G<zrrr)cp<?)n Bounty j? pess. HSTABMSHKD BY C. B.QOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year |2 0t paid is advance ♦' SC ADVERTISING RATEB. Advertisements are pubiishedat the rate of one lolUr per square for one insertion and fiftycentf per square lor each subsequent i tisertion. Bates by the year or for six or three months are low ami uniform, and willbefurnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising; persquare.threi lines or less, $2 00; each subsequent insertions cents per square. Loca 1 notices ten cents per 1 i n e for one i nstrtion tiro cents perline foreachsubsequentconsecutivj Insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents pei line. Hi mplean nouncements of births, marriage! aud deaths will he inserted free. Business Cards, live lines or less $5.00 per year over Bve lines, at the regular rates of advertising No localinserted for less than 75 cts. per issue JOB PRINTING. Tiie Job department of the PRESS is complete ajul affordl facilities for doing the best class ol work. PARTICULAR ATTBNTIOH PAID TO Law Printing;. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearage! are paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out of the county must be paid foi 1 n advance. N'o advertisements will be accepted at 1 ese than the price for fifteen words. «*-HeHgious notices free. WASHINGTON LETTER. {From our Regular Correspondent.) Washington, Nov. 18 th, 1905. Editor Press: The International Board of Con sulting Engineers who are acting in advisory capacity to the Panama Canal Commission voted this week 011 the subject of the type of canal to be adopted. Their decision has not yet been made public hut will he early next week. When it is once decided whether the canal is to he of the lock type or built at sea level, the work can proceed with more rapidity, But up to date there has been a great deal done, how much very few people in the United States «eems to know or care. There has been a great deal of criti cism of the canal commission for not proceeding faster. But the fact is that the work has been pushed as rapidly as possible considering the number of changes in the com mission and engineers that have been necessary. The decision as to the type of canal marks an important period in the work, and it is just as well to consider at this moment what has already been accomplished. In the first place the Isthmus has been cleaned up as it was never thought possible to do it. In fact the work of the sanitary corps under Col. (lorges as been as im portant as the digging of the canal itself. For the sanitation of the Isthmus has made it a habitable strip. The French tried to do the canal work without the preliminary sanitation and failed utterly. Of course partisan critics will profess theinselvss skeptical of the amount of work actually done. But the re cords of the War Department state the following as some of the things accomplished. A sewer system has been advised for the town of Pana ma and is half completed. The town is being paved with brick for the easier cleaning and policing, and there has been instated a com plete system of water works so that for the first time in three centuries the inhabitants will have good drainage and a pure drinking sup ply. There will be three other water systems necessary, one for the Culebra, one Empire and a third for Cristobal and Colon. All these are under way. By clean ing the towns aud killing the mos quitoes, the yellov. fever cases have been reduced from <>l in June to in October. There are now 13,000 laborers on the ground and the rate of sickness is only 25 per 1,000 which would be considered moder ate in a northern climate. How's This. We offer One Huudred Dollars Re wtril for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O We, the undersigned,huve known F. J. Cheney for the loot 15 yearn, and bo lidve him perfectly honorable in all feiiiiitess transactions, and financially Hble to carry ont any obligation* made by bis firm. WALIJINO, KINNAN A MARVIN, Wholesale 1 »rtiKniMlH, Toledo, (J. II ill's Catarrh <'ure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood M-id mucoua surfaces of the system. : Testimonials sent free. Price, 7 lie per 1 bottle. Hold by all Druggists. Tike H-ill's Family Pills for consti- 1 pat ion. iiargairt in Hooka. A complete net of Hrittuniea Kney clo|>;i»nli.i ' oiisif-'.inK of thirty volumes and kej. Are .ill new and in original |ta(',ka|(i ■ Will be *old at a bargain, Apply at ofli- > ■ B»tf Son Lost Mother. Consumption runs in cue family, and through it 1 lost tny mother," writes K. 15. Reid, of Harmony, Me. "For the past five years, however on the slightest sign of a Cough or Cold, 1 have taVen I>r. King's New Discovery for Consump- I tion. which has saved me from serious i lung trouble." His mother's death was j a sad loss for Mr. lteid, but ho learned l that lung trouble must not be neglected, and how to cure it. Quickest relief and cure for coughs and colds. Price 50c and 81.00; guaranteed at L. Taggart's I drug store. Trial bottles free. Burglars who rifle safes should be shot gunned. Man's Unreasonableness. Is often as great as woman's. But Thos. S. Austin. Mgr., of the "Republi can." of Leavenworth, Ind., was not un reasonable, when he refused to allow the doctors to operate on his wife, for female trouble. "Instead, he says, we concluded to try Electric Hitters. My wife was then so sick, she eeuld hardly leave her bed, and five [SJ physicians had failed to relive her. After taking Electric fit ters. she was perfectly cured, and can now perform ail her household duties." (iuaranteed by L. Taggart druggist, price 50c. ; The girl who is not thorough and i conscientious about her work. "I Thank The Lord." Cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock- Ark., "for the relief I got from Buek . len's Arnica Salve. It cured my fearful running sores, which nothing else would | heal, and from which I had suffered for 1 5 years." It is a marvelous healer for j cut.-", burns and wounds. Guaranteed at ; 1 i Taggart's drug store: 25c. The girl who thinks she is entitled to ! privileges not granted to her brother. A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when you lose your health, because indigestion and constipation have sapped it away. Prompt relief can he had in Dr. King's New Life Pills. They build up your di gestive organs, and cure headache, diz zines, colic, constipation, etc 'iuaran teed at L. Taggart's drug store; 25c. The girl who airs her grievances to others until she makes a nuisance of herself. Do not be deceived by counterfeits when you buy Witch Hazel Salve. The name of E. C. DeWitt & Co., is on every box ot the genuine. Piles in their worst form will soon pass away if you will ap ply DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve night and morning. Best for Cuts, Burns, Boils, Tetter, Eczema, etc. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Hut the more a woman says the less a man remembers. A Liquid Cold Cure. A Cough Syrup which drives a cold out of the system by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is offered in Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. Clears the throat, strengthens the lungs and bronch al tubes. The mother's friend and the children's favorite. Best for Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. A liquid cold cure and the only Couub Syrup which moves the bowels and works all cold out of the system. Sold by R. C. Dodson. When might attempts to make right it seldom gets left. But Few Are Free. But few people are entirely free from indigestion at this season of the year. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not only the best remedy' to use because it digests what you eat but because it also enables the digestive apparatus to assimilate and transform all foodt into tissues—builJing blood. Kodol relieves sour stomach, heart burn, belching, and all formsof In digestion. (iossips and ice cream spoons open feminine mouths. Attractive as our Homes. Ten Thousand Churches painted with L. & M., paint, and are most attractive. Liberal quantity always given free. 4 gallons L. & M.. mixed with I! gal lons oil, will paint a house. Wears and covers like gold. Don't pay §1.50 a gallon for linseed oil, which you do in ready for use paint. Buy oil fresh from the barrel at 00 cents per gallon, and mix it with Long man L. & M., Paint. It makes paint cost about 81.20 per gallon. DeLancey Gregory. Fort Plain, N. V., writes: "Have sold L. & M., paint for over 25 yearn, and everyone is surprised to find how little is required to paint a big house." Sold by Harry S. Lloyd. A happy smile is the blossom of a good digestion. Hvery Ounce You Eat. livery ounce of food you eat that fails to digest does a pound of harm. It turus | the entire meal into poison. This not only deprives the blood of the necessary tissues--building material but it poisons it. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect digotant. It the t• ••*•! r. >*rdlcr» •if the condition of the stoma* h. It ul lows that organ to rest and j.-t strong again. It< li< w- It Icliiu H art Hunt, I Sour Stomach, li»ii'_'< *tiun. Palpitation of th<* II irt etc, 5..1.1 b<i I*. C Dud sou. CAMERON COUNTY PRKSS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1905. "Christ With Us," a poem by Edwin Markham, with appropriate decora, tiona, fills the first page ofthe Woman's Home Companion for December, and the remainder of the magazine is very Christmassy indeed. Christmas fiction ; is represented by "An Ogre's Tenants," i by Owen Oliver; "The Burglar's Crist mas Gift," by Clara Morris; "The Quest of the Unwise Men," by Temple Bailey, "A Borrowed Christmas," by Mary Wilhelmina Hastings; "The Man Who Gained the World," by Alfred Tres sider Sheppard, and other timely stor ies. Mrs. Husssell Sage contributes an essay on "What's the Matter with Christinas?"; Ileo Bennett tells how John D. Rockefeller celebrates the day; and two articles elaborately illustrated with photographs tell "How Royalty Celebrates Christmas," and of "Christ mas Charities of the Great Cities;" Mrs. Sangster's talk "Concerning Christ mas," and useful articles on handmade gifts, leather tooling, Christmas cook ery and Christmas tables give the num ber additional holiday value. Publish ed by the Crowell Publishing Com pany, Springfield, Ohio; one dollar a year; ten cents a copy. NOTES OF INTEREST. Spec'al prices next Friday in sugar | and other groceries at O. B. Barnes'. Frank P. Strayer has purchased a team of three year old horses from L. G. Cook. Art Plates—A set of three heads, without advertising, a most appropriate i holiday gift, will he sent for fiftycents, postpaid. Address Swift & Company, Advertising Department, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111, Jos. L. Wheeler lias completed the erection of a hotel at Hammersley Fork, near Cross Forks and will open the same some time in January. C. S Wheeler, his brother, has rented the building, a large two story structure. Swift's Premium Calendar for 1906 is especially suited for home decoration. It will be sent postpaid to any address for ten cents in stamps or money, or money, or ten Wool Soap wrappers or one metal cap from jar of Swift's Beef Extract. Geo. Metzger, Jr., Manager of Em porium telephone company, whose lines extend to Sinnamahoning on the east and Sizerville on the north has purchased Dr. Reick's Mexican mus tang and can now run the line and climb any pole in double quick time. WANTED: —Representative in own community. $500.00 capital required. Good salary to right party. Bona-tlde real estate proposition. Address New Martinsville Improvement Co., Wheel ing or Steelton, W. Va n.36tf. Ethel- uml tluttcr. The densest matter is more or less porous. Gold will absorb mercury as a lump of sugar will absorb water, show ing there must be interstices or inter atomic spaces in it, but the ether show: no such property. If a drop of water could In- magnified sufficiently one would ultimately see the different atoms of hydrogen and oxygen that constitute tne molecules of water. If a small volume of ether could be thus magnified the indications are that the ultimate part would look like the first, which is the same as saying that it is not made up of discrete particles, but tills space completely. This is express ed by saying that the ether is a con tinuous medium and Is hence incom parable with matter. An <><ld Ulril'n Neit. The oddest of all birds' nests is the one built by the tontobane, a South African songster. It Is built of cot ton and always upon the tree produc ing the material. In constructing the domicile the female works inside and the male outside, where he builds a sentinel box for his own special use. He sits in the box and keeps watch or sings nearly ail the time, and when danger conies in the form of a hawk or a snake he warns the family, but never enters the main nest. —. Co nit- Out «112 Your Shell. l)o you allow yourself to become ab sentminded. wrapped lip in a brown study? Look about you. Speak to | those that you have been In the hnbif | of ignoring. Make friends with every j one. Strive to touch life everywhere j you can. You will accomplish your i tasks better by so doing than by going j forward blindly absorbed In medlta- I tlon or engrossed by internal musings. Then lie (Sot Mail. Husband (impatiently) if the fool j filler would strike this town he would I find plenty of work to do. Wife—ls there such a person, dear? Husband— Of course there Is. Wife (with nnxletyi i —Well, | do hope, John, that you will j be very careful. Krtnrncil Tliotijc l» «*. "Do thoughts that came to you in the long ago ever return?" askisl the orig Inator of silly question* "Not unless I Inclose slumps," an swerisl thr> literary party »'hlcngn I New* *•1 Tallin*.-* «112 Trairl. All travel has its advantage. If the passenger visit-, lietter countries he may learn to Improve his own. and If fortune carries him to worse he IUUT U.nft. t,iv hu —.rn ' •»•••• Fife Will Is noi tne hiM-rty to do whatever one liken, bill Ihc power or doing Willi!-', er line Sr., ought to lie done, even 111 the fun of otherwise overu helniliiir impulse '1 here lies , freedom kade«.l A l-'nnioii* m-niiT.r. Mine. lll* Hemusat liail features so perfect that lier contemporaries sniil she was worthy to sit as n inoilel for a Greek £?oil<loss. The flesh of her face closely resembleil alabaster, and yet she was not pale and did not give the impression of lieing in delicate health. Her beauty attracted univer sal attention to her, no matter where she went, and even in old age she re tained most of her good looks. Si 111 III*'!'. Simpler—Tliey are going to be mar ried? Why, 1 didn't know they were engaged. Smarter -Well, you see, there are so many engagements broken now adays that they thought they wouldn't get. engaged—just simply married.— London Answers. Wlie 11 III* Trouble Come*. Smith—Do you mean to say you don't have any trouble in keeping your wife dressed in the height of fashion? Wetlderbnrn—That's what I said. My trouble comes when I don't keep her dressed that way." Notice of Application for Amendment of Charter. VTOTICE is hereby given that an application _i_N will be made to tne Court of Common Pleas of Cameron county on the Bth (lay of December, 190 S. at 10 o'clock, a. m., for '.the approval anil (,-ruutniK of a certain amendment to the charter of the Fhrst Presbyterian Church of Emporium, asset forth in the petition therefore tiled in said Court agreeably to the provisinnsof the Corpor ation Act of 1874 and its supplements. JOHNSON & McNAUNEY, 39-3t. Solicitors. Executor's Notice. halate of GEORGE A. WALKER,- late of Em porium, County of Cameron, Pa., Deceased. I ETTERB testamentary upon the above estate J J having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having olaims against the same are here by notified to present them without delay and those indebted thereto to make immediate pay ment to WILLIAM S.WALKER, Executor. Emporium, Pa., Nov. 11th, 190f.—39-6t. PIWP ry P The money making crop. Easily grown. Room in VI9II%JL_IIU your garden to grow hund reds dollars of worth annually. Roots for sale. Plant now. Literature free. Write today. BUCKINGHAM'S OINSENO GARDEN, Dept., Zanesville, Ohio. 28-.'tin. The Great Headache Cure, Bromo - Pepsin " Note The Word Pepsin. " riIRFS Headache, Indigestion, uunLo Insomnia. Nervousness, On the Spot. IVo Opiates. Absolutely Harmless. All Druggists', lOc, 25c, and 50c. L. TAOOART, Emporium. Pa. $25,000 FOR A STORY And This for Just the American Magazine Rights for One Publication CONAN DOYLE RECEIVES THIS FABU LOUS SUM FOR HIS "SIR NIGEL," WHICH BEGINS EXCLUSIVELY IN THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE PART OF NEXT SUNDAY S PHIIA DELPHIA PRESS. Think of ill Twenty-live thousand dollar* tor one Htory! The highest price that him ever been paid in Ami ri c>* to any author for the serial right* of any story. And consider the quality of merit, the intensity of interest thin story must poHwi-HM to command this extraordinary price. The"\\'hite Company" ha* ever been accepted a« the greatest work of any author, and by far superior to his own "Sherlock Utilities" title hut "Sir Nigel," says ('oiian l>oylu himself, Hitr pusses them all. lin not tail to buy the I'hiladelphia l'r*>-»" for next Sunday, Decent Iter 3, a* I hie great romitnee by the world's greati *t writer of romantic tU-tlon will be THE HMUDII vt Hw literary vt ■rhl 'or tiioutliH to coute. AMERICAN SLAVES. L Taggart's Emancipation Act that will Free Thousands. Ij. I'aggart, Emporium s leading drug gist. is ready to restore freedom to many wlio have been in absolute slaverv. No man appreciates 'letter than the victim of indigestion that he is an abject slave to his stom ich. am) Mr L. Taggart, in guaranteeing that .Mi-o-na will strength en the stomach so that yon eau eat what | you want and when you want it. removes all t ear of further bondage. TII3 Ftotnach is to the body what the foundation is to the house, and when it is weakened or diseased, one organ after I i Weather Money Savers^ AT R. SFCiER & SON'S jj y 19 THE DOUGLAS SHOE J ''uffflWf make you comfortable these I Itflll ~ Try our cool Negligee Inl IIIW Shirts, Underwear and Hose. I R- SEGER & SON, I i East Emporium's I | Cash Store | r|i Nobody ever saw such a Grocery Store. jjr ft -- |J If Xlie Koocl Store is at its IScst. Osir J Special Days are Every I>ay. Ir S! | OUR SPECIAL SALE TUESDAY, NOV. 28. | | THANKSGIVING Hi GROCERY SALE. 1 jl * This is but a hint of the many good things to eat in Sj (II our Model Grocery 111 '■Jl Mince Meat, Perfection Brand per lb IOC I? ij Raisins, seeded, extra fine new goods, ilb pkgs . . TIC iff J] Currants, best grade thoroughly cleaned, per lb. . 9c ij SJJ Early June Peas per can 9, 10, 12 and 20c jjf «lj The finest New York State Canned Vegetables, ni Corn, Lima and String Beans, Tomatoes, etc. fci Prunes, finest Santa Clara, large and meaty per lb 9c =1 ' . Olives, selected quality, per bottle ro and 23c j PJ Walnuts, New Grenoble, per lb rHc jjjjj B|j Brazil Nuts, sound and sweet 15c [1? I[l Filberts, extra large size, choice quality 15c Jf] jjj Pecans, cleaned and polished, per lb :4c tj Malaga Grapes, large, heavy, sound clusters a lb. . .18c {j. Butter, the best Creamery in the market per lb. . . 28c p • Oranges, California and Florida. U Leave vour orders for Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens. Up fin i j 1 It pays you to call on us: anything we offer saves you j money, both in Dry Goods. Notions and Hardware. it I I I I II , 11 jj Mail ami Phone orders receive our careful attention. ij] j{| Tompkins Norris'. ||| I .Phone 109 J (X? QD QQ —~ I? r Qn □ rPt another is affected until the heart, kidneys, an<] liver will all be involved. Indigestion causes nervousness, sleepless ness. headaches, backaches, distress after entiuL». hilled tongue, anil general weak ness and debility. Mi-o-na is not a mere temporary relief lor indigestion, but a positive remedy for all stoma', b troubles, promoting sood digestion, stimulating the secretions, and restoring health. Ask IJ. raggart to show you the guar antee under which lie sells Mi-o-na. A large box ofthe tablets sells for 50 cents. ( but costs nothing unless it cures.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers