Cannibals and savages may delight in seeing SUFFERING, but the highest thought of civilization is to relieve all pain. This can iiuickly he done with HAMLINS WIZARD OIL. For internal and external curative action, it has no equal in the entire medical world. It relieves the inflammation which is irritating your nerves, regu lates the circulation of the small blood vessels, and, hy scientific means, gently but cer tainly restores your body to health. You can't be sick, if you ward off tlio preliminary action of disease microbes, with this greatest of all medicines of modern times. Prico 50c and SI.OO. Fully guaranteed. For sale and recommended by L. TAQQART. Money to Loan MORTGAGES ON FARMS 4 to 5 Per Cent. TERM 0I 112 YEARS. HENDERSON & Co. 1214 Arcli Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 43 3m. ■■■ ■ i mm—am—!■ if \\x\\\\\\\\\v/ , Adam, j| \ Me Id rum & | Anderson Co. % IIUKB'AI/O.N. V. % 396-408 Main Street. y % n | ll2 I J I NEW I White Goods S | FOR 1905 | / THE selling of White Goods is / a I more active uow than during y any other year at this season. / This justifies the prediction that / y this will bo the greatest White y Season ever known. Wt: have s soma very special things for con- / ■y firmation dresses and for gradu- y ation gowns. We would be p <-ased to send you samplts. / $ White Irish Swiss Mulls, Sheer- k - est and daintist of dre s nmsiins, 32 inches wide, very special for y graduating dresses, 25c to 7'» c. y White French Lawns, 15 inches r, wide, for confirmation and gradu / 'y ation dresses, 25c to 75c. / White Cheviot, 50c. 112 White Linen Duck for Ladies / / coats, 50c and 75c. / White Embroidered Si.ft Mulls S for dresses, twenty patterns, 50c. / / White Royal Irish Linens, the •/ ; best line ever made, over one dozen qualities, 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c, 'y 85c and §1 00. y White Irish Dimities, all sizes, / stripes and plaids, 25c, 30c and ' fi 40.;. | White Percian Lawns, great 112 values at 25c and 35c. y White Silk Batistes, soft, tine / finish for waists.2sc to 75c. s Wliite Dotted Swisses, large as- ' sortment, 15c to 35c / White Piques, French, English 112 and Domestic, 15c to? 1.00. ' / White Nainsooks, English and y Domestic, all grades, 12'o to 50c Wliite Wastings—All the fori S / eign and domestic makes, yard y 10c to 81 00. 112 White India Linons—The best % y values on the best lines made, 8c / < to 50c. / White Engiioh Shirtings— / Beautiful, cheer fabric which / launder beautifully, 35c to $1.50. % White Dotted Swisses—From y our own factory in St. Gaul, 35c y v to 75c. / / —■ —= y 'f- Adam, < / / > Meldrum & / ' Anderson Co. 112. ri.. V.norUßi Mock, % rUJFFAI.O. N Y % S \ \ S \ \ \ \ N \,\ \ SDR. CALDWELL'S ®P YRUP P£PSSiV CURES constipationJ v DIIDDCrC SEEDS GROW AND DUIirCC U WIN MORE PRIZES than the products of any other brand! Besides several Qold Medals, they won only Qrand Prize for vegetables at St. Louis Exposition. gby'Tf you intend to try Burpee's Seeds, we will mail free our Complete Catalogue of 178 page&, with beautiful colored plates and illustrations from photographs taken at our famous FORDHOOK FARMS, the largest Trial Grounds in America. Write TO-DAY ! W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. JM°_Hg*£g^PHILADELPHIA THE COUNTY. SIZERVILLE. Waruier weather at hand. William Randolph Sizer is very busy rushing bis ice crop in and e*pcets to have it finished this week. J. H. Evans bas his ice house filled and Is now ready to fill others. Miss Edith Oibbs visited her aunt at Turtle Point several days last week. William Sprague has been on the sick list the past week. Mrs. Ida Martindale visited the county seat on Saturday. B. M. McNerney, foreman for P. R. R., tracked a bear from Gardeau to Shippen, but there bruin took to the main road and he thereby lost the trail. William Rossman saw the first rattler this season. Congratulations, "Bill." We saw L. R. Kightlinger and N. C. Stum, both citi/en*: of Gardeau, on our streets last week. Adam Market, section foreman for P. R. R., was very much excited last week, thinking he had discovered oil on his land; but when the oil was traced it was found to have leaked out of a passing tank car. Leon Napolcan Bonaparte Pender has resigned his position as porter at Sizer Springs Hotel and accepted a dairy run at Gardeau. Acting Relief Agent, Itagan, li»s been here re lieving Agent I rosser, who has been sick for two weeks. Mr. Prosper returned to his work Tues day morning. SWEET CORN. STERLING RUN ITEMS . Fine weather now. Charley liunce, who has been on the sick list, is somewhat better at this writing. Ed. Norton, of Elkland. was a visitor to our town Sunday. How about that bridge, Seeley? Did you get across all right? Mrs. Maggie Parrel, of Cameron, visited friends in town on Friday. Miss NellieO'Keef, one of our popular school teachers, spent Sunday with her parents at this place. Elmer Whiting, who has been at Ligonier the past three months, visited his family, at this place, over Sunday. Clarence Quinn, of Emporium, wasseen on our streets one day last week. Messrs. Wilson Berry and Seeley Bunce took in Miss Bob White at Emporium Tuesday evening. One of our young ladies has become quite an t acrobat. A misguided sled is liable to cause us to do most any kiud of a stunt regardless of how we may feel about the matter. Mrs. J. A. Dice is visiting her daughter at Ren [ ovo this week. , A goodly number ot friends gathered at the \ home of Mr. Hrooks Hiney to help this excellent \ gentleman celebrate his thirty-sixth birthday. t An elaborate supper was served the guests and the enjoyable occasion was brought to a close. X. X. X. SINNAMAHONING. Dr. Russell performed a successful surgical t operation 011 the infant son of Mr. Albert Jordan on Saturday last. We are pleased no note that the Doctor's competency is winning the admira ' tion of our people. \ The P. O. 8. of A. building is now up to the 112 plasterers and will be ready for occupancy by the ( first of April. • W. L. Barclay, of Laquin, Bradford county, visited friends here last week. Wm. Swank, recently elected supervisor, was ! in (own Tuesday and took the oath of office. The slaters are here to put (lie roof on the P. O. 8. of A. building. If the backbone .of winter isn't broken it has a bad case of spinal curvature. The township election went off* very quietly, j The vote was light. I The Keystone handle factory are getting a j stock of hickory on the ground. They will b;;ild i their factory as soon as spring opens, j A rear end collision occuired in the B &S* J yard la-t week. One man ha 1 liis foot jammed badly. Ge ». C. (jore killed a targe wild cat last Satur day, after the dugs treed it. It was the one that has been visiting the chicken coops of late. The Colonial Supper held by the ladies of the P. (). H. of A. # 011 Washington's birthday, was a grand sue ess,both socially and financially,being • the largest gathering of the season. Many peo ple from a distance took advantage of the good sleighing and swelled the crowd by several sleigh ™**-——. Nic manner, gg For sixty year ; liusc paints En have given satisfaction to ■S every user. Ask your dealer. John Lucas & Co j j Philadelphia CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1905. loads. Two hundrixl and twenty-two supper tickets were sold, along with the articleschanced j oST, a silver tea set, drawn by Miss Ilessie Walker ; an 1 the gold watch, drawn hy V. E. Crum, the I ll'it proceeds reached upwards of $83.00. This j money will he invested in an organ to replace ; the one lost in the fire of last November. The 1 genial hospitality at the good ladies in charge of ! the festal occasion made this one of the most j joyous and pleasurable events It has been our I good fortune to attend in many a day, and in so ! saying we voice the sentiment of the entire party of guests. Mr. Yiugling the eye doctor was in our midst Sunday. He just got married lately and was just gettin'back frem his weddin'trip, his wife was \ along and they stayed all night with our fellow j citizen Mr. Lawrence Smith, Lawrence bein' his I brother-in-law and his wife's brother. Mr. Y. is j very popular round these diggins O. K. and may be he'll strike right in and make better glasses to see through than ever. Here's wishin' him sue cess in his new undertakin' O. K. Joe Deshelter who hails from Johnsonhurg is j in our midst visitin' his brother Ellick who runs I the ban'saw in the summer time on Barclay's ! mill. KUick and Vine are showin' Etliek's Hro. i around town and up to Emporium O. K. it he j seems to be powerful pleased to be in our midst, j j Pap Blodgett played his talkin' machine till Ji I j past 11 Tuesday night at EUick's place & Joe j said that was the Ist time he ever heard a hand play tuues when there was no band in the house. Elli#k's Bro. is a good joker allright & when he told the story about the fellow runnin' round with his eye in a sling in the P.O. the other night we reckoned some of the Logue boys would hurt their sides laughin' at it O. K. Some of'em are belliaken round that"Mabu nom's" copyin' after "Veritas" the Buatleton War correspondent of the N. A., and sayin' we're usin' such words like "O. K.," "all right" & "Maybe" as if we had a rite 2. Enyone knows "Veritas" can't rite poetry any ways near up to ourn & maybe if "Veritas" was the correspond ent of the PIIESS and writin' things up in our midst ns we are they wouldn't think one bit more of him than us. Kinder reminds me of a tilt, once I heard twixt Tommy O'Neal and Francis DeLoy. Krancis had an Irishman workin' for him peelin' logs and lie tried to make Tommy believe he was a Frenchman by tellin' him he was born in France. "Qwanwidye," said Tom- I my, "begorra, if a cat had kittens in an oven I you would call them biscuits." The C. B. boys have disbanded the band on account of some of the members not wanten to come round to the town hall in the evening every Friday night to practice. At sundry times in the past theO. B. boys' playin have created a heap of patriotism in the breasts of our citizens and they'll be missed from publit doin's, snch as oyster suppers, socials (band), L. A. 8., P. O. 8. of A., L.O. T. M.and many other orders in our midst. Our citizens got to like to hear them playin' "In the flood Old Summer Time." "One Night in June," and many other familiar airs ' which we have grown familiar with. MABUNOM. MASON HILL. Simeon Robarcalled on friends in this place Bnnday. Mrs. J. M. Russell in on the sick list at present I writing. J Miss Nellie Marsh did shopping in Driftwood Tuesday. I Ralph Cioodall visited friends in this place over Sunday. ! Ed. Russell was the guest of his parents at this j place the first of the week. ' I>r. Corbett made several professional calls on | the Hill last week. j Miss Daisy Cornell was entertained by Miss Lizzie Jordan, of this place, Tuesday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Wilsie Ilay and son, of St. Mary?, ; are spending a few weeks with relatives here. Roy Jordan spent the most of last week with j his sister, Mrs. Lester Locey. at Dents Run. j Harry Marsh and Willie Leonard, who are working at ('atueron, came home to spend SUM ! day with their parents. The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. | Tanner has been ill during the last week but is now reported convalescent. Arling R. Baker, of Andover, N. V.. having c liiipleted his term of school at this place, started for home Tuesday. Rev. Faus preached his farewell sermon on , Sunday preparatory to results of conference. All i of our people hope he will be returned to this I circuit us his sermons and Church work are very , pioiitable. lit.BIN. CAMERON. | Mr. and Mrs. .Michael C'assiday are visiting friends at Hull anil Coleman. ! Maurice Young is able lo work again after a serious illness. E. V. Dunlevie, John Rhodes and Tracy Hin inny are in Buffalo attending court. Charles Fauver is seriously ill with a compli cation of diseases. Miss Bella Stewart is suH'ering from a bad case of whooping cough. Vincent Wood, of Keating Summit, and Miss Elsie Morrison, of Beechwood, are guests of John Rhoads and wife. Miss Mary Biug, i.f Coleman, is visiting in Cameron. j Mrs. Ed. May, of Olean, spent Saturday and Sunday in town visiting friends. J. C. Skillinan had business at Itidgway this week. Robert Fields, of Square Timber Run, spent Sunday with friends in town. Miss Ruth Sullivan, of Square Timber Run, is visiting Mrs. Patrick Farrell. The Box Social held at the Hall for the beuefit of the Rev. Sypher, was well attended. Net-re ceipts $23.00. Let the good work goon Joseph Robinson, our popular section foreman for the Pennsy, at this place, was pleasantly sur prised on Saturday evening by two sleigh loads Of friends from Beechwood, and the younu peo ple of Cameron. Everybody enjoyed themselves as they always do at Mr. Robinson's. Wm. Nunn, the delivery clerk at the store, broke two of his front teeth out while eating candy, Monday. Never mind, Billy, you are good looking enough yet. You can get store teeth. Mrs. S. A. Waggoner, of Moore Hill, is visiting Mrs. Win. Wykott. D. Linniger, our up-to-date postmaster, has refitted his store up and putin a full line of con fections, spring medicines and tobacco. Nothing succeeds like success. Our accommodating station agent, J. M. ! Schneider, lias had another responsible duty ad- I ded to his already arduous position, that of car rying the mail. But Mr. Schneider does not j complain, his smile is as pleasant as ever. He | is surely an honor to the Pennsylvania uniform. ! J. F. S. i I'leasant and Harmless. Don't druj; the stomach to cure cough, j One Minute Cough Cure cuts the mucus, ! draws the inflammation out of the throat, i I lungs and bronchial tubes, heals, soothes j j and cures. A quick cure for Croup and ! j Whoopinfe Cough. Sold hy 1!. C. l>od- I SOU. _ j Woman's Ills ! How rare a thing to find a woman who is perfect!) healthy. Fully seventy per cent, of the sei suffers from ailments which often render life a burden. These afflictions cause nervousness, irritability, melancholia, hysteria, etc. They entirely unfit a woman for life's work and deprive her of most of its joys. AUNT DINAH S OLD VIRGINIA Herb Tea WOMAN'S SAFE GUARD. , Those suffering with disordered menstruation, female weakness, prolapsus, etc., will find im* mediate relief from the use of Aunt Dinah's Old Virginia Herb Tea and in the majority of cases it will bring about a complete cure. It is a positive cure for chronic constipation, sick headache and indigestion. In case of nervousness and sleep L j lessness this tea will be found indeed a boon. It has a soothing aud quieting effect on the nerves and invariably Induces sound, refreshing sleep. A cupful at bed-time is all that is necessary to make a woman well and keep her well. Mayesvllle, B. C., Dee. 8,1902. Hamlins Wizard Oil Co., Chicago, III.: Two ye&rv ago 1 suffered with female complaint and u*e<i your Aunt Dinah's Old Virginia Herb T< a with rr«*ut success. I have just begun taicliif? it airain and 1 feel much younger and stronger. If every woman sufferer could ktlow the relief she would experience by using your Herb Tea flic would never be without it. It is a most wonderful remedy ami I take pleasure in rec ornrmnding it toauy lady who in suffering with female Miss C. L. CAIU'ENTKR. Mow, Lee County, Ark., Dec. 1, 1902. Hamlin* Wizard Oil Co , Chicago, fll.: I am greatly pleased with your Aunt Dlnuh's Old Virginia Herb Tea. Indeed I think there is nothing like it for headache and utomacli troubles and I find it ei ceedlngly pood for clearing the complexion. I would not be without it. Yours trulv. Miss SETX MCCORKI.K. Prepared by H&mlins Wiurd Oil Co., Chicago. Price, 25c. HAMLINS COUGH BALSAM Heals the Lungs. Wards Off Consumption. 25c. and 50c. HAMLINS BLOOD &. LIVER PILLS Regulate the Liver. Cleanse the System. 2.5 c. FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY L TAGGART. For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate — cure certain. Three Sizes, 25c., nud tsold by DriicictMtH, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphrey** Medicine Cor. William and John HtM., \ew York. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and other causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, tne only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $3. Bold by Drusg-lstn, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co., William U John Sts., N. Y. [ Big j Bargains j in j Stoves j £ We're not going to | > tire you with along >i s list of articles but i x we are going to \ \ offer you some ? j wonderful bargains c j In Stoves j r Bargains that will j ? surely bring buyers > j > and the prices are i ! s such as to make \ \ buying a pleasure. \ I \ If you need any- < j C th ia g i u the < ' 112 STOVE LINE 2 r it will be worth ) } your time to call * j IMnrieau & \ Forbes, j X HARDWARE, PLUMBING AND X | TINNING. < Kotfoß Dyspepsia Gut a Digests what you eat. 8 Now is the Time to Fill ; fS in Your I Winter Supply of I Clothing Gents' Furnishings, Shoe: ■ and Rubbers We are Selling all "Winter Goods at Low Priees in order to make room for Our Spring Goods I Jasper Harris, j I Opposite Post-Office, EMPORIUM, PA. | «t *fc **k *Hk *(fe 2)k *St *&■ ißSfc &k *stc *!*?* r\ HSk »Sk *tk jttfc JUk XSt ** JfSfc **k * 'fk X £2 s# LOOK ELSEWHERE BUT DON'T FORGET 1 1 THSSE PRICES AND FACTS AT || jjJ We carry in stock; " ~ jJ* •s t> the largest line of Car- ---" iB ! &jj »« l»s./linoleums ami ij/. iMflfflOTffil }« ** Mattings of all kinds 'yy i|a ever brought to this ! iJJJ!lfllfTiiim M town. Alho a big line II of samples. J UJJJjJUJULLD } Bj M Avery large line ol FOR THE I! Lace Curtains that can- ~ ' !£* IS wbe^for,he h P Hce any - COMFORTABLE LODGING »« £3 hfi Art Squares and °f f |ne books in a choice library M Rti<rs of all size o .and I se ect the Ideal pattern of Globe- N kind, from the cheap-J Wernicke "Elastic" Bookcase. est to the best. Furnished with bevel French jjifi plate or leaded glass doors. Dining Chairs, Fon =flL = - v §4 Rockers and GEO. J. LaBAR, || High Chairs. Sole Agent for Cameron County. £* A large and elegant = ** H* line of Tufted and Drop-head Couches. Beauties and at bargain prices. II ... M si S3O Bedroom Suits, ffQP §4o'Sideboard, quar- CQfi solid oak at tered oak JKJU fc|f §2B Bedroom Suits, (f*)! $32 Sideboard, quar- COK ** solid oak at 4>Z I tered oak... * ZO |g £2 $25 Bed room Suits, Clfi $22 Sideboard, quar- <t!C M •solid oak at tered oak, 4*lo A large line of Dressers from Chiffoniers of all kinds and ** || $* up. all prices. £2 ££ —___ . „ M U . M Ihe finest line oi Sewing Machines on the market, pf Ej the "DOMESTIC" and "ELDRIDGE." All drop- sjj Ej heads and warranted. fc* A fiue line of Dishes, common grade and China, in kg H sets and by the piece. As I keep a full line of everything that goes to W Jig make up a good Furniture store, it is useless to enuin- ** erate them all. kg Please call and see for yourself that lam telling n £5 you the truth, and if you don't buy, there is no harm done, as it is no trouble to show goods. p GEO. J. LaBAR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers