Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, September 21, 1905, Image 5

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Emporium, fa., August l<i, 1905.
NKMOPUILA, per sack *1 50
Kelt's Fancy, " *;1 I* s
Pet Grove, " 70
Graham " "S
Rye. " 75
Buckwheat, " 75
Patent Meal., " 60
Coarse Meal, per 100 1 35
Chop feed, " 1 35
Middlings. Fancy " 1 35
Bran, 1 20
Chicken Wheat 1 JO
Corn, per bushel, 75
White Oats, per bushel 45
New Oats
Choice Clover Seed, 1
Ohojoe Timothy Heed, 1 At MarketPricea.
Choice Millet Seen,
p«iiicy Kentucky Blue Grass, |
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
i*. c. i»oi»M«»r*.
Telephone, 19-2.
For the PRESS:
There is gladness and rejoicing
In two great foreign lauds;
The dawn of peace has settled
Upon Russia and Japan.
The armies and the navies,
On friendly footing meet;
With thankful hearts they bless the man
Who made their joy complete.
This man is one you all know well,
His heart is strong and true,
And the colors on his banner
Art* our own red, white and blue.
In every clime, throughout the world,
His gentle power is felt;
All nations gladly praise the name
The rich and poor, the young and old,
In our own native land,
Unite in warmest words of praise
For this grand, noble man.
And may God's greatest blessings bo
In goodly numbers dealt,
To the people of America,
And to President Roosevelt.
—John F. Sullivan.
Contributions invited. That which you would
like to see in this lepartnient,let us know by po#
at card or letter, personally.
Jos. Wheeler has returned to his
Canada silver claim
Mr. Warren McConnell, ot Cameron,
was in town on Sunday.
Mrs. J. 11. Swain, of Olean, N. Y., is
guest of Mrs. Cbas. Seger.
Andrew Ingersoll, of Shippen, was a
PRESS visitor yesterday.
Mr. Fred Julian leaves to-day for
New Hampshire on business,
Mrs. Gilbert Morse, went to Cameron
yesterday, to visit her son, Henry
Morse and family.
Miss Gibbons, of Cleveland, 0., has
accepted a position as expert milliner,
with the Misses Ludlam.
Misses Zella Mason and Nellie Whit
ing, of Sterling Run, were guests of
Minnie Morse last week.
Mrs. F. C. Rieck and children have
returned from visiting her sister upon
her return from Europe.
Hon. L. Taggart and Chas. W. Shaf
fer have been spending a few days in
New York city, on business.
Misses Flora Whiting and Gladys O'-
Keefe, and Miss Hill, were in town be
tween trains, last Saturday.
Mrs. Wetherall, of Buffalo, is visit
ing her mother, Mrß. David Murry
and other relatives in town.
Miss Delia Herman, of Weatport,
who has been visiting at Kane, stopped
in Emporium to visit Mrs. Ed. Morse
and family.
We are glad to see that our old
friend Urban Boutain has returned
from Alaska. He says that country is
no good any more.
Thos. Lyons has a swell turnout, a
new buggy and a horse that steps high
wide and lively, and if you don't be
lieveitjust drive up behing him and
try to keep the pace.
Mrs. Robt. Warner entertained a
number of lady friends Tuesday after
noon at an old-time quilting bee. A
quilting bee without Mrs. Hitchcock
would be a curiosity.
Chas. A. Van Lew and wife left on
Tuesday for Kansas. They expect to
locate in Washington. Another good
family gone. Charles, while we wish
you well, you must come back, sure.
W. W. Knickerbocker, while work.
Ing for Kmporium Powder Co., had
the misfortune to step on the sharp
end of a spike, Saturday, making an
egly sore. He is about on crutches.
Geo. A. Walker, Jr., returned Tuus.
day eveuing from a visit to New Jersey.
He came back alone, so the intimation
that he might come home "hitched up"
wan a false report. H«wever, he had a
good time, he says, and enjoyed his
One of John A. McGonnel's children,
aged five years, is very dangerously
Miss Carrie Evans leaves next Mon
day for Philadelphia to a school
for trained nurses.
Mrs. Richard Bliss came in Saturday
and the ediior can now buy a basket of
peaches to preserve for Christmas.
Mr. Jordan, the new baker at the
Emporium Bakery, was a pleasant
PRESS office caller on Thursday last.
Mrs. Allen Russell's sister, who has
made her home here for several years,
is failing very rapidly and cannot last
many hours.
Mrs. Bennet Leutze, who has been
visiting relatives and friends at Will
iamsport during the past week, return
ed home on Tuesday.
Mrs. Rogers and daughter Cecil who
have visited the former's sister, Mrs.
M. T. Ilogan, returned to their home
in York State, Monday.
Mrs Collins and daughter. Miss Flor
ence, of Bath, N. Y., who have been
visiting in Emporium for several
weeks returned home yesterday.
Mrs. David Murry, of Emporium,
and Mrs. L. T Hacket, of Buffalo were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Murry
during the past week.—St. Marys Ga
Mr. A. Chapman and daughter, Miss
Sadie, left on Monday for state of
Washington. Mrs. C. A. Van Lew ac.
companied them, her husband to leave
here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Green and lami.
ly pleasantly and royally entertained
the Emmanuel Church Vestry at six
o'clock dinner last Thursday evening.
It was a royal feast—fit for a king.
Mrs. Green's reputation in this line
was far surpassed upon this occasion
and that's saying much. We were
there but regret our appetite was lack
ing, but Judge Walker and James
Norie evened up the scales.
James A. Coppersmith, of Freeport,
Pa., is visiting his brother F. S. Copper
smith and family at this place. We
had the pleasure of meeting the gentle
man, who is one of the Pennsy rail
road Co's reliable men at Freeport.
While here Frank thought ho might
work him into "railroad" some work
to pay his board, bnt he did not
work—he is a star boarder and while
he weighs about two hundred,
he hopes to take on about twenty-five
pounds while here. Hope he may doit.
Hoymei Guaranteed to Cure by
L. Taggart or Money Refunded.
The popularity and increase in the
sales of Hyomei are unique in the an
nals of medicine. Such astonishing
cures have been mado by this remedy
that the proprietors have authorized L.
Taggart to sell every package of Hy
omei under an absolute guarantee that
it will cure catarrh. If it does not, the
purchaser can have his monev refunded
by L. Taggart.
Hyomei is no ordinary remedy. It
is the only method of treatment that
sends by direct inhalation to the most
remote part of the air passages, a bal
samic air that destroys ail catarrhal
germs in the breathing organs, enriches
and purifies the blood with additional
ozone, and makes a permanent and
complete cure of catarrh.
The complete Hyomei outfit costs but
$1 00 and consists of an inhaler that can
be carried in the vest pocket, a medi
cine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei.
The inhaler lasts a lifetime, and if one
bottle does not cure, an extra bottle of
Hyomei can be obtained for 50 cents.
It is the most economical of all reme
dies advertised for the cure of catarrh,
and is the only one that follows Nature
in her methods of treating diseases of
the respiratory organs.
Breathe through the inhaler for a few
minutes four times a day, and your
catarrh is cured. That's all.
If not cured, L. Taggart will refund
your money.
A Marvelous Enterprise.
Every day the expression is heard,
"It is marvelous how a Sunday news
paper can give to its readers freo of
charge such a beautiful color magazine
as is given with The Philadelphia Sun
day Press."
This magazine is equal to any ten
cent magazine and is given absolutely
free with The Sunday Press, a Sunday
newspaper which costs only live cents
per copy. The Sunday Press also has
two other beautiful color magazines,
consisting of a Women's Magazine,
which is unexcelled, and a Comic
Magazine, equal to the best.
Such wonderful and valuable parts
of a Sunday newspaper which is ably
edited throughout, constantly add
thousands of copies to the circulation
of The Philadelphia Press. Do you
read it? If not, notify your newsdeal
er at once to begin serving you with
this newspaper. 28 4t.
Paying a Debt of (lratitude.
Mr. Mutt Allen, foreman, Union City,
(Pa.) Chair Factory, says:"l was badly
| afflicted with rheumatism for more than
I eight months; at times had to get up at
! I I o'clock and stay up the balance of the
: nijjht; could not dros myself without
I the aid of my wife; am now entirely
j cured, and by the use of only one 50c
bottle of Crocker's Khumatie Remedy,
it c Data* 'Ji.tcpt.'iui.
U uu
Hu U.« la lint*. It <4 by druftiaU. CI
111 mi i»i i 4|i
Boom Your Town.
The following card, sent out by a
Detroit commercial club, is worth read
ing and pasting in your hat: "If there
is any chance to boom business, boom
it. Don't pull a long face and look as
though you had a sour stomach. Hold
up your head, smile and look for better
things. Hide your little hammer and
try to speak well of others, no matter
how small you know yourself to be.
When a stranger drops in jolly him,
tell him it is the greatest town on earth.
Don't discourage him by speaking ill
of your neighbors. Lead him to believe
that he has at last struck a place where
white people live. Don't knock. Help
yourself along by becoming popular
and push your friends with you. Be a
good fellow and soon you will have a
procession of followers. No man ever
helped himself by knocking other peo
ple down in character or business. No
man ever got rich by trying to make
others believe he was the only man in
town who knew anything. You can't
climb the ladder of success by treading
on other people's corns."
Everybody reads the PRESS.
Jaffigg i.i;; ,• * gljyp. They spread so readily
egg cover so well that they take ||
nfigSS much of the labor out of paint- 13SI
' n R- I ts a real pleasuie to use
l 'ti Pah "\ ,
Ask your dealer. nB
C „ John Lucas &Co Philadelphia jgj
wh,te y"X tk QUAKER
§ 25CGAL. The Satisfactory Store l 0 C ent S S
m , . . iffi
Here's a list worth reading. It certainly contains .pi
iijl things you need. Fiist rate good things. And better >*M
than fair in prices: W|
25 lb bag best granulated Sugar $1.45.
i(p Finest Elgin Creamery Butrer a lb. 25c. j;js|
15c can of Petit Pois Peas for 12c or $1.40 a dozen.
|M|! 5 lbs Pearl Tapioca in bulk, for 25c. jpjj
15c cent tall can Red Alaska Salmon for 12c.
$$ ioc box Enameline Stove Polish for Bc. jj||
15c Package Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit, 12c.
25c Package Gold Dust Washing powder for 20c.
ioc Bottle of Laundry Blueing for Bc.
25c can Fancy Winter Apples for 20c.
fisc Package Grocers Matches, 12c. No noise, 110 w
heads fiying ofl, from the match. M
jj®] 7 cakes of Oak Leaf Soap for 25c. M|
Large can Baked Beans, plain or with tomato sauce ffij
for Bc. fM
I :
!pMtS POULTRY A gumn , ee<l |
- producer p,
m " ' .'trade mark
Oj. §j
Pratt's Lice Killer. Liquid and ;
H Powdered.
0 Pratt's Stock Food, for Horse, ||
1 Cattle, Slieep and Hogs.
Pratt's Veterinary Remedies. p
Crushed Oyster Shell. B
! 'a.
g OUR NEW LINE OF New S » ,ri " K L,ne ° f W, " d#w ShadeT^
j|| from ioc to 75c per Shade. 1
Wall Paper for 1905. I
'JJ-, L The best PAINT, Longman & Martinez.
All Colors.
(jj| Consists of the best things from three factories. Also 1 - ■= fij
the Rohcrt Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper |of all i Rodger's Stainfloor, the best made
for Floors.
Ml The < .rave-, line took prize in competition at St. ■■ a c* ■ ■ /\i r lu
Letter to Sheriff Hemphill.
Emporium, Pa.
Dear Sir: You are so well known
that the people have put you in office.
They knew what they were about: They
didn't do it by accident.
Wouldn't it be a handsome thing to do
to paint your house? It is a nice house,
has a good substantial commodious look,
and it isn't rusty at all, you know; but a
fresh coat of paint would make it so
bright! it's a pitty not to.
Devoe is beautiful paint,but the beauty
of it is: it lasts so long, and does so much
more than adorn an already interesting
and attractive edifice. House, outbuild
ings and fences. There isn't a man or
woman in town, who wouldn't see them
and make some pleasant remark.
Ot course you will paint the town
property; nothing would make your ad
ministration more, in the eyes of the peo
ple; and having done the same thing at
home, it is the most natural thing in the
world to do it for them.
Yours truly
F. W. Devoe & Co.,
New York.
I'. >S. Murry dt Coppersmith sell our
Weather Money Savers^
At R. SWiKR & SON'S. 1
Satl^ ac *' on "
annum— IN mm MI IIW
fflS® *m
East Emporium's
| Cash Store 1
f r|j Nobody ever saw such a Grocery Store. jjjji
If ■ f'
P 111
111 Tlie Food Store is sit its Best. Our |pj
Special Days are Every Day. |]
I■ = ' M
Tlie present large demand for sugar taxes the capa- jj=j
r- city of the refiners, and raw sugars are higher. This lj|
-f! week we will sell without any advance. 25 lbs Granu- Ui
|p. lated Sugar $1.45. J|jf
! Jfl Tomatoes also indicate a short pack and very few Sjlj
jj| in the market. This week we will sell full weight
1 cans 9 C - ' 1
f||| Corn and Peas we still have 3 for 25c. fijr
lb] Coffee market is advancing. We can sell a choice }={|
! ,j* Mocha and O. G. Java blended at 32c. jj=
j And a choice Mocha and O. G. Java blended at 18, ®
i Pi 23 and 28c. pj
j ]oj] And a fine Santos' Coffee, 14c lb. Ifjjj
1 it. e are receiving choicest first pickings Basket pj
jfjf; Fired Japan Tea, 50c lb. ji
f|| Pan Fired Japan Tea, 45c lb. ||!
I .j Our extra choicest Gunpowder, 45c lb.
! it! Tea Dust what is sold for 25c we sell 12c lb. Jdl
jll Pure Leaf Lard, 10c lb. II
p Our choice Cream Cheese, 14c lb. Ij
LM Oak Leaf Soap at any time 7 bars for 25c.
[H Apples very choice, SI.OO per bushel. |ff
H| Mason Jars for canning. And all fruits in season. ff|
i 6
1 It pays you to call 011 us;
anything we offer saves you v pj
money, both in Dry G-oods,
Notions. Hardware and
Groceries. All our goods are
first-class and all we ask is a
trial order. jjjj
f|| _ U
1= Mail and Phone orders receive our careful attention.
I Tompkins & NorHs'. I
Phone 109