Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, December 21, 1905, Image 22

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    A New Year's Bureau
of Chivalry
ENTLEMEN, it is New
Year's Eve! And fur
thermore, on general
principles 1 believe
vx®l tlmt the time has come
Wu~ V9 whenthe ii° n ° r ° f ° ur
JSMI( sJhB club demands that sev
ff| V K|* eraliy and jointly we
rfTWps-V shall devote our bach
ml? elor energies t0 the
jjjj neglected cause of
' chivalry."
The speaker brought his fist down
with such a thump upon the table at
bis elbow that a glass that had stood
too near the edge rolled off and broke
In bits upon the hearth tiling. Each
occupant of the club room started per
ceptibly in his easy chair. Nervous
Mr. Emmet Keene dropped his news
paper in alarm. Solemn, dark-eyed
Mr. Warren Gloom forgot to light his
cigar, and held the lighted match in
his hand until it burned the ends of
his long, lank fingers. Ex-AJderman
Samuel Hiller tortured his face with
one of his homely, laconic smiles and
stroked his chin with aggravating
cautiousness. These and all the other
occupants of the room directed their
attention to the speaker, Gen. Fries-
Lie Wiggins, and waited for him to
continue. That he was in earnest was
apparent at a glance. His rather
fleshy face was flushed, his tuft of chin
whiskers showed some signs of agi
tation and his eyes had a look of kind
ly seriousness.
"Gentlemen," he continued, "you
have read the newspapers. You are
well aware of the great stir which
has followed the appeal of that admir
able club woman, Mrs. Dexter Bloom,
for protection for the members of her
eex who have occasion to walk alone
amid the dangers and iniquities of our
city streets. Could any sensible man
be insensible to such an appeal? 1
speak with all seriousness, Mr. Hiller.
I believe that the time has come for
us as individuals and as a club to act.
There is more in this matter than the
newspaper humorists see. In spite of
the fact that we are bachelors, I be
lieve we stand ever for the best inter
ests of woman—"
"Because we are bachelors, I should
Bay, Gen. Wiggins," remarked Mr.
liiller, with a grimace.
"We stand, I say," resumed the gen
eral, "for the best interests of woman
kind. Indeed, for a quarter century
the Bachelor club has never been the
last to lend its influence to any war
fare against that which does not make
for a better and a safer city. Again,
the time has come for action. There
has been some talk of establishing a
bureau that shall supply maiden ladies
of good character with reliable and
agreeable escorts, 'the idea is taken
humorously, but is there not some
thing in it worthy of thoughtful at
tention, even the attention of —the
Bachelor club?"
"Bravo!" exclaimed Mr. Keene.
"Bravo!" echoed the other members,
who had now gathered in an amused
and admiring' circle about the respect
ed and "csourceful general.
"Ultimately, of course," continued
the general, pleased at this exhibition
of loyalty, "it would be our purpose to
have an organized bureau which would
send out agreeable and dignified pro
fessional escorts on call. But, gentle
men, everything must have a begin
ning. We must in some manner have
the ear of our Swampucket society on
this subject. We must apprise the fair
Bex of our purpose. They must know
that our personal integrity is behind
this movement. We must at first be
willing to act personally in this mat
t« r. Our <My is not KO large that our
efforts will lie misinterpreted, nor is
It so small that our every a<t will be
everybody's corn crn. And now I pro
pose to you, geutlemen, as a means of
launching this enterprise, that the
members of this t lub to morrow, iu
B<> me apptoju iaie manner, place tuem
■elves a', the tlii-i osal of the unaitend
tin atiinUK Ihe - ill If- hex of our > lets
|-i thU city Could there be it ,
more propitliiiß for iiuuchlng MI h a
movement.' Geiub ni'u u h \,W
Yeai • Kve N> eil I a K for volun
It were aim »t ln>] • ■**lble talitifuliy
lo «!• 'til' tilt i mot lon* then
ter <l'' word* of Gen. WtKglns arouse |
111 lite elr l*i of h'tcltoloin if »! sur
rouudi d liini Home smiled, ime or
t*o "ha a u»*ed. oju.i- y ,i,i hu I
each other slyly in tue ribs; but a half
hour of discussion and planning was
enough to promise tho enlistment, on
one ground or another, of every mem
ber present. It need scarcely be added,
however, that it was well into the
night before the new bureau of chiv
alry was by all present thoroughly un
derstood to be a perfected organization.
Before the plans were complete Wil
liam, the one hired attendant waom
the club boasted, had been many times
requested to pile more wood on the
open hearth blaze as a means of de
fying the encroachments of the New
Year's cold, which did what it could
to entomb the gayety within the an
cient but distinguished frame residence
that served as a clubhouse, by cover
ing all window panes with a quarter
inch of hoar frost, except maybe hero
and there a peephole through which an
outsider might catch a glimpse of a
red dancing flame of the jolly fire.
Otherwise, no heed was paid by the
originators of the bureau of chivalry
to the new fall of snow in the early
part of the evening nor to the cold
which succeeded it when the moon
came up. When at last still small
voices began to whisper in the ears
of those whose habits were most reg
ular, warning them that it was high
time they betook themselves to bed,
the plans for the morrow were fairly
The day dawned bright and clear.
The snow was fine and hard and gave
back a thousand sparkles for every
glance from the bedroom window of
the early riser. The ladies of Swam
pucket knew nothing of what was in
store for them, but rose early to finish
their New Year's cake and candy mak
ing and to attend to the thousand de
tails of this day of nut cracking, and
corn popping, and apple baking. Soon
after breakfast numerous tall and som
ber figures, but all with sprightly gaits,
might have been seen wending their
way to a common rendezvous at the
Bachelor club, and doubtless they were
noticed by many, but the real alarm
did not begin to be sounded by Swam
pucket society until the doorbells be
gan a tingle, tingle, tingle, that .jrew
more frequent as the day wore on.
Her first caller took Miss Clarissa
Frey entirely by surprise. As she aft
erwards explained, she felt as if the
tide of time had taken her tip bodily
and set her back 30 years. When the
doorbell rang she was not prepared
for callers, being dressed, indeed, in
hor wrapper; but when a peek through
a side window had revealed the fact
that her caller (world on end!) was
Air. Emmet Keene. dressed in keeping
with a bygone style of chivalry which
she well remembered, even to the llar
ing white collar and black tie and the
gold-headed cans, she flew with maid
enly agitation to tho very garret, leav
ing his admittance to others while she.
alive to the spirit of the occasion,
decked herself out with a wonder of a
hoop skirt, which her niece Phoebe
had planned to wear that very night
at a New Year's amateur play. Emmet
Keene never had got ahead of Clarissa
Frey, and he wouldn't do so at this
late day if she could help it.
Air. Keene was somewhat lakrn at ack
when, after a considerable delay, there
entered the drawing-room an appari
tion that seemed to have a double in
the storehouse of his memory. lie
tried to account for HO years gone by
but for the life or him could not make
it more than 20 in the figure before
him He had to admit, as he had done
in times past, that Clarissa Frey was
a remarkable woman After the »' x
change of New Year's greetings and
gossip Mr. Keene tried to explain the
organization and purposes of the new
bureau of chivalry, "a new—er~ de
parture of the Bachelor club" a-; he
explained, with nervousness. tint
somehow the point didn't carry. By
inadvertent mention of the fact that
the departure was founded upon the
milch discussed plea fur protecMon
from Mrs. Dexter Hloom. he fo :ml
him self launched upon a deep and
ethical discussion of women's clubs
which ended only with the tingle of
the doorbell, armotin lug the arrival
of a fellow clubman, and indlcni ng
that Mi' Keene «us not properly ap
portioning th- time at bis disposal
among the members of the fair vex
on Ins list.
Mrs. |)e\tet- |<loom wa a widow of
considerable dignity and ai: emissive
Intellect It cuniiot I i ifi) ih it <ihe
rsveaUd any signs of uttHatloii w.t«n
UvfU. 11 ieabts Wijigitis a,u uuiiouu, <.d
She was not subject to surpr'se.
Much progresslveness had made her
immune. Also there may have ueeu
another reason —but that is anticipat
ing the climax of a New Year's night's
"spread," to which the Bachelor club
took it upon itself to invite Swam
pucket society in the course of the
day's calls. But Mrs. Dexter Bloom,
despite her complacency, was quite
sensible of Gen. Friesbie Wiggins'
commanding and graceful appearance
as he stood on the threshold, silk hat
in hand, meeting the half-mktuial,
half-induced blush on her face with
the bow of a courtier —but he shall be
left to make his own call.
The theme of interest in the Globe
office that night and in various o'.her
quarters was the impromptu "spread"
of the Bachelor club. The compositors
were put to work setting up the "kid"
reporter's spirited story of the day's
New Year's calls, which was to have
as a heading: "Old Boys Frolic."
The thing was done up brown, fhe
organization of the bureau of chivalry
was hinted at, and liberal space was
left for whatever might develop at the
spread. In the end a second story
was written to cover the latter, for
everybody said it was well worth it.
The Bachelor club opened its aos
pitable doors and kept them swinging
until the place was fairly bursting
with New Year's jollity, laughter and
repartee—not to mention coffee and
cake and good things to eat. as a little
girl added who was present. Then,
too, there was more romance in tne
air than the staid bachelor upholstery
and hangings had absorbed in many
a year.
The curiosity of some of the fair sex
having been aroused by sundry inade
quate references that had been
dropped during the day to the organ
ization and purposes of the proposed
bureau of chivalry, it was naturally
expected that the matter would be ex
plained in full at. the banquet. The
members of the Bachelor club were
somewhat divided as to how much of
their plans on this score should be
made public. It had at first been
thought advisable to wait until the
banquet and then to make a general
announcement, for, to be effective, the
purposes of the bureau ought to be
known to those who would require 'he
services of the professional escorts
which it would supply. But some
members thought this would bring un
pleasant publicity at the present per
sonal stage of the proceedings, and
that it would be best for the members
to drop appropriate hints while mak
ing their New Year's calls. But the
experience of Mr. Emmet Keene in
divulging the matter seemed to have
been the experience of nearly all who
had essayed the embarrassing task.
Nor had the general embarrassment
of the situation visibly decreased by
the time the coffee had been reached
that New Y'ear's night. Ex-Alderman
Samuel Hiller. as a ready speaker,
was urged by those near him at tanle
to divulge the details of the club's
mysterious plan. But in a speech
that was considered felicitous, he re
ferred the whole matter to the origin
ator of the plan, "to the esteemed
and confirmed member of our ciub.
Gen. Friesbie Wiggins." That gentle
man appeared to be visibly affected by
the task confronting him. He stam
"Fellow members of the Bachelor
club, it grieves me" —he checked him
self and looked hastily at Mrs. Bloom
at his side, whose natural color was
heightened to that of a peony, "that is
to say, it gives me pleasure." He
paused again, this time to wipe the
gathering beads of perspiration from
his forehead. Drawing himself to
gether. he started again: "As the
poet said, the best laid plans of ruice
and men—Well, the fact is, boys, the
plan has its drawbacks. I've talked
it over with Mrs. Illoom. and she savs
that as far as the personal elemeni is
concerned, she thinks she will look j
after mo herself —or, that is to say," |
but he never got farther, and fell back i
into his chair amid vociferous tries
of "traitor!" and the enthusiastic ap
plause of the fair sex.
& I
Mumper—l hear that tho aM'.iin
k"eper.-> have resolved to atop tt>e -us |
torn of glvin;; bottles of liquor to their
customers for New Year's preaen's
Bumper They have, have th>y?
Then hang nie If I don't stick to my j
New Year's res ilutlon this lime.
He Imparts Information. Ki "-I Miuiuiia told Freddy I
that If In wasn't g >Ol H iiiia (.'lams !
wouldn't britg hiiii anything Won't I
Little t;«oig. oh! Mamma < ju»i |
throwing 4 bi'uro Into Freddy, and be* |
o little ID- don't know any better Santa i
Ciaust li ttv> >o 1 thing!! wlu-Uui you'rt i
fcoud er not!- Puck.
Remarkable Record of Railroad Men
in an Emergency of Gravest
The well-known writer on railroad
subjects, Mr. Frank H. Spearman, in his
book entitled, "The Strategy of Great
Railroads," describes the surprise of
the general manage; of one of the east
ern trunk lines, on a hunting trip in the
north woods, who suddenly found him
self on the right of wiy of a splendid
well-built railway line, apparently of a
construction and equipment similar to
the New York Central or Pennsylvania,
along which thundered in quick succes
sion heavy trains of iron ore, splendid
passenger equipment and general
freight service of surprising propor
tions. .
This was the Peninsula division of the
Chicago & Northwestern railway which
covers the upper peninsula of Michi
gan, including the hardwood district
and Lake Superior iron and copper re
gion. with a surprisingly efficient net
work of lines that connect the mines
and forests with important lake ports,
and with through rail service to and
from the outer world.
Along this busy ore-carrying line a
splendid exposition of the loyalty, in
telligence and general good team work
that can be expected of the average rail
road man and the efficiency of the rules
laid down for his guidance in an emer
gency, was given a few days ago. which
so greatly pleased the superintendent
and other officials that the story has
finally crept into public print, and it is
well worth repetition in these columns.
It was all occasioned by a very heavy
sleet storm that fell in the upper pe
ninsula, which threw down practically
every telegraph line in the region in a
few hours, and left the 4G4 miles of the
division absolutely without telegraphic
service for no less than 4S hours.
The ore movement has been especially
heavy this year, more Lake Superior
ore being transported on the grea;
lakes than ever before in the history of
the iron industry, and in this emergency
every mine would have to shut down on
account of the shortage of railway cars
to move their product unless the road
was kept open in spite of the storm.
There was nothing that could be done
by the chief train dispatcher; both he
and the division superintendent were
temporarily out of the game. It was one
of these emergencies where the"man
behind the gun" must make good, or
the case was a hopeless one. And make
jood he did. in true blue, loyal style,
with that splendid initiative that
makes the average train crew typical of
t he qualities we admire in our American
There was no way in which to get or
! ders for train movements, no means by
J which division headquarters could be
kept advised of where their trains were,
! and, to the onlooker, no means existed
j by which the train crew could keep
i track of the whereabouts of trains in the
j opposite direction. It was an emer
! gency of the gravest character, and was
J met with a splendid exhibition of good
; judgment and intelligent grasp of th<>
science of railroad operation that is per
i haps without an equal. They managed,
j on a single track line, without telegraph
lines, for two whole days and nights, to
j keep every iron and copper mine in the
| district supplied with equipment, and
j moved all trains practically on time.
There were 4.971 cars moved over the
! division Friday and Saturday. October
20 and 21, and 125 freight trains and no
i less than :!4 passenger trains were taken
| care of upon the division, all handled on
time on a single track, without accident,
mishap or delay, and without the help
of a train dispatcher.
Can anyone beat that record of loy
alty to employers, hard work and intel
ligent grasp of conditions?
-Any man who has ever handled the
train movement of a busy railway di
vision will appreciate how very much
is involved in the work these trainmen
did, hurrying to and fro over sleet
covered cars, keeping cool, and ready to
meet every emergency by application of
the operating rules provided for their
Origin of Railway Whistles.
Locomotives, 75 years ago. had no
whistles. The engineer kept by his
Bide a tin horn, which he blew be
fore curves and dangerous crossings,
liut the noise was feeble. In 18;i:i an
English farmer's cart was run down
on the way to market, and 1.000 eggs.
100 pounds of butter, two horses and
a man were lumped in one great
omelet on the rails. The railway hau
to pay the damages. The president
sent for George Stevenson, and said,
angrily: "Our engineers can't blow
their horns loud enough to clear the
tracks ahead. You have made ,\our
steam do so much —why don't you
make it blow a good, loud horn for
us?" Stevenson pondered. An idea
came to him. He visited a musical
Instrument maker, and had construct
ed a horn that gave a horrible screech
when blown by steam. From this
horn the locomotive whistle ot' 10-day
Stand Work Well.
Railroad magnates are generally
supposed to be hard workers, but many
of them seem to stand it very well.
James J. Hill is 67, A. J. ('assail, is
00. Marvin llughitt is Ot and 10. T.
Jeffrey, Row well Miller ami Thomas
l,oury own up to 02 each. Of 17 of
the most prominent railroad men in
ihe country i.ot one is under 5o yeais
Cars of Wood and Stael.
Owiir-; lo Inability of the old wo >den
freight cat to i.tand tli iiiijiai t Of
modern sie. l cars a rule has been j
adopted on the western lines that ears
of up and below IJO.OOO pounds cttpat -
l y nhull not be pia-ed ahead of the]
stctl CUIJ iu making uy trains.
Section of Kansas That Possesses UU"
common Attractions for
Down in southwestern Kansas, sotas
hundred miles or so below
is a veritable "promised land" flow
ing in milk and honey, and destined
some day to take a prominent place
in the top-notch farming country of
the great southwest.
Here is what a recent enthusiastic
visitor says about it:
"In the first place the farmers of
this section, with the assistance of the
great experimental farms and re
searches of the agricultural depart
ments of the government and of tho
state, have found out what the Lord
made this country for, and they are
getting rich.
"For five kinds of African corn, dark
and light, Kaffir, Jerusalem corn, milo
maize and dwarf maize, for four kinds
of cane (sorghum), for Texas red oats,
for beardless barley, durum wheat and
alfalfa, this country is proving as sure
a crop country as lowa and Illinois are
for corn and other cereals needing
from 30 to 40 inches of rainfall.
"One township alone in Meade coun
ty this year shows by assessors' re
turns more than 23,000 acres of winter
wheat in splendid condition and a
large acreage being planted in durum
or macaroni wheat this spring. In
all of the counties in this section the
wheat is very fine and a very much
increased acreage over last year. It
is 'the Artesian valley of Meade
county' that makes it famous. It is
a sort of freak formation, found only
"Crooked creek or Snake creek, as the
Indians called it, is one of the several
forks that, coming together, form the
Cimmaron river. At Meade, a stone
could easily be thrown across the val
ley. From this point it widens out un
til it is about 12 miles wide some eight
or ten miles above Meade. It then nar
rows again for ten or 15 miles, making
an average width of perhaps five or six
miles for some 25 miles. This is all free
alluvial soil, underlaid with sheet water,
which is within easy reach of alfalfa
roots. In other words, it is a true sub
irrigated district. This sheet water is
from five to forty feet from the surface.
Twenty thousand acres of alfalfa now
growing in this valley from one to ten
years old, illustrates the subject much
better than it can be told.
"Below this stratum of sheet water at
from 85 to 275 feet, artesian water is
found. There are something like 2,000
of these wells now flowing in the val
ley. They are put down at a nominal ex
pense. The water is pure and soft and
has a temperature of 60 degrees summer
and winter. There are from 110 to 125
sections of this land. I am familiar with
the country in New Mexico and else
where that is on the market as alfalfa
land, and I feel that I know that right
here in Meade county. Kan., are better
values multiplied several times than
can be obtained elsewhere. I look to see
this section of the country, in the not
far distant future, recognized as among
the most valuable lands in the United
The Human Element in Handling
Railroad Trains Increases
When a railroad train is going to
wreck itself, it really does not make any
appreciable difference whether that
train is running at 60 miles an hour or
40 miles an hour. The real difference is
in regard to the human machines that
handle the trains, says the Hartford
A locomotive engine is a dumb thing,
without the sense of hurry and respon
sibility. and whether its wheels revolve
with greater or less rapidity is all the
same to it, so long as it does not break
down. But the engineer, the switch
tender. the train dispatcher, and soon,
all have nerves, and these nerves are
subjected to an increased strain with
every serious increase in the regular
rate of speed. This is the real danger
point with the fast trains between New
York and Chicago.
Our American railroads kill a good
many people every year when running
at what may be called a normal rate of
speed; and this means, at least in the
case of half the accidents, that some
body's nerves have been overtrained and
overstrained. If the human element in
handling railroad trains could be made
as insensible to outside demands as
the locomotives are, one chief obstacle
in the way of plans for great increases
of speed would be done away with.
Dangerous Railroad Travel.
A newspaper writer, meeting Lord
Brassey at Bed Hank, N. J., asked the
distinguished foreigner if he feared to
travel 011 American railroads.
"Oh. no." Lord Brassey answered,
"your American railroads kill a good
many people in tne year's course, but
we must remember that they carry a
i-ood many people a good many miles,
in proportion, probably, they do no
niore damage than the railroads of
France or of Scotland.
"The famous l)r. Norman Macleod
was once about to set off on a long
railway journey through Scotland.
Just as the train was pulling out the
clergyman's servant put his bead in
through the window and said:
" 'Ha'e ye ta'en an insurance ticket?'
""I have." aid the doctor.
" - Tli n.' said the servant, 'write yer
name on it and gi'e It to me. They
ha'e an awfu' bad habit o' robbin' the
i orp>' > on Oils line.'N. Y Tribune.
In a Better Wny.
Pete I see one of the leading inln
isit.4 wii ■ a biakeman 011 a railroad
at one time.
I'm I miipoue he Is still doing
coupling t'lfvelaud Leader.
His Poor Shins.
Mrs. Kronnick—Really, my dear.
must get a dressing (able for the IK4
Mr. Kronnick—No. madam, there';
too much furniture there already.
Mrs. Kronnick (sarcastically)—ln
deed? And how did you discover tha
Mr. Kronnick—By bumping Into !
all when I got up last night to get
match.—Philadelphia Press.
Like the Original.
Mr. Deßrush—What is there abot
my portrait of you that you don't lik
madam ? '
Mrs. Dobbdon —I don't like (he colo
ing in the face. It doesn't look na
Mr. Deßrush—l didn't try to mal
it look natural. You said you want<
it trus to life. —Cleveland Leader.
Changed Shops.
The dog-pound—horrors!—ls next dooi
To the butcher shop, I've found;
Now ( shall never more
Buy sausage by the pound!
—Cleveland Leader.
Hiram Milkweed —What are the pi
9f your rooms?
Hotel Clerk—The highest are the)
est and the lowest are the highest.—l
adelphia Press.
Wise Buyers.
The Christmas shopping days have c
The best of all the year.
When early buyers make things hum
And countless counters clear.
—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
She Bit Her Lips.
Mother (suspiciously)— What m
your lips so red? Has that y
Sweet Girl—No, he hasn't. If mj
are red. it's because I've been b
them. I was mad.
"Mad because he tried lo kiss >
'"No.' Because he didn't."—
Was It Possible?
"Did you see the f cotball game
"How was it?"
"Great! It rained and the pi
were plastered with mud from hf
foot, but they played a nice
game."—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
More Interesting.
A correspondent of a Kansas
asks "Why are all millionaires
sent 3 1 to be either fat or baldhea
But a question that interests
good deal more is "Why are i
and baldheaded men rot milliona
—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The Exception.
"Everything goes up in antici
of the holiday trade."
"Not everything."
"I'd like to know one thin
"The mercury."—Cleveland
Careless Man.
"Yes, he's engaged to Miss E
"How did it happen?"
"He remarked (hat he would
have love than riches, and shi
strangle hold on him before h
side-step."—Houston Post.
A Constant Surprise.
Mamma —I'm surprised a
Johnny (thoughtfully)—l wc
you'll ever get. used to me. n
You're always surprised at n
Another Record.
Re.ld—My chauffeur's made
Greene —V ou don't say!
"Yes; been lined eight tim'
days for speeding."—Yonkers
As a Matter of Econom
"Why do you print so man
stories in your magazine?"
"Well, I'll be honestr-Avfth
do it to save the cjrst of hir
readers." —Chicago Record-He
Peace Offering.
"I just wonder what presen
band will bring me to-night,
"Why, is it your birthday'
"N>, but we had a quarrel (
lng."—Cleveland Leader.
Hot Stuff.
The Sun had broken out I
"That's where I have the
of the leopard," chuckled t
Chl.'dgo Tribune.
"MISH Elderlelgh Is such
and cultured girl. Isn't she?"
"Yes. She even calls It
mutton sleeve." "—Chicago
At'ter the Horse Sin
He— lK> yuii love nie?
Kh«' Well, I hboulu Just
fown Topics.