jf CRAMERS BIC HEBIIILDIHC SALE 1 -§|l Tsis Greatest Forced Sacrifice Sale Ever Offered In This Section '"" " ™ : " " "™*~" " account of the smallness of my store room I have to rebuild a larger and more modern store room, .and < ■ 112f ?l> not being able to get another store room large enough to display my present stock, I have decided to put f&v' 1f W 011 sale my entire $8,000.00 to $10,000.00 stock of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, LADIES and CHILDREN'S ' COATS, FURS. SKIRTS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS, LACES. EMBROIDERIES, ~' Va*' YARNS. NAPKINS. TABLE LINEN. WOOL DRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, PERCALES. CALICOS. OUT m* ING. LAWN. MUSLINS and NOTIONS.UMBRELLAS. JEWELERY. MEN'S and BOYS' FURNISHINGS, DRESS SHIRTS. UNDER SHIRTS, and DRAWERS, SUSPENDERS, COLLARS, CUFFS and TIES. mhsL /i REMEMBER this entire stock will be put on sale THURSDAY, JAN. 3, 1907 and will have to be closed out within the next 60 days regardless of cost. Read Carefully these items and see the wonderful saving in the price of these goods /£A COATS for Ladics and children tljt •11 • f\T Ladies and Misses Skirts %hj% ' Ladies regular SIO.OO coat, sale price *M9 4 , S? ' I*% ' ' Ladies regular 12.50 coat, sale price .... 7. 9 *y 4 Hawing gathered together for this sale the most ' n K s - Ladies regular 16.00 coat, sale price .... 9.98 modern styles 111 Ladies, Misses and Children's Ladies skirts worth $3.00, now $1.49 Children's regular S4OO coat, sale price .. . 1.98 H ats, Plumes, Wings, Feathers, Flowers, Ornaments IZ Children's regular 6.00 coat, sale price .. . 3.25 , . , .. , , . r . . . Ladies skirts worth 6.00 now 3.89 ™ , , , • o and trimmings of all kinds at knife slashing prices. Ladies skirts worth 8.00 now 4.98 \ A, i&m&n Children's regular 10.00 coat, sale price. . . 4.98 , „ „ d-irtc worth •> m nn ,., 7nR -A Ladies regular $2.00 and >3.00 hats, now. . . .89 Mioses skirts worth 3.50 now 1.9b p. -p . * 17 Ladies regular 3.50 and 4.00 hats, now. . . 1.39 fappfflr / \ Bargains in rurs Ladies regular 4.50 and 5.00 hats, now . . 2.19 PettlCOatS / Ladies 54.00 fur, now Ladies regular 6.00, SB.OO and $lO hats, now . 3.98 Ladies regular $6.00 silk petticoat, sale price . $3.89 Ladies 7.00 iur, now 3.49 Misses regular 2.00 and $3.00 hats, now ... .98 Ladies regular 8.00 silk petticoats, sale price.. 5.98 ywTjSr 112 ff. Child's iMfSr seteiiow ' T.m Misses regular 3.50. *4.00 and $5.00 l.ats, now 1.89 regular »io.oo silk petticoats, sale priee 7. ,9 «"I \ ~ J r , y Ladies regular 12.00 silk petticoats, sale price 8.30 B r V * * 1 -] !, S 4-°° f ur sets - now x -98 Children s regular $1.50 and $2.50 hats, now . .79 Ladies regular $3 00 satin petticoats, sale price 1.69* " ' Child s 5.00 fur sets, now 2.49 Children's regular 3.00 and $4.00 hats, now. . 1.69 Ladies regular 5.00 satin petticoats, sale price 2.98 i I Ladies Waists. ™ T~jT T Corsets \ l l Waists, open back and front, in fine quality Vv 00l UreSS \jOOCIS Ladies 25c corsets at 19 JgfjjJjM i wool batist, worth $3.50 now $1.98 Dress goods worth 50c, now 40c Ladies 50c corfets at .39 / / Ladies fine silk, regular $5.00 waist, now. .. 2.69 n , 1 j Ladies SI. OO corsets at 79 \ff up'SiWy fl T A- 1 • . J Dress goods worth $ 1.00, now 79 3 T Trlifx; t cn rnrspts at <£r in u lU& v -iir Ladies 50c and 75c waists, now 39 K ' \ Jvaaies i-5° corsels clt #1.19 Silk Velvets, WaoligoiulK, Hillings ami lloinestics, all the Latest Pattens I§| Silks ■» a11 Popular shades Velvets Domestics and Prints i Vv'^-^ls&]// Wash silks worth coc now xq Paon velvets worth SI.OO now 68 „ , , „ /; \mmy rr"'"™®"'. S ° c ' P»o.i velvets worth ~as now 89 I'"eale worth toe now 08 pj/ Paon velvets worth 1.50 now 98 Percale worth 12c and 14c now 10 Taffeta silks worth SI.OO now 79 % Calico worth 6c and 8c now 06 Taffeta silks worth 1.50 now $1.19 PeTSian LaWnS Ginghams worth 8c now 6% ! m T .. ti*, . , - Ginghams worth 12c and 14c now 10 Notions, Klbbons Lawn worth 20c now 16 Outing worth 8c now 6% tWh Over 10,000 yards of silk, satin, velvet, Persian Lawn wortn vL" now 27 wor^| 1 roc 11 08 J . J> ..... , , nuw A t Outing worth 12c and 15c now 10 Skimfj . and grosgrain ribbons. . Lawn worth 45c now 33 Muslin worth 8c now 6% >&'vVAilrn Ribbon worth isc and 18c now 09 tt 1 Muslin worth 10c now 08 ,1 Ribbon worth 25c now i 9 Underwear Ribbon woith 3 sc now 27 Ladies underwear regular 25c now 19 Laces and Embroideries, Handker- 1* / v-w • Ladies underwear regular 50c now 39 - r nt on . Hosiery Ladies underwear regular SI.OO now 79 chiefs, Lace Curtains, Etc., at 1-2 Price Ladies hose worth Icc now 11 SPli™',* un <J erwear re g u l ar 2 5 c now Lace curtains worth SI.OO now 49 WStwmß* Ladies hose worth 15c now Children s underwear regular 50c now 39 Lace curtains wor th $1.50 now 79 Ladies hose worth 25c now 19 Men's underwear regular 50c 39 Embroideries worth 10c now 07 I Ladies hose wort lISOCIIOW 39 Men's underwear regular 79 Embroideries worth 15c now 11 ff/gfffiffl Children's hose worth 15c now 11 Mpn'c Shirts Embroideries worth 20c now 15 I 1 > Lace worth 7c and 8c now os al»■ Jt -v.i \ 1 ren S OSC W ° r n W Men's regular 50c and 75c shirts now 39c Lace worth 10c and 12c now 08 \ Men's hose worth 15c now 11 Men's regular SI.OO shirts now 79 Lace worth 15c now 11 q L Men's hose worth 25c now 19 Men's regular 50 and 75c overalls 41 Lace worth 25c now 19 DON'T MISS this great sacrifice sale. Come early and buy quickly, as this is the opportunity of a lifetime to buy clean, new, salable goods at such remarkable prices, for which you will have to pay much more money \ISv r ater * WHY NOT BUY NOW - THIS SALE IS STRICTLY CASH. . <: . Fourth Street. EMPORIUM. PA. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1907
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