THE SECRET OF SUCCESS I l^' "No, Sir! You cannot palm oT anv substitutes on me. I've been usinj; August Plowersinc# X was a boy, and I'll have no other." <1 Forty million bottles of August Flower sold in the United States alone since its introduction ! And the demand for it is still growing. Isn't that a fine showing of success? Don't it prove that August Flower has had unfailing success in the cure of indigestion and dyspepsia—the worst enemies of health and happiness? <|l)oes it not afford the best evidence that August Flower is a sure specific for all stomach and intestinal disorders?—that it is the best of all liver regulators? (jAugust Flower has a matchless record of over 35 years in curing the ailing mil lions of these distressing complaints. 5 <JTwo sizes, 25c and 75c. All druggists. R. C. DODSO N. HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Specifics cure diseases of Ilorses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Ilogs and Poultry by acting directly on the SICK TARTS without loss of time. A. \. }[FEVER*. CURES ) IIOIIH, Lmitf Fever. Milk rover. B. II.) SPR AIN'S, LniuciiPH*. Injuries, CURES S Klif uinatUni. C. C. IfiORR THROAT, Quinsy, Epizootic. (JUKES > Distemper. ShSi! WORMS. But.. Urub,. E. E. H'OI'GIIK. <'»ldn, Influenza, Inflamed CURES > LungH. I'lctiro-Pneumoiila. F. P. I COLIC, Hellyache. \Vfiid-Hlown. CURES $ Diarrhea. I)yuentery. Q.G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. ?n."a j KIDNKV Ai IU.AMIKK DISORIIKRg. 1.1. 1 8KI\ Mnngo, Eruptions, CURES ) L'lcers, tircoic, Fnrev . J. R. I RAD CONDITION, Ktnrlua Conl, CURES ) Indigestion, Stomach Sluggers, 60c. each ; Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, &c., $7. At druggists, or cent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medlclue Co., Cor. William and John Streets, New York. tITBOOK MAILED FREE. ScLBESBtt e SB 5? 5^ re Old Reliable | Drug Store | Holiday j i Opening I in nJ j SATURDAY, DEC. 9, $ ju And will remain open until uj I{] after Christmas. Everybody in- [}! Ln vited to call. A wonderful die- nJ fil play of up-to-date goods. Prices uj «] very low. Come and examine. [H Ln Come and buy. Save money. n] Sold Re liable J | The Motif in Grace Cody's story of "The Real Christmas," in the first of the December numbers of The Youth's Companion, is the present giving prob lem, and it is worth anybody's while to pause in the rush of Christmas shop ping to read it. In ail these December numbers of The Companion the Christ mas note is sounded, and not one of them but contains something worth treasuring in the memory. Lan Mac laren, the Duke of Argyll, Harriet Pres cottand Sir H. H. Johnsson are among the contributors. There is an inter esting traveller's account of Tunis and Tangier, by William H. Rideing, aud article giving some incidents and ex periences in"The Life of a Revivalist," by the Rev. W. J. Dawson, the English Evangelist who has been conducting meetings throughout America during the last year. The thousands of read ers who followed with interest last spring Grace S. Richmond's story of "The Second Violin" will eagerly await the opening chapter of the sequel to it, "The ('hurt-hills' Latch String," which is announced for the? issue of December 14th. Karvnitt in Hooks. A complete set of ltrittaniea Ency clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes and key. Are ull new and in original packages. Will be sold at a bargain, Apply at pKKHttotlli-e. ÜBtf Litest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte, has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet tnmie. All the popular airs. Popular and clhhh ieal music. Prices reasonable. HUNTLEY. The high water Sunday morning caused Ihe Wilson Bro's boom to break. They lust between one and two hundred thousand feet of logs. Wilbur Logan ol Garland, Pa., spent the past week with his sisicr, Mrs Cole. He took Mr. Cole's eolt with him to his home. Roy Smith of Renovo, is spending a few days with his parents here. Erwin Parks has accepted a position with C. B. Howard Co., at Emporium. Miss Floy Whiting of Sterling Run, spent Friday wtth Mrs. Layton. Mr. aud M rs.J Patrick Farrell spent their Thanksgiving with Mr. and -Mrs. Dau'l Sullivan at Cameron. Call on for pointers on the game law. J. F. S. Nov. 28, 1905. CAMERON. The party given for the purpose of buying an organ for the school, Friday and Saturday evenings was a pronounced success. Mr. Krapeisjin Williamsport looking to the wants of his wife, who is confined in the hospital with appendicitis. Robt. Shreve was a business caller at Driftwood Tuesday. E. M. McFadden has been confined to his residence the past week with grip. Operator Hoyt has resumed duty alter a month's illness. Jasper Fauver visited his family over j Sunday. Mr. Handy and wife are visiting their daughter Mrs. Lester. A. W. Smith is visiting his sister Mrs. 15. A. Lord. Chas. Fraver of Sinnatnahoning, spent Sunday with his parents. Several weddings are booked for Christmas. j. F. s. SINNAMAHONING. Barclay lbos. mill is shut down owing to high water. Mrs. Chas. aud Mrs. Edward Snyder visited Renovo Tuesday. .Joe Council is home from West Va., and is laid up with neuralgia. G. W. and G. C. Gore and family catne home last week from W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Barclay spent Thanksgiving at Laquin. Mr. Chas. Collins of Huntley, was visiting friends at Wyside Saturday. He happened around at W. H. Metzgar's Saturday evening. Edward Fry of Erie is visiting his parents and friends here this week. We have slaughtered quite a number of hogs here this fall, but have failed to find any with an automobile in. A. L. St. Clair and Jonathan Cloutz say it wasn't bears blood that frightenep Bennett's team, only the scent they had on tlioir boots. G. B. Barclay met with ijuite a severe accident last week. He fell on the iee wrenchiug his hips and nearly broke an arm. Legion No. 1222 held a fair and sooial in Brooks' hall on Thanksgiving night and had a very nice time. The fish pond was a success. Total receipts S7f>. The liars club met in secret session on Saturday evening So look out for some big hunting stories soon for there were several mighty hunters at the meet ing. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. John Walker last week, a son. A surprise party was given to Miss Bonuett Wednesday evening, it being her birthday. Quite a large number of lriends were present. The roads in Grove township are get ting very bad now that cold weather is on. DKB.SK. FIRST FORK. The concussion of the explosion of the Keystone Powder Works at Emporium last Monday was felt here. Un Saturday at ten o'clock the funeral of Fred Nelson of Lyman Run, was held here, Rev. E. Simpson officiating. He had been at work for a number of years for Geo. Ilaat, lumberman, and being taken sick was sent to the Williamsport hospital where he died. He leaves a wile, two sons aud two daughters, also a mother, a brother aud sister, living at or noar Lancaster, Pa. The great law maker took the protec ] tion of the game into his own hands and did it pretty thoroughly, by not sending any tracking snow durng hunting season. So the "sports" from the cities went home empty handed as lar as deer is con ecrned. Some of them at lenst. A game warden would have had a good chance for ••biz' if he had been I here when some parties were running deer with their dogs. At least a deer ! came into Goss Bros., field with a hound ! a clone second. He might have started I it on his own hook, but circumstances goto show lie had help to start it. Hut (laiue Wardens arc nevir around only, when some poor person catches a little I trout under MZ». tnen In; has to settle to i i the lull extent of the law. The »iiuw and rain ol the 'ast few days ban made a flood in the stream and new a body cau breathe God's pure air i without having to breathe the stench or the pollution of tin stream by Potter ' county industries Cameron county has not much chance togo back on Potter couuty's polutton of the stream* as IOIIJ CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1905. as she allows the refuse from the dvna works to kill all the fish in the Driftwood branch. Dec. 4th, 1905 NUK SEU. I Sinnamahoning Liars Club. As the hunting season haa closed the members have more time to devote to the cause. The club has ruled out J. R. and Pap Blodget. The young mem bers are getting too frisky. They have a hard time to beat our tonsorial artist; he always manages to hold his own. We expect some new members. T. W. Snyder visits us twice a week on our visiting nights. Metzger takes a look at our quarters when he passes by. We think he is straddle of the fence with one foot on each side. We expect some surprises when Chas.Sny der gets after coons. One member re ported killing four coons on one limb; another reported that he had killed as many coons in one tree that would fill a wagon box, all a team of oxen could haul. Railroad yarns are sprung often. Our agent on the B. A S. can beat the world in that line. Abe Florin springs some good ones He is a good mem ber. No further business the club ad jurned until Tuesday night. FIDE. I Thanks. Editor Preu:— We desire to express our thanks to | neighbors and friends' also the clergy ] and press, for the sympathy and kind- | ness extended to us during our recent sad bereavement. MRS. WM. R. SPRUNG, W. A. SPRUNG AND FAMILY. Honor Roll for Hix Run School for Nov. Hazel Ford, Fred Miller, Grace Mil ler, Ira Miller, Nina Miller, Frank Mil ler. FLORA SCHLECHT, Teacher. A Liquid Cold Cure. Croup, Coughs, Colds. Whooping Cough, etc., have no terrors for children or adults who evacuate the bowels with Kennedy's Honey and Tar—the Original Laxative Cough Syrup and Liquid Cold Cure. This remedy expels all cold from the system and strengthens the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes. The moth er's favorite and children's safeguard. Sold by R. C. 'Dodson. »ully'« While 011 a secret mission to Paris in 1553 ltosny had fallen iu love with tiie daughter of the president, St. Me min. Tlio young lady was handsome and kind, but while paying her his ad dresses he heard of a Mile, de Courte nay, who was reported to be beautiful, well horn and wealthy besides. Pru deuce suggested that he should make 6or the Baroness do ltosny, hut he was already half committed to the other. While he was pondering the subject he arrived one day at an inn iu Nugent and found, to his dismay, that by an unlucky chance both ladies were lodged lu it, Mile, de St. Mesmin iu the left wiug and Mile, de Courtenay in the right. Both were ready to marry him, »ihl he was ready to marry one of them, but could not decide which, it was a very awkward position for the wavering lover, aud at tirst he thought of saving himself by Instant flight. While he hesitated Mile, de St. Mes miu's younger sister saw him and ex pressed her surprise that he had been half an hour in the house without vis iting them. The decisive moment had evidently come. "Turn to the right," whispered the friend who was with him. lie did so, and Anne de Courte nay became his wife.—ll. C. Macdowell in Mac-millan's Magazine. A Versatile I'llrlsli Clerk. The ancient parish clerk in England had many functions. Letters were not so common in those days as today, and the clerk was the learned man of the community. One of his functions was writing epitaphs, but this was not the sum of his accomplishments, as may be seen from the advertisement of John Hopkins, clerk of Salisbury in the eighteenth century: John Hopkins, parish clerk and under taker, sells epitaphs of all sorts and prices. Shaves neat and plays tho bas soon. Teeth draWn, find the Salisbury Journal read gratis every Sunday morn ing at 8. A school for psalmody every Thursday evening, when my son, born blind, will play on the fiddle. Specimen epitaph on mj wife: My wife ten years not much to my case. But now she is dead in caelo quies. Great variety to be seen within. Your humble servant, JOHN HOPKINS. HE Stopped the CUUKUIIIK. One Sunday morulng a clergyman wus greatly a-uuoyed by the unusual amount of coughing among his congre gation. He had not a strong voice aud could only be distinctly heard when the people were still and attentive. As the coughing went on, and even grew worse, he suddenly stopped right in tin middle of the sermou. All eyes were Instantly turned to the pulpit, every I cough was hushed and there was per | feet silence. "My friends," said the minister, with ; u smile, "It seems you stop when I I stop." This gentle rebuke had the tlesireu effect. The people found that their coughing could he kept down when 1 they liked to a great extent, and the mluistcr proceeded with Ills seriuon under far more favorable conditions. A I earful 112 ate. It is a fearful fate to hive to endure the terrible torture of Pile*. "Iran truthfully say- writ' - Harry Colsou of Mssoitvillc, i»„ "tb.ii for Itlind, Bleed ing, Itching and Protruding Piles, Murk lon's Arnica X ilvc, i< thebetf cure utade. Also IM HI lor cuts burn* utid injuries. 9ft at L. Tuggart druggi?!. December"! I Sale of I Mminei T * I I are c l° s i n S out our stock of Winter W Millinery at greatly reduced prices. ONE-THIRD off on all Trimmed Goods. All Street Hats at ONE-HALF PRICE. All I Wings and Ostrich Feathers at ONE-THIRD and ONE-HALF off former price. - We are showing for the Christmas trade, a fine line of HANDKERCHIEFS. STOCK and I TURN OYER COLLARS, HOSIERY and JAPANESE DRAWN WORK. 1 I 1 LUDLAMS I Doors East of Post office, EMPORIUM, The track of life is only tne servant of its terminus. In Had Chase. Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme of faddisiu to another, when, if they would only cat good food, aud keep their bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills, their troubles would all pas- away. Prompt relief and (juick cure for liver and stomach trouble. 25cat L. Tairgart'sdrugstore; guaranteed f'ivilized men make liquor and liijuor make savages. The mission of "Karly Risers" is to clear the way and give Nature iuli sway. These famous little pills rid the stomach and bowels of all putrid matter. I bus re moving the causes of headache, consti pation, sallow complexion, etc. DcWitt s Little Early liters never gripe or sicken. A safe, pleasant, perfect pill. Sold by R. C. Dodson. He who borrows trouble pays the in terest with worry. The Season of Indigestion. The season of indigestion is upon us, Kodal Dyspepsia Cure for Indigestion and Dyspepsia will do everything for the stomach that an over-loaded or over worked stomach can not do for itself. Kodol Digests what you cat—gives the stomach a rest —relieves sour stomach, belching, heart burn, indigestion, etc. Sold by R. C. Dodson. An obligation of auy sort is a mort gage on your time. For Cracked Hands. Rough skin and cracked hands are not only cured by DeWitt's Witch Ilaicl Salve, but an occasional application will keep the skin soft and smooth. Mest for Kczetnu, Cuts. Burns, Moils, etc. The genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve affords immediate relief in all forms of Mlind. Bleeding. Itching and Protruding Piles. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Styles make many a handsome worn an !< o'; otherwise. Reduced Mates to Sunbury. For the benefit of those desiring to at tend Jthe meeting of' the Pennsylvania State <Srangc, Patrons of* Husbandry to be held at Sunbury. December 12 to 15, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will s"ll round irip tickets to Sunbury Iroiii all stations on it* lines in the State >1 Pennsylvania. December II to 1 I, good to return until December IU. inclusive, at reduced lutes (minimum rate, 2ft rent* ) Uti'.lU PJ-2t. Pi or men have no time for the trouble* ul the rich. The Great Headache Cure, Bromo- Pepsin > •« Note The Word Pepsin. " ( l ' riJRFS Indigestion, UUI liisoniiiia, Nervousness, 1 On the Spot. i\o Opiates. Absolutely Harmless. All Druggists', l()c, 25c, and 50c. L. TAOCJART. Emporium, Pa. l-!y. Bedard j The Tailor J > Of ST. MARYS, £ \ Has opened a Tailor Shop si Son Hroad Street in the room \ ; j 1 recently occupied by the 5 ; > Misses Ludlam and is now > > ready to show you a full 3 , > line of fall and winter suit- 3 . } ings. Give him a call. 3 j REPAIRING. 1 > If you want your suit to 3 > look neat and fresh, have } [ p your business trousers press- . > ed at least every two weeks ) ■ 112 your coat and vest every r month. ) > Bedard the Tailoi, i ! \ St. Mary* and Emporium. j I *>"*%•* V-> - wv%w\v*-vv\wv» | 4 Wo lii' mptljr obtain U. B. m»l tonlgn i i I wi\* 4 Meua model, vketcn or photo of inv« fit 1* n for 112 » 4 fr«M*r«*|Mirt on for frrt took, c \VV\ \ V \ N \ \ \ \ \/< J SECOND TO NONE. ✓ ADAM, MELDRTJM & ANDERSON Co. ' y 390-408 Main Street, / '% BUFFALO, N. Y. / 1 = | THE ' % . / \ Christmas; .< STORE / / / T ✓ y will make 110 mistake - if you come direct to this 0 store to do your Christmas shop- s , ping Everything to be seen , £ in the otlier stores will be found / here in much greater variety, in >" / better qualities and at lowest / ; prices. Every convenience is at S your disposal; a large parlor, am- / pie checking facilities, a popular / price restaurant, free delivery to / depots, etc. The store is in the ' / centre of the shopping district * and nearly all suburban cars ar % rive and depart within 100 feet ' of its doors. y. \ MAIL ORDERS. , To those who cannot come in / / person our Mail Order Depart / ment offers exceptional service. Trained experts do your shop- ' / ping for you promptly and eon- / 'y scientiously. " | MONEY BACK. / / / There is als<i the sutistactiou ✓ '* which comes from the assurance that if you'r dissatisfied, or if you ' / change your mind, the goods / may be returned and you will * receive your money back. * § , ✓ / Dry Goods Hugs Linens Umbrellas S Books Smoking Jackets /" y Art Goods Gloves Hosiery Toilets S Jewelry Hoys' Clothing S Cut Glass I .aces Hi verware HandkerehU fsj S Uric a brae Men's Furnishing* * 4 / / ADAM. / MELDRUM & ANDERSON CO. ' . Anu'rimii Hlit If, MtMfalo N. Y J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers