oa.T)cr<?>r) JfWss. j IS AT Jb II LlflEl HD BY O, B. GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHKD EVERY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year |2 00 paid is advance II SO ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisements are publish edat the rate of one iollar [»ei square for one insertion and fifty cents per square for each xuhsequcnt insertion. Rates by the year or for six or three mouths are I OTV auu uniform.and will befurnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising persquare. three tuies or less, $2 00; eiicli subsequent insertions® cents per square. Local uoticesten cents per line for onei nsertion, dve cents per line foreacnsubsequentconsecutive Insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per line. Si mpleannouncements of births, marriages ami deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 per year over five lines, at the regular rates of advertising Nolocalinsertedforlessthan7s cts. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRESS is complete, and al'orda facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO I.aw Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid for I n advance. •S-No advertisements will be accepted at less t ban the price for fifteen words. •®"Reli|rious notices free. TO THE REPUBLICAN ELECTORS OF PENNSYLVANIA. I am directed by the Republican State Com mittee to announce that the Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representa tives, will meet in convention at the Lyceum theatre in the city of Harrisburg, on Wednesday, June 6,190(1, at 10:30 a. m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following offices, viz: One person for the office of Governor; One person for the office of Lieutenant-Gover nor; One person for the office of Auditor-General. One person for the office of Secretary of Inter na! Affairs; and for the transaction of such other business as may be presented. In acoordance with the rules governing the party, the representation in the State Conven tion will be based upon the vote polled at the lust Presidential election. Under the rules each legislative district is intitled to one delegate for eacli two thousand votes cast for Republican electors In 1904, and an additional delegate for every fraction of two thousand votes polled in excess of one thousand. By order of the State Committee, W. R. ANDREWS, Chairman. Deafness Cannot be Cured. By local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafuess, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbl ing sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restor ed to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing bat an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any caae of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's FaiEily Pills for constipation. Poisons in Food. Perhaps you don't realize that many pain poisons originate in your food, but SotJie day you may feel a twinge of dyspepsia that will convince yop. Dr. King's New Life Pills arc guaranteed to cure al! sickness due to poisons of undigested food—or money back. 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. Try them. AH a rule the man who lives slowly lives long. Don't deceive yourself. If you have indigestion take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I t will relieve you. Rev. W. E. Hocutt, South Mills,N. C., says: ''l was troubled wit!) chronic indigestion for several years; whatever I ate seemed to cause heart burn, sour stomach, fluttering of my heart, and general depression of mind and body. My druggist recommended Kodol, and it has relieved me. I can now eat anything and sleep soundly at night. Kodol digests what you eat. Sold by R. C. Dodson. The - ..it the earth will have no sour virtues. Letter to N. seger. Emporium, Pa. Why. urn think, can Devoe sell pure paii., iw as others sell adulterat ed paint? There are 30 or 40 or 50 different makers of paint, that rank, in a way, as '"first-flass." they have their regions; one's region is large, another's is small; every one is ''first-class'' in its region. Of these 30 or 40 or 50, one is best, another next, and so on down; but the prices are all the same or about the same —you can buy one for less than another though: a personal matter sometimes. Hut how. do you think, can Devoe sec the best for no more than the rest? The answer is, it costs less to sell it; more to make, less to sell. Reputation helps sell it. Its 150 years help sell it. Go by the name. Yours truly F. W. DEVOE Co., New York. P. S. Murry it Coppersmith sell our paint. F. H. Pearsoll Practical Painter. Pointing i- practical woik. Skill wins. It's the same with paint making. You know 4 gallons L. & M., mixed with gallons Linseed Oil makes enough paint for moderate -i/ed house—the best paint money can buy—because the L. & M., Zinc hardens the L..V M.. White I, ad and makes the L. \ M. l'aint wear like iron. Buy L >V M., and don t pay $1.5(1 a gallon for Linseed Oil, as you do iu ready for use paint, but buy oil fresh from the barrel at tilt cents, and mix with the L. & M L AM., costs oniy #1.20 per gallon. Sold by H. 8. Lloyd. THE COUNTY. CAMERON. Jos. Yoeum resigned his position at the crusher last Sunday, lie expects to locate in the south in the near future. A number of Cameron people took ad vantage of the recent cold snap and pack ed their ice houses. The ice was not the best. Mr. A. F. Walker has the largest supply. Foreman Robinson increased his force with a new man Saturday. Johnathan Kephart left Monday to visit his son Michael at Boree, Potter county. Mr. Kephart is an old land mark iu this section of the county and we are glad to see him out again after a month's illness. Mrs. Isaac Wykoff left Saturday to visit her son Geo. at Bradford, who is engineman on B. R. & P. C. P. Creaton of Clermont, who has been posting on the telegraph work at Cameron has been assigned to the Sinna mahoning Tower. Mr. Creaton was born near Finton's Water tank 25 years ago. liobt. Nilcs resigned his position with C. B.it C. R. R. and left for Port Alle gany. Any one ueeding wall paper would do well by calling on operator Page at Cam eron station before going elsewhere. lie has just received samples of the best paper ever seen in this county. Daniel Sullivan started housekeeping Saturday in the building formerly occu pied by Geo. Cartriglit. The fire alarm turned on from E. M. McFadden's residence was answered by foreman Robinson and men, who extin guished the fire before much damage was done. Initiation ceremonies were held under the railroad bridge last Thursday evening two new members received the three de grees. The water cure was then added, Brother Olson having charge of the ar rangements. By the way, we understand brother Clseu is something of a step dancer. Any one needing saw dust should call at the old boarding house. While returning home last Thursday night from cutting ice Robert Shreve was waylaid aud badly beaten. Three of his left ribs are broken and at this writing he is in a critical condition. He is also severely wounded about the head and face. Medical attendance from Empori um are doing ali that is possible for him. It is not hnown who his assailants were. Friday evening, Feb. 23d The Nation al Protective League, No. 1239, will hold a banquet at K. G. K. Hall. A first class time is expected, in fact it could not be otherwise undei the able management of Mrs. Wm. Wykoff, Mrs. F. L. Webs ter and Mr. Jos. Robinson. Last Monday the writer visited the poultry farm of Isaac Wykoff and sou Ernest and was greatly surprised to see Mr. Wykoff gather the days sup ply of eggs, which amounted to 105. They have about 500 fowls and expect to double that number the coming season. It is understood that the Calder Brick and Coal Co., will suspend opera for the balance of the winter. They have been exceedingly fortunate to have been able to keep the plant going as long as they have and in producing the best quality of biick. Supt. Walker is a hustler and the right man in the right place. His many friends iu this section esteem him very highly. J.F. S. HUNTLEY. Gertrude Hill aud sister of Grove Hill, spent Sunday with W. 11. Smith and wife. W. W. Johnson and wife spent Sun day with (jiarni Johnson of Sinnatnahon ing. B.J. Collins finished one end cf his his timber job Tuesday. John Carson spent Sunday with friends in Sinnamahoning. Mrs. A. F. Nelson was called to the home of her father, Mr. Tanner at Sterl ind Run, last week on account of serious illness. He is reported somewhat better. Dan'l Kailbourn, the popular fireman of the Pennsy line, made a short visit with his parents last week. While working on the skidway Satur day, the logs came loose, scaring the team of B. J. Collins. They ran away, break tng the harness and spreaders, but the horses were not injured. Dr. Smith of Emporium, was called to attend David Loiruc Friday morning. Mr. Logue suffered a relapse, but is some better at this writing. Henry Layton is visiting relatives in Saranac Lake, N. Y. Alfred Smith assistant foreman for the I'. 11. R, has received a crate of straw berries from Florida. When is dinner ready, Alfred? Several of us here in town have re ceived Valentines from out of town. We know who scut them and have a nice new rail and plenty of tar and feathers n ady i! they should happen to stop off here. Miss Susie Sullivan of Cameron, spent ! the past week with her sister Mis. P. Farrel. John Jordan secured a fine box Satur day. Relief operator Cupp, of Ucnovo, visit ed friends in towu Sunday. Levi Smith has charge of the steam department for Wilson Bros. mill and is putting iu a larger engine to meet the tie mand for more power. President Farrell of the Huntley As sociation announces that the Smoker Kri j day night will be one of the best that has | been held here for some time. Two I bouts are scheduled. The first will be a CAMERON COUNTY PRHSS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1906. six round exhibition between A. W. Smith and Geo. Collins, the winner to receive a ten dollar box of Lurk ins soap and a bottle of bay rum. The other bout is to be between Samuel Witchic and Charlie Carmilcto. Trainer, Win. John son, reports the men in first class condi tien, as they practice during the dinuer hour each day. After the smoker the members will accept Mr. Smith's kind in vitation to a trolly ride on his new motor car. The rumor that operator Sullivan was on the verge of ttarvation is without foun dation, although the commissary was pretty low. Brother Cage of Cameron nobly came to the rescue with a side of spare ribs. In his heartfelt gratitude Sullivan begs to add: There was once an operator, And he worked at the Huntley Tower; He was very fond of bacon. And he took his pickles sour; He enjoyed good canued tomatoes, Corn and beans and all the rest; i But in winter he ate cod fish, 'Till the bones came through his vest. Ob! the months were long and dreary, For the pay days came so slow; To supply this long man's stomach. For he did not have much dough; He had but a few dried apples, And about a quart of flour; To subsist upon till pay day— Dark and dreary were the hours. But a good man lived in Cameron, Who had heard of this sad case; And he went right to his pig pen. With a stern look in his face; Straightway then he slew a porker. And to Huntley sent a piece; Of the fat and juicy spare rib. This man's trouble for to ease. ' There is gladness and rejoicing, In this operator's home; For the spare rib sure will lasj him. Till the welcome pay day comes; You can give us gold or silver, Or from lands and houses part; But the day you filled our stomach, Was the time you reached our heart. J. F. S. Feb. 13th, lUOtl. STERLING RUN ITEMS Everybody is filling their ice house. Jos llobinson and wife of Cameron, spent Sunday afternoon with P. J. Rob inson and family. Sam'l Ebersole, Jr., who has been ill for the past two months is slowly improv ing. Mrs. Eugene Devling, who has been in Emporium for some time visited her home Sunday. Jos. Burnsides of Emporium was seen in tawn Sunday. Mrs. Frauk Iloag and son Deen of Ridgway, visited ()weu Wade and family last week. Mrs-. Stephen Bunce visited her daugh ter in Emporium Sunday. Two of our young ladies met with a great disappointment Sunday. Guess. The Emporium visitors on Saturday were Mrs. J. E. Smith, Mrs. Leonard Smith, M issses Byrde and Jesse Sterling and Wm. Smith. J. F. S. SINNAM AHONING. Jas. Council was home to visit his par ents and friends Sunday. Chas. Shafer is able to be around with the help of a crutch. 'A. L. St. Clair got hit with a log last week, which broke two of bis ribs. The Sinnamahoning Powder Co.. are tillin their large lee house, j Capt. C. F. Barclay was at Pittsburg j this week on business. Mrs. E. M. Peasley fell through the I trap door in Cium Bros, store Monday j and was quite severely injured. An Italian who froze his feet last week was taken to the Williamsport hospital. The B. & S. Co., have one of the finest cars injthe state on their road from Gaines to Dußois. Several cases of measles in town— some pretty severe ones. Wilson Peasley and George Wykoff haxe two blooded dogs of about saiueage. One weighs 73 lbs. and the other 3 V lbs. Pap Blodget has one ot the finest talk ing machines in the place and gives a free entertainment onee a week. D EBSE. RICH VALLEY Truman McCaslin has moved to Hicks Run. John Lockwood visited his brother L. Lockwood Monday, j The Missed Cista and Crystal lious ler visited friends in town this week. Walter Granger informed ye scribe that he had taken a lumber job on Ilicks Run. Chas. Bonner was employed in town this week. Wm. Carter was up from Driftwood Sunday as was Jas, Russell of Htntlev. Everybody in the valley expect to at | teud the chicken and wafllc supper on J North Creek, Saturday evening. Glennie I lousier is working for F. I>. [ Logan of the city. - Cameron Housler and \\. \V. Lewis j have been employed cutting ire m town. IK 11. Adams hau business to inwn 1 Monday. Master Carltie l>avis, . I Elk F>rk *>..-• ! visiting Frank LoeUwood ami wife tin j week. Harold Cliudwick was cut ridiug Tiles | day. He has fully recovered from his recent attack of typhoid fever. M. A I*. Lost. Front of Masonic pin. Finder re turn to and receive reward at office of Kkyhtonk PoWDKIt M'K'u., Co. NORTH CREEK. There was a good attendance at church Sunday. Beatrice Taylor has returned after an absence of a week. Henry Carter spent several days with old acquaintances last week. Horace Birch is chore boy for Everal Housler. Mrs. Susanna Housler visited in Port Allegany a few days. I. H. Leggett went through our town Friday with a load of coal. Mrs. Warren Moore visited her moth er and sister the past week. Miss. Millie Sprung visited her sisters over Sunday. Freemont Mott visited a few days at Elihu Chadwick's. Mrs. Chas. Barr was the guest of Mrs. C. J. Craven, Friday and Saturday. Misses Rena, Gertrude, and Myrtle Sweesey and brother Veer visited their grandmother, Mrs. Carter, Sunday. Remember the chicken and waffle sup per at F. A. Lawis' Saturday night. X. Y. Z. We are glad to hear that Miss Lila Berry who has been having a run of ty phoid fever, is improving. Mrs. Chas. Barr spent the latter part of the week with her daughter at Em porium. Miss May Moon was the guest of her sister in Emporium Saturday and Sun day. Some of our boys should learn the old adage, "The early bird catches the worm." Start earlier next time C. Mr. Garle Lewis of West Creek was seen on our streets Sunday. Quite a number of our people attended church Sunday and listened to a fine sermon. All are in hopes of getting our pastor back another year. Clyde Gibson nearly made a serious mistake one evening last week. He went to take some cough medicine and by mis take took laudnum. The Smith Bros, transacted businss in Emporium this week. Mrs. S. M. Housler has returned from a pleasant visit to relatives at. Wrights. Misses Beatrice Taylor and Tress-a Britton visited Emporium Saturday. ZEKE. CANOE RUN. This little town is not dead but sleep ing. However, now since the trains are stopping here we will be heard from oftener. The miners gave a dance Monday night for the benefit of Mrs. John Bossie of Emporium. Agnes and Itosa Keenan are visiting their little friends at the county seat this week. Ed Stewart is entertaining his sister from Chicago this week. Little Bertha Vilprinski is quite sick. Andrew Kehoe had the misfortune to injure his side very badly while alighting from his buggy Sunday. Geo. Ken worthy was overcome Jby dynamite smoke iu the mines this week and came near dying before the doctor arrived. He is much better at this writ ing. The >tork visited the home of Geo. Stewart. Mother and daughter doing well. Cigars are no object. Congratula tions, George. Supt. Kelly's wife and daughter-in law arrived here from Clarksburg, W. Va.. Saturday aud expect to make their future home in this place. R. V. Sinsabaugh spent the past week visiting friends in Potter county. Mrs. Janette Costello was called to the bedside of a sick sister at Elbon, Wed nesday. Jas. Kiileen is confined to his home with rheumatism. Mrs. John Xeenati is entertaining her mother for a few days. P. Walsh and wife were called to Aus tin this weckk on account of the death of their little niece. Jack Levonduski is visitimg his par ente in Burndale. Dan'l Kirk's children am sufferimr from bronchitis. Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheu matism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chaimberlain's Fain Balm two'or three times a day aud robbing the parts vigorously at each application. If this does not afford relief, bind on a piece (if flannel slightly dampened with I\iin Balm, and quick relief is almost sure to follow. For sale by L. Taggart; J. E. Smith, Sterling Run; ('rum Bros. Sin namoning. Xot all who think they think have thoughts. Fraud Exposed. A few counterfeiters have lately i>. ■ u making und trying, to sell ititituti< .it.- .>i I >r. King'n New Discovery lor Consump tion, Cough* and ('old.-, and nthei in ii cines. therby defrauding t hi- public. This i- to warn you to beware iv >uch people, whosi-ck to profit, through steal ing the reputation of ntuediis which buve been successfully curing 'disease, lor over i!.i years. A sure protection, to you. is our name, on the wrapper. Look tor it.on all I»r. Kings or Bucklen s remedies, as all others are mere imita tions. 11. E. Bl CK LEX CO., Chi- Ogao, 111., aud Windsor, Canada. Sold by L. Taggart. Mainspring of Life No One Can be Strong With a Weak Stomach, L. Taggart Tells How It Hay be Strengthened. The stomach is the mainspring of life. When it is strong and acts perfectly, then the whole system is right, assimilation is perfect, and body and brain are thorough ly nourished. One may perhaps get temporary relief from stomach troubles by using pepsin, or some other digestant, but this treatment has no curative effect. It does not reach the seat of the trouble and remove the cause. How much better to use Mi-o-na, which restores lost functions of the whole digestive system, revives flaggiug nutrt tiob, and aids iu the assimilation of food. Mi-o-na is a pleasant remedy to use, and benefit is seen from almost the first day's treatment. It restores the torpid glands and stimulates the natural diges tive secretions. It checks fermentation, stops germ growth, soothes inflammation, and cures all troubles, such as headaches, backaches, rheumatic pains, furred tongue, sleeplessness, nervousness, and general debility, which are caused by imperfect digestion. It is the ouly remedy that is so uni formly successful in the cure of stom ach diseases that L. Taggart is willing to give a guarantee with every 50 cent box of Mi-o-na tablets that the remedy will cost nothing unless it cures, lie has so much faith in Mi-o-na that he is willing [ to take all the risk. Sacrifice gives a heavenly * race to any gift. The New Cough Syrup—the one that acts as a mild cathartic on the bowels— is Kennedy's Laxati v Honey and Tar. It expells all cold from the system, cuts phlegm out ot the throat, strengthens the membrane of the bronchial tubes, and re lieves croup, whooping cough, etc. Child ren love it. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. There are mistakes it would be a mis take not to make. All old-time Cough Syrups bind the bowels. A new idea was advanced two years ago in Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. This remedy acts on the mu cous membranes of the throat and lungs and loosens the bowels at the same time. It expels all cold from the system. It clears the throat, strengthens the mucous membrane, relieves coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, etc. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Love never stops to figure out the cost. A Habit to be Encouraged. The mother who has acquired the habit of keeping on hand a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, saves her self a great amount of uneasiness and anxiety. Coughs, colds and croup, to which children are susceptible ate quickly cured by its use. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia, aad if given as soon as the first symptoms of croup appear, it will prevent the at tack This remedy contains nothing in jurious and mothers give it to little ones with a feeling of perfect security. Sold bv L. Taggart, J. E. Smith, Sterling Run; Crutn Rros., Sinnamahoning. You are never rich enough to spurn love. They never gripe or sicken, but cleanse and strengthen the stomach, liver and bowels. This is the universal verdict of the many thousands who use DeWitt's Little Early Risers. These famous little pills relieve headaches, constipation, bil iousness, jaundice, torpid liver, sallow complexion, etc. Try Little Early Ris ers. Sold by R. C. Dodson, Some people mistake patience for sense. Agonizing Burns. Are instantly relieved, and perfectly healed, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. C. Rivenbark, Jr.. of Xorfork, V'a., writes: •'I burnt my knee dreadfully; that it blistered all over. Bucklen's Arnica Salve stopped the pain, and healed it without a scar.' Also heals all wounds and sores, 25c at L. Taggart druggist The glowing vision comes in lowly service. A man who ci.ee had rough horny hands made thou 't and smooth with Witch Hazel Salve, but be used the I'uine that bearinti the name "K. DeWitt V Co., Chicago." For sores, boils cuts, burns, brufww, etc., it has no eqita' an . '1 'st ; nuii'diatc relief f'.itri i . i'i> ■ it -bing and protruding piles Sold bj 11. C.Dodson, *■>■■■■ »>« 111 111 I IIMMOTM LE ROY PLOWS" prolong tin lives ol lIOkSCS »:.d HEN, They draw l-'.ASV, thev IIOI,I) KASY. They run smooth and hold t ' the uround when ("tuny They clear wall in loose soil. 1 hey wear well. Not the eheapeat but the best. Madr by thi' l.e liny I'linv <i.., I.i ll iy, N. V. I.eKoy I lows for Mile by <", It. JKHMOP, K.mporlutu, I'a. , (Ms Oielil's ENLARGED WEST END Store Important Announcement We invite those citizens of Cameron county who have not visited us since we moved into our large new block, to call and see how nicely we are located and what an extensive line of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES,GROCERIES, and MEATS, in fact every thing to be found in a first class store. Big New Line of Shoes We have just received a large and carefully selected stock of shoes for LADIES, MEN and CHILDREN, at prices that will surprise you. All sizes and styles. In Rubber Goods we can fit you out from child to father. We aim to meet the wants of our patrons. Ask and you shall receive. SPECIAL With every pound of 50c Tea we give a pound of Santo Coffee. Try it. 7 bars Soap . . • ■ ■ 25C 3 Cans Best Corn. . . . 25C 3 pkgs Mince Meat . . 25C Raisins, per pound . IOC Enlarged Capacity Enables us to carry three times the stoek of an ordi nary country store and keep a larger variety. We have not the space to call your attention to every new line. In a word just, drop in and take a look at our large line of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Dress Goods, Shirt Waist Patterns, Table Linens, Hosiery, Ladies Collars. Something new every day. We aim and dokeepa full and fresh line of Choice Family Groceries, Fresh and vSalt Meats (Jacob Dold's), Sausages, Glass and Canned Goods. Everything choice or no sale. In Men aud Boys Work ing Clothing and Jackets we have some bargains. Complete line ol Medicines. We have added a full and complete line of pateut medicines. No Fancy Profits. 111 order to meet the de mands of our rapidly in creasing trade, we shall be content with a reasonable profit, having no desire to get rich quick. "Fairdeal ing, honest *<>ods at honest ! I prices is our motto." I I Phone and Dray. I chas. diehl. A woman's face may I c a druggist's fortune. Itching Piles. If you are acquainted with anyone who is troubled with ihi* «ii>i ailment, you can do 1 ■ 1111 n<. gitater favor than to tell him to try Chamberlain's Salve, it gives instant relief. This s-alve also enres sore ni|>pl<>*. ti-tttr an«l salt rheutu. Price US cent* Fur fate by L. Taggar;, John K. .-MJiiih. Stirling Hun; Crum 1 Bros., Sinn imahoning.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers