2 CAMERON COUNT! PRESS. H. H. MULLIN, Editor. Published lOvery Thursday. TCKMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. P. r year K 00 li paul in advance • ADYI'.HTISINti RATES: Advertisements are published at the rat" of our ill '1 ar per square fur one insertion anil liMj re,nts I er k quure for eaeli subsequent insertion. Kales by the year, or for six or three months, *in low ami uniform, anil will be furnished on »■. j• t lieation. Legal aiid Official Advertising per square, three times or loss, »2: each subsequent inser tio i ; n cents per ><|uar- Local notices In cents per line fur one lnser nernoti: f> cents per line lor e»cli subsequent eon-eeutive Insertion. obituary notices over live lines 10 cents jer line. Simple announcements of births, mar i;ai--es and deaths will be inserted free. Uusiness cards, live lines or less, $5 per year: oter nve lines, at the regular rates of adver ting. No local Inserted for less than 75 cents per issue, JOB PRINTING. The .lob department of the PHKSS iscomplete n.fi afford' facilities for dnlnic the best class of work. Pa in ni: I. aii attkniion paid to Law Phintini.. No paper will bra discontinued until arrear s are paid, except at the option of the pub -I.slier. Papers sent cut Of the county must be paid tor id advance. Can't Do Without It. "It seems to me." iMrs. Oldcastle, "that Dr. Goodman lays raiher too much stress on the idea that we should divorce ourselves from anthropomorph ism. It may be all right to preach what he does in a general way, but the an thropomorphic sentiment is still very dear to a great many people." "I know it." replied her hostess as she toyed with the diamond-studded paper cutter. "There's a woman lives right on this street that goes to the drugstore and gets it on the quiet nearly every day."—Chicago Record-Herald. Tally Sticks. An old time way of proving one's right to the payment of money loaned was by tally sticks. A plain stick was used, and when a man loaned a sum a stick was broken and the creditor and debtor each took a part. When the time for payment came the man who had the stick which fitted exactly to the stick held by the creditor re ceived the money. Two sticks never break exactly in the same shape, so there was never any dispute about who had a right to the money. Educator's Pun. Dr. Thwing, president of the West em Reserve university, is credited with a clever mot in connection with the recent horse show in New York. In company with another educator he vis iied the show one evening and his friend remarked that it seemed more cf a dress exhibition than one of equine excellence. "In other words," said Dr. Thwing, "it is a clothesline in stead of a horse rein." Where th<» Dentist Erred. The Centralia demist was examining a young lady's teeth. When she took the chair she said: "Now, don't hurt me. ' "Ail right, little girl," said the <lentist. She flew mad in an instant and said: "Don't call me little girl!" "Excuse nie," said the dentist, "I wouli not have called you a little girl if I had looked you in the mouth first.' —Kansas City Journal. Crowded Prisons. Italian prisons got so full this year that the government had to resort to royal clemency to some of tho occ i pants. in order to make roeim for de linquents crowded out. A decree was issued lust August, and since then 1,536 prisoners have been pardoned and have had their sentences re duced. And That's a Fact. "Consistency, thou art a jewel," re marked the ytiung n:an who was af flicted with the quotation habit. "Possibly." rejoined the practical maid, "but it doesn't separate much congealed aqua pura when compared with a diamond ring "—Chicago Daily News. Red and Green Rain. "Colored rain." in the shape of mil lions of little red. green and yellow in sects. fell recently at. Angers, France. The phenomenon lasted for several hours, and so numerous were the in sects that they choked the water pipes in the town and were shoveled up in the streets by the cartload. Optimistic View. He—The doctor tells me that p or Hyer is dying by inches. She —Oh. he'll probably live quite a number of years yet. "Why do you think so?" "He's so awfully tall."—Chicago Daily News. Not Much Remaining, Wayside William—li sez in de Week ly Eookin' Glass dat cutaway coats is all de go now on Fift' avenue. Tattered Tommy—You're right in de ewim, den; yours is most all cut away. —N. Y. Sun. Ups and Downs. "Why. asked ilie senior partner, ' have you marked this mahogany ta ble down?" "Because,' explained the junior member ol the llrin, "it is scratched up "—Chicago Dally News. In Society. A imel ody I.; anybody who <n vie:i !•> evt rylod, who U liolio ly. A i (ibody l< everybody who It 1 lie:ml I v anybody who is somebody.— Town Topics. Ko* Enough Clioj "1 : too much advice," sail I'ncle El en. "liar's teio many people dat kir lejl you ji h how to Nharpeu er a* »■'' ' -I enough choypiu' wout* ■ - V* hihitifeton titar. DIED IN FIRE. Nine Men Lose Their Lives While Asleep. IN A HOUSEBOAT. Only One of the Ten Men on Board the Boat Escaped--A Disaster on an Alabama River. Mobile. Ala., Deo. 2.—Nine persons whose names are not yet known, occu pying a pull boat on Middle river, which runs between the Tensas and Alabama rivers, burned to death Fri day in a fire which destroyed the boat. Sidney Wheat, the negro steward, was the only survivor of ten men who lived on the craft. Wheat escaped death by being awake owing to illness. The crackling of burning timbers warning him in time, he jumped into the river and escaped just as the boat collapsed. Stewart & Butt, of Mobile, who owned the boat, say there had been no steam on her for three days. They are at a loss to account for the burning of the vessel. According to Wheat's story the nine men were dumped into a roaring fur nace while some of them were asleep. They were roasted alive. The boat was used by men who were engaged in getting logs out of narrow places for rafting purposes. It was constructed something similar to a dredge boat and had a structure for sheltering the machinery and an apartment in which the crew lived. The fire had evidently been burning some time when Wheat was awaken ed. He says he rushed in anil yelled to the others to get out as fast as they could, as the boat was burning. TTe does not know whether any of the men heard him. He leaped from the vessel into the river and a moment later the vessel collapsed, precipitating the other men into the blazing hull. RUSSIAN SOLDIERS REVOLT. A Mutiny of Two Regiments cf Dra goons Is Reported—All Cossacks to be Mobilized. Berlin, Dec. 2. —A dispatch to the I.okal An/.eiger from Eydtkuhnen. on the eastern frontier of East Prussia, says that the Eighth regiment of Rus sian dragoons in the adjacent town of Welkoweszk, Russian Poland, has een in a state of mutiny since Thurs day, threatening death to tin officers unless the pay of the men is raised. The I.okal Anzeiger also prints a dispatch from Warsaw saying lhat rs regiment of dragoons at Ostroleka, Poland, has mutinied. St. Petersburg, Dec. 2.—The guards posted at Tsarskoe-Selo Thursday night and Friday morning numbered 2, r >n. All kinds of rumors are current, in luding the assertion that one of the grand dukes is involved in a conspir acy against the emperor, but none of them can be verified. It only seems certain that no reliance can be placed even on the guard regiments. Arrest ed soldiers are seen every day. escort ed by their comrades with drawn swords. The emperor has abolished martial law in Poland. St. Petersburg is swarming with Cossacks, the only troops against whom there is not suspicion of disaf fection. It is understood that the whole Cos sack forces of Ihe empire, some 450,. 000, will be mobilized. DUN'S TRADE REVIEW. Business Conditions Were Never More Favorable than at Present. New York, Dec. 2. —R. O. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade says: Business conditions certainly war rant a day of gratitude this year more than ever before. In many industries it was difficult to take time for a holi day without falling further beyond or ders and increasing complaints of im portunate purchasers. An idea of the volume of trade in November is shown by a daily average of bank exchanges that exceeded last, year's figures by 4 per cent., which in turn surpassed all previous monthly records. Christmas trade opens with a volume that prom is< s to eclipse all earlier records. Manufacturing plants make most satisfactory returns, despite the high level of prices for paw materials and inadequate transporting facilities. Railway earnings for November were 0.7, per cent, larger than a year ago. Failures this week in the United States are 203, against 245 the corres ponding week last year, and in Canada "2, against 20 last year. Were Killed by Carbonic Acid Gas. Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 2.—Thomas Han cry and wife were found dead yester day and their 15-year-old daughter un conscious. The latter was revived and will recover. Death was due to car bonic acid gas poisoning. Pc I Ice Killed Five Rioters. Georgetown, Demerara, Dec. 2.—A r.trilie of wharf laborers which is in prepress here assumed a very serious usll ci Frida\ when the police were c.->nip< lied in fire on n riotous mob. Five (if the rioters were killed. Eater In the dav the rioters attacked the governor's house. Town Swept by Fire. Tampn, Fla., Dec, 2. Practically the entile business portion of the town of Arcadia. Kit., was d< troyed by lira whlih ►lan tl early Friday morning, Lo*s >250.''00, CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1905. CONVINCING ~ EVIDENCE That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Will Cure Rheumatism. " People can cure themselves of a good many common ailments at a very small cost if they k<> about it the right way," said Mr. Hoar, recently. "For instance, 1 have just cured myself of a very pain ful disease. I might have begun to treat it sooner, that's all the mistake I made in the matter. But I found the root of the difficulty and I picked out the right remedy without the aid of a doctor. "It was really all in my blood. 1 first felt a twinge in my left foot and ankle in the middle of last January, following exposure to cold. I realized 1 had rheu matism and I knew that really coiues from bad blood. Oold simply develops it. Then my hands and feet were cold and clammy even in hot weather, and numb a great part of the time. I con cluded that my blood was thin and poor and the circulation sluggish. "After a time my feet atirl ankles swelled so badly that I could only tie my shoes half way up. My legs swelled terribly and I could walk only a short listance before giving out completely. "When 1 read of the cures of all kinds »112 blood diseases, that had been effected by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I was con vinced that they were just the remedy for my case, and so it proved. I could see that they were benefiting mo before I had quite used up the first box. The improvement was decidedly marked af ter I had taken two boxes. Three more boxes restored my hauds and feet and legs to natural size and feel ins; and then I stopped taking medicine and have since been perfectly well." Mr. P. Le Roy Hoar lives at No. 132 Constitution street, Bristol. R. I. Any one can get convincing evidence that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured anaemia, rheumatism, erysipelas and other serious diseases of tho blood by «imply writing to tho Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.Y. t THE BEST COUGH JHJRE J 5 Many a lonesome and expensive > 4 trip to Florida, California or the 4 « Adirondacks has been saved by m i the use of \Kemp's Balsam; 5 the best cough cure. If this great m m remedy will not cure the cough, 110 0 # medicine will, and then all hope W e rests in a change of climate —but e * try Kemp's Balsam first. J \ Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c. MEDICAL MENTION. Swedish physicians say whistling will do much toward the development of a robust physical frame. A silver solution, called collangol, has been used successfully in Germany in the treatment of appendicitis. There were only four deaths j)er 1,000 among the children who passed through the late Dr. Barnardo's hands. The sanitary influence of the eucalyp tus tree is said to render native-born Australians immune to cancer. Ammonia vapor has been discovered to be the best disinfectant for use in cases of cholera or diphtheria. It will free a room from germs in two hours. Tho international Italian "King Hum bert prize" of 2.500 francs for the most Important contribution to orthopedic surgery lias been awarded to Dr. Oscar Culpins of Heidelberg. One of the speakers at the tuber, culosis congress in Paris maintained that parents suffering from consump tion should not be allowed to keep their children. Another suggested that all domestic animals should be made im mune with tuberculine. TVhen Commissioner Garfield went to the Chicago packers and asked per. mission to inspect their books, the con dition 'vas mad* that no information be tuigV. obtain therefrom would be used in court proceedings against them. Mr Garfield gave this pledge, it is stated, and the packers allowed him to study their business in all Its de tails from the inside. Now, it is announced, the results of his study have been turned over to the government department of justice to be employed in legal prosecution of the packers. Commissioner Garfield would not have ventured to give tho pledge that was demanded by the packers without Instructions from. Washington. He pledged, not his own v/ord, but the government's. It is not his good faith, but the government's, that is in ques tion now. The Journal has no concern for the packers, except as they are citizens of Chicago. If it can be proved that they are guilty of engaging in a conspiracy In restraint of trade, they ought to be punished. But their guilt, if they are guilty, must be fairly proved. They must be £i ven a square deal. Since the government has elevated its vision to such a height as to over look the nest of defiant criminal trusts In New Jersey, almost within the shadow of Ihe capitol dome, in order to fasten itself a thousand miles away upon Chicago, the government and the President cannot be too careful to avoid suspicion that tbey are more anxious to prosecute western offenders than offenders In the east. Some of the methods already em ployed in this case have not b''en par ticularly distinguished for decency. When the governmnfit breaks Into a man"house and steals his private pa pers, when It drags the wives of pack- Inghou-o employes Into court and puts them under heavy bonds, It Is hardly dignified, not 10 say honorable, nor even re.-pectable • r, 'rora the Cbl cat'o Journal, Nov, 6, 1905. POPULAR SCENIC ROUTE. Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Company. Condensed Time Table in Effect June 4, 1905. READ DOWN. REAI> UP. Hun day Week Days. 1 Daily Week Days. Only r. M A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. STATIONS. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M PM 6IS SlB 11 1H 618 Lv Addison Ar 10 13 •» 4.! hSO 600 Si 00 12 00 600 Knoxville !t 30 ) "• 00 R •*> 814 S) 17 12 14 fill ; Westtlekl 917 I 347 765 647 it 47 12 47 fi 47 1 Gaines Junction 841 I 211 725 10 00 1 OJ Ar. ) ILv 823 714 700 10 20 500 70» Lv. I (Ar 83" J <OO 707 740 11 00 540 Cross Fork- June.. 7 3'J (i 23 «00 1120 HO2 Hulls 1 7 18 j fi 02 820 11 40 020 j Wharton I 0 56; 540 12 15 ' Siiinamahoning....| 1 j 5 00 12 '0 j Driftwood , 4 52 1 02 I Medix Bun , I 4 ('8 1 2S ! Tyler | 3 42 131 Penfleld i ■ 3 33 I 200 ■ DliUois j ; 300 P. M. P. M. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A. M. r- P.M J.M P.M 820 1) 45 820 1 1 Wharton 656 1 520 1110 823 12 00 6 2!) ! Costello 641 I ,5 08 1058: 8 38 12 15 I Art I lv 6 35 , 5 00 10S0J 100 638 800 Lv I .A"")" J A ,. 3'jO 950 805 200 705 845 Keating Summit A.M. 220 910 740 P. M. ! A. .M.I IA. M. P. M. A. M. 1 A. "1., ft, M. 830 330 Wellsville 8 Ki K4# | SSB 3 52( Genesee 7 tl ilB 909 401 West Bingham, • 710 106 927 415 I Newfield Junction.. 7 13 1 50 10 10 455 Galeton #lO 105 11 Oi 625 i I...Cross Fork .June.... 7 30| 540 11 65 710 ! Cross Fork 430 440 -t I i I__ i i i_ _ j i 1 I 1 CONNECTIONS. Additional trains leave Galeton at 8:13 a. m.and 6:25 p. in.. arrivUg at Ansonia at 9:21 a.m. and 7:00 p. m. Returning leave Ansonia at 9:T> a. m., an I S:3l p. in., arriving at Galeton at 10:09 a. mand 8:05 p. in. At Driftwood with I'. H. R. At DuDois with B. R. * I'. Ry. At Keating Summit with B. k A. V. Div. of Pennsylvania R. R. At Ansonia with N.Y.C.A H R. R. for all points north and south. At Newfield Junction with C. & P. A. Ry., Union Station. At Get.esee with N. Y & Pa., Ry. Union Statiou. At Addison with Erie R. R., Union Station. At Wellsville with Erie K. R. for points east and west. At Sinnamahoning with P. R. R.—P. it E. Div. M. J. MCMAHON, Div. Pass AG't., Galeton.Pa. W. C. PARK. Gen'l Hupt., Galeton. Pa. E. A. NIEL, Traffic Mgr. Buffalo, N.Y. C. PETER CLARK. Gen'l Buffalo, N.Y. G]Wis THE TIMETOPAINT.D LJ «. Important I LJ 'Above all. USE GOOD PAINT!* „ U The oil I linseed oil 1 Just pure linseed is the "life"—the one great requis good paint for which there is no substitute—arid the sure way to get the LJ ■i pure, fresh linseed oil is to buy the o'| and 112 Mnioeh 99 MOUSE PAINT i ■B separately. For every gallon of Kinloch Paint buy one gallon of Unseed oil. HI n Thif rr>akes two gallons of -paint, ready for use. You then know that the paint ■■ you're putting on your house is alive—"the genuine oil is in it,"and paint is not Hfl paint unless it contains 50* of really pure oii. Wc will further explain .he virtues BB of Kinloch Paint if you will call an<i see us. U FOR SALE BY o HURTEAU & FORBES D KlNi°c".feX N J»CQMPAN¥ IB G.SCHMIDT'S,^ HEADQUARTERS FOR Pn tl J\ Ir\ 112 P ™ NCY CAK « Mvk ICECREAM. L * "" W CON FECTION ERY Qaily Delivery. Allordcrs given prompt and skillful attention. §WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY The* have stood the teit of ye* v OTDHLJO # and bav« cured thousands cA ii ! nllnh fly 0 / /aiei ofNmo'is Diieises, inch U I IIUIIU Sj. j*r- # /Tyfl / Xww a iOAl!! I andVaricocolo,Atrophy,fltc. 1 They clear the brain, ■tr<?nfthe» nWnll, dlgestloo vigor 112« the whole belnf. All drains and lonei are checked frrmamsnify, Unlesi paticotJ , aro properly enred, thetr condition often worriee them into lasaaity. Cootumption or Death. 1 Mailed sealed. Price# i per boa; 6 boxes, with iron-clad lagal 112 uarantee to cure or refund tX« money, #5.00. Send for Leo book. Address, PEAL M&DICIN& CO., Cltfftitft*. For aale bj E. O. Dodwro. Draggtst, Bmptrittin, THE Windsor I Hotel 1 I Between l'2th nnd 13th Sts.. on Filbert St. I Philadelphia, Pa. I Three niinutes WALK from the Rending I Terminal. " 1 "' g Five minute* WALK from thel'enn'a K. I I Kuropean Plan $1 .(>0 per day and upwurdn. I ■ American Pian J j per day. FRANK M. SCHEIBLEY. Manager. I I maflam "■?«■... Dean's I I A mfi', certain relief for Knpiircsed I ■ Menntruution. Never known to full, t'afe! I ■ Hure! Hpwdy! Satinfin tion (iuaran'>M.-d ■ ■ or money Refunded. iirepntd for H ■ SI.OO per liox. Will wnd them on trtil, to E M be pt»lil for when relieved. HumplcK tree. ■ Hold iu l£uiporiuru by L. iTuKgart am R. C Dedaon. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bfndder rlpht SCfirlnl HUM E ' C ' C " W,TT * COM »A»YTCMIBACO. ILL / ■ ; - nplly ot-u 1 1 I » . i ■ , . / Send model, sketch or photo oJlnvention fort' < free report on patentability. Fcr free book, (' 112 TRADE-MARKS S The Place to Boy Cheap 1 ) J. F. PARSONS' J LADIES DR. Laf'RANCO'S COMPOUND. apeedy r«*»nil4f*> r !>riifft»'s 1 r nialf | UUOKLET trvv. DK. UKKAM U. PuiUd. Iphia, I a. TIME TABLE WO. T. CQUDEnSPORT & PORT ALLEGANY R. It i Taking effect lit v 27th. 1601. EASTWARD. ' rlO I 8 112 4*7 6 7 J~ BTATIO.VS. j : ! r. M. p. ma. m. A. M. Port AUfgany, . Ly. 5 15 7 05 11 :i» j Oolemnn, «3 Zi ..... 00 1.... *ll <1 i Uurtvtlle SO 7 II 11 47 Roulette, 8 40 7 ll 5a Knowltou's *3 45 00 '.... •ll R» Mink ... 3 59 7 85 ! 12 05 Dimated «4 05 *7 38, »12 09 Hammonds, °° | ! 00 (.... "12 18 | Doidersport. { V 4 20 *• ' 45 ••••„ I v ( I-iT. 6 10! 600 100 North Coudeisport, •« is ..... ! 00 ' *\ (IS Frlnk'g ; e 25j i»6 . J# Ooletbura, 1 »g «o' •« 17! . 20 I Seven Bridges, •6 45,.... »6 21 •] Ui I Raymond*'*, j*7 00,....J«6 80 IS6 I Sold, | 706 686 141 Kewneld 00 ..... !i u ewfleld Junction, 737 '8 45 150 ! Perkins .....*7 40 *6 48 *1 5$ ' Carpentor'a, i 7 48 .... 00 *1 57 ! Crowell'i, 1 7 50 *B 53, *1 01 Uiyuea Ar.j j 8 051 |1 05 210 | I A. M. ..... j | ». y. WBITWASD. "~T~ i I a i sH BTATIONB. ! —— A. M P M A. M. tnyMM .hr. 720 225 910 Crowell'a, »7 27 *2 82 • 9 19 | Carpenter's, ] 00 (•2 84 *9 22 ..... ; Perkins »7 82 *2 87 • 9 28 I NewfleldlJunction |7 37 242 932 ! Nawfleld, ! *T 41. 246 00 ..... I Oold, 744 249 940 j Raymond's j«7 49 2 54 * 9 47 Seven Bridges, *8 01 *3 03* lO 02 j Colesburg, '»S 04 8 09 "10 I FrlnkV |«8 12 *3 17 *lO 20 North Oouderaport, 00 i«3 26 *lO 35 .. . I Ar. 8 25 8 30 10 45 Coudaraport, < t r. u ( Lv. 128 «00 120 ..... ' Hammonds,. °° ! 00 °° Olmsted }»a 83 »8 05 «1 Si Mina, 887 610 187 ....J Knowlton'a, °° «6 17 00 ...... Rc ilatte !8 47 621 151 BnrtviUe, 854 628 201 Coleman j •« 84 00 1....J Port Allegany j •064 40 2 251 (•) Flag stationa. (°°) Trains do not stop ♦ i Telegraph offices. Train Nos. S and 10 will carry passengers. Tains 8 and 10 do. Trains run on Eastern Standard Time. Connoctiona—At Ulysses with Fall Brook R'y for points north and tonth. At B. & S. Junc tion with Bu&alo Si Husquehannaß. R. north for Wellavine, south for Qaleton and Ansonia. At Port Allegany with W. JJ- Y.& P. R. R„ north for Buffalo Olean, Bradford and ttmethport; ■outh for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium cad Pano'a B. R., points. H.A.MoCLURB GenMSupt. Ooudersport, Pa. Who is Your Clothier? If it's R. SEGER & CO.. I you are getting the right I kind of merchandise. There I is no small or grand decep- I tion practiced in their store. I Sustained success demon- I strates that there is I "growth in truth"' in the I retailing of NEW AND UP-TO-DATE CLOTHING AT POPULAR PRICES. R. SEGER & CO. j For Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Fine Commercial Job Work of All Kinds, Get Our Figures. ■ TIXT '■ a A nil piruwl If JOB B I PILES Suppository j ■ D. Matt. Tbompioa, ®* P t. I ■ Qrtdad Schoala, B<ataavlll«, M. C.. wrltaa ; '• I HI aa* 3 •11 ?o» a.aita for tboor Dr. 8 M. I>«vur«, H ■ KATIB loot W T» , vrlua ' Thar *1 v« •ul»rria. «»ila jj H faciio«. lit 11. l> MoGlll, Clarkabarf. T«oo.. wrltca R ■ "In a prfttttc* «112 13 jiari, 1 ba»a fuwai ao ram « 4» to ■ B •qu.l run. Taira, to Cs»a. Il.njpiej Tr*. S»KI I | kr»nw«s- MARTIN muor, LANCA«TCR. FA | Hold la Kuiporliua by l>; Ta**arl and a. ti Dodaoo. mfgr* EVERY WOMAN jafcOvV 6omptiiut9S a rcliabln Apw moolhljr niedictMk DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL piLLS, Are prompt »afo and certain In roault. Tiio genu ine (Dr. Peal'a) narer diaappotnt. (1 00 per Lkx". Bold by R. C. Doilaon, drugßiat Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Diyoata what you eat. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. BANNER SALVE the moat healing salve In the world.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers