KM I'OKir.M MILLING COMPANY PltlOK LIST. F.mportuin, Pa., March 12, 190 H. J NKMOPtIILA, per 8 vck I' 2r» j Felt's Fancy, *' 1 10 ; Pet Grove, 44 .. I 35 Graham ..." •• 65 ; llye . ... 4 * 65 j Buckwheat " 70 Patent Meal 44 45 Joarse Meal, per. 100, 1 15 Ohop Feed, 1 16 Middlings. Fancy 44 1 35 Bran 1 20 Chicken Wheat 1 55 Corn, per bushel, 61 White Oats, per bushel 43 New Oats choice Clover Seed, 1 •hoice Timothy seed, I vt Market Prices. 1 hoice Millet Seed. " tncy Kentucky Blue Grass, 1 rTc. dodson, THE Brujjcj ist, EMPORIVJI, I" A. 15 LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE j At Fourth and Ohestnul Sts.. 112 i / | . / HL.C. IIUUHUN. Telephone, 19-2. Opera House, EMPORIUM, PA., Thursday, March 29th. THE GREAT MELODRAMA "IN A WOMAN'S POWER" VITH. MR. TRUE S. JAMES, In the great character of "FIDDLE STRINGS." AND MISS LOUISE RIPLEY, In the character of "KAVONNA." SUPPORTED BY AN ALL STAR CAST OF METRO POLITAN PLAYERS. THE PIECE ABOUNDS WITH THRILLING CLIMAXES AND STIRING SITUATIONS Prices—7sc, and 50c,35c; children 25c. LOCAL DEPARTMENT, PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which yon would ike to sec in this department,let un knotu by po6- *al card or letter, personally. Geo A. Walker spent last Saturday in Corning, N. Y. Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruber to last Monday, a girl. Miss Hattie Russell, of Mt. Jewett, spent Sunday in town with friends. Mr. Chas. Gleason, now of Boston, is on a business trip to South America. Miss Ruth Richardson, of Driftwood, was the guest of Miss Nina Bryan over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gilbert, of the New Warner, were spending part of this week in Buffalo. Jos. L. Wheeler left Tuesday night for South Carolina where he is inter ested in a lumber tract. Mrs. Carrie Ellis has been quite ill with grippe for a week but is improv ing under Dr. Falk's treatment. Mrs. Ida Hamilton returned from Buffalo last week with a full line of furnishings for her dressmaking shop. James Dougherty, tinner for Murry & Coppersmith Co., and wife have been in Bradford the past week visiting old friends. Mose Minard,after having had charge of many sleighing parties, remarks that he does not know why Christians should fear to dio. Mr. A. C. Blum, Secretary of Key stono Powder Company, returned Tuesday evening from visiting New York and other cities. Miss Manic Cummings returned home from Buffalo, last Monday, where she was spending several deys completing her course in millinery. Mr. W. O. Painter, one of Clarion county's enterprising business men, visited relatives in town several days last week, guest of Prof. W. J. Leavitt and family. Mr. J. P. Kddy, of Cameron, was a business visitor in St. Marys on Satur day. Mr. Eddy has the contract of supplying coal and clay to a large manufacturing establishment at Cam eron. He employs a crew of about twenty men.—St. Marys Gazette. Mr. A. C. Urchin, contractor and builder, of St. Marys, was in town last week looking over the plans anil speci tlcatioDH of some buildings to be erect ed here this spring by Mr it Segerand others. Mr. Brehin is a tine gentleman to meet, aud we understand he desires to locate in Emporium permanently. .Mr. John Gleason came up Tuesday evening to attend Chapter meeting. Harry Moore, of Keating Summit, transacted business in town yesterday. Mr. E. L. Jones, of Bradford, trans acted business in Emporium Wednes | day. Mr. J. P. Eddy, of CaUler, was a i guest at New Warner over Tuesday j ; night. Mr. Lawrence Bauer and Miss Flossie Housler spent last Sunday at ! St. Marys. James Keenan, foreman at Cameron j mines, has resigned to accept a posi- ! tion at Possoni Glory. W. Va. Messrs. R. W. Green and Hon, Josiah j Howard left on Monday for West I Virginia on a business mission. 11. If. Cloyes arrived yesterdav from I West Virginia to visit friends for a few j da\ Hi i looking exc< edingly well. Thomas Cummings, .lr., who has ' been quit" ill for several days is im j proving. He escaped a run of fever. ' Mrs. E, J. Nugent, of East Salamanca, \ N. Y., after spending a few weeks in ! Emporium, guest of J. L. Wheeler and i wife, returned home on Monday. Mining Engineer B. W. McClure and | family have arrived in Emporium from West Virginia. They are stopping at I New Warner until than can secure a i home. County Commissioner S. P. Kreider came up on Tuesday and attended regular meeting of County Commis- | sioners. He left on Wednesday for Philadelphia. George Wright and wife of North Maple street, left on Friday on an ex tended visit to relatives at Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. They ex pect to be absent two weeks. Mrs. Alex. Mclnnes, Sr, ofCorry, who has been visiting her friends, Mr. and Mrs Thos. Trotter, expects to return home next week. Mrs. Me- Inness came down especially to assist her old friends, who have been quite feeble of late. Noble lady. Associate Judge George J. Laßar and wife returned last Saturday from an extended visit to Florida and Cuba. While they enjoyed their visit they were glad to get home once again. EX-CONGRESSMAN ARNOLD DIES ' SUDDENLY. Prominent Resident of Dußois, Penna., is Stricken in Muskegon, Mich. MUSKEGON, Mich., March 20—-Wil liam C. Arnold, of Dußois, Pa., died at the Hackley Hospital here to-day of chronic heart trouble. He arrived in Muskegon, March 14, on business con nected with his law practice, and was taken ill at his hotel the Friday follow ing. He partially recovered on Satur day, so as to be able to attend to busi ness, but suffered a relapse on Sunday. Pie continued to grow worse, and wrs removed by order of his physician to the Hackley Hospital. At 8 o'clock this morning he became delirious, and died at 9:30. The body will be shipped to Dußois to-morrow in the custody of an attendant from the hospital here. Mr. Arnold came to Muskegon to take depositions in a suit pending in Mississippi brought by the Muskegon Lumber Company and others against John E. Dußois, to enforce payment of $20,000 in a land deal. He was admitted to the bar in 1875, and served as Congressman from the Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania district in 1896 and 1897. lie leaves a widow, three sons and one daughter in Dußois. Lenten Mementoes. I.—That the object of keeping Lent is not to conform to an ancient custom, but to obtain a spiritual good. 2.—That the testimony of Christians whose testimony is worth having is that there is much nropit in a well-kept Lent. 3.—That the benefits of Lent arc for those who seek them, and they caunot be expected to come unsought. 4. —That the purpose of fasting is not to propitiate God by making ourselves miserable, but to gain control over our appetites and desires. s.—That whenever money is saved to us by our Lenten self-denial in food or pleasure, the discipline of self-denial is not complete until we have devoted the i money to the Lord. 6 —That all our self examinations j should be unbiased, our object being j not to find what can be approved, but ' what must be corrected. 7. —That our Lent will profit us just j in the proportion in which it brings us ! near to Christ, and makes us more like i Him. —Selected, j Swesey School Honor Roll. For month ending March 13: Pete j Craven, Sarah McCaslin, Marie Lock \ i wood, Earl Montgomery, Gertrude j ! Swesey, Dean Goodwin, Lettie Craven, | j Dora Bonner, Leone McCaslin, Jettie i j Craven. EZRA B. SMITH, Teacher. You can get all kinds of good cedar ; shingles at C. B. Howard & Co.. Notice to Contractors. The undersigned will receive bids for \ the erection of two or three dwelling houses on East Allegany Avenue, Em porium. Bids may be made in whole or part, for either wood, brick or cement. Plans and specifications may , be seen at my store. It. SE<;EK. It will not cunt you a cent to try Chamber la in'A Stomach end Liver Tablet*, anil they are excellent for Kotiiurh troubles and constipation. Get u free sample at at L. Taggart'.« drug store. J. K. Smith. Sterling Run Cruiu Bros., Hintmmaliun ! ng. i CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1906 An Ohio Lady Pleaded. A prominent Imly, of (Scncva, Ohi >, says ('rokcr .i llhuuumlic Cure is all rijjlit. 1 T o<ler diite of Jan. •>, 1!)()(!, slie say- This is ID certify that I have had Ilhcu m iiisni more 01 less all my life, and have taken only one and a half 50 cent, bottles of Crocker's Rheumatic Cure and have been very much benefited by it. For sale by J!. ('. Dodson. 211)ec'hn. IMus OKA PATCH, (' B. Howard & (Jo., havo received from the Pacific Coast what is perhaps 1 the finest lot of REI) CEDAR shingles ; that ever came to Cameron cou I%m m mzzszmm ammmm '-mesmsmm ® mam "GET THE HABIT"] ■f. We are doing a' splendid business. Our I patrons seem to be so impressed with the de- g* liciousness of. our baked goods that many ol them have ''got the habit" of coming here regularly. We anticipate more of that B "habit," because our bread and pastry isjbet- Iter than ever before. Get the habit—the health giving habit of eating the products of our sanitary shop. I Emporium Bakery I BREAD OF QUALITY L Next Door to Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. B ■ I r"\ If you Want the Best goto I = DAY'S ::,, I ■ VEGE | TAD, CO The Satisfactory Store GOODS TABLES | • Shrewd shoppers seek the store that gives the I greatest value for the money. There is no question as to which store this is. B j Appropriate goods for the lenten season are here in Q j profusion. It is our aim to make this portion of our A stock specially noteworthy. Smoked, Salt and Canned Fixli. I BOOTH'S OYSTERS AND PfILTIMORE LAKE FISH, jj Reduced Prices for Friday and ■ Saturday. LEMONS—Fancy California Lemons, thin skin- (Of* B ned and juicy, a dozen 100 ' BUTTER—Finest Creamery,wrapped in parch- QHP inent alb wUw B BOILED IIAM —Choice selected hams, of finest OflP I I flavor, nicely sliced alb will* B CALIFORNIA HAMS —Trimmed shoulder, mild IflP 8 sugar cured, convenient weight a lb ... , '"w B SOAP —S cakes Oak Leaf Soap 25C i BEANS —N. V.state Pea Beans, better for baking /P f| than Marrowfats, alb I B EVAPORATED PEACHES —Very choice, large jCP fl California Peaches alb IOU fl ! I ARMOUR'S SOUPS—2)< lb cans, assorted. QflP ® Regular price 25c; a can ZUU ufc j fl EVA PORATED CREAM —Unsweetened Con- QCP & defised milk, Gilt Edge Brand, 3 cans for . . AW*"* fl POTTED HAM or TONGUE—Regular 10c cansQCP* i three for B HAM LOAF—Regular 15c cans, IflP fl a can Ill" B : fl St T GAR —25U) bag best Granulated C| 'H 8 Sugar, .....: 3>1.4U I Feed l'ratts Poultry Food—A guranteed egg pro ducer —and see the result. Get the genuine here. J. .H DAY, I | fl Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. Vgg»WBMiW— —il^ al'r^L £7?I 1 i^tp-'isnjglans:ffigpg: f gTC=J^Ti^lS!□"- - = IT OUR NEW LINE OH NCW 5,,R1,, « L '" C OF Wl, ' , ," > " SHADEB L| Jl* from IOC to 75c per Shade. ji ill Wall Paper for 1906. zr r T . I K The best PAINT. Longman & Martinez, h I = All Colors. 8 ||l Consists of tin best things from three factories. Also £§j the Robert Graves Co."s line of Decoration Paper of.all Rodger's StainflOOr, the best made k >» d *- for Floors. |l) The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. 11 a P 1 | fi' 1 Louis against the world. ■ LLUY L'* Jpj -stts. lairs'tens. □" HTBTggi^-H'!ta' : Ei£^lJasgiflg^^airiaC^a£ : sS gjgaiaslS^liaaßria^iSgia^aSi^^) Bargain in llooks. A complete set of Hrittaniea Ency clopaedia, consisting of thirty volumes and key Are all new and in original packages. \V*il! 1 10 sold at a bargain, Apply at PKKH.H office. 3litf Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit lrom this office, or the Superintendent at the works. KRYBTONK POWDER Mm. Co. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1!»03, 21-tf. I* RUMMAGE SALE, j R. SEGER'S I 1/4 CLOTHING STORE. I illn I m \ Our new SPRIKG g* fl 4 « STYLES must have ■ 8 Nfe''r. u " room, therefore, we will H | Mfl|| c . onduct a SALE I ||flg • Until every piece of 1$ winter clothing and furn- £ k)> J :• I ishing goods has been fl llw IIIJ disposed of. They must I KB Wi 8 ° Will save y ° u big I fyj wyL Watch us this spring. 9 R. SEQER SON. J w 1 East Emporium's ® P -r ll] I Cash Store i Nobody ever saw such a Grocery Store. 112 I ■! OUR SPECIAL BARGAINS EVERY DAY. I Ri M j i i| I . , = — -- p | We will Sell. I ! (fit II j igj One piece 30c Red Henrietta, Sale m iB Price, - 20c p | f One piece 30c, Black Henrietta, Sale J ijj! Price, - 20c m M ffl I Groceries. I ill y i|p Live Oak extra large Fancy Italian lla Prunes, - - 13c lb j | Extra Choice California Prunes 10c lb j] | J Extra Choice California Prunes, 8c lb 1] 'j New Extra Fancy Corn, - 70c doz ] fe It in i<] fl It pays you to call on us; IB anything we offer saves you money, both in Dry Goods, Notions and Hardware. j. !1 (i lip i] ii . a 1 . 1 lljl Mail and Phone orders receive our careful attention, raj I' 11 1 m n |[ Tompkins & Norris'. 1 1 Phone 109 . j One Minute Cough Cure Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 1 For Coughs, Colds and Croup. Digests what yo« cat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers