EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY.] PRICE LIST. Emporium, fa., August l*M than fair in prices: W| 25 lb bag best granulated Sugar $1.45. i(p Finest Elgin Creamery Butrer a lb. 25c. j;js| 15c can of Petit Pois Peas for 12c or $1.40 a dozen. |M|! 5 lbs Pearl Tapioca in bulk, for 25c. jpjj 15c cent tall can Red Alaska Salmon for 12c. $$ ioc box Enameline Stove Polish for Bc. jj|| 15c Package Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit, 12c. 25c Package Gold Dust Washing powder for 20c. ioc Bottle of Laundry Blueing for Bc. 25c can Fancy Winter Apples for 20c. fisc Package Grocers Matches, 12c. No noise, 110 w heads fiying ofl, from the match. M jj®] 7 cakes of Oak Leaf Soap for 25c. M| Large can Baked Beans, plain or with tomato sauce ffij for Bc. fM |(| TRY OUR OUAKER PUFFED RICE, ioc. I : !pMtS POULTRY A gumn , eeS. Murry dt Coppersmith sell our paint. Weather Money Savers^ At R. SWiKR & SON'S. 1 1 wiliSl THE DOUGLfIS SHOE I Satl Satl^ ac *' on " I R. SEGER & SON, | annum— IN mm MI IIW fflS® *m East Emporium's | Cash Store 1 f r|j Nobody ever saw such a Grocery Store. jjjji If ■ f' P 111 111 Tlie Food Store is sit its Best. Our |pj Special Days are Every Day. |] I■ = ' M | OUR SPECIAL SALE TUESDAY. SEPT. 26 1 Tlie present large demand for sugar taxes the capa- jj=j r- city of the refiners, and raw sugars are higher. This lj| -f! week we will sell without any advance. 25 lbs Granu- Ui |p. lated Sugar $1.45. J|jf ! Jfl Tomatoes also indicate a short pack and very few Sjlj jj| in the market. This week we will sell full weight 1 cans 9 C - ' 1 f||| Corn and Peas we still have 3 for 25c. fijr lb] Coffee market is advancing. We can sell a choice }={| ! ,j* Mocha and O. G. Java blended at 32c. jj= j And a choice Mocha and O. G. Java blended at 18, ® i Pi 23 and 28c. pj j ]oj] And a fine Santos' Coffee, 14c lb. Ifjjj 1 it. e are receiving choicest first pickings Basket pj jfjf; Fired Japan Tea, 50c lb. ji f|| Pan Fired Japan Tea, 45c lb. ||! I .j Our extra choicest Gunpowder, 45c lb. ! it! Tea Dust what is sold for 25c we sell 12c lb. Jdl jll Pure Leaf Lard, 10c lb. II p Our choice Cream Cheese, 14c lb. Ij LM Oak Leaf Soap at any time 7 bars for 25c. [H Apples very choice, SI.OO per bushel. |ff H| Mason Jars for canning. And all fruits in season. ff| i 6 1 It pays you to call 011 us; anything we offer saves you v pj money, both in Dry G-oods, Notions. Hardware and Groceries. All our goods are first-class and all we ask is a trial order. jjjj f|| _ U 1= Mail and Phone orders receive our careful attention. I Tompkins & NorHs'. I Phone 109