EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., February 7, 1907. JfBMOPHILA, per sack $1 In Felt's Fancy, " 135 Pat Grove, " 1 35 Orabam, " 60 Rye " : 60 Buckwheat, " 75 Patent Meal " 50 Coarse Meal, per 100 1 20 Chop Feed, " 1 20 Middlings 1 35 M'ddlings. Fancy '• 11 > Bran... 1 30 Chicken Wheat 1 55 Corn per bushel, 67 WhiteOais. p -r bushel 63 Oyal r Shells, per 100 Choice Clover Seed, t fjhoice Timothy Seed, > At Markest Price Choice Millet Seed, ) R.C. DODSON, THE fimggist, EMPORIUM. PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. S lIL .'"i-.i"- 1 ".- Wrj/ ft Wyffjtsk 112 W K. C. lIOONON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL, DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL TIOSSIP. Contribution* invited. That which you would 'ike to tee in thin department,let u» know by pot -lat card or letter, rertonally. Martin Epley and family of Sinnama honing are visiting Albert Murray and family, at this place. Mrs. E. S. Coppersmith returned Saturday from the city, where she has purchased her millinery goods. Thos Gallagher, who has been hav ing a severe time with the grip, is able to be about again, but not as spry as he used to be. Frederick Jaeger, son of our towns man Henry Jaeger, left on Monday for Colorado, where ho hopes the change of climate will benefit his health. Mrs. Henry Auchu visited at Buffalo last Friday and returned home ou Sun day, after visiting Mrs. Rose Lupoid, at Olean, Saturday night and Sunday. Powell Barr and Arch Barr, of Hus ton Hill visited in town on Tuesday. The latter gentleman called to see the PRESS as has been his custom for many years. Augustus Nelson, one of our promp, paying subscribers and best citizens was a PRESS caller on Monday. Of course he squared with the printer as he always does promptly. Wm. Hackenberg was a PRESS busi ness and social visitor on Tuesday and before leaving renewed his paper for another year. Mr. Hackenberg is troubled with rheumatism consider ably this winter. Mr. W. H. Reber, of Butte, Montana, visited in Emporium last Thursday, guest of his uncle, Mr. Michael Murphy and famly. The pleasant gentleman, who is Supt. of the Butte electric light system, was pleased with our moun tain city and will return in the near future and make a longer stay. Our townsman, Mr. Michael Murphy, is delighted to learn that his brother Mr. John Murphy, Supt. of Allegany County Traction R'ys, who has been in poor health for over a year, has re gained his health and resumed his work. The PRESS as well as Mr. Murphy's Emporium friends congratu late him upon his recovery. Our old friend Michael Murphy, pro prietor of Commercial Hotel, dropped in on Monday for a social chat and,as he is always sure to do, promptly renew ed his subscription to the PRESS. Mr. M. keeps a good home-like hotel, treats and feeds his patrons well. Mr. Murphy is closely identified with Em porium and is always on the watch for 3very opportunity to advance our in terests. Would that we had many more like him—honest, unselfish and public spirited. Among the well known and popular visitors to Miama at this season are Miss Julia Schriever, of Kane, Pa., and Mrs. James Healy, of Ocean Port, Pa. They arrived in the city this week and are comfortably domiciled at the Fort Dallas Hotel, where they will remain until Fridav when they will take pas sage on the steamer for Havana. After a short sojourn in the Cuban capital they will goto Kingston, Jama ica, for a brief stay. Both Miss Schriever and Mrs. Ilealey are delight ed with the balmy climate of the Magic City and the many attractions to be found here, and promise to return for many seasons to come.—Miama. Fla., Star. A. C. Blum is transacting business in New York city. Geo. W. Van Wert is expected home from Texas this week. Mr. Thos. Welsh visited at Ridgway and Dußois several days this week We understand Jos. J. Lingle is ex pected from Westboro, Wis., to visit for a few days. Miss M. It, Galbert, of Muncy, Pa., is visiting her cousin, Mrs. M. A. Rock well, at this place. Mrs. C. J. Goodnough and Mrs F. T. Beers visited at Buffalo Tuesday and Wednesday. Raymond Klees and Harold Seger took in the Modjeska entertainment at Olean last evening. Mr. and Mr«. Jos. Kaye visited Wil liamsport and Philadelphia last week, returning home on Sunday. Earl B. Saunders, of the hardware firm of Stephens & Saunders, is trans acting business at Coudersport. Miss Mame Ritchie, of St. Marys, is visiting friends in Emporium, gut-st of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McNarney and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hump, of Fern dale, N. Y., are guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kaye and family on Sixth street. Col. J. O. Brookbank and wife, of Driftwood, transacted business in Em porium this morning, also consulting Dr. Heilman. Hon. and Mrs. JoHiah Howard and niece Miss Eiicie Howard, attended the reception given bv Gov. Scuart and sister, at Harrisburg, last week. Miss Elizabeth Ludlam returned to day from New York where she pur chased the finest stock of millinery and white goods ever shown in Emporium. Edward and Augustus Hout have returned to Emporium from Westboro, Wis., to remain here. We understand Geo. Eckstein and family will also re turn to Emporium. W. E. Barr, of Hicks Run, was a PRESS visitor yesterday. In addi tion to being a subscriber himslf he brought us the name of a new sub. — Mr. F. F. Shank—and the long green. Call again. M. K. Mickey and wife returned on Tuesday from a business trip down east, the first named attendidg a busi ness meeting in New York city, while his wife was visiting her parents at Philadelphia. Amos C. Fenton, who left Empori um seven years ago for Nome, Alaska, has returned to Emporium to visit his relatives and friends. Of late years he has been located at Seattle, Wash. He is kept busy visiting with old friends. Fifty ninth Congress naving .adjourn ed Hon. Chas. F. Barclay is now our Representative, his term of oflce com mencing with March 4th. We predict a prosperous and creditable term of two years. Wonderful. She—What iutorcstod you most in jour travels, major? Major—Well, the jmutnmy of a queen I saw in Egypt. It's wonderful how lliey could make a woman dry up and stay that way.— Philadelphia Inquirer. A fool can talk without knowing what he ought to say, but a wise man's ■ilence is due to his knowing what ho •ught not to say.—Chicago News. \ SHORT L. T. COOPER.f THE STOMACH. My but peoples' stomachs do cause « lot of trouble. 1 offered to wager some doctor? in St. j Paul, Minn., that one half of all sickness is X caused by the H? stomach. After I assured them that my medi- HP cine did nothing M but put the ; j. stomach in shape jglfofe and they had JmSgk spent a day list ening to what people who call c. h. rowEU. Ed on me had to say, they had to agree with me. They heard people come in and tell me that for years they had been near the grave with Bright's disease, or lung trouble, or kidney complaint and all man ler of diseases and that the New Discovery fiad cured them. Of course these people were mistaken, it was nothing but their stomachs. As a matter of fact when the stomach gives out most everything else is thrown out of order too. When a person feels tired dnd dull and lespondent, is loosing llesh and don't sleep well, has a poor memory, a bad taste in the mouth, a coated tongue, and Jther troubles he's liable to believe a lot of thi-.igs are the matter with him. Nine :hances to one it's his stomach. I've seen Cooper's New Discovery bring back wealth to too many people in just this shape to believe anything else. Here's a etter about it: "I suffered for a long time without knowing just what was the matter with <ne. I seldom felt like eating. I lost 4reatly in weight. My digestion was ex- Jxtremely poor and when I did eat I nvariahly suffered afterward. I was con stipated and frequently suffered from nerve "acking, violent headaches. When I heard ■>f what the Cooper remedies were doing or others I resolved to try them." "Relief came with the first bottle. My tppetite and digestion improved rapidly. ! am no longer constipated nor do I have hose dreadful headaches. I sleep well ind am gaining flesh." C. H. Powell, 13 Harrison Addition. Duluth, Minn. We are selling immense quantities of these medicines and our customers express |reat satisfaction. R. C. Dodson, Druggist. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MAKCH 7, 1907. Pennsylvania Railroad EASTER VACATION EXCURSION TO WASHINGTON, D. C. I FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1907 Round-Trip $9.50 from Emporium. PKOPOETIONATE KATES FROM OTHER POINTS, Tickets will be good going on regular trains 011 dates named and to return within ten days, RETURNING, tickets will be good to stop off to BALTIMORE or PHILADELPHIA, affording an opportunity 0 visit ATLANTIC CITY. SIMILAR EXCURSION APRIL 16. For tickets and additional information apply to Ticket Agents. J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia, Pa Pennsylvania Railroad EASTER EXCURSION $9*95 from Emporium. TO Atlantic Cape WILVWOOD. SEA ISLE CITY, or OCEAN CITY, New Jersey Thursday, March 28, 1907 Tickets good going on all regular trains ondate of excursion to Philadelphia and connecting trains to seashore points. STOP-OVER OF TEN DAYS AT PHILADELPHIA allowed 011 going trip if ticket is deposited with Station Ticket Agent, or on return trip, without deposit, within limit. Tickets good to return within fifteen days. EASTER SUNDAY ON THE BOARDWALK Full information of Ticket Agents. J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. 1= The season for Gas Ovens is rapidly approaching !p ;-fl and we have just received a large supply of this popular ijl| make, conceded to be the best and most economical Gas 'p • jj] Oven. Call and look at this oven before purchasing. ifjf 1J ' If I!j We also have Hot Plates and Gas Ranges, the best (pj ||j 011 the market. jra I For Sale by I STEPHENS & SAUNDERS, I 111 Leading Hardware Dealers. H fj OUR NEW LINE OF New Spring Line of Window ShadeA I ID from IOC to 75c per Shade. gj Wall Paper for 1907. = == lit, The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez. £ I All Colors. !'! 'j Consists of the best, things from three factories. Also j| - = : t -■ - h the Robert Graves Co.'S line of Decoration Paper of all , Rodger's StainfloOr, the best made ft 1 kinds ' for Floors. | The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. *EA TA * r 1 n /-V * r _ '<l Louis against thelworld. j HARRY S. LLOYD. I HENRY JAEtiER, Harness Maker and Upholsterer F. fl. J 11(1(1'H Old stand ) EMPORIUM, PA. Manufacturer of and Dealer in LIGHT AND HEAVY HARNESS, BLANKETS, ROBES, COLLARS, WHIPS, etc. At Prices as Low as Possible. Repairing a Specialty. UPHOLSTERING.—I carry a full line of cloths for recovering furniture and guarantee all work. Henry Jaeger. E. A. PYLE, GENERAL, ' Insurance Agency, Fire, Life, Health and Acci dent, Employers Liability, Boiler Insurance, Plate Glass, Surety- Bonds. OFFICE -CLIMAX BLDG. Fourth Street, Emporium, Pa. — I V Protect Your Valuables J pap " % ' M " d, '"'* ,,h »» l,, »» '* MIKPKOOI'i and when *«po»*d lo llr* fctrptllscoolMii In prrfecl condition. j and hlndc. V 1.30 lu S.' .(X) Kcordiad lo H. W. JOHNS-MANVILLE COMPANY I r Scarboro Clam Chowder • | I Tried It? It's Good. Large can 25c. s.l SMOKED 7k O DOMESTIC, I COLUMBIA /J /\ J[ IMPORTED ■ RIVER FANPV ® I The Satisfactory Store ft SALMON J CHEESE ■ THERE'S A DIFFERENCE in grocery stores I just the fcame as in other stores. Ever discovered it? fe| We have been harping a good deal about the superiority I I of the Day Grocery store. We mean to give better value than others. We believe that we do, and there are others that believe as we do. Do you? The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof! Test this store any way you desire. Make a comparison. If you find us correct, give us the benefit. SPECIAL S FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Pure Leaf Lard alb 12 i-2c California Ham TRIMMED SHOULDER II 1-2 25 lb Bag Granulated Sugar $1.40. I Fancy California Lemons doz 20c. 1 Soap, 7 cakes Acme soap 25c. I . N. Y. State hand picked beans 4c lb. Fairbanks Gold Dust Washing Powder,4ll) pkg 22c A 30c Brooms, each 20c. ■ 12c Corn, Maine packed, can 10c. ® ioc Stove Polish, all varieties Bc. fli 15c Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit pkg 12c. jf 1 25 c bottle Red Ribbon Vanilla Extract 20c. 25c cans Armours Soups, assorted, 20. V 120 c cans Burnham and Morrell's Baked Beans in Tomato sauce, iSc, 2 cans for 35c. | 14—SPECIALS—14 I Fresh Baltimore Nliueked Oysters, I LENTEN SPECIALTIES. Free prompt delivery to all parts of the borough. J. H. DAY, • • A Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. jfe ViIMHMIMHHi MHH# I Y"ITI A care guaranteed if you uae B PILES SupposHoryl _ . _ „ . „ D » Matt. Thompson, Sup'tl Graded Bchoola, 8t»t*«rl!le, N. C., writes: can nr| they do all TOO claim for th«m." Dr. 8. M. Devore.H Haven Rock, w. Va., writ«a; 4, Tbey giro universal iiaiia-H faction." I)r. H. D. McOiU, Clarkaburg. Tenn., writes:! 'l° * practice of J3 years, I have found bo toH eqnal your*." Paica, 60 Cairrs. Samples Free. Soldi L»nc»»Ttn. p A . g Sold in Emporium byL. TaggartO R. C. Dodson CALL FOR FREE BAMPI* Slmfi™ I) A Sara, CaitTAiN Raukir for Ruppiumibu y(a*<iirßt'ATin , <t. I NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. Kafol Ri.roi B|*e.h - smia- ■ taction (•uarantenl i»r Money Itefunded. HciH. pn-p.lid H i f »r SI.OO per box. Will send them on tria|, to be paid for H when relieved. Maniples Free, irjuur druggist <Wa not H bare them send your orders to the X UN»TC^EOICALCOJ^OJ^4^AWCAS^ Sold In Emporium by L Taggarf & R. C. Dodson A BEAUTIFUL FACE II you h»ve pimples, blotches, i »r other (kin Imperfections, you Cin remove them and have a clear ! k) ln< ' ' >e " , "' u ' complexion by using {^^BEAUTYSKIN ] / Bemoves bkin Imperfections. ■jjfi. VsM ! Beneficial reHUlts guaranteed W or money refunded. \ w jf Send stamp for Free Sample, \V >ji Particulars ami Testimonials. Mention this paper. After Usin«. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., Madison Place, Philadelphia, Pa. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE HONEYHAR Bed Clover filonsotn and Uoney Bee on Every Bottle.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers