UMPOKIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, F'a., March 11, 1907. NEMOPHILA, per Rack $ l 15 Felt's Fancy, " 1 35 Pet Grove, " 1 35 Graham, " Ho Rye " t;o Buckwheat, " 75 Patent Meal., " 50 Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 20 Chop Feed, " 1 20 Middlings, 1 35 Middlings, Fancy " 1 4% Bran 1 30 Chicken Wheat 1 55 Corn per bushel, 67 Whit e Oa s. |i t bushel 55 Extra Fancy White Seed Oats, bushel 60 Oysl r Shells, per 100 Choke Clover Meed, 1 Choice Timothy becd, S At Markest Price Choice Millet Seed, > R.C. DODSON, THE fifdejejist, EMPORICU, l"A. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. r % /fIP I 'V J, jmnm. %>'¥ M ; k—/ 1/ / \Y' y / K.C. »OOHOK, Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you would 'ke to see in thin department Jet un know by pot al card or letter, personally. John Gleason, of Driftwood was in town on Saturday. Jas. Farrell, of Kane, visited his par ents in town on Sunday. Frank B. Hoag, of Ridgway was shaking hands in town Saturday. Don M. Larrabee, of Williamsport, spent a few days in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dougherty visit ed relatives at Bradford Sunday and Monday. Thos Gallagher, Pennsy Agent at this place, is attending court at Phila delphia this week. John Kackenmeister is nursing a sore toe, the result of an ice cream freezer falling on it. C. J. Miller of Gibson, was in at tendance at the school directors' con vention last Saturday. F. L. Miller, of Grove, was in town on Saturday and made the PRESS a social and business call. Miss Alicia Swain formerly of this place, graduates from the Olean high school with second honors. John Haley, who has been in the west for a long time, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Patrick Haley at this place. John Farrell and wife of Kane, spent several days last week in town guests of Mr. Farrell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Farrell. Floyd Van Wert returned on Sunday evening to Philadelphia, after spend ing his Easter vacation with his parents and friends. Martin Cummings was severely burned about the neck, face and arms by an explosion of gas in the oven at his bakery last Thursday evening. V. A. Brooks, accompanied by J. L. Logue, of Sinnamahoning, made our sanctum a business call on Saturday. Mr. Logue has purchased the Brooks hall at that place. Addison E. Gross, one of the best meat carvers in the country has taken charge of the Furnace Supply Com pany's meat department. "Ad" is right at home when behind the meat block. John McDonald of Driftwood, was a business visitor in this city S. S. Miller, of Driftwood, who recently purchased the Judge Mayer farm east, of this city, was a visitor in Lock Haven to-day.—Express, March 28. Mrs. F. L. Webster, of Canoe Run, accompanied by Miss Imogene Agin, of Cincinnati, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Kruger. at Canoe Run for some time, were pleasant PRESS callers last Saturday. Miss Blanch Ludlum, a popular teacher in the Emporium High School, accompanied by Miss Corrine Cum mings, a pupil of her's, was in the city Tuesday, calling on friends and ac quaintances Messrs. Martin and Thomas Cummings, of Emporium, were in the city Tuesday, guest of their sister, Miss Mayme Cummings. Tliey came over to attend the millinery opening of the Eddy & Cummings par p lors on Main street—Port Allegany Reporter. Business Men's Association meets | this evening. W. L. Sykea of Buffalo, attended batik meeting here yesterday. Geo. Guinn of Westboro, Wis., is vis iting with his many Emporium friends. liev. J. M. Robertson is attending a church convention at Titusville today. Hon Geo. 11. Dixon, of Ridgway, has been transacting legal business in town this week. Geo. A. Walker, Jr , visited at Ridg way on Tuesday and Wednesday, at tending a private social. Mrs. Jay P. Felt left on Tuesday fcr Piano, 111., to attend the funeral of her father, John Earl, aged 86. Both Geo. Metzger, Sr., and W. P. Lloyd are around as spry as any of the boys Good news. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Allen pleasantly entertained a few friends at their West Fourth street residence last evening. W, S. Walker, of Austin, visited rela ( tives in town yesterday and attended a meeting of First National Bank direc tors. Emporium has [several scoundrels within her borders, but one man in par ticular, deserves to be hit in the head with an axe. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cobb, who have resided at Columbus, ()., for some time return this month to their old home at Sherman. Mrs. E. D. Krape and infant son, of Cameron, and Mrs J. P. Sullivan, of Huntley, were PRESS callers on Wednesday. Jos. J. Lingle, of Westboro, Wis., ar rived in Emporium last evening, ac companied by Miss Maud Steck, who has been visiting his family since last November. Messrs. 11. A. Cox and Guy I). Felt visited Philadelphia last week. The The former gentleman was registered at the New Windsor, while Guy visited Dr. Felt and family. Mrs. Mary Mayze and daughters, Misses Sylvia and Ella, left on Monday for Jersey Shore, where they will re side. They were among our oldest and most respected families. Mr. A. D. Ericsson came home last Friday, sick with typhoid fever, ac companied by Mr. A. C. Blum. Prof. Ericsson has been stopping at Keokuk, lowa, for some weeks. When Pride Comes Between. So many of the little chafing prob lems of married life could be mastered, so many of the mists of misunorstand ing could be dissipated by the sunshine of love, so many of the discords in the music of home could be translated into harmonies if false pride did not so often come between, writes Willilm George Jordan in the April Delineator. True pride is the guardian and pro tector of what is best in us; false pride is the sullen defender and apologist of our weakness. Life has so much real pain and sor row, so many dark cloudslfioating over the sky of home, care and trouble that seemingly no human foresight can pre vent, that it seems almost extravagance to manufacture troubles merely to offer them as sacrifices on the altar of vanity, this false pride. Correction. Mr. E. L. Klock informs the PRESS that our item in last week's issue stat ing that he had accepted a position at Olean is not correct. Our informant was incorrect and we hasten to enter apology. We are informed that the High School annual will be issued about the 20th of April. "Preventics" will promptly check a cold or the grippe when taken early or at the "sneeze stage." Preventics cure seated colds as well. Preventics are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., will gladly mail you;samples and a book on colds free, if vou will write him. The samples prove their merit. Check early colds with Preventics and stop pneumonia. Sold in -3c and 25c boxes. All dealers Seven room house with all modern improvements for rent after May Ist Apply at PRESS office. The Emporium Milling Company has just received a car load of Extra Fancy White Seed Oats. They are thoroughly recleansed and free from foreign seeds; and are the best Seed Oats we have been able to secure for several years. Price 60c per bushel. Eggs for Hatching. S. C. Brown Leghorn eggs for hatch ing, 75c per setting. D. B PETERSON, 6-4t. Cameron, Pa. Girls Wanted. Apply at Novelty Incandescent Lamp Company. For Catarrh, let mo send you free, just to prove merit, a trial size box of Dr. Sli oop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a snow white creamy, healing antiseptic balm and gives instant relief to catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop, Ra cine, Wis. Large jars 50c. Sold by all dealers. Local news on every page. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1907 Stock Food, Etc Ashland Stock Food for horses, cat tle, hogs and sheep, 3 lbs 25c, 7 lbs 50c 25 lb pail $1.60. Healing Powder for horses and cattle. Worm Powder and Lice Killer for cattle and poultry. For sale at HKNRY JAEGER'S Harness Shop, 5-4t. Emporium, Pa. Board and room with use of bath for two young men. Inquire; J. Newton. For Catarrh, let mo send you free, 1 just to prove merit, a Trial size Box of ' Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a | snow white, creamy, healing antiseptic j balm that gives instant relief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free : test and see. Address I)r. Shoop, | Ilacine, Wis. Larjje jars 50 cents. | Sold by all dealers. 'RUGS, RUGS,' RUGS. Our Rug department under fthe I supervision of Mrs. B. Egan. Every Rug I was selected by her with special care I and carefully! inspected. They are new I and strictly up to date. No close outs or I I or last year stock.! JMany of youTbought i rugs'eere last year and can attest tolthe I fine rugs we carry. This year we show a still larger and better stock. Neve be~- fore has such rugs been placed'[on sale in this part of the state. As irreputable proof that the'„' adver tisements of this store is believed and lived up to, we point with pride to our phenomenal increase in business. We try to merit your patronage by dealing with you just as we would like to be dealt with. EMBALMING AND FUNERAL DIRECTING Emporium FurnitureCo, BERNARD EGAN, Manager. I the . J 112 Sorcross j| I Cultivator rS- I 1 ! Something new in the weeder line. [' J Any tooth can be removed for weeding [ j|i in rows and there is nothing better to [, j-ji make the ground nice and mellow for ri il the seed. ' ' |y We have a full line of G-arden tools. l'i|| |l [ Gall and see them. j J I ill! For Sale by jU | STEPHENS & SAUNDERS, | p Leading Hardware Dealers. (jjuj ji OUR NEW LINE OF New Spring Line of Window Shades Jg ® from IOC to 75c per Shade. RAJ! I Wall Paper for 1907. —= i rtj The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. jl m , All Colors. < 1 iij Consists of the best things from three factories. Also , ■= - _ ■ _ j=i the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all Stainfloor, the best made 112 ki,lds - - for Floors. I The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. H A DDV C 112 I f\\/T\ 'I Louis against thej world. fIAKKI £>• LrLUYD. The Portage Store. W. L. Dixon, proprietor of the Portage store, desires to inform his patTous and the general public that he is offering special inducement in canned goods for the next thirty days. Read this: Tomatoes, 10c; Good California Peaches, 16c; Mince Meat, Bc, Corn 8c: Finest String Beans. 10c; Bebt Seeded Raisens, 11c; Seven bars Oak Leaf Soap, '2sc. Other goods in proportion. Call mo on 'phone. W. L. DIXON, 7-tf. Near Portage Bridge. Notice. After April 15th I will call on the people of Emporium to solicit home cooking. 6-2t. GEORGE L. DAY. For Sale. Buff Wyandotte Eggs for hatching. Satisfaction, guaranteed. 5-tf. CUAS. A. NEWTON. II you Have Something lo tie Printed I Bring it lethe PRESS. Pennsylvania Railroad SPECIAL EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON, D. C. TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1907 H Roun<l-Trlp $9.50 from Emporium. PROPORTIONATE RATES FROM OTHER POINTS, " Tickets will be good going 011 regular trains on dates named and to return within ten days, RETURNING, tickets will be good to stop off to BALTIMORE or PHILADELPHIA, affording an opportunity ( 0 visit ATLANTIC r CITY. SEE THE CAPITAL OF THE NATION. | *or tickets and additional information apply to Ticket Agents. || J. R. WOOD, GEO. W.BOYD, Passenger Traffic Manager. Genera! Passenger Agent, Philadelphia, Pa | - 112 MM l r fMMM m Mil 0^ I! Special Prices for Friday! and Saturday | |§| Delicatessen \ CHOICE I FOOD /J/\ J & FRUITS | I r T ° The Satisfactory Store AN ° I S SERVE Vegetables ft 11-8 Bbl. sack White Lilly Flour 65c. I Every sack guaranteed to please in every particular. 'fj£ 25 lbs G-ranulated Sugar $1.40, j Chipped Dried Beef, a lb. 25c. jf N. Y. State hand picked Pea Beans 4c lb. W H 12c Corn, Maine packed, can 10c. ■ # s oc package Taper Matches 40. j| M Van Camps Soups, assorted, 3 cans 25c 5 I ioc Stove Polish, boxßc. * M Dunhams Shredded Cocoanut, 35c lb. l| 5 Arm and Hammer baking soda ioc pkge Bc. I! 9 Santa Clara Valley prunes, small size, meaty and ™ tender, 4lbs for 25c. A 25c Apricots a can 20c. I 3lbs Washing Soda sc. ■ 2lbs. Heinz 15c Mince Meat 25c. — I I New Crop Flower and Garden Seed Z Now ready. Large assortment from reliable seed I • men, to select from. p I House Furnishing Hardware, I China, Crockery, Glassware. I I PRATT'S FOOD for horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, if and Poultry. The original and best. Get it here. ' I I You G-et Better Values Here. I Free prompt delivery to all parts of the borough. J, H. DAY, I • « j Phone 6. Kinpori 11111, Pa. ' ©QHHBDBflMttßK&fifi)<Bl^ - - If you have any thing to be printed bring it to the PRESS office where it will be done in first class shape.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers