Business Cards. i. w. sreenT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Emporium, Pa. A bostnesarolatiugto! ••tatea, Ofphan's *ourt and gen«rall»w buslnesi ■rill reoWve prompt attention. 42-ly. 1.0, JoßNsof. J. P. McNARNBI JOHNSON * MoNARNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW EuronicM, PA. Will give prompt attention to all builneaaea' mated to them. I^-ty. kIOHAEITBRENIfAN, ATTORNEY-AT-L A W Collections promptly attended to. Real estatt Knd pension claim agent, S5-ly. Emporium, Pa. IUOMAS WADDINOTON, Emporium, Pa., CONTRACTOR FOR MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTING. All orders In my line promptly executed. Al! 'llnds of building and cut-stone, supp ed at low wire* Agent for marble or granitemonument* neatly done. AMERICAN HOUSE, East Emporium. Pa.. JOHN 1,. JOHNSON, Prop'i Having reaumed proprietorship of this old an<i •well established House I invite the patronage o! ith* public. House newly furnished and thor ♦ughly renovated. 4Sly K. D. LEKT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and INSURANCE AO'T EMPORIUM, PA USD OWNRRB AND OTHERS IN CAMKRON ANI ADJOINING Countirs. 1 have numerous calls for hemlock and hard. *r*sod timber lands.alsoatumpage&c., and parti'* desiring either to t>uy or sell well to <•»'' on me. F, D. LEET, THE NOVEI.TY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Office,) Emporium, Pa. Wiimam MCDONALD, Proprietor. I take pleasure In informing the public that ] purchased the old and popular Novell] Restaurant, located on Fourth street. It will bt aiy endeavor to serve the public In a mannei that shall meet with their approbation. Give m< a call. Meals and loncheon served at all hours n027-lyr Win McDONALD. MAY GOULD, TEACUKR Or PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY Also dealer in all the Popular abeet Muuc, Emporium, Pa. Scholarstaught either at my home on Siitb itreet or at th* homes of the pupils. Out oftown jcholars will bt given dates at my rojmalnthli place. ■». 0. RIECIC, D. D. S., DENTIST.; Office overTnggart's Drugstore, Emporium, Pa Gas and other local anaesthetics *d TOKESjSmtuistered for the painleas extractloi 3I'FCI ALTY: l'reservatica of natural teeth, I* nluding Crown and Bridge Wwk. n .w mn A ««;• fu«r»nw»l lr jon 9 | PiLES R Suppository | ft/ A. Mau ThocapaoD, Supt. H ■ r»*iklr) R0 k J>r H * Mc' tii'l, C\*rYs hurl ""Tf u V* *wr h «•': | Ily Drujiuvs maWTIN BUOY, LA W C A>TC R. PA g So d la Emporium by I- %ad K. O Kudcl Byspo|isia Cure Digests what yo<« eat* POPULAR SCENIC ROUTE. Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Company. Official Condensed Time Table in Effect June 23, 1902. jfou-"! [ Jay Week Days. Dully j Week Daya. Only 1 .*. M. TV P.M. A.M. A.M.I STATIONS. A.M. P M.< P. M. p. M. P.M. Cjo 610 11 101 715 Ly Addison Ar 10 13 443 S 411 841 11 41, 8 01| Elkland j 841 411 549 546 11 46 808 Osceola 936 406 6 581 655 1155 8 22| Knoxvillft 928 859 8U 611 12 11 840 Westfleld ] 918 8 4.1 g47 947 12 47 9 25! Gaines Junction 886 806 T0C ' 800 7001 00 W&ft I 0 ' 1 " on - }a?: 1,23 2M H T4O 6 40' P.M. P.M. 10 58 Ar Cross Fork Junction Lvi 739 209 423 l 54 5 210 |ll 00,Lv. Cross Fork Junction Ar. 'i« 200 8 651 BSS B°o 11 60 Ar. Cross Fork, Pa. Lv. 616 100 306 824 624 P M. A. M.; 1139 Ar Wharton Lt. 663 1 20, 810 8 05 11 40|1.v Wharton AT 10.53 8 00 'A.M. 668106 Ar ftinnamahonlng Lt| 065 |1 40 • 46' 643 8 00! I U BB|Lv Austin Ar 086 106 960 800 7 10' 8 45! i 12 26 Ar Keating Summit— L» 112 40 910 7 10 ». M.J p. M. A. M. ! A.M | P. M. , A. M. P. M.j A. M.jP. M. j P. M. A. M.I A.M. P. K. | 820 985 IjT Ar 6 2l! 700 835 946 « Sn 1 9 or > #44 939 953 South Gaines, ; 9 01 6 M 842 955 . Gaines Junction „ 59 955 10 09 Ar Qaleton Lv g 45 92a I P. M. A M. A. M.* P. M. P.M AM P.M.| 1 05, 830 r ' y JL al w ton Ar 10 1° 4 M 124 647 U"^ a t ,°""",V" : 9 51, 4 39, 150 7 13 New-field Junction 927 4 M T 206 | 730 «Bingham 909 4OX 218 7 4l| i 868 861 J24 746 to 11 fi? V 863 847 146 806 Wellsvllle Lv |gj 380 11 1 A_. M.l P. M. a . CONNECTIONS. At Keating Summit with B h. A. V. I>iv. of Pennsylvania R. R. At Ansonla with N.Y C.4 H R. R. for all points north and south. At Newfield Junction with C. & P. A. Ry., Union Station. At Genesee with N. Y & Pa., Ry. Union Station. At Addison with Erie R. R., Union Station. At Wellsville with Erie R R. for points east and west. At Sinnanmhoning with P. R. R.—P. AE. I>lv. «. H. GARDINER, Gen'l Pass'r Agt. Buffalo, N.Y.| W. C. PARK, Gan'lSapt., Galeton, Pa. M. J. MCMAHON, Dlv. Pass Ag't.,Galeton,Pa. G.SCHMIDT'S,^ FOR ||p$ -<,_ J FRESH BREAD, & popular *J: Nlll , —. « wmmmmmm# CONFECTIONERY OdilV Delivery. Allorders given prompt and * " skillful attention. WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY TheYhavo stood the test of yes* OTnnUn _m. m B ao< * h.iv« cured (houtanda crt \ I HIIRh M4m 4 //:aies of Nervous Diieaiei, luch m 1 O I llUilU JDebility,Di«lne« 3 .Sle®pk.f- I AGAIN! chf /gtsaf r "» d^c M! . l .,Au,phy.*c. V. nUfllll 0 the circulation, make digestion A! perfect, and iaipart a healthy vigor to the whole belag. All drains and losses are checked ftrmanently. Unless patients Hm are properly cured, their condition often worries them Into losaalty, Consumption or Death. sealed. Price 6i per box; 6 boxes, with Ironclad legal guarantee to cure or refund tIM moo.y.fc.oo. Send lor free book. Address, PEAL M&DICINK CO.. »lO*OlOa4. #■ IH Mi* b, a. O. Uodtoa. Drugglat, BaayMrMua, Pa. TTMB TABtB Wo. V. COUDERSPORT & PORT ALLEGANY R. R. Ttkinv effect May 27th. 1901. KASTWA KL». 7 10 7 I T 4 | »~r T" STATIONS. I i 1 IP. M. R. M A. M.I A. M. Port Allegany, L» 315 17 05 11 8» Ooleiuan .I*B 23 .... 00 :•» «l Burtville »3 30 7 16 .... i U 47 Roulette 340 ....I 725 1 11 M Knowltou'a *3 46 .... 00 "11 St Mlna I 3 S» 7 85 I 12 OS Olmsted *4 06 ....j*7 38 ... "12 08 Hammonds, j °° ' ! °° *l2 13 „ . . fAr 420 A M. 745 12 15 Cotdersport. | j jV fl le: 0 n,i 100 Sorth Coudersport, j *6 15' ... °® »li) 6 Frtnk's, 1 « 25 1 ....•« in »1 « Oolesburg, {..... *8 40 ... *6 1/' 120 Seven Bridges, s *6 4.'i|.... *621 *1 M Kavmonds's, !*7 00 .... *0 30 1 M Oo!d, 705 636 14l Newrleld, 00 .... i 1 44 Newtield Junction, 7 37!.... 845 ISO Perkins ..... *7 40 .... *8 43 "I 28 Carpenter's \ 74« .... 00 *1 57 Crowell's, 7 SO ... *6 53 *2 01 Ulyaaea Ar H 05, (7 05 210 ;.... A. M.I I (r- WESTWARD. " i is t 8 r STATIONS. | - A. M. P. M A. *. .... Ulysses L» 720 225 818 .... Crowell's, *7 27 *2 32 • 9 19 Carpenter's 00 *2 34 *8 22 Perkins *7 32 37 * 8 26 ...,, NewfleldlJunction, 787 242 8 32,..„{ Newtield, *7 41 240 00 | Gold 741 243 840 Raymond's . *7 49 2 54 * 047 ; ..... Seven Bridges, »8 01 *3 OS *lO 02 ....«• Colesburg *8 04 3 03* lO 10| ..... Frink's. *8 12 *3 17 *lO iO ..... North Coudersport, °° *8 26 *lO 85: .... ( Ar. S 25 3 80 10 45 Coudersport < ' R.M.J (L». t2B 800 120 ..... Hammonds 30 00 j ... • Olmsted, *8 33*8 OS *1 31...... Mina, I 837 810 1 37, ....< Knowlton's 1 00 *Blll71 00 , Ro jlette, 847 621 181 Burtville 854 S2B 201 Coleman *° *8 34 °° 1..... Poit Allegany 18 08 840 2 251 (*) Flag stations. (°°) Trains do not stop ♦ I Telegraph offices. Train Nos. 3 and 10 WW carry passengers. Tains 8 and 10 do. Trains run on Eastern Standard Time. Connections—At Ulysses with Kail Brook R'J for points north and south. At B. & 8. June tion with Buffalo & Susquehannaß R. north for Wellsville, south for Galeton andAnsonia. At Port Allegany with W. N. Y.& P. R. R., north for Buffalo, Glean, Bradford and Smethporfl south for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium und Pann'a R. K., poiuts. B. A McCLURE Gen'lSupt. Coudersport, Pa. X The Place to Buy Cheap ) J. F. PARSONS' ✓ i&ocSoB ByspepsSa Gyro Digests what you eat. Foley's Kidney Cure mapes kidneys and bladder right. BANNER BALVE the most healing salve In the world CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1905. BELFRY IN FIR TREE OLDEST AS WELL AS ODDEST IN UNITED STATES. Situated in Seven-Century-Old Bit of Timber, Eight Feet Thick, That Forms Spire of a Church at Tacoma, Wash. Taeoma, Wash. —The oldest belfry in the United States and one of the oddest church towers in the world, is the spire of St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal church, in the outskirts of this city. This church supplies also what is per haps the first case on record in which 3 congregation selected a belfry aud built the rest of the church around it. Al though the spire is made entirely of wood, it is now 700 years old, and will probably be standing when many com paratively new iron and steel belfries have been razed. Forty years ago the pioneers of Ta coma organized a church society. They selected a site for their place of worship in a forest of Douglas fir trees that skirt ed the shore of Puget sound and stretched inward for many miles. Out of these immense, shaggy-barked trees that towered upward for 200 feet with out a branch below the upper half, they chose one eight feet in diameter to serve as the steeple. When the branch bearing portion of the tree had been cut away to prevent the falling of limbs in case of a storm, there was left a bare trunk nearly 100 feet high. Beside it there was built a plain little structure. The bell was fast ened to the tree and the little church, with its enduring steeple, was complete. In later years the women of the con gregation planted English ivy at the base of the tree, which in time not only shrouded the steeple in a thick green cloak, but crept through the church win dows until finally the inner walls and ceiling were covered. When the roof had become moss grown St. Peter's formed a picture of sylvan beauty more appreciated by the artists who soon 4r x £ * Mi:. " OI.IJEST BEt,FRY IN AMKRICA. (Situated In Tree That Forms the Spire of a Washington Church.) came to know it than by the little con gregation itself. The ivy covering of the steeple was so thick that for years the tunes of the bell scarcely penetrated through the leafy blanket. Recently the hindering foliage has been cut away, and the belfry has again become useful as well as orna mental. The rector of St. Peter's, known to the fishermen as Capt. Stubbs, the sky pilot, spends most of his time in a launch on the sound ministering to his flock, which is composed largely of fishermen. He is a little English dominie with strict ideas on the Sunday observance. Not long ago the boatmen among whom he labored held a Sunday regatta in sight of the church, the proceeds to be used for the purchase of a new launch for Capt. Stubbs. When the committee handed over an ample sum Capt. Stubbs declined it. at the same time delivering a little lecture on Sunday regattas which put an end to them. Then he set to work and built a launch himself and went about his pastoral duties with more vig or than before. Although St. Peter's was at onetime in the heart of the village of Tacoma, unfriendly Siwash Indians manifested such strong disapproval of churchgoing pioneers that a trusty shotgun came to be regarded as necessary to the church service as I he Bible and hymn book. To-day the hostile Indians have dis appeared, and even the city of Tacoma Itself seems to have abandoned the church with its ancient tower. It is sur rounded by a few little dwellings, occu pying the section of Tacoma known as Old Town. The business part of Tacoma is three miles away, but one of the buildings to which Tacomans point with pride when explaining the superiority of their city over Seattle is St. Peter's church. The Papal Flag. The papal Hag is comparatively un familiar outside of the Eternal city. The war flag of the defunct temporal power of the pope was white, and in its center stood figures of St. Peter and St. Paul, with the cross keys and tiara abovi them. The flag of the merchant ships owned by the subjects of the states of the church is a curious combination, half yellow and half whit's, with the de sign of the cross keys on <he white. In the banner used by the crusader king of Jerusalem, Godfrey, the only tinctures introduced were the two metals, gold and silver, five golden crosses being placed upon a silver field. This was done with the intention of making the de vice unique, as in all other cases it is deemed false heraldry to place nwtal on metal. Elevator in the Vatican. A new improvement has just been Installed in the Vatican palace at Rome in the shape of an electric ele vator of the latest pattern. The pope Is to bles3 the new elev'or before it, I is put Into usu, LONG QUEST SUCCESSFUL The Body of Admiral Paul Jones It Found After Lying 100 Years in a Paris Cemetery. Paris, April 15. —Ambassador Porter cabled to Washington last night an nouncing the successful results of his long search for the body of Paul Jones. The body is in a good state of preservation considering that the in terment took place over 100 years ago. The circumstances leading to the final discovery of the body are par ticularly interesting. (Jen. Porter lias conducted the search for five years and when congress recently took no action upon the president's recommen dation for the expenses incident to the search, the ambassador continued the extensive labors at his own expense. A large force of workmen has been en gaged night and day tunneling and cross-tunneling the old St. Louis cemetery. This constituted a huge operation, embracing nearly a block covered with buildings and requiring a system of subterranean mining. Hundreds of wooden caskets were found, but not until Wednesday were unearthed four leaden caskets which gave promise of containing the body of the admiral. Three of them bore plates designating the names of the deceased. The fourth showed superior solidity of workmanship. No plate was found on this casket and it is sup posed it was removed when another coffin was superimposed on it. The body was found to be well preserved, owing to its being Immersed in alco hol. It was wrapped in a sheet, with a packing of straw and hay. Those pres ent were immediately struck by the resemblance of the head to that 011 the medallions and busts of the ad miral. A CRISIS IS NEAR AT HAND War of the Masses Against the Classes in Russia Is Likely to Begin on May Day. Si. Petersburg. April 15. —Develop- ments point to a crisis in the present agitation among the workmen of the cities and the peasants in the country 011 May day and appeals are pouring in from all quarters of Russia for mili tary protection. The St. Petersburg workmen are preparing a great dem onstration. Arms and bombs in large quantities have been smuggled in and bloodshed is feared. All the prominent agitators are being arrested or have already been sent back to the villages from which they originally came. Warsaw, Russian Poland, April 15. — Disturbances here are feared during the Easter holidays. Fresh strikes are reported at Lodz, Russian Poland, where the situation is causing much uneasiness. Lilian, April 15.—The dock laborers here have struck and the loading of grain has been suspended. Rarn burning in many districts continues. Tiflis, April 15. —Strikers cut the telegraph wires at the Elizabethpol station and a number of trains have been held up. London, April 15.—N0 news throw ing light on t.l e movement of the fleets of Vice Admirals Rojestvensky and Togo have been received here, but ac cording to a statement made by one of tin; doctors on board the Russian hos pital sh i) Orel, at Saigon, the ships of the Baltic squadron were going to Vladivostok. DUN'S TRADE REVIEW. Good News Comes from Almost Every Branch of Industry. New York, April 15. R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade says: Good news still predominates in trade and industry. Easter business is of large volume, dry goods, clothing, footwear and all lines of wearing ap parel reporting an unusually good de mand, and shipping departments are taxed to their full capacity in many cases. The country as a whole is ex periencing more settled weather, which is reflected in a better retail distribution of merchandise. Jobbing trade in goods for fall delivery is broadening and there is more inclina tion to prepare for the future. Manufacturers report less idle ma chinery, the iron and steel industry leading with an unprecedented output of pig iron, yet consumption is also above all records, for there is no ac cumulation at the furnaces. Textile mills are also well engaged and for wardings of footwear from Boston make favorable comparisons with every year except 1900. Failures this week numbered 214 in the United States, against 225 last year, and 20 in Canada, compared with 16 a year ago. Excitement in Havana. Havana,, April 15.—Great excite ment has been caused in political cir cles here over the forcible seizure by six nationalist congressmen of papers covering 50 allegations of improper acts by Havana councilmen and city officials. The incident is the outcome of strife between members of the mod erate party, of which President Palma and his cabinet ministers are mem bers, and the nationalists, who control the city and provincial government. Explosion Probably Fatal to Four. Rochester, N. Y., April 15. —Four men were perhaps fatally burned and a fifth seriously in a gasoline lamp ex plosion yesterday in a building under construction here. A $300,000 Fire Loss. Sprlngvale, Me., April 15.—The greater portion of the business sec tion of Springvale, together with many dwellings was destroyed by fire Fri day, entailing a loss estimated at $:so(),000. Tn all :15 buildings were burned. No lives were lost. Roosevelt in Colorado. Trinidad, Col., April 15. —Seven thousand people, Including 2,000 school children waving small (lags, greeted President Roosevelt yesterday with cheers. A number of Rough Riders acted as a guard of honor to tho presi -1 dent. w* Hx I Baloom & Lloyd. 1 ===== I 11 I 1 I I [lj w (fil if WE have the best stocked IJ | general store in the county II and if you are looking for re- Ml liable goods at reasonable JS If prices, we are ready to serve you with the best to be found. | Our reputation for trust jJ worthy goods and fair dealing L ij; is too well known to sell any but high grade goods. I Jj Hj Our stock of Queensware and L, (B Chinaware is selected with p m 'in 1 great care and we have some rgj of the most handsome dishes 4 ever shown in this section, \j jp| both in imported and domestic makes. We invite you to visit us and look our goods over. J| I • I I P I | 1 Balcom $ Lloyd. 1 & i nnk n Qru/umr but don't forget these A 0 LUUIV tLotWrlLnt prices AND FACTS AT g ;LaBAH'S| $ |3O Bedroom Suits, solid |4O Sideboard, quartered tfOH <> oak at 4)/0 oak, 4>OU 4k f2B Bedroom Suits, solid ffOI |36 Sideboard, quartered ffOC Sfr, r J oak at I oak, J |25 Bedroom Suits, solid |22 Sideboard, quartered <T|C m oak at 4>ZU oak 4)I0 rj' Cl A large lin« of Dressers from Chiffloniers of all kinds and M rr f8 up. prices. yy w A large and elegant line ofTnfted and Drop-head 38 t*, Couches. Beauties and at bargain prices. A mL The finest line of Sewing Machines on the market, /a rf the,"Domestic" and "Eldredge". All drop heads and Yf ft warranted. ft $ A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, in $ sets and by the piece. $ £ As I keep a full line of everything that goes to make v up a good Furniture store, it is useless to enumerate them 12 y J Please call and see for yourself that I am telling you T? Ql the tiuth, and if you don't buy, there is no harm done, as ft mi it is 110 trouble to show goods. w 1 GEO. J. LaBAR. 112 * w 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers