S<anr)ep<7>r) ress. BNTABUIHHD BT C. B.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY TERMB OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per year t 2 00 paid is advance ♦' 50 ADVERTISING RATES. AdverttsnuentHttrepublishKlatthc rate of one dollar per Riiuare Tor oneiubertion and HftycenU per square for each subaequentinsertion. Rates by the year'or for six or three monthsare low andnniform.and willbefurnished on appli cation .. _ Legal and Official Advertising persquare.three times or less, |'2 00; each subsequent insertions) cents per square. Local noticesten cents per line for onei nsertlon, Ave cents per line for eacusubsequentconsecutiTe insertion. _ Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per line. Siiupleannouncetnents of birth B, marriages and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less IS. 00 per year over live liues, at the regular rates of advertising No local inserted for less than 75 cts. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRBHS is complete, and a (fords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages are paid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for in advance. ♦a-No advertisements will be accepted at less than the price for fifteen words. ■W Religious notices free. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE. For Treasurer, J. LEEPLUMMER, Hollidaysburg. For Justice ofthe Supreme Court, JOHN STEWART, Chambersburg. For Judges of Superior Court, CHARLES E. RICE, Wilkes-Barre, JAMES A. BEAVER, Bellefonte, GEORGE R. ORLADY, Huntington. COUNTY. For Sherill, JOHN D. SWOPE, Emporium, For County Commissioner, JOHN W. LEWIS, Shippen. SAMUEL P. KREIDER, Driltwood, For County Auditors, O. B. TANNER, Gibson, GEO. A. WALKER, JR., Emporium. Election, Tuesday, Nov. 7th. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incur able. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimon ials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. The whiskey trust announces an in creased dividend. After the revela tion of the Taggart trial, this does not sound very surprising. Now the English say that King Alphonso is crazy and his engagement to the Princess Victoria is broken off. Pretty poor compliment to pay to his infatuation. An lowa minister has formed an inti-swearing golf club. As there are uo doors to slam on the links, we would like to know what the member ship is going to do. Oen. Wood is now taking long walks for his health. He could not walk too far to suit some of his brother officers. #•* If all the Spanish veteran associa tions that are holding reunions in this country had only gotten to Cuba, the war ought not to have lasted more than fifteen minutes. Those Chinese who have adopted the boycott evidently think that any thing Irish .vi'.l go in the United States. If District Attorney Beach carries out bis threat of indicting all the grafters in Washington, what a lot of vacancies there will be in the public service. Mr. Canefield declares that the amount of gambling at Saratoga is a sure index of the prosperity of the country. Some of the people who have been gofßg broke against his game think it is merely an index of Mr. Canefield's prosperity. If all the presidential aspirants for 1908 would just concentrate on one of their number and vote for him, he would get a strong vote. The only thing that is keeping Gen. Miles and Tom Lawson apart in the Presidential running is the question as to which one shall head the ticket. »*• Canada complains that her imports greatly exceed her exports. Very natural. All those immigrants she has been taking in have to send home for necessities and luxuries. Numerous and Worthless. Everything is in the name when it contes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. De- Witt & Co., of Chicago discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles. For blind, bleeding, itching and protrud ing Piles, sczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt's —the genuine Sold by R. C. Dodson. STATE REPUBLICANS ARE DIS GUSTED WITH WEAVER. Colonel Boyle, of Oil City, Voices the General Opinion in Which Philadelphia's Mayor is Held by Those Who View the Battle From Afar ! [Philadelphia Item.] The general disgust over the ac tions of Mayor Weaver and his fake reform, "free trade rallies, has readied beyond the limits of the city and is rapidly spreading to every section of the State, thereby putting a severe kink in any boom which Weaver may seek to launch for the Governorship. The up-State citizens are some what akin to the residents of Mis souri. They require to be shown, and they declare that this Mayor Weaver has faliled to do. As farjas they, viewing the battle from afar, have been able to discern, his cam paign for alleged reform has con sisted principally of hot air and reckless and unsupported charges. The general disgust felt through out the State is well voiced by Col onel P. C. Boyle, editor of the Oil City Derrick, who, in an editorial utterance under the caption "A Frienzied Reformer,' - says: A RINGING DENUNCIATION. Mayor Weaver, of Philadelphia, is to be investigated and his whole sale removals of city officials and sweeping charges- of graft and cor ruption will be probed to the bot tom. There are two sides to every story and a suspension of popular judgment is in order until the court of inquiry appointed by the Councils completes its work. IT SEEMS TO HE QUITE TIIE POPULAR THING TO MAKE CHARGES AGAINST REPUT ABLE CITIZENS AND TRUST ED OFFICIALS, BUT THEY CANNOT BE DENIED THE OP PORTUNITY TO DEFEND THEMSELVES. With the Wana inaker press all on his side, it was quite easy for the Mayor to stir up popular prejudices and attempt measures of reform without stop ping to see if they were justified or not. HE STARTED IN WITH THE IDEA THAT HIS WILL WAS THE LA W AND THAT HE HELD THE POWER TO CON VICT PUBLIC OFFICIALS UP ON PRESUMPTION AND TURN THEM OUT OF OFFICE WITH OUT THE FORMALITIES OF A PUBLIC TRIAL. With a few exceptions, the great papers of Philadelphia are influ enced by AVanamakerism, and it was their hue and cry that urged the Mayor on in his attempts to overthrow the Republican political organization of the Quaker City. In his mad onslaught upon the city government, lie hesitated at nothing, and his astounding ac tions are without a precedent in the history of municipal govern ment. He slashed right and left, cutting oft' heads indiscriminately. When lie wanted legal advice he went out of the city and State to obtain just the kind he needed to sustain his acts. Judge Gordon is his confidential adviser, and the Wanamaker press of Philadelphia is ever ready to pat Weaver on the back and commend him for his "frenzied" reforms. LOCAL, ATTORNEYS IGNORED. Ignoring the best attorneys in Philadelphia, the Mayor rushed off to New York to consult Elihu Root, ex-Secretary of War, AND THUS DRAG THE ROOSEVELT ADMINISTRATION INTO HIS POLITICAL SCHEMES. Mr. Root was induced to express him self very strongly in regard to a purely hypothetical case on charges that had been made without au\- proof. He promptly abused the Republican Organization of Penn sylvania and duly received his fee. That Mr. Root should have been consulted at all in a matter affect ing Pennsylvania politics was a most unfortunate proceeding, but it shows the desperate expedients to which Mr. Weaver resorted in order to sustain his position and secure the quasi support of outside politicians in his onslaughts upon the Republican Organization of this State. And that Mr. Root expressed himself as he did was in exceeding bad taste. His presumption in meddling in Pennsylvania politics was merely the act of a hired at torney and not the deliberate pro ceedings of an experienced and astute politician. He fell very easily into the trap laid for him by A FOREIGN-BORN MAYOR, SCARCE TEN YEARS A CITI ZEN OF THIS COUNTRY. Mr. Root has since been called into a highly responsible position in Mr. Roosevelt's Cabinet, but it is evi dent that he still has much to learn. The people of Pennsylvania will resent any meddling in State poli tics on the part of either the Presi dent or any member of his Cabinet. Mr. Roosevelt's friends in Penn sylvanis ARE NOT CONFINED TO A SINGLE FACTION. THE END IS NEAR. But Mayor Weaver's display of CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1905. pyrotechnics is evidently reaching its close and he is now up against another sort of proposition. THE MEN WHOM HE HAS BE SMIRCHED ARE ABOUT TO GIVE HIM A TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE AND lIE WILL BE CALLED UPON TO MAKE GOOD HIS CHARGES AND EXPLAIN HIS ACTS. While certain city officials may have been guilty of perverting the public funds, they might have been exposed and convicted without at tempting to prove that the political machinery of Philadelphia, WHICH PLACED MAYOR WEAVER IN HIS PRESENT POSITION, was honeycombed with fraud and corruption. The fact that 60,000 names on the registry list could not be found at their last year's places of residence PROVES NOTHING. In a city the size or Philadelphia, there are more than 60,000 changes in the directory every year. MAYOR WEAVER nAS ATTEMPTED TOO MUCH. HIS REFORM MOVEMENT IS VASTLY OVERDONE. AND IT IS TIME TO CALL A HALT AND LET THE PEOPLE KNOW WHERE "HE IS AT." The Councils have done an excellent thing in demanding this investiga tion, and it is now up to the Mayor to show his hand. A Laxative Cough Syrup. "A cold or cough nearly always pro duces constipation—the water all runs to the eyes, nose and throat, instead of pass ing out of the system through the liver and the kidneys. For the want of mois ture the bowels become dry and hard.'" Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar is the original Laxative Cough Syrup. It meets and corrects the above conditions, by acting as a pleasant cathartic on the bowels—oxpels all colds from the system and cures all coughs, croup, whooping cough, LaGrippe, bronchitis, etc. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Fame is all well enough for those who can afford it. Always Successful. When indigestion becomes chronic it is dangerous. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure indigestion and all troubles result ing therefrom, thus preventing Catarrh of the Stomach. Dr. Newbrough, of League, W. Va., says:"To those sufler ing from indigestion or sour stomach I would say there is uo better remedy than Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have prescrib ed it for a number of my patients with good success." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you cat and makes thestom ach sweet. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Men need new hearts more than harness. Like Finding Money. Finding health is like finding money —so think those who are sick. When you have a jough. cold, sore throat, or chest irritation, better act promptly like W. C. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. He says:"l had a terrible chest trouble, caused by smoke and coal dust on my lung«; but, after finding no relief in other remedies, I was.cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds." Greatest sale of any cough or lung medicine in the world. At L. Taggart's drug store; 50c and 81.00; guar anteed. Trial bottles tree. A petrified creed often goes with a putty conscience. Are You Engaged. Engaged people should remember, that after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keeping their digestions in good condition with Electric Bitters. S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C., says: "For years, my wife suffered intensely from dyspepsia, complicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, became a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Electric Bitters; which helped her at once, and finally made her entirely well. She is now strong and healthy." L. Taggart drug gist, sells and guarantees them, at 50c a bottle. There's more religion in a whistle than in a whine. Attacted by a Mob, And beaten, in a labor riot, until cover ed with sores, a Chicago street ear con ductor applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and was soon sound and well. ' I use it in my family, writes G. J. Welch, of Te konsha, Mich., "and find it perfect." Simply great for cut sand burns. Only 25c at L. Taggart's drug store. Borrowing trouble never strengthens a man's credit. (lot off Cheap. He may well think, he has got off cheap, who, after having contracted con stipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant and certain cure for headache, constipation, etc. 25c at L. Tagsfart's drug store; guaranteed. Many a eelf-possessed girl would like to transfer her possessions to some man No Unpleasant Effects. If you ever took DeWitt's Little Early Risers for biliousness or constipation you know what pill pleasure is. These fam ous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of nil bile witout producing un pleasant effects. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. EXCURSION NOTICES. Niagara i-aIU Excursion*. The remaining dates of the popular i Pennsylvania Railroad ten-day excur-1 sions to Niagara Falls from Washington j and Baltimore are August 25, Sep- j tember 8 and 22, and October 13. On • these dates the special train will leave j Washington at 7.55 a. m., stopping at j intermediate stations will leave Em- j porium Junction 5.05 p. m., arriving i Niagara Falls at 9.35 p. m. The special train of Pullman parlor ears and day coaches will be run with each excursion running through to Nia gara Falls. An extra charge will be j made for parlor car seats. An experienced tourist agent and chap-, eron will accompany each excursions. For descriptive pamphlet, time of con necting trains, and further information apply to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd,General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. 3624-27-st.i I. O. O. P., at Philadelphia. On account of the meeting of the Sov ereign Grand Lodge: I. O. O. F., to be held at Philadelphia, Pa., September 1(1 to 23, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will sell excursion tickets to Phila delphia, September 15 to 19, inclusive, good returning until September 25, in-, elusive, trom all stations on its lines in the State of Pennsylvania at greatly re duced rates. An extension of return limit to October 5 may be obtained upon all tickets from points over one hundred miles distant from I'biladeiphla by pay ment of tee of SI.OO to Joint Agent, in whose hands all such tickets must be de posited immediately upon arrival at Phila delphia. Such tickets will be good for return passage upon date of withdrawal from Joint Agent. For specific rates and further information, apply to nearest Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Agent. 3661-2U-2t. m i Every man owes it to himself and his family to master a trade or profes aion. Read the display advertisement of the six Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue and learn how easily a young man or lady may learn tele graphy and be assured a position. 24-1 m. For Sale. Store doing a good business. In quire at this office. The Great Headache Cure, Bromo - Pepsin " Note The Word Pepsin.'' CURES Indigestion, Insomnia. Nervousness, On the Spot. iVo Opiates. Absolutely Harmless. All Druggists', 10c, 25c, and 50c. L. TAGGART, Emporium, Pa. HUMPHREYS 7 WITCH HAZEL OIL :::::: FOR FILES, ONE APPLICATION BRINGS RELIEF. SAMPLE MAILED FREE. At DrugglatH. 25 cents, or mailed. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and Joto reels, Now York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $6. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co., William & John Sts., N- Y. Building Time And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever before to supply you with all kinds of Hardware and Builders Supplies. We have in addition to our regular stock, (the for business of U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Coal Yard) consisting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood, etc., etc., a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT BRUSHES, etc. Plumbing and Tinning is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for estimates in these lines. All our work is positively guarantee to give satisfaction. Stoves and Ranges. Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of STOVES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood in county and every one guaranteed by the maker. MURRY 4 COPPERSMITH CO. IPIIICriin The money making crop. K »«''y grown. Room in I Ml II WtollU your garden togrow hund i reds dollar* of worth annually. Roots for Hale. ! Plant now. Literature free. Write to-<lay. I BUCKINGHAM'S GINSENG GARDEN, Dept ~ I Zaucsville, Ohio. 28-3 m. Q aaq jmmnim NEEDED • Annually, to fill the new positions created by Railroad and Telegraph Companies We want YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good habits to LEARNTELEGRAPHY AND R. R. ACCOUNTING We furnish 75 per (tent, of the Operators and Station Agents in America. Our six schools are the largest exclusive Telegraph Schools IN THE WORLD. Established 20 years and endorsed by all leading Railway officials. We execute a $250 Bond to every student to furnish him or her a position paying from 110 to sf>o a month in states east of the Rocky Mountains, or from $75 to SIOO a month in states west of the Rockies, IM MEDIATELY UPON GRADUATION, i Students can enter at any time. No vaca j tions. For full particulars regarding any of our Schools write direct to our executive of- I flce'at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue free. ; The Morse School of Telegraphy. Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y. Atlanta, Ga. Jl.aCrosse, Wis. Texarkaua, Tex. SanKrancisco, Cal. Aug. 1-lm. CAREFUL ATTENTION. j XO THE XEEXH Means daily attention and fre quent visits to the dentist. In this way pain is ever incurred, and even to old age the teeth re main a pleasure and a mark of 1 beauty. We extract the had ones without pain. Crown and Work a Specialty. A. B. MEAD, D. I). S. r \ How Is Your j Complexion? I)o you realize that you can have a clear, smooth, velvety skin by simply using Rosmeo The Beauty MaKer Only 50c per jar. FOU SALE BY M.A.ROCKWELL, DKVGGIBT, Emporium, • • *»a * % SECOND TO NONE. %_ i ADAM, I l ' | MELDRUM & I ANDERSON Co. | Jr / 396-408 Main Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. * /, | Autumn j I Dress 112 I Goods I i i # 112, Dress Goodn department % /< -*■ is a place of great interest 112 H these days. The new Autumn £• Ooods are now in their place $ '4 and make a magnificent showing. 'A \ As usual, we have the largest y § stock and much the best assort- § % ment and always the lowest £ |l prices. One of the most inter g eating exhibits is the great ar- £ % ray of the very fashionable | SCOTCH TARTANS J y Beautiful plaids, representing , A over 40 clans. t New Broadcloths % > New Tailor I Suitings \ % Venetian Tailor j$ < Suitings < ? Silk-Finished Henriettas £ | Black Sand Crepes / | Black French | Prunella £ % Black French Venetian & y / 112 are offered as special opening / bargains. Write for samples, / . stating price you desire to pay |£ and shade of goods which you $ / prefer. We will send you sam- / % pies and prices. g» Visitors are requested to make free use / of our ladies' parlor, toilet, checking / room and information bureau. Packages y / delivered to the depots free of charge. If / you cannot come, make use of our Mail > Order Department. / H SEND FOR SAMPLES. \y | ADAM, MELDRUM & / ANDERSON Co. / / American Block, Buffalo, N. Y. / \ .V \ N \ \ V \ H \ M \ v aaMMMaa^^ OUR SPECIAL OFFER FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. Our Price. 1 Gross of Matches 50c 35c 1 lb. Baking Chocolote, 35c 28c y t lb. can Cocoa • • 25c 20c 1 lb. Baking Soda 8c 05c 1 lb Seeded Raisins 12c 09c 1 can Peaches 25c 20c 5 lbs. small Beans 25c 20c 1 lb Japan Tea 50c 40c 2 cans Tomatoes 30c 25c 1 lb. Corn Starch 08c 05c 1 41b pail Cottolene 45c 40c 1 package Gold Dust 25c 20c 1 box Enameline 10c 7c $3 18 *2 74 HOME MADE SAUSAGE 10c lb. The Lassies Who use molasses demand the best syrup obtainable. Treacle is not molasses al though there's much treacle sailing under false colors. The differerce between trea cle and molasses lies in the fact that treacle comes from sugar in the process of mak ing, while molasses is ob tained In the process of re refining. You can not get good out of bad, but you can get the best from the best which comes from the sugar. We Sell Molasses That conies from the best and it is the best. Try our New Orleans, finest quality, and be convinced. 'Phone 21, G. H. GROSS & GO. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers