KMI'OKIUM MILLING COMPANY. Pit!OK LIST. Emporium, I\»., December 20, 1904. N 0 VUKMALA, pel sack $1 65 Ke It's Fancy, • 4 175 Fet drove, " .. . 1 75 tiraisam, 44 85 Eye " 75 Buckwheat, ' 75 I'atent Meal ~ . 60 Coarse Meal .»»•» too, 12-5 Ot&op Vc<\ 125 ilidtiliugß. Fancy *• 1 40 Bran, l 25 Corn, per sljel 70 White'Oaib, » i uushel 48 Now Oats Chicken Wheat. ... .... l 65 J hoice Clover been, hoiceTimothySect!, u •!uic.' Millet Seeil. VI .VUr.el I i ICM. Fancy Kentuck.v Blue .lraas, J mmmumam*• aaiuprex; .a. la— R.C. DODSON, THE Drucjcjist, EMPORIC9I, I* A. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. H. C. IIODSON. y. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMKNT. PERSONAL . W. ENSIGN, MRS. TITOS. (MM MINGS, MRS. I. K. HOCKLEY, Committee. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, A PFIL 20, 1905. A Daredevil Ride. (>ften ends inn sad accident. To heal accidental injuries,use Hucklen's Arnica Salve. "A deep wound in my foot, from an accident," writes Theodore Seliuele, of Columbus, ()., '-caused me meat pain. Physicians wore helpless, but Baeklen's Arnica Salve quickly healed it. Soothes and heals burns like magic, at li. Taggart's. druggist. A man seldom acts like a fool unless lie's the ri ;il tliin<:. Won a Name of Fame. DeWitt's l.i ill- Early Risers, the fatuous little jiills hive brcn in nl famous by their certain yet harmless and gentle action upon the bowels and liver. Th y have no equal for biliousness, constipation, etc. They do not weaken the stomach, gripe, or yon feel siek. Once used always preferred. They strengthen. Sold by R. ('. Dodson. An office holder who has a pull doesn't generate much push. A Serious .Waiter. '•The third dose of Thompson's Bar ostna made me feel like a different man. 1 suffered about a year with pain in back, side and groin. My hands, arms and side of face became numb; would wake up numb all over; have to get out of bed and go through tymnastic exercise to get sleep. 1 had decided to sell out tuy busi nesa but was cured by Thompson's Bar osma. This was two years a«o and 1 have licet) in perfect health ever since.— J. J. Borne, Titusville, I'a. For sale by R. C. Dodson. Easier ! 2* 'Groceries 112 M .'u, AT FRIDAY AND H " SATURDAY fjjf& _•-- BARGAIN PRICES. |j, 12Jc Ij>d. ¥"\ A £2 The Satisfactory DA 1 O Store. jl| If too bnsy to come to the store, phone or ask our j M Order Clerk to stop. The same careful attention will be m given and order acceptably tilled. BAKING POWDER Royal COCOA—Tho genuine Walter |u?| Baking Powder, lib /CP Baker & Co., Ltd. Breakfast M| cans, per lb *fOL» Cocoa Alb tins QflP per tin ~..4Uu ; SHREDDED WHEAT - 15c „ W llwl package Shredded Whole CANNED GOODS —Pumpkin, Wheat Biscuit. The Ideal Tomatoes, Peas, Baked Beans W| breakfast food lOP 10c values QCP ;JL> per package I ZL> .5 cans lor AJU CORN STARCH —"Perfectly |m jgflj put up in oil, 10c size [P pure Corn Starch in CP per tin JU lib cartons, alb Ob {s) RlCE—Carolina Head Oflp SUGAR—2S lb bag ri " K Line of Window Shades"*! [lijj] from IOC to 75c per Shade. [p 1 Wall Paper for 1905. 1 IJlj \ The best PAINT. Longman & Martinez. j, lr [p Consists of the best things from three factories. Also ~~~ = Jjjj the Robert Graves Co.'s line of Decoration Paper of all Rodger's StainfloOT, the best made kiluls - for Floors. |l The Graves line took first prize in competition at St. g « * C? IB /\\ 7 l~v !|J M Louis against the world. SIAKKI b. LLDYL). j| Buckwheat. Prime Chicken Feed, 65c per bushel. Japanese Seed, 75c per bushel. Terms cash only. •1 6t. CUMAX POWDER COMPANY. The Great Headache Cure, Bromo- Pepsin " Note The Word Pepsin. " C MRFS Indigestion, Jzz. Insomnia. Nervousness, On the Spot. \oO|>iii!cs. Absolutely lliirniless. All Druggists', 10c, 25c, and 50c. L.TAGGAUT, Emporium, Pa. 4-ly. WHY not have your mouth placed in a ? healthy condition? P \ To-day the practioner of medicine rec- P ognizes tiiat a clean condition of the % % mouth of his patients is absolutely essen- > tial to their healtn and welfare; that % \ there is remarkable immunity from dis- \ ease in both adults and children who s > have clean, healthy mouths; that 75 per > 3 cent of antial troubles are of dental j s origin; that 90 per cent of neuralgias are S j the result of imperfectly inserted metallic 3 s fillings, impacted wisdom teeth or roots > P covered by the gums. S I The satisfaction and comfort derived 5 > from a clean mouth is worth far more s I than the time and money expended in > \ its production. i j Dr. F. M. ZELIE, j s DENTIST, > ) CRANE BLOCK. EMPORIUM. PA. ) 112 Evenings and Sundays by appointment 112 X only. S i 'Phone lis. J | UP-TO-DATE JOB WORK AT PRICES IN KEEPING WITH THE QUALITY AT THIS OFFICE. Bu i ldingTi m el And wc wish to say that \vc are better prepared than ever I I S before to supply yon with all kinds of Hardware aiiel Builders Supplies, We have in addition to onr regular stock (the for- B business of U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Cool H Yard) consisting of Rrick, Lime Cement, Wall 1 Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood, etc., etc., B a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT I BRUSHES, etc. Plumbing and Tinning is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for I estimates in these lines. All our work is positively I guarantee to give satisfaction. Stoves and Ranges. Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of I STOVES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood in j| • county and every one guaranteed by the maker. MURRY & COPPERSMITH CO. East Emporium's '] 1 Cash Store | Nobody ever saw such a Grocery Store. jffl! m _ _ it pj ———■— —■ ii | The Food Store is at its Isest. Our jj| If; Special Days are Every Day. I ' 1 [jj Tuesday, April 25th, 1905. iffi , - m I m H| 4 cans Atlas Brand 2 cans '"IEP FP fjj* Corn ZUls Peaches. .. . ZuL ji S 3 cans nr p 2 cans nrp 1 Peas ZOl Pears zhL W J } cans nrf» 25 lbsGranulatedfij- 1= Tomatoes 26 I ' Sugar &I. B5 ( ] 'I I t-j We shall display our large new SPRING STOCK, I || of DRY GOODS. A distinctive assortment. Best 01 lli grades. Exclusive designs. p] Ji] Zephyrs, Bates Seersuckers—all patterns, nc.yd. Hi p Organdies 10l je yard. Voiles, 10c yard. jjjj i| We have everything in White Goods, Table Dam- Ja Jjj ask, Sheets, Pillow Cases, Pillow Tubing, 45m. 17c. yd |j ; [Ladies Fancy Collars,-6c, 10c and 25c each. ||> Shirtwaist Sets, 25c set, —"something nobby." =3. Jj Ladies .Skirts, 50c to SI.OO. Regular bargains. Ji Ladies Percale Wrappers in all colors and sizes. jjl If A splendid opportunity to buy anything in H fl Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Jifi; jj; Window Shades, at rock bottom cash prices. JI 1 li , , I liji New Garden Seeds fcarly Sweet Corn |>' I - i ii • if Mail and Phone orders receive our careful attention. =;r 1 I Watch this Space for Special jq I Bargains at m I i p ii [j Tompkins & Norris'. jj , Phon il o9 _ . r „