EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa. , Jauuary 3. 10CB. V K \lol'll 1 LA, pi'r suck i I 30 Felt's Fancy, " 1 •l 5 Pet Grove, " 1 J 5 Urahara, " "0 Kye " 88 Buckwheat 70 Patent Meal " ®0 Coarse Meal, per 100 125 Chop Feed, " 125 Middlings. Fancy" 1 35 Br an J 20 Chicken Wheat 155 Cor n, per bushel, 70 White Oats, per bushel 45 New Oats • "h oice Clover Seed, "1 Choice Timothy Seed, ! At Market Prices. Choice Mil let Seed. Fa ncy Kentucky Blue Grass, j R.C. DODSON, THE iDrucjcjist, EMPORIUM, I* A. S LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. u. c. UODHON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution* invited. Thai which you would ike to see in thin ilepartmenl,lei »* k now l>y pon (at card or tetter, personally. Geo. Barkhart has moved his family jiito the Novelty Restaurant. Miss Etta Fochman, of St. Marys is the guest of Miss Kate Ritchie. Rev. R. M. Robertson of Ridgway, transacted business in town Saturday. Frank Swayne and Frank Kelly of Austin spent New Year's day in Em porium. Miss Mattie Scliieler of St. Marys, was the guest of Miss Kraft over Hew Year's. Mrs. John Clair, of VVestboro, has been visiting friends here the past week. Mrs. C. C. Pearl, of Buffalo, was guest of Dr. and Mrs. E. O. Hard well last week. Mrs. C. W. Shaffer and daughter are both confined to their residence with diphtheria. A. F. Morgan and family of St. Marys, visited relatives in town the past week. Miss Claire Eddy of Calder, Pa., was the guest of Miss Golda Lyons during the holidays. Frank Gayner, of Sheffield, Pa., visited friends in Emporium during the Holidays. Alex. McDonald came home from Westboro, Wis., to spend the Holidays with his family. Mr. G. F. Balcom has been enjoying the past week in bed, suffering with the grip and quinsy. Mrs. Wm. Robinson, of Westboro, Wis., is visiting her mother Mrs. David Murry on Third street. F. H. Murry and wife, of St. Marys, visited their mother and other relatives in town on Christmas. Miss Myrtle Olmsted, who has been attending Oberlin, 0., College, came home to pass the holidays. John E. Smith, of Sterling Run, was the first to present the PRESS with a neat 1906 calendar. It is a beauty. Mrs. Wetheral, nee Edith Murry, of Buffalo, is visiting her mother Mrs. David Murrv, on Third street. Little Herman Hirsch who has been laid up the past two weeks with tonsi litis is able to be around again. Dr. V. K. (Jorbett came up from Driftwood Saturday to transact busi ness and made the P RKSS a call. Mrs. J. B. Schriever and daughter Irene, of Scranton, visited the former's parents in town during the Holidays. The Rt Kev. F. S. Spalding, Bishop, of Salt Lake, was the guest of the Rev. J. M Robertson on Monday night, be tween trains. Mrs. Houser, nee Miss Nettie Lord formerly of this place but now of Olean visited old friends in town dur iug the Holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harris and child red, of Olean, N. Y., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Harris over Christmas. Gordon W. Howlett, of Sterling Run, called on the PHKSS gang on j Tuesday last, after spending with his family. F. C. Hoyt and son of Cameron, ! while in town a few days ago were callers at our sanctum. Sorry we did not see you Call again S E. Cameron, of Towanda, Pa., visited relatives and friends in town Christmas. "Sam" has many friends in Emporium, who are always glad to see him. Like all former hmporium boys, when they leave "home" con tinue to read the PKKSS. Mr. E. J. Smith and family have , moved to Callery, Pa., wh«;re Mr. Smith and his venerable father are interested in the establishing of a fun,, plant. Emporium might have had this industry had our monied men »*, stired themselves in time. Mr. Smith and family during their Ave or more years residence here made many friends, all of whom wish them well. John Welsh and sister Miss Katie, of , Pittsburg, are visiting their parents in town. | J.S. Cruger, bookkeeper at the Coke j Ovens made us a pleasant call last | Saturday O B. Tanner and Geo. E. Wiley, of Gibson township were in town on ■ Monday. Miss May me Walsh, of Johnsonburg, j is guest of Thomas Cleary and family ; this week. Mrs. Frank Rogers, of Erie, is visit- j ing her mother, Mrs. David Murry, | on Third street. Mr. Harry Overturf, of Penfleld, visited his brother Ross and family I here last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Martin, of Wil liadisport., spent the Holidays with ; Mr. and Mr.-*. McGrain. Mrs. William Farrell, of Sinna ma honing is visiting her mother Mrs. Maggie Swartz in town. F. M Zelie a former Emporium dentist now located in New York spent the Holidays with friends in town. Leo Hayes left Wednesday morning, for Binghamton, N. Y., where he will enter Riley's Commercial College. Misss Myrtle Gregory returned to Williamsport Commercial College yesterday after spending the Holidays with.her parents. Mrs. David Johnson,of Wisconsin, is visiting her mother Mrs. M. H. Dodge. Mr. Johnson spent the Holidays here but returned home last Monday. Dr. Bardwell's friends will be pleas ad to know that, the Doctor is again able to attend to his office work, at regular hours after a long illness. Miss Christie McDonald, returned tojschool at Allegheny N. Y., Wednes clay afternoon, after spending the Christmas holidays with her parents at this place. Mrs. Fred Julian accompanied her brother, Mr. Voshage, to Ashland, i-a., last Saturday, where she will visit for ;ome time. Mr. Julian accmpanied them as far as Renovo. C. W. Williams, of Gibson, has set tled up his tax collecting business in lull and on Monday, with his wife left to visit his people in Bradford and Sul livan counties. May joy and happi ness go with them. Mrs. Editha Howard, accompanied by her son and daughther, Mr. God frey and Miss Marcia, visited their mother and grand-mother at this place Christmas. C. M. Wykoff, of Sinnamahoning, \ visited in Emporium last Wednesday I and favored the PKESS with a visit, j ■sorry ye editor was unable to meet j you, friend Wykoff. Thos. Butler, while setting brakes on ! Howard Go's log train last Thursday ; ivas hit in the face by the stick used i for that purpose, which broke his nose, j Dr. Smith reduced the fracture. Mr.-. W. W. Johnson of Huntley, was j ivas taken to Ridgway Hospital Sun- j lay morning where she will undergo j an operation. Mrs. Johnson's many j friends sympathise with her and hope ■ for her speedy recovery. The Observer. It is with courageous and hopeful hearts that we should enter upon the New Year. Life is full of promise, but there are no promises for the spirit of fear and despondency. Whether we are to be brave or fearful, hopeful or despondent, is a matter of individual choice and determination. Yes, we have all made mistakes, and in plenty; but why should we allow our present energy to be paralyzed, and our out look upon the future darkened by a constant remorseful consciousness of past mistakes? "It is not by regretting what is ir reparable that true work is to be done, but by making the best of what we are. It is not by complaining that we have not the right tools; but by using well the tools we have. What we are, and where wo are is God's providential ar rangement—God's doing, though it may be man's misdoing; and the man ly and wise way is to look your disad vantages in the face and seo what can be made out of them. * * * * He is the best who wins the most splendid victories by the retrieval of mistakes." "What Hrppened to Jones." The lady Bmiled. the villain leered, the farmer laughed and everybody roared at "What Happened to Jones." If you see it, you too will laugh. It will make you forget you ever knew what trouble was. Come and see it at the Emporium Opera House, Wednes day evening, January,loth. The Independent will please accept our thanks for favor received. You can get all kinds of good cedar shingles at C. B. Howard & Co. The Auditors are busy auditing the accounts of the county, and will be for several days yet. WANTED. —A girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. W. H. Howard, Sixth street $5.00 reward will be paid for infor mation that will lead to the recovery of my dog, Pedro. BINO HEMPHILL. Jubilee Singers at the Opera House, last evening gave a splendid entertain ment and was appreciated by a large audience. The annual election of officers of the Emporium Fire Department has been adjourned to Friday evening, at eight o'clock »t City Hall. C. B. Howard & Co., have the only large stock of shingles in the county at the present time. RED CEDAR from the Pacific Coast and WHITE CEDAR from Wisconsin WANTED— Capable hustlers to engage in the Tea and Coffee business. No capital required. Splendid induce ments to right party. For full particu lars address. The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., .'lf> W. Lou Ave., Dußois, Pa. 46 3t The II of Inheritance. It is not so bad when a rich wan cuts off his heirs for spite, lnheritan<-e has worked enormous mischief ever Mlix-e there were fortunes to leave. In meet CHM It Is a misfortune to be an heir - M. JAHJS INxrt Dispatch Totfk an lk» Calf, It's pretty toujfh on the fatted calf that It should have to suffer for the tin* of the pr<idlftal non Philadelphia &«cori CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1906. 1 Sickening Shivering Fits. | Of Ague and Malaria, can be relieved I and cured with Electric Hitters. This | is a pure tonic medicine; ol especial ; benefit in malaria, for it exerts a true j curative influence on the disease, drivinir lit entirely out of the system. It is j much to he preferred to Quinine, having 1 none of this drug's bad after effects. K. I S. Munday, of Henrietta, Tex., writes: | '-.My brother was very low with malarial j fever and jaundice, till he took I'jleutric I Hitlers, which saved his life. At L. j Tajjgart's drug store; price 50c, guaran teed. rm m emmmm# aiihim— —— •—1 "GET THE HABir| I I I patrons seetn to be so impressed with the de- £ liciotisness of our baked goods that many ol them have "got the habit" of coming here regularly. We anticipate more of that "habit," because our bread and pastry is bet- Iter than ever before. Get the habit—the health giving habit of eating the products of onr sanitary shop. I Emporium Bakery BREAD OF QUALITY L Next Door to Post Office, EMPORIUM, PA. I ■i—i—mmmm— mmm New Year Greeting \ DAY'S 1 fl The Satisfactory Store. • ■ This is a progressive world. It is the endeavor ot H this store to keep pace with it. Have we succeeded? At least, the year just closed has been the most satisfac tory in its history and we desire to extei.d onr sincere thanks to its many patrons and friends who have lielp |a ed us make it so, and wish you all a very happy and I prosperous New Year. We will contribute what we H can toward making it such by continuing to give the I most satisfactory goods and service. If you have not I patronized us in the past, why not start now. Will Sell Special this Week Friday and Saturday. I Beans —N. Y. State hand picked Pea Beans lb 4c. They are fine for baking. I Cottolene —50c pail Fairbank's Cottolene, 45c. Q Best substitute for lard. Force—A 15c pkge Force F'ood, 12c. Chocolate—Walter Bdker & Co's Chocolate lb 35c. Flour—"Gilt Edge" in % bbl sacks a sack 68c. I A patent blended flour which satisfies. Canned Vegetables—Tomatoes, Pumpkin, Baked Beans, Peas and Canned Apples, 10c values, 3 cans 35c. Plums —California Extra Choice Green Gage Plums a can 18c. Good value at 20c. Ham Loaf— 15c Tin Dold's Ham Loaf, 12c. Salmon —15c Tall can Red Alaska Salmon, 12c; a dozen cans $1.20. , Hams —Regular 10 to 12 lbs each a lb. 12c. 251b bag best Granulated Sugar, $1.40. j nOOTH'S Oysters I I Qaltimore U lake fish A j 9 Leave orders for Fish to be delivered Friday morning. IPratts Stock and Poultry Food and Veterinary ■ Remedies. I J. .H DAY, I I • Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. rag) - New Spring Line of Window Shades |i 11. OUR NEW LINE OF / . B . . 1 ||> from ioc to 75c per Shade. |j if Wall Paper for I 905. The best PAINT. Longman & Martinez. I |m ======================= : ======= : = : = = Colors. fp! H Consists of the bcstjthings from three factories. Also the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper! of all Rodger's StaillflOOr, the best made kinds. for Floors. IIJ The Gravesl line took I first prize in competition at St. H ADDV g 1 I rJ jD I/ouis against the world. 11/\I , V" , V ■ I—«L-*Vr ■ LJ« d ajfeqß.«rrs;isns aWniajg jto nllb A Liquid Cold Cure. For couirhs and colds no remedy is j equal to Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar—the Liquid Cold Cure. It is tlil jjerent from all others—better, because it expels all cold from the system by acting ! as a cathartic on the bowels. (Jives! strength to weak lungs. Affords iuime- ] diate reliel in Croup, Coughs. Colds, j Whooping Cough, etc. Childreu love it. | Sold by K. C Hudson. "Ask lor the 190(! Kodol Almanac and 200 year Cal-J endar." I 'Hot Weather Money Savers^ AT R. SEGER & 80N'8 If •' jSOV : warm weather you 8 ■"fife l must take as great care of ■ > OUr et aS yOU >' our | M'Pj' 'll I The Money Saver I yWMmTHE DOUGLAS SHOE I 'i ; I 112 "'r|i IB fiives Satisfaction. | Ftvery department will ■ make you comfortable these MTry our cool Negligee I h Mj- j' jjgSi Shirts, Underwear and Hose. I R. SEGER & SON, | • mmwmimm mmmmmm mmmmmm m wJ H East Emporium's ■ Cash Store jj Nobody ever saw such a Grocery Store. j| jj Tfie Food Store is at its ISest. Our |J 111 Special Days ;are Every Day. |p; Ikf '! I OUR SPECIAL SALE TUESDAY, DEC. 26. | " ,J iiU I' iS[ During the busy days, Thompkins .S: Norris' is the Jgj t| store that can serve you best. All our new goods are in y i splendid condition tor Holiday trade —our low prices «= lp same to all. i| ! ||j Mince Meat, Perfection Brand per lb roc |H .jj Raisins, seeded, extra fine new goods, Ilb pkgs . . 11c If ,|| Currants, best grade thoroughly cleaned, per lb . . gc p -|| All our new canned vetetables are now in stock. jfjj P New corn our sale price to-day 7 oc doz fjj ill Sugar cured hams lb ipr [p Granulated sugar 25 lbs. . . . , sl.4° dl ;lfjf Malaga Grapes, large, heavy, sound clusters a lb. . .18c ILj Ujj Butter, the best Creamery in the market perjlb. . . 28c |J i|ir Oranges, California and Florida. Pj I 1 1 I I i I 1 fll It pays you to call on us; | anything we offer saves you |p money, both in Dry Goods, J Notions and Hardware. jjj Ijji m 11 m ~ . . 1 iLi Mail and Phone orders receive our careful attention. fj ! 1 I I Tompkins & Norris'. ] i Phone 109 j| One Minute Cough Gure Kodol Dyspepsia Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup. Digest* what yo«* oat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers