Panama Canal—Erie Canal. Machinery is digging the Panama (' •nai a thousand times quicker than the -hovel dug the Erie. Machinery produces the L. & M. Paint at ijll times less cost tor labor, than if made by hand. The 1,. tS: M., giv-.-s the best job iu the world, because L. vV; M. Zinc hardens L. & M., White Lead and makes M. Paiut wear like iron for 10 or lf> years. [t only requires 4 gallons of this cele brated point arid gallons of Linseed Oil at (50 cts per gallon, to paint a niodcratl sized house. If any defect exists in L. & M. Painta will repaint house for nothing. Sold by Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium. U.*:e Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. Children like its pleasant taste, and moth ers give it hearty endorsement. Contains no opiates, but drives nut the cold through the bowels. Made in strict conformity to I'uiC Food and Dru<_' Laws. Recom mended and sold by R. ('. 1) dson. What it it that tastes as pleasant as maple sugar aud quickly relieves coughs and colds? Mothers who have used it will quickly auswer: '•Kennedy's Laxa tive Cough Syrup." The pleasant cold remedy that expels the cold through its laxative action on the bowels, ('opforms strickly to the Pure Food and Drugs Law. Contains no opiates. Sold by It. 8. Dodson. Williams' Kidney Pills. Have you neglected your kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your Kidneys aud Bladder? Have you pains in the loins, side, back, groins and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too frequent desire to pass urine? If so William's Kidney Pills will cure you. Sample free. By mail 50 cents. Sold hy R. C. Dod son. Williams M'fg. Co., Prop's, Clevc und, (). D-ly. Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, IHO3. 24-tf. Williams Carbolic Salve with Arnica and Witch Hazel. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, I'lcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and ail skin eruptions. It is guaranteed to give satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25c hy Druggists. Williams M'fg Co., Prop's Cleveland, O. For sale by R. C. Dodson, 9-ly. For Sale. One meat wagon for sale. Call on Wm. Hackenberg, trustee for Geo. H. Gross & Co., bankrupt. NOTICE. N'OTICi; is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Emporium Powder Manufacturing Company, for the election of Directors and Officers, and transact any and nil other business which may come before the meeting, will be held Tuesday, the 9th day of April, 1907, at one o'clock, p. m., at the offices of the Company. 4-3t G.J.SMUTZ, Secretary. Emporium, Pa., March 13,1907. Register's Notice. •STATU OP Pennsylvania. ) County op Cambbox. ( VTOTICEis hereby given that Henrietta Fetter, -i.> Administratrix of the Estate ot Jas. K. Fetter, late of the Borough of Emporium, Pa., deceased, has filed her first and final account, and the same will be presented at next term of court for confirmation ni si. WM. J. LEAVITT, Register. Register's Office, | Emporium, Pa., March lltl), 1907. 112 4-4t. Sale by Order of the Heirs. ESTATE OF JOHN W. KRINER, DECEASED The two-story frame dwelling at the N. E Corner of Fourth and Maple streets, Emporium Pa., will be sold at public sale on SATURDAY, APRIL 6th, 1907, at seven o'clock, p. M., at the City Hotel, Em porium, Pa., being all that certain two-story frame dwelling house and lot of ground situate on the north east corner of Fourth and Maple streets, in the borough of Emporium,county of Cameron and State of.Pennsylvania; containing in front or breadth on said Fourth street fifty leetand extending of that breadth northward in length or depth one hundred and fifty fee 1 , to Greenwood street, being lot No. 523 in Block 41 and being the late residence of John W. Kriuer, deceased. The improvements are a two-story frame dwelling and a two story frame carpenter shop and dwelling. To be sold by order of the heirs of John W. Kriner, deceased. Two hundred dollars to be paid at time of sale. For further particulars apply to HARRY H. NISSLEY, 6-2t Emporium, Pa. Uniform Primary Elections. Uniform Primary Elections will be held in the several election districts of Cameron County on Saturday, June Ist, 1907, from two o'clock, p. m.> to eight o'clock, p. m., at the usual places of holding the general elections, when there shall be elected: DELEGATES TO STATE CONVENTIONS. REPUBLICAN, ONE DELEGATE DEMOCRATIC, ONE DELEGATE PROHIBITION, ONE DELEGATE PARTY OFFICERS. REPUBLICAN, One Chairman County Committee. One Member County Committee from each election district. DEMOCRATIC, One Chairman County Committee. Two members County Committee from each election district and when there shall he nomi nated by each party: CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY OFFICES. One Candidate for County Treasurer. J. W. LEWIS, S. P. KREIDER, O. L. BAILEY, County Commissioners. Attkst: W.L.THOMAS, Clerk. 7-3t. Xatest Count? Correspondence. FROM OUR REPORTERS. SINNAMAHONING. Grgve Supervisors met Monday and transacted the township business. Lottie Brooks attended Master service j at Sterling 15 un Sunday. \ ida I lou.-lei visited her parents at Sterling Sunday. The Independent school closed yester- j day. H. D. Gore is putting in a shingle ' machine this week in the Keystone j factory. G. W. Gore left Monday on a visit to j his sons at Conalsville. N. H. McCloskey left Tuesday on a ; visit to his parents at Lock Haven. A. Loyd McCloskey is handling the! ribbons on the store team. .Mrs. Martha Ueldin visited her sister ' at Beecbwood over Easter. Barclay Bros., hung up their drive on ! the First Fork Monday, owing to the j cold weather. Geo. A. Smith is laid up with aj spained ankle. Mrs. A. J. Barclay and sons Ketinet and Charles are visiting with her sister t Mrs. IJetrick of Connelsville. Xorval Mead ot Austin was shaking hands with his friends here Monday. B. Xefcy put 10,000 trout fry in Cooks Run Saturday. The cold snap was hard on the sucker fishermen. The wood mill is ruuning full time. ( llev. W. F. IX Noble and family left for their new home at Xewberg. The ! Rev. Noble is an eloquent preacher and j leaves many warm friends here. The different schools are making prep- i arations for closing. The new tish law is hard on the sucker! fishers for they used to set their pole on \ the bank and wait till the fishjeame along J and took the bait, but now they have to j angle for them or hold the pole in their j hands. It is right to protect such gamy fish as the noble sucker. Pap Berfield tells of seeing a sucker fisher fall asleep while waiting for a bite ! and when lie woke up he had a white chub, a sucker and two eels on his line. Geo. P. Shafcr, proprietor of the Sin namahoning house, is talking of sending off some of the water out of the First Fork and have it anali/.ed and see if there can't be something found in it of a healing quality, and he will then adver tise a water cure, llis custom of fishing parties is ruined. DEBSE. CAMERON. Mrs. •). M. Olsen and daughter Hulda | started for Burn side, Pa., Saturday morn- I iug. at which place Mr. Olsen has rented j a restaurant. Her daughter accompanied j her as far as Driftwood. Mrs. Mary Lord loaded her household ! goods Friday and intends moving to l Dents Run, where her brother is em- j ployed iu lumbering. A special traiu with the officials of the j C. V. R. 11., passed through this place Friday. They stepped tor a half hour ot the tower to examine the workings of the new electric block system. Operator Krape has rented the house vacated hy Mrs. Lord and will move in a tew days, after giving it the necessary re pairs. The road supervisors have commenced their spring repair work on the public road. It was very badly needed. Agent J. M. Snyder has his home i nearly repaired and remodeled and will take possession in a tew days. J. McDonald of Driftwood, spent a | few hours in town Wednesday. B. Germayne, a photographer from New York has been in town the past week. His work is proving very satis factory. He will be located here for some time. J. F S. STATE OF OHIO,CITY OF TOLEDO, T LUCAS COUNTY. / Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed ill my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D., 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (SEAL.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mjicuous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano I forte has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All \ the popular airs. Popular and class- j ical music. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. C. B. Howard & Co., have the only large stock of shingles in the county at i the present time. RED CEDAR from I the Pacific Coast and WHITE CEDAR I from Wisconsin. C. B. Howard & Co., have received from the Pacific Coast what is perhaps the finest lot of RED CEDAR shingles > that! ever came to Cameron county. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1907. HUNTLEY. Mrs. W. \V. Johnson is somewhat bet' ; ter at this writing. j Mrs. B. .1. Collins is in Emporium with her sister, Mrs. J. K. Jordan,where she is being treated by Dr. Heilman. Latest reports say she is improving slight ly. Her many friends hope for her re j covery. < 1 rant Johnson of Sinuamahoning aud | ! his brother Andy, were in town Saturday ! purchasing a team from Mrs. Frances I Logtio. J. E. Johnson was a business caller at | j Emporium Saturday, j J. F. Sullivan, the popular poultry i man, is putting up his poultry yards prcp i aratory to doing a big business this season. I His many friends (?)wish him every suc i cess. Nellie Marsh of Mason 11 ill, visited friends in town Sunday. Thema, the daughter of W. R. Smith i is ill with croup. B. J.Collins is the busiest man in town this spring. He expects to have about lU,OOO ties ready for delivery within a ; short time. I <•. W. Starr was a business caller in Emporium Monday. W. R. Smith attended a musical enter tainment at Sterling Run, Saturday even ing. Pennsy engineer A. Johnson of Reno vo, spent Sunday with his parents, Henry Laytou aud wife spent Sunday i with Chas. Taylor and wife. Mrs. J. B. Kepler of Shintown, visited i j fiiends in town Monday. Chas. Bower and wife of Driftwood, j spent Easter with John Jordan aud wife, j j The recent fall in the temperature has ' | caused the peep frogs togo back into ; their winter homes for the present, but | W. R. Smith our popular trained nurse ! says "its a bad wind that does not blow ! some one some good '. He has sold three i dozen bottles of cough syrup and four j teen bottles of spring tonics this week and says let her snow." I Ray says: Spring weather brings it's pains and chills, j ; But I can cure all human ill; I treat your colds with sage and squills, And brace you up with liver pills. So then do not despond or weep, I'll fix you up and do it cheap; For if you feel downcast and glum, You'll find my office near Big Run. "More power to him." 1 J. F. S. I I STERLING RUN. The Easter services in the M. E. | j church, Sunday was well attended. A j j very interesting program was prepared lor j ; the day. Charlotte Brooks visited her sister! ; Evangeline over Sunday. B. E. Smith and family of St. Marys, 1 j spent Sunday with Mrs. Samuel Smith, 1 Frank Iloag and family of ! spent Sunday with Mr. Wade and family. P. J. Robinson has gone to llidgway to work. He expects to move his family i in the future. Sam'l Ebersole lost a valuable cow last week. Harry Zell and wife of Brockwayville, were called here by the sickness of Mrs /ell's father, Mr. Fred Shaffer, who is no better at present. Dave Whiting is visiting relatives in J town. I Mrs. llerrick spent some days at St. I Marys last week, visiting her son. Kathrvn May visited in Driftwood one j | day last week. Mabel Wylie, who was visiting her < parents returned to her school at Altoona. | 'Sunday. Mrs. J. R. Strawbridge entertained u j few ladies at supper Tuesday evening. I John and Minnie Furlong, of Pitts- i burg, spent Easter with their mother. E. P. Brooks and wife ofMedix Run, j came to Sterling Monday night. Ed is j on his way to Williamsport hospital, to I be treated for appendicitis. Mrs. H. F. Foster ofllenovowasa visitor in town Saturday. John Berry and Geo. O'Keefe took in j the sights at Driftwood one day last week. I Mrs. Ogden ot Marathon, N. Y., is j visiting her mother. Mrs. Sam'l Smith. i D. W. Eastman will soon have his I mill in operation. BLUE BELL. EAGLE ROCK. Mrs. Knight and daughter Mrs. II.H. I Lipton and Mrs. E. A. Freeman, gave a j very enjoyable surpiise pa/rty in honor of I jA. A. Doutt, at the Club House, • Wednesday evening, March 20th, 1907, I jit being his 44th birthday. The even- 1 | ing was passed in playing games and ( I dancing, which was enjoyed by both old ' j and young, until 12 Then all 1 | were seated to it very nice supper. While thus seated Mr. Doutt was presented with a very nice gold watch chain by his employees, and he responded with a very < | nice speech. The out of town people were I Mr. and Mrs. Bryant, of Pleasantville, Pa.; Mr. Blanchard and family, James, 112 town, X. V. About (JO were present. 1 Music was furnished by the Coats Orcli- < estra of Endeavor, Pa. i if. < Council Proceedings. Regular meeting Borough Council, Emporium, April 1, 1907. Present: Messrs. Fisher, Good nough, Green, Gregory, White, Marshall, Cramer and Norris. Absent: Mr. Hamilton. Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved. The bills were read and no motion by Mr. Cramer seconded by Mr. White the following bills were ordered paid: ' Robertson Electric Co., Invoice ('2) #9O r ,o ; Cataract Electric Supply Co.: Invoice (2). 4 85 | Struthers Wells Co., Invoice 8 75 , Union Petroleum Co., Invoice 10 00 St. Marys Gas Co., Gas for February 28 50 W. W. Knickerbocker, Installing Light.. 3 0J i A. F. Vogt, Invoice 5 00 : Lect &Co., Invoice 2 09 W. F. Lloyd, Paid freight bills 4 00 John Welch, Work on streets 7 00 James Murray, " 3 50 Mark Ellis, " 4 35 James Davin, '• 1 75 Larry Smith, " 2 DickMurry, " 87 Moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Green, that bill from D. C. Hayes for sprinkling streets be paid;bill §30.00, Carried. Treasurer's and Police reports read and ordered filed. Received from Penna 11. R. Co., $12Q.00 Electric Light; from T. Gallagher $7.96 for digging sewer; for lines §8 50; for license §IB.OO. Moved bv Mr. Norria seconded by Mr. Green that an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance establishing police supervision over the maintenance and erection of telegraph, telephone and electric light poles and the wires there on in the Borough of Emporium; pro viding for the inspection and other supervision thereof; for the expense of such supervision; the granting of an nual licence to all persons, companies and incorporations maintaining tele graph, telephone and electric light poles and wires thereon within the limits of the Borough of Emporium, and providing for an annual license fee to be collected from all persons, companies and corporations maintain ing such poles and wires within said Borough and providing penalties for the violation thereof," be enacted and ordained by the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Emporium. Unanimously Carried. The President appointed the follow ing standing committees for year: Streets, Messrs. Marshall, Cramer and Fisher; Sewers, Messrs. White, Hamil ton and Cramer; Electric Light, Messrs. Green, Norris and Gregory; Purchas ing and Auditing Bills, Messrs. White, Green and Marshall. Moved by Mr. Green seconded by Mr. Norris that supplies asked for by Chief of Fire Department Mr. Marshall be ordered. Carried. Moved by Mr. Marshall seconded by Mr. Norris that Electric Light bonds No's 16 to 25 inclusive and 26 to 35 in clusive be paid, and that holders of above bonds be notifled*that they pre sent same for payment. Carried. Moved by Mr. White seconded by Mr. Norris that the following taxes be levied for the year 1907, viz: Borough tax of 10 mills, Special Electric Light tax of 3 mills; and Sewer Extension Bond tax of 3 mills. Unanmiously Car ried. Moved by Mr. Cramer seconded by Mr. Gregory that a tax of SI.OO on male I and §2 00 on female dogs be levied for ■ the year 1907. A vote was taken and the Councilman voted as follows: Ayes: Messrs. Goodnough, Gregory, Fisher, Cramer, Norris, Green and Marshall. 7. Nays: Mr. White. 1. The motion was declared carried. Moved by Mr. Green seconded by | Mr. Norris that Moving Picture Show j pay license of 50 cents per day to ap- I ply from March 21st. On motion Council then adjourned, j R. C. MOORE,' Sec'y. j Farm for Sale. A good farm for rent at Beechwood. Call or apply to Mrs. Geo. Kautz. at foot of Pine street, near Emporium grist mill. 6-2t. For Sale. Side board, ten foot extension dining room table and six cane chairs, all oak. i Inquire of MRS. D. W. FELT. 4-tf. You can get all kinds of good cedar shingles at C. B. Howard & Co.. For Sale. Three residences singly or in double; [ also all the vacant lots and store build- i ing on Fourth street. Terms to suit ! purchaser. 3-tf. R. SEGBR. Wanted. Good live agents, to solicit members for KEYSTONE GUARD; five year divi- J dend, special features, first seller; j liberal commission to good solicitors none other need apply. Address, F. C. MOWREY, 408 Home street, Elmira, N. Y. Dist Manager Clinton, Potter and Cameron counties, Pa. 7-6t. j •'Good for everything a salve is used for and especially recommended for Piles." | That is what we say about DeWitt's I Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. That is what twenty years' of usage has proven. Get the original. Sold by R. Hudson, j Started Early Enough. "I want to talk to you, Mary, about Miat young man of yours," said her father. "When did he say good night to you last evening?" "At 10 o'clock," replied the fair girl. "What? Why, it was 1 o'clock at least!" "Oh, that was when he finished say ing It!" Philadelphia Ledger. His Second Book. "Your first book, if it is a success, generally leads to the success of the second," remarked a rising author. "Yes, Indeed." said another. "It was the success of my fir.--! book that made iny second. M.i ;>cond book," he add ed, "was a!, i:!: book." Old A3: and Rushing. You may j iln the mile a minute class, but 1." oil hi'.:; been discovered yet that will keep all the co:;s in con dition. Good old age was never a se quel to it rti-b.—Manchester Union. MoJcrn Irish. As a pi",!Vs-ioiid studeul of lan guages I have 110 hesitation In saying that modern Irish is more difficult than ancient Greek.—Manchester Guardian. SHORT TALKS BY L. T. COOPER. NERVOUSNESS. Nervousness tnakes people miserable, blue, and unhappy. They think something k 1 ' ai, d are not rested. They tire easily and erf>y> er f>y> They think !j|| many things the —— stomach trouble, „ „ . nothing else in the W. J. SCHAUKKR. WOR , D . B TWO 9f Cooper's New Discovery will put the stomach in shape in three weeks. I know this because I've seen it tried a thousand :imes. Then ?.!" nervousness will disap pear. I know tiijj to«, because I've seen ;t happen ati c iund times. Here's a let ter I got tiie other day: "My system \va., badly run down and My stomach and nerves in an awful shape. I could not digest my food, was always ired and would often feel faint and dizzy." "I had heard so much of your New Discovery medicine that I began taking it. belief and strength and happiness were ound in the very first bottle and the bene it I have received from it has been truly, wonderful. lam no longer nervous, my ippetite and digestion are good and I eat sverything and sleep well." Mrs. W. J. Schaurcr, 220 Guthrie St., Louisville, Ky. We sell Cooper's New Discovery. It Bakes tired, worn out, nervous people ♦appy. R. C Dodson, Druggist. fSBRASASMAIBMBH«B2R? IMBII% JASPER HARRIS | ! Spring Clothes 1 Sunshine again and.the snow rapidly disappearing. Spring is knocking at the door and suggests to L you that it is time to buy your Spring I suit. Couple JASPER HARRIS j with thought, and come here and get || all that's perfect and good in llf SPRING- CLOTHES. The new | broken checks are here in brown and B SPRING DERBIES I Every man who is particular H about his new hat will be interested 2 in a STETSON HAT. We sell high i grade hats at popular prices, and we m guarantee every hat we sell. Dressing Your Boy The models of boys clothes this p season surpasses all previous seasons. The Bell suits, the Sailors and the v Russians, the two piece suits, all are Iv as artistic as tailors can make them. Agents for the Crawford Shoes, k Monarch and Silver Shirts, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs. Jasper Harris, J Opposite Post-Office, Emporium, Pa. Heart Strength neairt Strength, or Heart Weakness, moans Nerve if 112! ? r Nerve Weakness—nothing more. Pos itively. not one' weak heart In a hundred is, in it self. aetuuUj' diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny littlo norvo that really is all ;it fiui!t This obscure nerve—the Cardiac, or Heart Nerva . sl ™V. ly ne< ' ( ls. and must have, more power, more vrPu e controllinjr, morn HOV*. ruing strength. \\Hi,out that tin-1 leart must < ontimie to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr Mioop s Restorative has in the past don., so much for weak and ailintr H-nrts. Dr. Shoop firstsought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat ing heart distress. Dr. Slump's Restorative—this popular prescription—is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; it strength us; it oilers real, genuine heart help. it you would have strong Hearts, strong di »■ -tion, str.-nrrtlieii .nerves— re-establish them as needed, with Dr. Sl'ioop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS" HUMPHREYS' Specifics cure by acting directly on the sick parts without disturbing tho rest of the system. No. 1 for Fevers. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Teething. No. -1 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headaches. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Suppressed Periods. No. 12 " Whites. No. 13 " Croup. No. I t " The Skin. No. 15 " Rheumatism. No. 1G " Malaria. No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 " Whooping Cough. No. 27 " The Ki.lnevs. No. 30 «« Tho Bladder. No. 77 " Li Gr';i:io. In smallboitloaof i- !!«•:« tl: i littlie vest pocket. At ]>ni. ". d. 25c. each. JHS-M.Mlii.Hl Oiii-i • i ... ■ free. Humphry X • .> t John Streets. ■.V Yorlr. A BEAUTIFUL FACE fll you hive pimples, blotches, or other (kin imperfections, you can remove them and hare a clear and beautiful complexion by using BEAUTYSKIN Removes Skin Imperfections. Beneficial results guaranteed or money refunded. Send st amp for Free Sam pie, At Particulars and Testimonials. Mention this paper. After Using. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. STIT¥ Tin A cure guaranteed If you use H 1 PILES Suppository! {B D. Matt. Thompson, Sup'tH JHrTaded Schools, Statesrille, N. C., writes: 4, 1 can sat-H H they do ail y.>u claim for thirn." Dr. S. M. beroro.B 79 Kavr-n Rook, w. Va., writes; "They giro universal satis-1 Mfaction." l)r. H. D. McGUI, Clarksburg, Tenn., writes:! M " 1,1 a practice of 23 years, I have found no remedy tofl M equal your*." I'BICB, 60 CBKTS. Samples Free. Soldi gby Druggl ts. MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA. M Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart& R. C. Dodsor, CALL FOR FREE Sfl/WPf £
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers