Xatest County Correspondence. RICH VALLEY. J. 11. Kvans, of Sizerville, was visiting friends at Lewis Hun Saturday. Garnie Housler, of Elk Fork, was call ing on his numerous friends at Cooks Hun and Maple Shade Sunday. Hon. Geo. J. Larßar was interviewing the voters of this place last week. No use for the other fellow t«> eor.te now. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ingcrsoll, of Howardville, visited <\l.ik< RUM relatives Sunday. Lost, a person ansiveiina to the name S of Prof. Earl Rifle. When last seen, ! was straying in the direction of work. Hoy Chadwick has begun to cut his i hardwood logs on North Creek so as to be ready to haul them to the mill on the first snows. You should have been ready last week, Hoy, Fred Peterson, of East Emporium, called on ye scribe Sunday. Fred McCaslin and wife, of Howard ville, were in the valley Sunday. R. F. D. mail carrier, T. L. Wheaton, sports a brand new horse. The best is none too good for "Bueky." i Merril Craven has accepted a position in the plumbing department of the new 'hardware. Clair Craven, of the city, was visiting this sister, Mrs. Warden Lewis, Suuday. Elihu Barton and wife were the guests .of W. Gibbs and family over Suuday. Jasper Harris, of the city, was on our ] •streets Monday as was E. L. Mason and Mr. Blair, the tea man. John Lewis, of North Creek, was up ' to Slabtown Monday to look after his farm. Leroy Carter and ye scribe were espec- j ially invited to attend a meeting ot the | Slabtown A. C. but only not to Lewis j Run, when Mr. Carter's auto went i wrong. The meeting was very interesting. | W 111. Mc< iee and Ed McCormick were ; admitted to full membership. M. A. I'. i MEDIX RUN. Mrs. J. It. Russell, of this place, is j visiting friends at Castle Garden and i Mason Hill this week. Mrs. Ben Lord, of Sterling Hun. was visiting relatives here last week. Dan McLaughlin, of Johnsonbtirg, was a calier here between trains Monday. Mrs. Will Mangold, of this place, is ; visiting in Port Allegany. , An infant daughter of Chas. Swiman and wife died at this place October 12th, aged about four months. Interment in j Benezette cemetery, October 14th. Mrs. J. L. Chambers, who was taken . to the Adrian hospital at Punxsutawney some time ago, was operated on for appen dicitis on Thursday. The last report heard here is that she was getting along nicely. A Mrs. Wheeler, of this place, narrowly escaped death by poisoning, a few days ago, by taking a poison tablet instead of one prescribed by the doctor, both being on the same shelf. Prompt medi cal aid alone saved her from an awful death. Old Jack Frost got in his work in good shape for the last few nights. ANN I. MOSITV. Wounds, Bruises and Burns. By applying an antiseptic dressing to wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries before inflamation sets in. they may be healed without maturlatioti and in about one-third the time required by the old treatment. This is the greatest discovery and triumph of modern surgery. Cham berlain's Pain Palm acts on this same principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness and prevents any danger of blood poisoning Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save you time and money, not to mention the inconvenience and suffering such injuries entail. For sale by L. Taggart; j. E. Smith, Sterling Run; Crum Bros., Sinna mahoning. Keep the bowels open when you have a cold and use a good remedy the inflam mations of the mucous membranes. The best is Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. It contains no opiates, moves the bowels, drives out the cold. Is reliable and tastes good. Sold by R. C. Dodson. HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specifics cure disease* of Horseß, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry by acting directly on the sicx PABTS without loss of time. A.A.iPEVERH, Conization*. Inltmmft. WWittOM, Lui Penr. Milk Fever. B. B. (SPRAINS, LiminHi. Injuria*. cum* i Rheumatism. C.C.)SORE THROAT. «aUur, Epitope. COB** 5 Distemper. | WORMS. Bote. Grub.. B. B. I COUGHS. CoHi Inflaeasa. Inlaw* cm* ( Lunc*. Pleuropneumonia. r. F. I COLIC. Bellyache. Wlat-Blowa, ouut J Diarrhea, Dysentery. 0.0. Prevent* MISCARRIAGE. A BLADDER DISORDERS. LI. I SKIN DISEASES. Manic. Kraptlon*. COTUta {Llcera. Urease, Firry. J. K. i BAD CONDITION, Siarln* Coat, cvaa* I l*4lie*tlon, Stomach Stagger*. <oo. each : Stable C*M, Ten Specific*, Book, Ac., $7. At druggists, or *ent prepaid on receipt of prise. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Street*. New York. IP BOOK MAILED FBBB. FROM OUR REPORTERS. HUNTLEY. Jesse Johnson and wife move into the i Squire Nelson house this week, where j they will begin housekeeping. Jesse Johnson and A.M. Smith are | going to build the new read from Huntley to Grove Hill. It is needless to add that the work will be weil done under such able management. Bertha Wylie was a Driftwood caller Friday. W. 11. Smith called on friends in Sterling Hun. Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Corbett and Hoy (ilea- j son and party spent Monday enjoying an I outing at Tunnel Ilill Dark. The Emporium callers this week were: i W. H. Logue, D. W. Logue, Mrs. J. V. | Sullivan and daughter Ruth. The Driftwood callers this week were: Miss Alice Jordan, Thomas Kilbourne j and W. 11. Logue. Mrs. Henry Cole, formerly a resident J of this village, spent the past week in J town, getting her household goods ready j to ship to West Virginia, whore Mr. Cole ! has a good position. H. S. Getchell, the genial operator at' the tower, secured live nice squirrels | Saturday morning. lie also got on the ! track ot a bear but after following it sev- ' eral miles gave up the chase, as he is i troubled very much with hay fever, es-1 peeially when he is close to any hay fields, j He was formerly the champion wing shot i of Fayette county. Mrs. John Johnson, who has been very ill lor the past waek, is slowly re covering. Anna Helmbrecht our popular school I teacher, is attending the Institute at Em- j poriutn this week. The PRESS takes | this opportunity ot' echoing the expres-; sions of satisfaction from the people of | the Huntley school district in having so ' excellent a teacher and extends warm con- j gratulations to Miss Helmbrecht on her j successful management of our school. Wesley Barr, our popular Tunnel Hill | farmer, is wearing a smile that won't' come off. His potato crop is a winner j this year. Thomas Kailbourn, the genial Pennsy j bridge carpenter, has returned from his | summer vacation, which was spent in St. j Augustine, Florida, wlrcre he has a large I orange gtove. He brought several boxes 1 of choice fruit with him, which he dis- ' tributed among his friends. James Jordan, of Emporium, and George Strawbridge, of Sterling Hun. were through this section of the county, Monday, purchasing live poultry for the j Centennial Celebration to be held in | Sterling Run, Thanksgiving week. Mr. ! Jordan has a box of cigars coming, from < the man in the tower, as the big hen | turned out to be a rooster. Work on the electric interlocking j plant connecting the track and towers at I Huntley, Sterling Run and Cameron is j being rushed and it is expected that the system will be in operation by Dec. Ist I at the latest. W. Whitton, of Kane, J I'a., the popular signal foreman, has | charge of the work and is doing a first-1 class job. Operator J* F. Sullivan was taken ! suddenly ill Monday morning and as ho | regular physician could be procured, \ trained nurse W. R. Smith was quickly j called and <Hagnosed the case as being a | severe attack of Materia Medica, brought j on by an accumulation of hot air in the auxiliary reservoir, causing the steam guage pointer to drop to 90 pounds. Mr. Smith gave the patient a hypodermic of Dr. Dunlap's spavin cure, mixed with ] a little of W. 11. Logue's sweet eider, which soon brought him out of danger. Mr. Smith wasassisted by 11. S. Getchell and W. W. Johnson. Mr. Sullivan is somewhat easier at this writing but is still very weak. We are wonering why Leamler Market, of Wilcox, who is on the Pennsy signal force, is feeling so happy these days. We understand he is going to lay off next week and look forward with pleasant anticipations to the good cigars that will ] surely come. The Huntley Athletic Club will open for the tall and winter entertainments, Friday evening. Two good "bouts" are scheduled. The main attraction will be a six round set-to between W. W. John son and J. F. Carson at catch weights; both men are training faithfully and a good showing is expected. The next on the card is a short talk by assistant fore man Alfred Smith, explaining the attrac tions and other interesting features of Portage Falls. This will be very enter taining and instructive, especially to those who have not been to that beautiful resort. The W. R. Smith male quartette, con sisting of W. W. Johnson, E. D. Krapc, J. F. Sullivan and Henry Layton, will sing a few patriotic selections. Referee Wm. Logue has charge of the arrange ments. Tickets at popular priees. J. F. 8. II an article is imitated, the original is always best. Think it over, and when you goto buy that box of salve to keep around the house, get DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the original and the name is stamped on every book. Good for eczema, tetter, boils, cuts and bruises, and especially recommended for piles. Sold by R. C. Dodson. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 1906. SINNAMAHONING. Capt. C. F. Barclay visited the county seat Monday. O. L. Bailey went to Hix Hun Tues day, looking after the interests of the county. The First Fork assault and battery case was settled before Squire Nefery, plaintiff paying tine and costs. Charles Pitts bagged a fine two year old bear last week. Haynes lire's arc furnishing the meat markets with fine home grown pork this fall. Several parties wer.; out hunting Sun day. The Powder Co. is putting up the wires and phone booths this week from the plant to the P. & K. station. V r . A. Brooks went to Lincoln farm Monday. Edward Fry shipped his crop ot gin seng this week. Mr. Biuinle and two daughters, of Emporium, were in town Tuesday. Geo. W. Gore was called to Towaoda Pa., last week on account of the death ot his sister. Several of our town people are visiting Emporium this week attending th# county institute. Mrs Margaret Baird, wife ot Hon. D. P. Baird, was called away by death on Friday morning, after a long and severe illness. Deceased was a kind and loving parent and will be greatly missed in our community. Deceased leaves four child ren: Herbert L., of Benovo; Eugene H., of Ridgway; J. Hawlcy, of this place, and daughter, Mabel, who has always lived at home, and a kind aud loving hus band, who did all he could to make hsr life pleasant whilst here. The funeral was held at the family residence, inter meut at Wyside cemetery. Rev. Noble preached the funeral sermon to a large attendance of friends and neighbors. (leorge Darren and family are visiting at Jersey Shore this week. "Pop." Blodget is headquarters for phonograph records of all kinds. Give him a call. Goto Airs. J. B. Batcheleor for fine gold fish. Uncle Adam Logue runs a fish cart twice a week. Walter Berfield, of Wharton, visited friends here Tuesday. J. Henry Logue has taken a log job at Ilammersley Fork. DEBSK. CAMERON. Mrs. M. L. Yocum and daughter Mar garet were pleasant callers at Sterling Bun Saturday. Organizer Brown of the N. P. L., now has over thirty new members ready to be taken in at the next meeting of this Legion and they are still coming. He says the people of Cameron are not slow to see a good thing. Mrs. William Nunn and children ar rived Sundav afternoon from Great Valley, N. Y. One of D. C. Linninger's children has been quite ill but is now much better. Dr. B. P. Heilman is attending it. G. L. Page was ill with gripp H few days last week. Fred Schwab and Albert Lord, Jr., are repairing the state road this week. Fred Comley received a message from Curwensville, Pa., last Thursday inform ing him of his sister being very ill. He left on Friday morning. It is hoped that it is not anything serious. Chas. Christian, a freight brakeman on fast freight No. 85, met with a very paiu ful accident Saturday evening about 7:30. He was relieving the fireman a few minutes and swung out on the engine gangway to see if the signals were all right, coming into Cameron and fail ed to notice that he was so close to the bridge, which, struck him in the face, al most severing his nose, knocking all the front teeth out and splitting both lips | clear through, also cutting a piece out of the upper lip about an inch square. At last landing him in the river. Luckily the fireman thinking he heard something looked almost as soon as the accident oc curred. They at once stopped and weut back to the east end of the bridge, where operator Page discovered the unfortunate man trying to climb up the steep bank. He was injured so badly that he didn't know what had happened. The train men helped him on the cabin and they took him to Emporium, where medical attention was at hand and from there he was taken to his home at Benovo on Erie mail No. 54. Operator Page visited Renovo a few hours Saturday. Geo. L. Page and wift: spent Friday with relatives at St. Marys. E. D. Krape was a business caller at Emporium, the first of the week. The K. G. E., have remodeled their hall, putting up new curtains, new doore, and building a moveable platform to raise and lower the organ from lower to upper floor. D. Sullivan and wife wish to express through the columns of your valuable paper their sincere thankfulness and grati tude to all the kind friends for the kind ness shown them in their great bereave ment. Squire Joseph Robinson has the ban ner crop of potatoes this fall. Some are so large as to have to be blown out with dynamite. One extra large one grew under a stump and Joe says if he can get the stump out the potato would furnish food for the winter. Joe says: I like to eat squashes and turnips and beetr, I love the sweet juicy tomatoes; But when at the table you wish me to smile Just pass me a dise or potatoes. Spinach is good for the French, Oarlic is all right for Dagoes; But if you would please the American man. Just pass him the dish of potatoes. J. F. S, An Awful Cough Cured. '•Two years ago ffur liltl c girl had a touch of pneumonia, which left her with am awful cough. She had spells of coughing just like one with the whooping cough and some thought she would not get well at all. We got a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm. She stopped coughing and got stout and fat," writes Mrs. Ora Bussard, Brubaker, 111. This remedy is tor sale by L. Taggart: J. E. Smith, Sterling Run; Cruui Bros., Sinnamahon ing. Williams' Kidney Pills. Have you neglected vour kidneys? II ave you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your Kidneys and Bladder? Have you pains in the loins, side, back, groins and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too frequent desire to pass urine? If so William's Kidney Pills will cure you. Sample free. By mail 50 cents. Sold by B. C. Dod son. Williams M'f'g. Co., Prop's, Cleve and, O. 9-ly. The Old Red School House on the Hill. 1 am far from the spot where a school boy I played, And many long years lie between; But none of its brightness in memory can fade, That playground is growing more green. I return to it oft in the dead of the night, To play those old games once again; And no darkness can ruffle the wings of my flight. Though things have much changed there since then. The brush of the painter and colors he used In marring that landmark of yore, Have hurt much my mind and my heart much abused, This attempt to rob memory's store. The bases we ran on that ball ground so fair Are changed by a more recent flock. The only one lett that such fully could spare Is that roadside, wheel-battered rock. One way which then wound to that house on the hill Is dug out for wagons to go. HalU llalt! ye destroyers, we defy now your skill! That pathway the greener shall grow! The canal just below and feeder so nigh it. The bridge filled with water beyond. Are ail empty and dry. and slow boats thought unfit In this rapid age to respond. The old seats are replaced, where we sat long ago, By nicer and bettei, they say; But such emblems of blade and of pen they can't show As those they have torn away. We boys sat some tilted and turned to one side» Where smiles wore the crowns madeof curls. Sweet looks back of books tossed our teens to love-tide; Those bright, clean, tender-hearted girls. They worked so much harder and found so much more; In class sang it off like a song; While our boys proved how empty was mem ory's store; My talent was answering wrong. A few who dashed with us in life's youthful glitter. By the red school house on the hill. We have borne to the grave with our tears no bitter; Though gone from sight we see them still. Those bright girls and brave boys have all gone that we knew. And their hair is fast growing gray; But their old-tinif sweet faces are ever in view; Our dear ones WHO joined us in play. Soon our tittering youth will be tottering age. How strange! and still it is true. Let hand, head and heart in life's truest engage; It pays all eternity through. L. B. TWICHELL. Sick Headache Cured. Sick headache is caused by derange ment of the stomach and by indigestion. Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets correct these disoiders and effect a cure, By taking these tablets as soon as the first indications ot the disease appears, the attack may be warded off. Get a free simple and try them. For sale by L. Taggart; J. E. Smith, Sterling Run; Crum Bros., Sinnamahoning. To the Trustees of Emporium rietho dist Church and Emporium Baptist Church. It is our earnest wish to donate a quantity of the L. & M. Paiut to your church and every church whenever it is to be painted. 10,000 churches painted with L. & M. 4 gallons L. & M., mixed with 3 gal lons Linseed Oil will paint a moderate sized house. Actual cost L. & M., about 81.20 per gallon. L. Si M. Zinc hardens L. M., White Lead and makes the paint wear like iron. Barrows & Peck, Montpeller, Vt. Writes: "School house No. 1 painted with L. & M., two coata. Used only five gallons L. & M., and nine gallons Oil. Cost of paint 97] cents a gallon. Sold bv Harry S. Lloyd, Emporium, Pa. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet muse. Ali the popular airs. Popular and class ical music. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. Capt. Barclay, who served with oredit in the 149 th Regiment,' Pennsylvania Volunteers, known as the second Bnck tails, received a handsome compliment from his old comrades when, at the an nual round-up in Driftwood, his candi dacy was enthusiastically endorsed by resolution. Every old Bucktail will vote and work for Barclay. Can you win? You realize that to win in anything these days, requires strength, with mind and body in tuue. A man or woman with disordered diges tive organs is not in shape for a day's work or a day's work or a day's play. How can they expect to win? Kodol for Dyspepsia contains the digestive juices of a healthy stemach and will put your stomach in shape to perform its import ant function of supplying the body and brain with strength building blood. Digests what you eat, relieve Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Sour Stoiuach, Palpitation of the Heart and Constipation. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. C. B. Howard & Co., have the only large stock of shingles in the county at tho present timo. ItED CEDAR from the Pacific Coast and WHITE CEDAR rom Wisconsin. Nothing to Fear. Mothers need have no hesitancy in continuing to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their little ones, as it contains absolutely nothing in juioius. This remedy is not only perfectly safe to give small children, but is a medicine of great worth and merit. It has a world wide reputa tion for its cures of' coughs, colds and croup and can always be relied upon. For sale by L. Taggart; J. E. Smith, Sterling Run; Cruni Bros., Sinnamahon ing Torrments of Tetter and Exzema Al layed. The intense itching characteristic of eczema, tetter and like skin diseases is instantly allayed by applying Chamber lain s Salve and uianv severe cases have been permanently cured by its use. For sale by L. Taggart; .John E. Smith, Sterl ingJKun; Cruui Bros., Sinnamahoning. A cold is much more easily cured when the bowels are open. Kennedy's Laxa tive Honey and 'far opens the bowels and drives the cold out id" the system in young or old. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. True and tried friends of the family— De Witt's Little Early Risers. Best for results and best to take. Hosy cheeks and sparkling eyes follow thq use ol these dependable little pills. They do not gripe or sicken. Sold by B. C. Dodson. CANVASSER WANTED:—TO make can vas of Cameron county, one who can fill position of trust. Good paying and permanent position. Write "Grocery World, Philadelphia, Pa. Williams Carbolic Salve with Arnica and Witch Hazel. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all skin eruptions. It is guaranteed to give satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25c by Druggists. Williams M'Pg Co., Prop's Cleveland, O. For sale by B. C. Dodson 9-ly. Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYBTONE POWDEK MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903. 24-tf. The Portage Store. W. L. Dixon, proprietor of the Portage store, desires to inform his patrons and the general public that he is offering special inducement in canned goods for the next thirty days. Read this: Tomatoes, 10c; Good California Peaches, 16c; Mince Meat, Bc, Corn 8c; Finest String Beans. 10c: Best Seeded Raisens, 11c; Seven bars Oak Leaf Soap, 25c. Other goods in proportion. Call me on 'phone. W. L. DIXON, 7-tf. Near Portage Bridge. You can get all kinds of good cedar shingles at C. B. Howard & Co.. Nick Russell, whose comedy com pany will appear at the Emporium Opera House, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening, Nov. Ist, 2nd and 3rd, had all kinds of trouble in getting his company together. It was not that actors were scarce—the Rialto has been full of them for weeks past—but the difficulty was to get players capable of filling the roles in tho plays selected by Mr. Russell for his tour this season. Such plays as "Peaceful Valley," "Wife in name only" and"The Poor Mr. Rich" are not the kind that ordinary repertoire actors can play and each play is so different that it takes re markably clever players to "make good." It is told on good authority that since rehearsals of the pieces started a month ago, that Mr. Russell has tried out over thirty actors and found them wanting. Finally, how ever, he got together a company of six teen people who were fully capable in every way and the result is one of the strongest organizations playing at pop ular priced that ever toured the coun try. Mr.'Ruffeell has provided a mag nificent scenic equipment for each of the plays in his repertoire. President Roosevelt needs a substan tial Republican majority in the next Congress. Elect a man who will stand by the president— Capt. Barclay. Tl>* Fourth Annual Convention of the Cameron County Sab bath School Association Was held in the M. E. church of Emporium, September 6th and 7th, 1901. The first session began Thursday, 7:30 p. m., with devotional ser vices conducted by Rev. N. E. Cleaver, Hon. Josiah Howard, vice-president of the Association, gave an interesting address. State field worker. Miss Coates, gave a short talk on ''Primary Work" and Rev. Chas. W. Irwin, another state worker, gave an excellent address on "The Three Cardinal Virtues in the Successful Teacher." Closed with benediction, The second session wai called to order at 9:30 a. m. Rev. J. E. Cilvin c inducted the devotional service. The business of tiie convention was then taken up. Reports .VTO real from tlie fol lowing schools: First Presbyterian, Rev. Geo. 11. Johnston; Methodist K;>is«jpal, N. E. Cleaver: Free Methodist, J. Nelson Bonnett; First Baptist, Rev. J. E. Calvin; Sinnem.ihoning, Mrs. Alonzo Bailey; Huntley, Mrs. Chas. Collius; Howard Siding, Mrs.Close; Moore Hill, Mrs. Mary Adams; Beechwood, Mrs. D inkle: Four Mile, Mrs. E. C. Davy; Hicks Run, Mabel Roney; Emann'iel. Miss Nina Bryan; Sterling Run, Cameron, West Creek Rich Valley, Rev. W. H. Allen. The remaining two schools did not report. Miss Coates then took up the subject "Primary Work in the Sab bath School," and gave many very interesting thoughts on attention and interest. Delegates were electei to attend the state convention at Gettysburg, October 10th, 11th and 12th, as fol" lows: Rev. N. E. Cleaver, Rev. Geo. H. Johns ton and Mrs. J. E. Smith. Alternates, Mrs. F. P. Strayer, Rev. Calvin and Rev. W. F. D. Noble. Adjourned with Daxology and benediction. Third session called to order at 2:30 p. m. De votional services were conducted by Rev. J. Nelson Bennett. Rev. fieiinetgive an instruct ive talk on "How Shall the Sabbath School Show Its Interest in Missions?" Hon. Josiah Howard suggested that each child give a cent for each year of its age. Rev. W. H. Allen's address on "The Successful Teacher" was interesting and instructive. Rev. Chas. Irwin, state worker, gave an excellent address on"The Great Teacher in the Midst of His Class," after which the follow ing officers were elected: President, Rev. W. H. Allen; Vice President, Hon. Josiah Howard; Sac retary and Treasurer, Mrs. J. E. Smith; Assist ant, Evangeline Brooks; Supt. Cradle Roll, Miss M. E. Baurgelt; Supt. Primary Dept., Miss Nina Bryan; Supt. Home Dept., Rev. J. E. Calvin: Supt. Normal Dept., Rev. G. H. Johnston; Exec utive Committee, Rev. W. H. Allen, Rev. J. Nel son Bennett, J. O. Brookbank, C. H Felt, Hon. Josiah Howard. Adjourned with benediction. The fourth session was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Devotional services by Rev. W. H. Allen Mrs. Eddy, of Cameron, then sin; a solo. Rev. Calvin next gave a pleasing address on"The Bible in the Light of Modern Scholarship." Rav. Chas. Irwin next presented"The Pennsylvania Herald" for subscription. Rev. J. M. Robertson then talked on "Missions," aTter which Mrs. Eddy sang again, then Rev Johnston gave an address on "How to Make the Truth Plain.'' Rev. Irwin, state worker, then gave another excellent address entitled "The Divioe Impera tive " Th • secretary's and treasurer's reports were next re id. Items of interest are as follows: Twenty-one Sabbath Schools in the countj Nineteen responded at the convention with re ports. Amount paid on state pledge for year 1906, s2">. Amount paid on state pledge for year 1907, sl2. How to aid your secretary: Send her the names of your new oflicers as soon as elected. How your secretary may aid you: By answering any question or sending you a person to answer any difficulty that may arise in your school. Ask her or information. MNS. GEORGE VAN WERT. Secretary pro tern. For Sale. At the lowest prices, stationary and marine, gas, gasoline and alcohol en gines, from one to one thousand horse power. THE FAIRBANKS CO., 34-2 m. Buffalo, N. Y. Coal Range It is the only self-shining stove polish for ; coal stoves, the best screen enamel and etove | pipe enamel saves work and money; kills rust. If your dealer hasn't it, F. V. Heil man has. I ; ; Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy Almost every family has need | i of a reliable remedy for colic or • j diarrhea at some time during the | i ; year ' . . i This remedy is recommended j by dealers who have sold it for : many years and know its value. It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people. It has been prescribed by phy sicians with the most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before medicine could have been tent for or a physician summoned. | It only costs a quarter. Can you afford to risk so much for so Utde? BUY IT NOW. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE GOU6H SYRUP For all Coughs and assists In /O * ke upcUtn; Colds from the sy»- 112 j Clortt aloe* Um by gently moving th« Jjfl »pia*n4 tk» bowels. A certain iirfrt S°" r relief (or croup and whooping-QCu^h. cough ! tUnnad/t LuatlVe Honey & Tar moves ■MIMH' j the bowel*, contains ~ - vH| KENNEDY'S US COKTAININO HONEY™ TAR rRIPARW AT Til LABORATORY OP | ■» <x Dtvwrr * 00., CHIOAQO, U. •. A. I Sold by R C. Dodson.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers