♦V'-S \.\ x \ -K'WVtN. \ / a , > SECOND TO NONE. * % \ Adam, / 'i % 2 Mel drum & 112 fi Anderson Co. ' < * HUFFAIjO.N. V. j 4 396-408 Main Street, J? I SIOO,OOO 1 : Fine Silks X '/1 / We are carrying $100,000.00 a * worth of this season's choicest 112 silks —too many when you con- / / sidei - that inventory is only six . £ weeks away. They must be sac- rificed to effect a speedy clear / anee. Great variety to choose . from—colors and styles the best \ in the world. Don't miss these / / genuine bargains: / SHIRTWAIST SUITING SILKS / 'y in all this .season's colors and stvles, ' elegant quality real value sl.oo:^9' y this sale (\3C I £ SATIN LIBERTY SILK ' »4 100 pieces of this season's fashionable all silk printed satin Liberty h Silks; real value $1; this sale. Ot/O ' / HABUTAI WASH SILK '/ For light weight summer wear we have . - ' / did assortment of all black, all white . and fancy effects; real value A Cln / 65c: this sale *±\JC , All white Plain Habntal silk «30/-» / real valueso; this sale Ob7(J / • All White Plain Habntal Silk; real value 76c; this sale OOU / / All White Plain Habntal Silk; / real value 85c; this sule DUU ' ' / CHIFFON LOUISENNE / / 20 exbuisite shades of chanpeabla glace ✓ , Chiffon Louisenne. in all the fashion- ; ' / able colors; real value $1.25 Q /T- y T this sale OOC 7 / BLACK TAFFETA / & 10 pleecs of the beet 84 inch guaranteed ✓ , - «|Uality Plain Illuck Taireta Silk in • / America; real value |1.35; d? 1 C\C\ ✓ . this sale tpI.UU ' ' SHEPHERD CHECKS / / lllack and White Shepherd Cheek Silks j various sizes of check, Swiss cc rt / make, real value 73c; this sale y •> COLORED TAFFETA p Good staple shades of Colored Taffeta fl, / Silk; real value 75c and 85c; n IX. / 5 this sale OOC p | Adam, $ ' ■/ | Meldrum & / I Anderson Co. % The American Block, *§ | BUFFALO, N. Y % / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \. \ \ I I i 9 Our New Year 1 K i I Introductory | 1 1 | Sale I I WE have just finished a wonderfully pros perous year. One in which all our past sales-records were thrown so far in the rear that it will require the most vigorous and untiring work to surpass them. But work is our pastime and we are going to Your splendid patronage lias placedjin creased purchasing power in our hands, the force of which will be felt in the ever % increasing values that will benefit every money-wise person in this county who is wise enough to profit by it. Keep Your Kye on Us all this Year and Watch Us Grow. I Emporium Furniture Co., I BERNARD KGAN, Manager. I Undertaking. 1 HUMPHREYS' Specifics cnre by acting directly on the sick parts without disturbing the rest of Lbo system. No. 1 for Fevers. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 *• Teething. No. 4 " Dinrrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 " Neuralgia. No. 9 " Headaches. No. 10 " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Suppressed Periods. No. 12 " Whites. Nt>. 13 " Croup. No. 14 " The Skin. No. 15 " Itheumatism. No. 1G " Malaria. No. 1!) " Catarrh. No. 20 " Whooping Cough. No. 27 " The Kidneys. No. 30 " The Bladder. No. 77 " La Grippe. In Rmall bottles of pellets that lit the vest pocket. At Druggists or mailed, 25c. each. Mr- Medical Guide mailed free. Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. Williaiu&Jolin stncln. New York. \ This is the j | Store \ { For the People. i > 81b Rice. 25c. j s 7 bars Oak Leaf ar Acme > \ Soap, 25c. \ \ 3 Cans Corn, 25c. \ s 3 Cans I'eas, 25c. > 112 3 Cans Tomatoes, 25c. < A full line* of fresh fruits, i > vegetables and canned } \ meats suitable for camping \ \ \ parties. > | C Free delivery to any part < j of the city. 10. B. Barnes. I t Allegany Avenue, s ! ( 'PhoneSl. DR. LINGO'S COMPOUND. Safe. speedy regulator; 25 cent*. DrugglM* or matt Booklet free. DR. LAFUANCO, Philadelphia, Pa. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1905. THE COUNTY. HUNTLEY. On deck again. 1). J. Collins had business at Cameron on Saturday. Frank Fox,Sr., of Driftwood, was in town ou Sunday. Mrs. W. W. Johnson did shopping at Emporium on Wednesday. Albert Jordan and wife, of Sinnama honing, visited in town over Sunday. Mrs. Neomi II ami ton of Medix Run, is visiting her sistor, Mis. A. F. Nelson. Several of our young swains took in the hall game at Driftwood on Saturday. Hon. G. W. Huntley and family en joyed a buggy ride to this place on Sun day. G. R. Barclay of the firm of Barclay Bros, bad business with Wilson Bros, on Thursday. Mrs. Philip Schweikart entertained her father and mother of Buffalo, a few days last week. Road Supervisors, Daugherty and Mil ler, had business with town clerk W. H. Logue on Monday. James O. Jordan one of Mason Hill's most successful farmers was seen on our streets Wednesday. Miss Alice Jordan who has been visit ing friends at Driftwood and Sinnania lioning for some time returned home on Saturday. Woods foreman C. J. Arnold contem plates moving to West Virginia in the near future. He having secured a simi lar position with the Drouey Lumber Co. Butcher 0. B. Tanner, of Mason Hill, was in town on Sunday and took time to spin 11s some of his side splitting, botton bursting yarns, and some that would chill the marrow and freeze the brain and make the hair stand on our heads like quills on a fretted porcupine. CAMERON. Mr. A. A. Walker of St. Marys, has accepted a position of engineman for tiie Calder Brick Co., in place of John Mack who resigned. Mr. B. Stockman injured his side quite painfully while on duty at the mill Sunday. He is able to be around how ever. B. Fuller has severed his connection with the Cameron Lumber Co., and ex pects to open a meat market at Medix Run in the near future. J. C. Skillinan and party left for Dur bin, W. Va., Friday morning last, to start their large lumber job. The local lodge of the United Mine Workers of America will give a select ball at the K. (J. E. hall, Monday even ing, May 2'J. We hope this event will be well patronized, as the miners purses are always open to help in any worthy cause. Reciprocity is our motto. The theatrical play given by the Cath olic people of Driftwood for the benefit of the Rev. Father Mackin was a complete success. The play was held in Iv. G. E. hall here, and the net receipts were forty •even dollars. The performance of the Driftwood home talent would be well worthy of being classed with the profes sional efforts. Treasurer Jos. Robinson and Secretary Jas. B. Hayes entertrined the visitors and Mr. Patrick Robinson of Sterling Run had charge of the at range ments. J. F. S. SINNAMAHONING. Jack Frost visited us th«i first of this week and was pretty hard on the gardens and corn. Miss Hattie Shal'er visiting at Wil lianisport this week. Joel Speaker was out to Brockway ville the first of the week. He intends moving there the first of June. Theb. Kephcart has bought the Losey place and will move in as soon as Mr. Speaker moves out. J. R. Batchelder, the tombstone man of Lock 11 aven was putting up some fine marble work here this week. Nace Dushore's cub bear is growing fast and is getting so he will play quite a bit. J. F. Berfield has the youngest cow in the county—ll months old, giving about five pints of milk at a milking. The hound that run the deer into the creek here last week belongs to Eli Wos ter. of Pottersdale near Carthaus. It is too bad to have deer run at this season of the year. The long eared hounds will do it if they get a chance. The trustees of W. C. 13f., I'. O.'S. of A. ordered their furniture for the new hall Tuesday evening. They arc going to try to get the hall ready to dedicate about the twentieth of June if possible. Memorial services will be held in the M. E. church June 4th at 11 a. tn., in stead of the 28th of May, as Rev. Noble has made arrangements to preach at Sterling Ruu on that day. Mrs. Jane Gore died at her home at Wyside yesterday morning, after a litiger infi sickness and suffering of which she was a most patient sufferer, making no complaint, but putting her trust in the Saviour. She leaves a husband and three sons and two daughters, Mrs. A. J. Barclay of this place and Mrc. Win. Ilcitrick of Connellsvillc to mourn her death. The funeral will be held at Huntley, the home of her childhood 011 Thursday. Bargain in Books. A complete set of Brittanica Ency- j clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes : and key. Are all new and in original i packages. Will be sold at a bargain, 1 Apply at PRESS office. 3(itf A FOOLISH PLAN 'Tis a joy to cat—l welcome mv dinner hour; Because I rout indigestion with August Flower! is the result of indigestion, biliousness, flatulency, loss of appetite, self-poisoning, anemia, emaciation, uric acid, neuralgia in various parts of the system, catarrhal inflammation of the in testinal canal and numerous other ail ments that rob life of its pleasures if they do not finally rob you of life itself. <J''l'm bound in the bowels," is a com mon expression of people who look mis erable and are miserable—yet who persist in " letting nature take its course." <JWli.it a foolish plan, when nature could be aided bv the use of Green's August Flower, which is nature'sown remedy for constipation and all stomach ills. <JAugust Flower gives new life to the liver and insures healthy stools. a <JT wo sizes, 25c and 75c. All druggists. R. C. DODSON. Terrific Race With Death. "J)eath was fast approaching," writes Ralph F. Fernandez, (if Tampa, Fin., describing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had rubbed me of sleep and of till interest in lite. I had tried many different doctors and several medi cines, but got no benefit, until I began to use Electric Hitters. So wonderful was their effect, that in three days [ felt like a new man, and to-day I am cured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at L. Taggart's drug store; price 50c. Some men are thrust into prominence and some others but in. Cleared for Action. \\ hen the body is cleared lor action, by Dr. King's New Life Pills, you can tell it by the bloom of health on the cheeks; the brightness of the eyes: the firmness of the flesh and muscle.-: the buoyancy of the mind. Try them. At L. Taggart's drug store, -~t cents. In hoarding pennies many a man squanders good opportunities. There is a Difference. The difference between Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar and all other Cough Syrups is that it moves the bowels, thus expelling a cold from the system. This relaxes the nerve tissues and by its healing affect on the throat and lungs the cough is relieved—cured entirely. Ken nedy's is the original Laxative Honey and Tar and contains no opiates. Good alike for young or old. Tastes good. Solb by R. Dodson. You can usually judge a mans happi ness by his self-importance. How a Doctor was Cured. •'For two years I was troubled with lumbago, or pain across my kidneys, the pain shooting down my (especially ■in taking old the pain would be terrible.) a continual grinding, aching pain; One bottle of Thompson's IjaruMiia, Back ache, Diver ank Kidney Cure gave me immediate relief. lam now taking Isar osina with great benefit as it reduces all inflammation of the i-totnacli liver and bladder, tie great organs that regulate the whole >ystem and purify the blood. —Dr. A. S. Hubbard. 1)1 Brook St., Titusville, I'a. For sale by R. C. Dod son. Many a man who thinks lie's the whole show is only a clown. San-Cura Ointment Cures Burns and Prevents Scars. Gilbert llord of Rinard's Mills, Mon roe county, ()., says; "My arm was bad ly scalded with steam and was very pain ful. I applied San-Cura Ointment, which stopped the pain at once and the arm healed rapidly. 1 alwaps Keep it in the house, San-Cura is a wonderful Oint ment." Druggists, 25c and 50c. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Many a marble heart does businecs be neath a sealskin jacket. Quick Relief. The soreness begins togo and the pain to stop from the moment you take the first dose of Thompson's Harosiuaor Kid ney Cure. No opiate of any form is used in its manufacture. Thompson's Barosma is absolutely harmless and guar anteed to cure all diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder, also palpitation of the heart, nervous debility and female weak ness. Druggists, 50c and SI. For sale by R. C. Dodson. A wise guy is one that entertains you at your own expense. Hot Weather Piles. Persons afflicted with piles should be careful at this season of the year. Hot weather and bad drinking water contrib ute to the conditions which make piles more painful and dangerous. DoWitt's Witch II azel Salve stops the pain, draws out the sorene.-s and cures. Get the genuine, bearing the name of E. ('. De- Witt it Co Sold by R. C. Dodson. ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. AT Emporium, Wednesday, May 31 The only Wild West Exhibition here this year. The only Great Far East Exhibition in the world Pawnee Bill's Historic Wild West and Great Far East The only Amusement Enterprise presenting the Refreshingly New Educational and Scientific World's 'Wonders Absolutely up to the Hour Commanding the admiration and respect of Chrisendom. Receiving' Honors and Plaudits bestowed by whole nations. Man's Brains Triumphs over the Elements in the only Perfectly Constructed j ' I I AIR SHIP. Whose ability to ride the winds is practically demonstrated in two daily as censions from the hugh arena. The only one ever constructed that will stand minute inspection and respond to the will of its controlling power, as does an obedient child to its mother's voice. Over 1,000 men and women collected from snch quarters of the globe that few white men have ever dared to visit. —Picturesque Equestrian Exhibition of Exceptional Novelty. —True Oriental Realism, Graphically and vividly pre sented by real Natives. Nothing like it ever seen before and probably nothing like it will ever be seen again. Every type of Male and female inhabitant. PRINCESS WINONA. The world's only Lady Rifle Shot who performs remarkable feats of marks manship from the back of a Running Horse, assisted by California Frank. Habits and Customs of the RED MEN ;'. x Illustrated by Themselves. WHCLE INDIUM VILLAGES J? 112 -v POF MANY FAMOUS TRIBES. /' //? ///// '// Pliflied Warriors, Squaws, Pappooses. wfe Representative Riders with Native Steeds '>>* '• • of Every European Equestrian Nation, Many STRANGE and PECULIAR PEOPLE fSfe■ ' WEIRD MUSIC FROM THE FAR EASTERN HEMISPHERE. Prince Lucaa* Famous Cavalry fram theiSteppeaiof FROM THE^^IUPHiNES. TWO POSITIVE DISTINCT SHOWS li THE WILD WEST With its Plainsmen, Indians, Chiefs and Their Followers, Cowboys Cowgirls, Scouts, Broncho Busters. THE GREAT FAR EAST Resplendent in Oriental Splendor, With Arabs, Russian Cossacks, Cannibals, East Indians, Egypians, Singalese, Hindoos, Filipinos, Boers and Strange People from every section of the Tropical Climes. Pawnee Bill's Program FOR YOUR INFORMATION. TWO PERFORMANCES DAlLY—rain or shine, under rain and sunproof can vass. Seats for ten thousand people, in a comfortable manner. DOORS OPEN AT 1 and 7 P. M., to Congress of All Nations. TWO TICKET WAGONS AND NO SPECULATORS—The Red Wagon for General Admission—The White Wagon for Reserved Grandstand Tickets EXTRA—A Down Town Ticket Office with diagram of Reserved seats will be opened Show Day at Lloyd's Book store. No Increase in prices. EXCURSIONS Qli ALL RAILROAD LINES. A Itl IS.SC UFM IGNIFICENT STREET PARADi: AT 10 A. I*l.
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