Soothing and Cooling. The salve that heals without a scar is DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. No rem edy effects such speedy relief. It draws out inflamation, sootln's, cools and heals all cuts, burns and bruises. A sure cure for piles and skin diseases. DeWitt's is the only genuine Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of counterfeits, they are danger ous. Sold by 1!. C. Dial son. Ilrt'dUitiK It Ontlf. He is n rather serious minded boy who has more sense of responsibility than many grown pers HIM. SO wlieu he was sent to liis grand mother's to break the news of 1:< :• uged sister's deatii he did so with much gravity and no little self importance. "Now, Alfred." bis mother said, "you mustn't tell grandma suddenly, because it might shock her, even though she knew Aunt Martha was 111. Tell It to her gently." "All right," assented Alfred, starting out on his mission with mingled solem» nity and eagerness. Arrived at his grandmother's he greeted her with a sober "HelloT* and then proceeded to "break tin news" by saying: "Aunt Maria's dead, grandma, but you mustn't feel bad, 'cause she viii pretty old, anyhow. You'll be the next one, I s'pose."—Brooklyn Life. jfl Both ends of the J* paint question are J P a ' n ts The price is so X J low and they cover Ifyi ffjW so well that there's |||| l&l a money-saving on fffr fl job ; and they wear Hand look so well and keep their *good looks so long I that they show an- I ' ' °^ ier k'g' saving | 15500,000 Deposited by THE : Sun Life Assurance Co., of Canada WITH THE FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY OF NEWARK, N. J. (TRUSTEE.) 1 his Company has appointed the Fidelity Trust Company of Newark, N. J., one RESULTS FOR 1904. j of its Trustees in the United States (under a trust deed), and has deposited with r*-r| cy I them $500,000,00 in bonds for the protection of its American policyholders. The The Sun Life Assurance Company, Insurance Commissioner of the State of Michigan holds a similar deposit in trust, r J and the SUN LIFE agrees that these doposits shall be PERPETUAL within the United States, and will be increased from time to time, so as to cover its total lia- j, Assurauce iss " ed and paid for in Cash $15,911,904.24 (( bilities in this country. s _ , Increase over 1903 1,744,698.77 Cash Income from Premiums, Interest, Rents, &c 4,561,936.19 RESULTS FOR 1904. L.. , , '" crea f« rl w Assets as at 31st December, 1904 17,851,760.92 Income, $4,561,936.00. Assets, $17,851,760.00. increase over .903 2,345.984.44 Undivided Surplus over all Liabilities and Capital SurplUS ( G"oV6rnm.6nt StEmdEUTCi) , $1 ,752,755.00* (according to the Company's Standard, the Hm. Table, with 4 per cent, interest on policies a T , . ! issued before December 31st, 1899, and 3.] per cent, on those issued since t 1,174,446.00 American Investments, $7,590,391,00. j increase over i 9 03 278,063.60 ji Surplus by Government Standard j 22 COMPANY'S OFFICERS: | Profits paw Policyholders \\ 7 \ 238 ' 21 President, Vice President, Secretary and Actuary | Death atured Endowme nts, Profits and all other payments to Policy- R - Macaulay - S - «• Ewi "8- T. a Macaulay. ' | Pa ym °,t" S i„« organLatio„ //.'.'!!! .' !! ! ! | COMPANY'S AMERICAN MANAGERS: As ™ < .T \ \ '. ;;;;;; ;;; ; ; ; Eastern Penna., Pittsburgh, Pa., Erie Pa W. A. Higiubotham. G. M. Hayes, ' E. D. Ludwig. PROGRESS IN EIGHT-YEAR PERIODS. I North Carolina; South Carolina, Georgia, income ] NetL^ B «UuaveofUiH*ii«d | Lm>Altlariulo<!ln ~ E. M. Peterson. W. S. Royenton. J. S. Cameron. ! $ 48,210.93 $ 96,461.95" $ 1,064,350.00 Maryland, Virginia, Michigan, 1888 cic 277 5S 173<|\32-93 «- _ , s 525,273.58 1,536.816.21 • 11,9*1,116.21 E * C - Peed - N. D. Sills. J.A.Tory. i 896 9 6 1,886,258.00 6,388,144.66 j 38,196,890.92 I I<? °4 • • • 4n56i,936 i 9 _ I i7»«5'<7 6 0-92 I 85,327,662.85 Persons desiring Terms or Agencies will apply to E. D. LUDWIG, E. D. LUDWIG, Manager Erie Department. ■ Manager, 500 Downey Building, Erie, Pa. r a dvi r a •- k, - Office 500 Downey Building. ' 1 £•• A. rYLt, Ass t. Manager, Emporium, Pa. THE COUNTY. FIRST FORK. J. W. Phillips was down from Austin anil visited with his daughters a day or two. Dr. I). 1). Coleord has sold his interest in the grocery lirrn of Nelson <fc Coleord to A. I). Nelson nf Wharton, who will conduct the business at the old stand at the I'. 0. There are quite a lot of people putting in their summer vacation at this place. Mrs. George and Kl.iie Beckner, of Laurel, Miss , who expect to stay until the yellow fever excitement is over. Mrs. A. E. Woodard and daughter Nina, of Salamanca, N. Y. and Miss Dell Philips, ot Clear Lake, Wis., left on Saturday to make a visit to her sister Mrs. T. .1. King, at Williamsport. They Sundied with friends at Sinnamu hnning. They were accompanied to the latter place by Mrs. Sade Keck of Whar ton and Mrs. R. M. Williams. Harry Morton's folks are boarding a new boy, which arrived a few days ago. Grandpa and grandma Adams came over on Saturday from Cross Fork to see the new boy. Barclay Bros., moved their teams from Loguc Bun into Rattlesnake Bun on Tuesday, being through cutting in Logue Bun. Their men have killed over forty rattlers during this season's cutting so far and some very large ones, between five and six feet iu length. CAMERON. At this writing Mrs. Ernest Wykoff is quite ill. Mr. E. V. Dunlevie was in town be tween trains Tuesday. Mr. James B. Ilayes is spending a few weeks with friends in Scranton. Miss Minnie Olseu has been visiting lriends at Gramphion for the past week. Miss Susie Killeen, of Niagara Falls, N. V., is spending her vacation with her parents. '1 he Misses Foley, of Scranton, Pa., and Agues Wade, of Sterling Bun, were visiting friends in town Sunday. Mr. 11. P. Ivrape. Agent for the P. B. R., at Cooks Bun, Pa., spent Sunday in town with the view of purchasing some real estate. Mr. Fred Schwab and family who have ! been located in Jonnsonburg, Pa., moved on their property near Cameron Station Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Nuun left town Monday! morning for ICagle Rock. Pa., where lie has a position with Hyde and Doutt. He expects to move his family there in the near future. Mr. Henry Morse who has been at Bartou, W. \ ~ for Mr. Dunlevie return ed home last Thursday. He converses very entertainingly of that locality beiug a,keen observer, lie says that everybody CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST io, 1905. that come irotii Cameron are getting along nicely. The stork has made the homes of Jus tice of the Peace Joseph Robinson and Postmaster D. C. Linniger happy by leaving each with a splendid baby boy. All doing well. The Emporium visitors from Cameron this week were Miss Esther Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Probst, Mr. Win. Wy koff, Mrs. Daniel Sullivan, Sr., Mrs. Pat rick Parrel, Messrs. A. A. Terry, J. W. Fauver and John Morris. Insurance Representative, C*eo. W. Branson, ol New York was in town Tues day estimating the loss, caused by the reeeut tire at the lumber yards. J. P. Uleam, of Buffalo was in town Monday lookiug up a good location for a gents furnishing store. He is thinking of using the old Cameron store building. Mr. A, Sproule representing the Ohio Ceramic Engineering Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, who has charge of the erection ot the kilns for the Calder Brick Co., spent Sunday with his family, at Jeanette, 1 a. | HUNTLEY. Paul Smith son of Alfred Smith is ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. Alfred Smith who has been ser iously ill is recovering, Wm, Johnson is suffering with au acute attack of indigestion. Mr. Asa Collins, of Conneaut, Ohio, | spent Sunday with his brother, B. J. Col-1 hns. Miss Florence Darrin, of Coneville, 1 Pa., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith. Messrs. Ebersole and Berry, of Sterl ing Run are building a house tor J. F. j Sullivan. Clyde Collins and Wayne Nelson at tended the Y, M. C. A., reunion at Olean this week. Wm. Neson has the prize potatoes j this season. He filled two bushel baskets < from six hills Monday. They are a new ; kind of potatoes called the casearets. i They grow while you sleep. Only one new case of typhoid this week. The other cases are improving j under the treatment of Drs. Corbett and ' Beale of Driftwood, J. F. S. Notice. The L. O. T. M., ot Silver Star Hive ' No. 27, of Sterling Run, will hold a festival and raffle of a quilt in Brook's Hall Aug. 12, 1905. Everybody wel- j come. By order of committee. Q CURESWHEBE AIL ELSE FAILS 3 Li Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. M Use In time. Sold by drugeists. Society Doings. Mr. and Mrs. C. Jay Goodnough last Thursday evening entertained a small party of friends at their residence, West Fourth street. The following friends were guests until a late hour: Mr. and Mrs. A. P. VanGelder, The Misses Poole, Summerville, N. J.; Miss Poole, Brooklyn, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Wiley, Mrs. Geo. P. Jones, Miss Jettie Wiley, Miss Grace McCaslin, Mr. E. A. Pyle, Mr. A. D. Ericsson and Mr. Geo. A. Walker, Jr. The guests enjoyed the evening entertainment hugely, es pecially the rehearsal of the manly art club. * * • PROGRESSIVE WHIST. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Moore, last Fri day evening, gave a very enjoyable Progressive Whist to a large number of Iriends, at their pleasant Sixth street home. Those in attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Norris, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Seger, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Judd, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mullin, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Metzger, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Howard, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Good nough, Mr. and Mrs. 11. 11. Cloyes, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard, Mrs. Laura Bryan, Mrs. J. 11. Cole, Mrs Lizzie Hinkle, Mrs. I. K. Hockley, Mrs. E. E. Forbes, Miss Alice Montgomery, Mrs. W. K. Wright, Mr. Joa. Kaye and Mr. J. P. McNaruey, The large party was most pleasantly entertained until after mid-night, when most elaborate re freshments were served. Mrs. Moore was assisted in receiving by her sister, Mrs. W. K. Wright, of Renovo The occasion was a large one, although voted a success.J, * * * Ml!. AND MRS. B. W. GREEN ENTERTAIN. As announced in last week's PRESS Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Green entertained a large party of friends at their pleas ant residence, on West Sixth street, last Thursday evening. Those in at tendance were the following whist ex perts: Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Howard, Mr. and Mrs. William Howard, Mrs. John Cole, and Mrs. J. J. Hinkle, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Norris, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Logan, Mr and Mrs..ll. H. Mullin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judd, Mrs. Laura Bryan and Mrs. William Garrity, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Metzger, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Seger. Emporium is noted for its expert whist players and upon this occasion they were very much in evidence After partaking of a dainty lunch the guests, at a late hour, departed for their homes, delighted with the evening's entertainment. HAY FEVER FOY 27 YEARS. Well Known New England Women Cured of Hay Fever—Cure Was Lasting. The thousands of discouraged people j who dread the approach of summer be cause they have hay fever and cannot find any relief from it. will read with in terest and gratitude the following state ment from Ileleu S. Williams, of Mans field, Mass. "For 27 years, from the month of August until heavy frost, have been af flicted with hay fever, growing worse and worse each year, until of late years 1 was unable to attend to my work durin<r that period. "Last summer I fortunately gave Hyo mej a trial, and 1 am happy to say that it entirely cured me, and I have had no oc curance of the disease since." The letter is only one of many that have come to the proprietor- of Hyomai, and the results following this treatment have been so remarkable that it is pro posed at the annual convention of hay fever sufferers to recommend Hyomei. By breathing the germ-killing and healing balsams of Hyomei. anyone can have at any moment of the day, either in their homo or office, a climate like that of the White Mountains. The complete outfit costs but 81, extra bottles 50ceots. L. Taggart agrees to re fund the money to any hay fever sufferer who uses Hyomei without benefit. Reduced Rates to the Seashore. Pennsylvania Railroad low-rate fifteen day excursions for the present season from Erie, Carry, Buffalo, Olean, Brad ford, Warren, Dußois, and principal in termediate stations to Ilenovo, inclusive, to Atlantic City, Cape May, Sea Isle City, or Ocean City, N. J., will be run on August 15, and 25. Excursion tickets; good to return by regular trains within filteen days, will be , sold at very low rat. s. Tickets to At lantic City will be sold via the Delaware j River Bridge Route, the only all-rail line, i or via Market Street Wharf, Philadel phia. Tickets from Erie, Tionesta, and 1 intermediate stations will be good going i on trains leaving Erie at G. 50 a. m., and ! 5.35 p. m., and connecting trains there with. Tickets from other points good going on all regular trains. Train leaving Buffalo at 9.00 a. m., will be run through to Atlantic City. Stop over can be had at Philadelphia either going or returning. For information in regard to specific rates and time of trains consult hand bills or apply to ticket agents. 3542-25-2t. Asbury Park Booklet. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has is sued an attractive booklet descriptive of Asbury Park. The publication is designed to present the attractions and claims of Asbury Park as a Sum mer seaside resort. Persons desiring information concerning this k popular resort may obtain a copy of the booklet 1 by enclosing two cents in postage stamps to Geo. ! W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Pennsylva nia Railroad, Philadelphia, Pa. 3592-24.2. Reduced Rates to Denver. On account of the Grand Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, on August 14 to 24, the meeting of the American Osteopathic Association onAug. 15 to 19, and the meeting of the National Associa tion of Local Fire Insurance Agents on Aug. 10 to 18, ot Denver, Col., the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell round-trip tickets from all P. 01 " 1 , 8 on its line to Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo, Aug. 11, 12 and 13, good returning to reoch or igiual starting point not later than Aug. 28, at greatly reduced rates. For specific information concerning extension of final limit, routes, rates and stop-over privileges, consul; nearest ticket agent. 3583-24-2. The Yellowstone Park, Lewis and Clark Expo sition and the Rocky /fountains. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has ar ranged a special personally-conducted tour to visit the Pacific Coast, including the Yellowstone Park, Portland (for the Lewis and Clark Expo sition; and tlie beautiful resorts among the Colo rado Rockies. This tour will leave New York Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and other cities on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Saturday September 2, by a special train of high-grade Pullman equipment. The itinerary will cover a period of three weeks, the parly reaching the hast on the homeward journey September 22. The special train will be used by the party over the entire route, except duiing the live and one half days in the Yellowstone Park, when the fine hotels now in service in the Great Preserve will be utilized. The train will be side-tracted in Portland for occupancy there, and all meals en route, except in the Yellowstone Park and in Denver, will be served in the special dining car. Round-trip tickets, covering all necessary ex penses for twenty-one days, S»00 from all points on the Pennsylvania Railroad except Pittsburgh, from which the rate will be $195. For itineraries and further information apply to ticket agents or address Geo. W. Bovd, Gener al Passenger Agent Philadelphia. 24-2t. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte, has received a full line of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Prices reasonable. 44 " tf " How Is Your Complexion? Do you realize that you can ; have a clear, smooth, velvety | skin l>y simply using :K.os me o { I The Beauty MaKer | Only GOc per jar. V- .il FOR SALE BY M.A.ROCKWELL, ItHt'KUIST, Kmporiiiiu. - - I*J»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers