I PL-—JE- im'wtry DIS' 112 " J> -" „ DO YOU BLAME HIM 112 r ~ 1 i v "' " 1 IF YOU MET A, COUPLE OF YOUNG STERS TRY IM G TO MAKE SNOW BALLS AMD THEM - nllf | -■ " 4pb*«^^ WHICH WOULD THROW NICELY "HD THEN BECAME A TARGET 'QURSELF I Little Jibe Corncob Gets Up a Tree wlim * '< n-= 1 %F*V« • * ID INTO V ATLViNG • .W 112 loachwe.' J ; h ""Kj>k i! ; | '|/ ' 112 >' • remembering your owrs boy HOOD DAYS, HAD SHOWM THEM HOW TO MAKE REAL HARD ONES | | 112 1 " ' / N I WOULDMT YOU BEAT IT? FREE 815 BEAUTY nrii 3 AND RINO & *"* \l FFPII6 AD American Movement Watch with 80IM OoM O L l« l» • VII V "J ffcs)) Plated case, steai wind rind stein act, warranted to . Ufiio , n „.« f \ -Pfc. CC VJMfcy keep correct time, aluullttr Id appearance to a Bolld And Mowing Uui ut ir/'Tk U. Gold Wiocfi warranted for » yean; alao a Gold a \i;? \v • w \v\ Killed King set with a BparkMug jrnfxjmßOix V I R jf T 2»J Gem, are flreo free for eeiltns SWg &*Jr Whi BW fl(w)A&?is&s. only 34 Jewelry Novelties at 10c. |\ B M / vSs At&Wtl e * c " Send your name and sd- ■ ™ m kn VMM | J6- »wL^«SvJp M < * re *j ß ' or Jewell V\henji»oM THIS DOIX IS NKAELY X*fi' , H frTeno supply co., E'!:vFE.r:VTr!l Solo Accordion Free 11, PV A full-voiced musical In- picture hat, trimmed wttli IJ/*i\^r.'-»,~li tr\ rri *n™apill >a ran c "and • Slt ab!J Pretty ribbon*. The dainty |\ ~b<.,[fljfr "" tcrtMon !e i] tb K d anco v '"' "it »ome Eton Jacket, c»y with %a jV« TiW t la • »ery popular Inatrument ribbon and White embrold- aP b «^V"J E , h ,v P r.?J°wlV ®ry, the beautifully Bower- VltiWm%L Ijiiina "all 'l' afa*aJJ>BEl>]a*r abaaluulT frf« for arlllDß ed, boli-ahaped aklrt, delicate ['^ijTfi 1 . . '" Tf \Tl'' XTl'l'^llMl only two aozfii plecea of our | K ce trimmed underwear, white L^LHPCr'ii P".- nil Jewel'rr* Vobody w7ll »t«cklng» and white kid ehoeii. Iy.-l to buy of tou. ta our Jewelrr all In the latect »tyle, make the BSjgjfoyftf//'A ■'%'»/ KJ_g t ?^ P J««l% o llt rg .Se o<l '. THIS 18 AN ACTUAL FUOTO- MM 7 / \ WWLJ jj> !■■ M[J| P ,ece our GRAPH OF THE DOLL- \y 'Ja'i r « aVUY\ fi K *° d we w<ll ,fDd the Accor- H«nd at yoor oaiue and i*d- jf- r|. MO 112 I tt\2j\\ w yW^vC ?i?. D . f :itfor ¥■•?..«•: ar. M for.m, a« P i.c.. of our p J | \M\ U—gf— cheap toy. It It a perfect In- New Art Jewelry Noveltlea to aell ff SI y/i jjp j |Cli\ \V 112 •trument. with tea key*, two .» • n c «nt« m. nt«e* Th«i« »r« m ISi 1V fflJ J Clf i W tCIMgiSSVttmP •top*, double bellowa. abonlced eaae awd nlekel*plate4 »•!»«» * w j*Jl\ | pfi- 1 t rimming*. You willbe delighted with It and with our gooda. Write g«avlna fold plate. Our yooda fJ If 1 V/wf IT to-day. Address «r« worn by the beat p«opl«. k / I Sim I mL FRIEND BUPPUT CO., Sell theae and return nor $2.40 It j 1 Dept. 400. Boston. Mam. r *'? lT " ,d . froul . th# ••>••»«« w ® ( Uif 1 VV will send you at once this great. BU i M$ « Si ~ ~ big, beautiful, dreued. Jointed 3 / TOE 1) Fitted with| Bis Magic and .leeplng Doll. || VI Te learop? 3 « l£ M 3 Vfc M Cryata I COIORID 112 OIVE ITOU THE COMPLETE f°, Jfe' zJffWV feantVu*U "SiwrV V. LANTERN COMBINATION HEWING OUT ■ all/ Lac. °'yj„ H H UH " ' tn KIT. JUST AS SHOWN IN THK PJ^W^W^^kWC^ !iTd d i«h I 1| irfinr PICTURE, BUT MANY times /^/f f 0 J-it Ww vrVrVk fT" UWT " M A»—iL * JK-jlLrll/ THIS HANDBOME SEWING °f/ 112 ft ■ u'iu"- tV'dt" (IST «)«•, embroidery allk and eight n° i taKwoa\ 1 alcncdi baa epooU of tewing allk. Including ai (. I J} iA. *1 ".""iIIV.T gj i TH,MO white, black, pink, red, green and B O > >X° fl M,<Wk Complete with [ | KNOWN blue. Thlt I* nomethlng which If G?fr > (tM I h!r«e I MBWBHB ... every little girl long, to own. Re- W Q iiVT Iff 4fclfei 1 meat of member wo give thle with the doll a 0 O \\J(O I * colored elldea y° u 6®* both premiums to- I (\uNfifftfTl / ilk\M f eth " wU, "> ut "«W. Write today Oullt et'oncr. We alao glre yoo r Urre ■Mortment of two-colored lL « !§ •dmfa7loo Dd w'rlte'told* 1 Add *° ' ou CM * lve ~l<,w, •° <l cl>«rg« y This Is an old Printing Pros 3 and Outfit «<.»■«-1«„. I H IhliliannMgk m q Addreaa 1 ISE FRIEND SUPPLY CO., Dept. 609, Boston, Mass. | I fmTN Jr^i"." t B. t 2:«Js 1 i l v. a .u RrV ni raw. j I tjp«, auppfy of Ink, paekair* e»rd.. I«ir*e rell ofp.per, twee Mi*. S'eweirT I 'KoVcltleai to*'«ln A iit B n 10-on.lrif cotion »od bo. .rn»l.l b-«i.-t- We glre you thla roUry t.n cenU oach TheUT a™ B |« (irpaa *ud complele outfit for a<?lllnic only K doapu plecna of our awell n rnu |ar <iold.Pl*ird \r tfgf iy H IB Art Jewelrr at 10 cnnU pftcli. Bend re rour name and addiraa. We ,|,i., Keturn our *5 in .nrl ' iCm. jgTJf. B 1 tr "f* you with I lie lew.-lrv !cn aolfl a-r.d ua the niuney and we wr wtl | immediately ariid you fc |j will m.-ni» the preoa and outfit at once. Atldrtaa the violin and complete o.itflt -** «. "■! m^m n pp|£ND SUPPLY CO Juat as described, write todsy. Add reft 1 Dept. 800, Boston, M osh- IFRBEND SUPPLY CO"., DEPT. 909, Mass. 1 \mmmmmmmmmmmuammaamma i iiini n i*■ "ii mmKtnmmmmmmmnmmm w )L OET.: DERE.SDE. \ , M / \ OLD F>AN T* / « \ RIGHT IS/ OE I DE. J 1 R • P I ( y > y v y 1 IHE.Y POP STOP.' \ V /jy , . STOP: I M MT \ , , ,0- l /> ,/' TEUUIWG vSpiL | {> '*•, / / fi'Cl ''• / / _ '• .* u -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers