Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, April 20, 1905, Image 5

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Emporium, I\»., December 20, 1904.
N 0 VUKMALA, pel sack $1 65
Ke It's Fancy, • 4 175
Fet drove, " .. . 1 75
tiraisam, 44 85
Eye " 75
Buckwheat, ' 75
I'atent Meal ~ . 60
Coarse Meal .»»•» too, 12-5
Ot&op Vc<\ 125
ilidtiliugß. Fancy *• 1 40
Bran, l 25
Corn, per sljel 70
White'Oaib, » i uushel 48
Now Oats
Chicken Wheat. ... .... l 65
J hoice Clover been,
hoiceTimothySect!, u
•!uic.' Millet Seeil. VI .VUr.el I i ICM.
Fancy Kentuck.v Blue .lraas, J
mmmumam*• aaiuprex; .a. la—
At Fourth and Chestnut Sts..
Telephone, 19-2.
Contributions invited. Thai which you would
like to see in this department,let us know by pns
at card or letter. personally.
Patsy Morrisey played ball at Re.
novo last Saturday.
A. Brady made a business trip to
Williamsport last Monday.
Bedard, the tailor, of St. Marys
transacted business in Emporium Tues
Mrs. Johanna Creighton, is visiting
her daughter Mrs. Byrnes, at Lan
Miss Myrtle Gregory is assisting in
H. A. Zarps' store during the Easter
Clau:le Rentz is expected home to
day from Williani3port, to spend
Mr. and Mrs Jos. Wheeler and Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Brady visited Buffalo
last week.
Miss Maud Steck has accepted a posi
tion as clerk, in the Keystone Powder
Go's office.
Miss Myrtle Hastings, of Shingle
House, Pa., is visiting at the residence
of W. A. Dalrymple.
Rev. J. A. Syper left Monday even
ing for liia home in Picture Rocks, Pa.
The PRESS follows him.
Editor Hockley and wife are visiting
relatives and friends at Sunbury and
Williamsport this week.
Mrs. Wm. Clark, of the East ward,
has been confined to her home the pa9t
week by a serious attack of grippe.
Mrs. Jas. Fartell and daughter Lizzie
have returned home from visiting re
latives and friends in Renovo, Pa.
Elmer Newton, son of Henry J.
Uewton, is quite ill with pulmonary
trouble, at the home of his parents.
Mrs. Geo. Weber and infant daughter
returned home Tuesday, from an ex
tended visit with relatives in Buffalo
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chilson, of
Coudersport, attended the funeral ser
vices of Robert Littlefield, last Sunday.
Mrs. R. C. Moore made this office a
pleasant call last Wednesday after
noon, carrying away a receipt for the
The relatives of the late .Mrs. R. I'.
Heilman, called here to attend the
funeral, returned to their homes on
George Howard, who has been at
tending business school in Rochester,
X. Y, has retturned to his home at
this place.
James R. Bacbelrter, of Sinnomahon
i ig visited the PRESS office while in
t iwn attending the Republican County
Convention, last Tuesday.
Miss Grace Seeley, of.Spencer, N. Y.,
returned to her homo last Thursday
after a pleasant visit at the homo of
judge Walker on Fourth street.
Mr. Teator, one of the sawyers, in
Howard & Co's mill, is still laid up
with a bad leg. Mr. Charles Krebs
has been sawing for two weeks in Mr.
Teafcer's place.
F. J. Swartwood and son Jarley, of
Austin, visited in Emporium on Mon
day. Mr Swartwood formerly resided
at Sinnamahoning for many years but
is now employed in the Austin paper
Samuel J. Kline came up from Wil
liamsport on Saturday and remained
until Tuesday, visiting his family. Mr.
Kline, who is interested with Mrs.
Thos. J. Lysett in the Federal Hotel at
Williamsport, reports business good,
lie expects to move his family
to Williamsport in the near future.
Mrs. T. F. Moore and Miss Caroline
returned from Buffalo on late train
112 Saturday night.
Mr. Oatlin, P. & E. Civil Engineer,
of Driftwood, was in Emporium on
j business last Monday.
JOB. L Wheeler is agent for import
| ed canary oges; warranted to hatch,
i Only two sold lo each customer
Mr. K. P, Zwald called at the PRESS
| oltice Wednesday afternoon and enroll
• ed his name 011 our subscrii tion book.
Rev It A. Robertson, pastor of Free
| Methodist Church, was called to Wil-
I liamsport last Saturday to attend the
funeral of a sister.
William Weiman, the very profi
cient chemist with Emporium iron
Coin pan}', is visiting friends and re
latives down east.
Mrs. Sisson, of Erie, wife of Senator
Sisson, visited her aunt Mrs. Laura
Bryan and cousin, Miss Nina, at this
place over Sunday.
Postmaster Chas. Seger is gradually
getting settled in his new and hand
some residence, on Fourth street, op
posite J. F. Parsons'.
Mrs. W. P. Ilerrick, of Sterling Run,
and daughter, Mrs. Wright of Colum
bia, Pa., visited Emporium on .Satur
Sheriff Hemphill received the sad
news of the death of a nephew last
Saturday at Clearfield. Ralph and
Orvis attended the funeral.
Mr. B. Nefcey, of Driftwood, one of
the largest property owners in that
section of the county, was a PRESS
caller yesterday, while transacting
business in town, and renewed his sub
scription to our paper.
Capt. C. F. Barclay transacted busi
ness in Emporium yesterday evening.
He recently returned from an extended
visit to Cuba and Old Mexico, having
property interests in those countries.
He is looking exceedingly well.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman J. Fisd, of St.
Marys, visited friends in town over
Sunday. It is reported that Mr. Fisk
contemplates starting a factory for the
manufacture of wood novelties, and
general wood working, in this place.
Mr. Henry Auchu and E. L. Mason
made a business trip to Austin on last
Thursday, visiting the Austin Auto
graph office as well as the large mill.
Both Mr. Auchu and Sir. Mason were
very much pleased with the courtesies
Miss Nellie Keyes and Mr. Andrew
Zwald were married last Sunday, at
Olean, N. Y , returning to Emporium
Monday morning. The happy couple
are spending a few days with relatives
•at Ridgway. They will reside in the
Zwald homestead on West Sixth slreet
Pleasant young couple, with many
Prank T. Beers yesterday received a
phone message from Bellefonte in
forming him of the serious illness of
his new baby. He left on Erie mail
last night for Bellefonte. Word was
received at two a. m., this morning re
porting the child a little easier.
Mr. E. E. Mattley, Supt. of Gonstruc
tion for Pennsy, R R., has been trans
ferred to Emporium from Altoona to
take charge of the new work. Mr.
Mattley has closed the contract for the
purchase of the Goppersmith property
located on East Allegany Avenue,
next to East Ward school house.
Mr. L. K. Huntington called at this
office yesterday and subscribed for the
PRESS for his son Fred, who is 111 the
employ of the Lackawanna Steel Co.,
at Buffalo, N. Y. Fred, like all Em
poriumites, cannot sleep when away
from home without the PRESS.
William E. Devling, of Sterling
Run, was a welcome visitor to the
PRESS this morning and pushed his
paper ahead a few notches. Mr. Dev
ling is one of Cameron's best farmers
and takes pride in his work. In ad
dition to being a good farmer he is an
upright citizen.
Mr. L. Edgar Good, who lias very
creditably filled a position in P. & E.,
freight office at this place has been
promoted to a more lucrative position
in Pittsburg office. He leaves for his
new post of duty possibly 011 Friday.
He is a very competent young man
and has made hosts of friends in Em
porium, who wish him well.
Theo. Newton and H. O. Haupt
were among the fishermen on Tuesday,
who report an extraordinary catch on
Cauley Run. Theo. hooked a black
trout measuring eighteen inches, slip
ped while landing the whale and came
near drowning. Haupt sticks to it he
had 09 trout, all over ten inches. A
wag at our elbow says the only trout
tlioy caught was the one Newton lost.
Mr. Frank B. Hoag, of Sterling Run,
accompanied by his little son Dean,
visited in Emporium on Monday and
favored the PRESS office with a call
and pleasant social chat. Mr. Hoag is
engaged in the brokerage business at
Ridgway, being junior member of the
firm of Brosius & Hoag Mr. Hoag in
forms us that himself and family leave
next Monday for New York city to
visit his old home.
Resolutions ot Respect.
By oider of the President, Mrs. Clara E. Davy,
of VV. 11. C. No. 89, the following resolutions
were adopted:
WIIEBKAB, Our Heavenly Father has removed
from our midst our late Past President, Mrs.
Laura E. Heilman, it i.s hereby
Resolved. That in the death of Mrs Ifeilman,
tlie Corps has lost a capable and elflirient officer
and member. One whose loo« nd f.tithful ser
vice won the respect and confidence ot her
co-workers who e loss we sincerely feel
Resolved, That we extend to her family our
sympathy in their bereavement.
Resolved, That these resolutions be entered on
the minutes, and our Charter be draped for a
period of thirty days.
Emporium, Pa., April 13,1905.
By death, Gladiola Hive, Lady of the Maccr
bees, has been deprived of the faithful service
and loyal support of Mrs. Laura K. Heilman, the
first Lady Commander of our Hive. Her death
is a sad loss to the Hive in whose organization
she was an ardent worker as a charter member*
true to the principles of the order, charitable in
the work, strong in the faith of its ritual and
helpful in placing the beloved order upon firm
footing. The committee, into whose hands is
intrusted the Hive, unanimously
Resolves, That reoogni/ing the will of Him who
is the foundation of our belief, we submit to the
providence of Omnipitencc and chrish the
memory of our departed Bister and counselor
and consign to nature her mortal remains in the
hope and belief that her immortal spirit has en
tered the Great Hive of a living and forgiving
A Daredevil Ride.
(>ften ends inn sad accident. To heal
accidental injuries,use Hucklen's Arnica
Salve. "A deep wound in my foot, from
an accident," writes Theodore Seliuele,
of Columbus, ()., '-caused me meat pain.
Physicians wore helpless, but Baeklen's
Arnica Salve quickly healed it.
Soothes and heals burns like magic,
at li. Taggart's. druggist.
A man seldom acts like a fool unless
lie's the ri ;il tliin<:.
Won a Name of Fame.
DeWitt's l.i ill- Early Risers, the
fatuous little jiills hive brcn in nl famous
by their certain yet harmless and
gentle action upon the bowels and
liver. Th y have no equal for
biliousness, constipation, etc. They
do not weaken the stomach, gripe, or yon feel siek. Once used always
preferred. They strengthen. Sold by
R. ('. Dodson.
An office holder who has a pull doesn't
generate much push.
A Serious .Waiter.
'•The third dose of Thompson's Bar
ostna made me feel like a different man.
1 suffered about a year with pain in back,
side and groin. My hands, arms and
side of face became numb; would wake
up numb all over; have to get out of bed
and go through tymnastic exercise to get
sleep. 1 had decided to sell out tuy busi
nesa but was cured by Thompson's Bar
osma. This was two years a«o and 1
have licet) in perfect health ever since.—
J. J. Borne, Titusville, I'a. For sale by
R. C. Dodson.
! 2* 'Groceries 112
fjjf& _•-- BARGAIN PRICES. |j,
12Jc Ij>d.
¥"\ A £2 The Satisfactory
DA 1 O Store.
jl| If too bnsy to come to the store, phone or ask our j
M Order Clerk to stop. The same careful attention will be m
given and order acceptably tilled.
BAKING POWDER Royal COCOA—Tho genuine Walter |u?|
Baking Powder, lib /CP Baker & Co., Ltd. Breakfast M|
cans, per lb *fOL» Cocoa Alb tins QflP
per tin ~..4Uu
llwl package Shredded Whole CANNED GOODS —Pumpkin,
Wheat Biscuit. The Ideal Tomatoes, Peas, Baked Beans W|
breakfast food lOP 10c values QCP ;JL>
per package I ZL> .5 cans lor AJU CORN STARCH —"Perfectly |m
jgflj put up in oil, 10c size [P pure Corn Starch in CP
per tin JU lib cartons, alb Ob
{s) RlCE—Carolina Head Oflp SUGAR—2S lb bag <t»l fJF '!.#
ijj|| Rice, 31bs for ZUl* best granulated vliDu jjjjjjj
Fresh Cameron County Eggs at Market i;|j
ii Celery, Lettuce, .Strawberries,
[Pjj Radishes, Cucumbers, Pine Apples,
W Parsley, Ripe Tomatoes, Navel Oranges, ril]
||| Green Oniotis Choice Apples, Bananas. j|j|
Gilt Edge Mackerel, 18c Lb.
11l Your Easter Fare will not be complete without
|f| some of our "Royal" Mocha and Java Coffee. There is &
||| 110 finer. 35c a lb., 3lbs for SI.OO.
I J. H. DAY, J
f||lp, Ktnporium, P^^
KODOL ALMANAC ijTfc 5 digests what you eat
onH Qnn YFAR j~Pv t&8 ||§f §j|P |%j Beg sj« !g|| The sl.oobo«lßContains2Htlmßsthe trial •!:•;, which sells for 50 cents.
QM Ci C- U U I L— r\ « \ |w| Jfs* TY\ &}0 "?h|| PREPARED ONLY AT THE LABORATORY OF
Sold by R. C. Dodson, Druggist.
fT OUR NEW LINE OF New S|>ri " K Line of Window Shades"*!
[lijj] from IOC to 75c per Shade. [p
1 Wall Paper for 1905. 1
IJlj \ The best PAINT. Longman & Martinez. j,
[p Consists of the best things from three factories. Also ~~~ = Jjjj
the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all Rodger's StainfloOT, the best made
kiluls - for Floors.
|l The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. g « * C? IB /\\ 7 l~v !|J
M Louis against the world. SIAKKI b. LLDYL). j|
Prime Chicken Feed, 65c per bushel.
Japanese Seed, 75c per bushel.
Terms cash only.
The Great Headache Cure,
Bromo- Pepsin
" Note The Word Pepsin. "
C MRFS Indigestion,
Jzz. Insomnia. Nervousness,
On the Spot.
\oO|>iii!cs. Absolutely lliirniless.
All Druggists', 10c, 25c, and 50c.
L.TAGGAUT, Emporium, Pa.
WHY not have your mouth placed in a
? healthy condition? P
\ To-day the practioner of medicine rec-
P ognizes tiiat a clean condition of the %
% mouth of his patients is absolutely essen-
> tial to their healtn and welfare; that %
\ there is remarkable immunity from dis-
\ ease in both adults and children who s
> have clean, healthy mouths; that 75 per >
3 cent of antial troubles are of dental j
s origin; that 90 per cent of neuralgias are S
j the result of imperfectly inserted metallic 3
s fillings, impacted wisdom teeth or roots >
P covered by the gums. S
I The satisfaction and comfort derived 5
> from a clean mouth is worth far more s
I than the time and money expended in >
\ its production. i
j Dr. F. M. ZELIE, j
112 Evenings and Sundays by appointment 112
X only. S
i 'Phone lis. J
Bu i ldingTi m el
And wc wish to say that \vc are better prepared than ever I
I S before to supply yon with all kinds of
Hardware aiiel Builders Supplies,
We have in addition to onr regular stock (the for- B
business of U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Cool H
Yard) consisting of Rrick, Lime Cement, Wall 1
Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood, etc., etc., B
a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT I
Plumbing and Tinning
is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for I
estimates in these lines. All our work is positively I
guarantee to give satisfaction.
Stoves and Ranges.
Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of
I STOVES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood in j|
• county and every one guaranteed by the maker.
East Emporium's ']
1 Cash Store |
Nobody ever saw such a Grocery Store. jffl!
m _ _ it
pj ———■— —■ ii
| The Food Store is at its Isest. Our jj|
If; Special Days are Every Day.
I ' 1
[jj Tuesday, April 25th, 1905.
iffi , - m
I m
H| 4 cans Atlas Brand 2 cans '"IEP FP
fjj* Corn ZUls Peaches. .. . ZuL ji
S 3 cans nr p 2 cans nrp 1
Peas ZOl Pears zhL W
J } cans nrf» 25 lbsGranulatedfij- 1=
Tomatoes 26 I ' Sugar &I. B5 ( ]
'I I
t-j We shall display our large new SPRING STOCK, I
|| of DRY GOODS. A distinctive assortment. Best 01
lli grades. Exclusive designs. p]
Ji] Zephyrs, Bates Seersuckers—all patterns, nc.yd. Hi
p Organdies 10l je yard. Voiles, 10c yard. jjjj
i| We have everything in White Goods, Table Dam- Ja
Jjj ask, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Pillow Tubing, 45m. 17c. yd |j ;
[Ladies Fancy Collars,-6c, 10c and 25c each. ||>
Shirtwaist Sets, 25c set, —"something nobby." =3.
Jj Ladies .Skirts, 50c to SI.OO. Regular bargains. Ji
Ladies Percale Wrappers in all colors and sizes. jjl
If A splendid opportunity to buy anything in H
fl Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Jifi;
jj; Window Shades, at rock bottom cash prices. JI 1
li , , I
liji New Garden Seeds fcarly Sweet Corn |>'
I - i
ii • if
Mail and Phone orders receive our careful attention. =;r
1 I
Watch this Space for Special jq
I Bargains at m
I i
p ii
[j Tompkins & Norris'. jj
, Phon il o9 _ . r „