How about it, (j. L. 11. Fred Peterson, of St. Louis, arrived in; the Valley Sunday. Orlando Wiiitmer and Leo Housler, of Salt Run, attended church at Cooks Run, Sunday evening. Jack Ingersoll, of the city, called on! Pine street friends Saturday evening. Ray Adams, of Buffalo, is visiting his j parents, D. 11. Adams and wife, of this place. He was formerly night engineer in > Howard's hardwood mill at Howardville, but now is assistant engineer at the Niagara Motel, at Buffalo, N. Y. Sheriff Swope was in the Valby the first of the week on business. A. C. Goodwin died at his residence in i this place, Monday night. The funeral : will be held to-day, Thursday. Inter- \ ment at the Cooks Run cemetery. William Brown and wife, of Riverside! Park, were surprised Friday evening by a number of thair Valley friends. Alter enjoying themselves till a late hour the ! party returned to their homes, voting them royal entertainers. Edward McCormick moved in part ol the double house at Cooks Bun Junction this week. M. A. p. STERLING RUN. Elmer Whiting and son Harry, re- j ! turned home from Ligonier, Saturday. i G. 11 Ilowlctt spent Sunday with his ' ; family ! Evangeline Brooks closed a successful : term of school Tuesday. Mabel Mav returned Monday to her ; home in Westport. The boys' Sterling Run base ball team played their ilrst game of the sesson at Hicks Eun Saturday—7 to 10 in favor of Sterling. Bibianna O'Sullivan was a visitor in town Tuesday. J. P, McNarney, wife and children, were guests of Thos. M. Lewisand family on Sunday. Bertha Sterling, who is nursing in llidway Hospital, was the guest of her mother one day last week. Maud Law, of Benovo, was the guest of her uncle, J. A. Dice, several days the past week. Mrs. P. J. Robinson and family have returned home from a visit with friends in Driftwood. They expect to move to ltidgway this week. Mr. Allen, the blacksmith, has moved his family into the house owned by Jonn Anderson, on the Herrick farm. Herbert Robinsofi gave a farewell party to a number of his friends Tues day evening. Esther Stewart, who has becu ill the past week, is able to be out again. Mrs. Robert Warner and son Arthur, of Emporium, were visitors in town the i past week. James Furlong went to Sinnamahon ing Monday were he expects to work for V. A. Brooks, who has all the State lands to survey. Mrs. J. E. Smith was a visitor at Em porium Tuesday. Mrs. Fred N. Shaffer, of Emporium, was visiting relatives in town the past week. BLUE BULL. Pneumonia's Deadly Work. Had so seriously affected my right lung," writes Mrs. Fannie Connor, of Rural Boute I, Georgetown, Tenn., "'that I coughed continuously night and day and the neighbors' prediction—consumption —seemed inevitable, until my husband brought home a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, which in my ease proved to be the only real cough cure and restorer of i weak, sore lungs." When all other rem edies utterly fail, you may still win in the battle against lung and throat troubles New Discovery,the real cure. Guaranteed by all drugirists. 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles free. Too Long Winded. The inhabitants of tlie Canary isles, finding themselves oppressed by fam ine, sent to tln? governor of Gallcia one of their head men as an ambassador. They advised him not to lose himself in lung winded tall;. lie promised and kept his word, lie took with him a larw fiutnlier > 112 sucks, and, arriving at the town where the governor was 011 i In- circuit, he opened one of them before him, raying only these words: •'lt is empty. Kill it." The governor ordered this sack and the rest to he tilled with meal, but he saiil to the speaker: "You had no need to tell lis that the sack was empty nor that it was neeessary to till it. We should have readily guessed that. An other time ho briefer in your talk."— Bon Vivant. LIST OF CAUSES. T IST OF CAUSES SET DOWN FOR TRIAL 1 J al May Term of Court for 1907, com mencing Monday, May G. No. 58, April Term, 1906. Owen Dinintjy vs John Kelly. ]■'. I>. I. iet, Esq., for l'lff. No. fi, December Term, 190ti. A. E. Lord vs 1,. K. Huntington. F. H. Ely for I'Hi'. !•'. D. Leet for Dett. No. 0. January Term, 1901. Eugene Kelley, Executor of the estate of A. G. Kelly deceased vs It. L. Hacket, S. J. Hacket and T.N. llacket, Executors of the last Will and Testament of S. s. Hacket, deceased. P. I). I,eet, Esq., for Plff. No. lli, July Term, 1804. Mary Nolan vs Johu Kelly. F. D. Leet, Esq , for Pin. T. S. liickok, Esq., for Deft. No. 20. April Term, 1905. P. C. Spencer vs Frank Fox. B. W. Green, Esq., for PUT. Cole Kuntz, for Deft. No. 27, July Term, 1905. Mary Grace Kelly vs Frank Sliives, Kate Shives. I. S. liickok. Esq.. for PUT. Green & Felt, 112. r Deft. No. 14, October Term, 1905. Johnothau li. Kephart vs The Pennsylvania ltailroad Company. S. 11, Glassmire, Esq., for Plff. J. C. Johnson, Esq.. for Deft. No. 19, October Term, 1905. Octave Hloch and Paul Hloch, a partnership trading under the tirin name of Coinpagnie Generate des Produits Metallwigiquea lie France, for the use of Hloch Brothers of New- York City, N. Y„ vs the Emporium Iron Com pany, A. Brady manager and proprietor. F. I>. Leet, Esq.. lor Plff. Messrs. Johnson & McNarney, for Deft. No. 16, April Term, 1900. .1. E. Johnson vs Frank E. Willson. Green & Felt, for Deft. No. 41, April Term, 1900. Htilman J. Lewis vs P. S. Culver as Tax Col lector. F. D. Leet, Esq., for Plff. WILLIAM J. LEAVITT, Frothonotary. / lOURT PROCLAMATION.— WHEREAS: —The V J lion. HARUV A. HALL, President Judge and the Hons. JOHN MCDONALD and GEO. J.LARAR, Associate Judges of Courts of Over and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the county of Cameron have issued their precept bearing date the Ist day of April, A. I)., 1907, and to me directed for holding Court of Oyer arid Terminer, (ieneral Jail De livery, Quaitcr Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, und Court of Common Pleas in the Borough of Emporium, Pa., on Monday, the Oth day of May, 1907, at 10 o'clock, a. m. and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, th;;t they be then and therein their proper per sons, at 10 o'clock, a. in., of said day, with their rolls, records. Inquisitions, examinations, and other rememberances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute agaiustthem as will be just. Dated at Emporium, Pa., April 15th, 1907, and in the 131 st year of the Independence of the United States of America. J. D. SWOPE, Sheriff. (iw. J.Laßar Furniture I J Every Wife Her Own Seamstress. If she possesses a Sewing Machine. Without one, sewing is hard labor;with one it becomes it pleasure. How much money a woman can save that would otherwise have to be paid to the dress maker if she did not own a sewing ma chine. If you are still without one, let us supply yon with any of the best I makes for a mere trifle. It will earn its cost in saved dressmakers' bills i within a year. Ijiiilidakiiig lien. .). Liiliiir For Sale. Hide hoard, ten foot extension dining room table and six cane chairs, all oak. Inquire of MRS. D. VV FELT. 4-tf. For Sale. Three residences singly or in double; also all the vacant lota and store build ing on Fourth street. Terms to suit purchaser. 3-tf. R. SEUISB. O. B. Howard & Co., have the only largo stock of shingles in the county at the present timo. RED CEDAR from the Pacific Coast and WHITE CEDAR from Wisconsin. SHORT TAJCKS'BY" L. T. COOPER.f THE STOMACH. My but pcop! ' iomnchs do caust . Jut of trouble* }. ci r"t'. fr, wager some doctorr in St. 1 P*"l, Minn., it&H ! l! ' at one half of •' *»L all sickness is caused by the - V % t'toniacb. After " > * assured them -'j that my medi cine did nothing but put the vS&f & stomach in shape j''#/**:' aiid they had /<? ■ ' &&ml spent a day list t Hb gB ening to what people who call c. it. I'OWEU.. Ed on me had to say, they had lo agree with ir.e. They heuVd people come in and tell ine that for years they had been near the srove with Brigiit's disease, or lung trouble, or kidney complaint and all man ■:r of discuses und '.hat the New Discovery • .i'.i cured them. O! course these people were mistaken, it was nothing but their ■Jomiichs. As a matter of fact when the stoti.ach gives out most everything else is thrown out of order too. W!': i: a person feels tired and dull and .'.e .pouJenr. is loosing flesh and don't "b'cp well, has '» -joor memory, a hud luste ::i fhc mai'th, ■* coated tongue, and j;her troubles he 'r to believe a iot A things are the r -:U with him. Nine ihanets to one it's his stomach. Fve ecu Cooper's Nov Discovery bring back lenlth to too many people ia just this shape to believe anything else. Here's a 'etter about it: "I suffered for a long time without knowing just what was the matter with me. I seldom felt like eating. I lost 4reatly in weight. My digestion was ex :xtremely poor and when I did eat I nvariably suffered afterward. I was con stipated and frequently suffered from nerve •acking, violent headaches. When 1 heard :ti what the Cooper remedies were doing or others I resolved to try them." "Relief came with the first bottle. My ippetite and digestion improved rapidly. ! am no longer constipated nor do I have :hose dreadful headaches. I sleep well wd am gaining flesh." C. H. Powell, 13 Harrison Addition. Duluth, Minn.) We are selling immense quantities of these medicines and our customers express 2reat satisfaction. R. C Dodson, Druggist. I JASPER HARRIS ISpringClothes Sunshine again and the snow ; rapidlv disappearing. Spring is knocking at the door and suggests to you that it is time to buy your Spring suit. Gouple JASPER HARRIS with thought, and come here and get all that's perfect and good in SPRING CLOTHES. The new broken checks are here in brown and greys. | SPRING DERBIES Every man who is particular about his new hat will be interested in a STETSON HAT. We sell high grade hats at popular prices, and we guarantee "every hat we sell. Dressing Your Boy 1 The models of boys clothes this || season surpasses all previous seasons. The Bell suits, the Sailors and the ' Russians, the two piece suits, all are V J as artistic as tailors can make them. v Agents for the Crawford Shoes, 5 112. Monarch and Silver Shirts, Arrow | P Brand Collars and Cuffs. I Jasper Harris, I Opposite Post-Office, Emporium, Pa. Catarrh To proveun<iu< -rtionalily.nn'l beyond anydoulif, that Cntnrrii of tin; no*', tiiul throat can bo cured, ! 1 mil .'inil.-hinpr patieiii- through druggists, small | free Trial iioxes of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cur. : Ido this lioctiusn I nin FOfcrUtiii, that I)r. slump j o.turrh cure will bring actual gubrtantiftl lt>-'i> Nothing eertiiinly. Is »o convincing as a physical te>t.o(aiiy article of real, Keiiuine merit, lint Unit ailiele must - merit, else tie- test will condemn, rather than advance it. Dr. Shoop's ; *i tiirrli Cure is a snow white, healing antiseptic i i aim, put up in beautiful nickel capped glass jars i , .Vu*. Such -nothing agents as Oil Eucalyptus Vhvniol, Menthol, etc., itv<■ incorporated into a v Ivety, cream like Petrolatum, imported by Dr. 1- iioop from Europe. If Catarrh of tho nose and throat has extended to tin- stomach, then by all in .nis ala.irse internally, I'r. Shoop's Restorative. Mc.uineh distress, a lack of general strength, bloi'tirig, lielch'ng, biliousness, had taste, etc. 1 svi ly call lor Dr. Shoop's ICestontive. Vor uncomplh a ted catarrh only oft lie nose and throat nothing else, however, need bo used but Dr. Snoop's Cd.tdri ii Cure "ALL DEALERS" HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specifics cure (liHeases i of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry by noting directly on the SICK PARTS without loss of time. A. A. > FEVERS. Conist'iitlniiH. Intlnninie- CCRES j iluim, Lung I'CIER, Milk (''ever, 51. It. )SPHitl\R, L&meness, Injuries, CURIESS Kbeuiiia t i HIII. C. C.iSOBE THROAT, (luinsy, Epizootic. CURES) Distemper. &R?sS WORMB - » o,b - "«"»•• K. E. M'OlfiHS, 112 'ol«N, Influenza, Inflamed ccni'B J Lung", IMcuro-Piieuifionin. F. F.MOLIC, Rollyndie. Wlnd-HI own, CUREB ) Diarrhea, I>ysentery. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. "•-"a 112 KH>\EV dc 111. A IfliEK DINOItDERS. V.I. )KKl\ niSKANR»<, Mauve, Irruptions, CDRiiy 5 fleer*, Grease, . J. K.'IWU CONDITION, fctnrimr < or.t, CURES ) fiudlKCstlon, Stomach s:nur,.-r.». 60c. each ; Stable Case, Ton Specifics, Book, &c. t $?. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Mtvlfclno Co., Cor. William and John fitreets, New York. BOOK MAILED FREE. j FACE Before Using If you have pimples, blotches, />*. "<-s or other skin imperfections, you > -N. can rcmove them and have a clear anc * beautiful complexion by using WkM BEAUTYSKIN 1 ' •. JT It Makes New jv W Improves the Removes bkin Imperfections. '?>s?# Beneficial results guaranteed or money refunded. j? Send stamp for Free Sample, v®* Particulars and Testimonials. Mention this paper. After Using. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., Aladlfion Place, Philadelphia, Pa. \ yjg t flT^'r^Tl)lTM*jj ? A cure guaranteed if you use H 3PILES R 0 "'" suppositorul j 2 *** D. Matt. Thompson, Sap'tffi jn'raded School*, Stateivlllo, K. C., writes: "I oao sayS j n Rock, \V. Ya., writ' s; "Tlicyglvo un!v« r.talcatL'-1 : M1...:ii0n." Dr. If. D. ilcOlll, Clarksbur?, Toan., writes:■ [ SI 11 hi a practice of *J3 yi-ars, I have found no remedy toH iy equal yours." Paics, 60 CFNTS. Samples Pree. Bold! 1 M by ]>rU * £iSU ' MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA. H aHttgBEB•" Sold in Emporium by L. TaggaitO R. C. Dodson CALL FOX FREE SAMPf g
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers