Shooting pains cause agony in Neuralgia. Those who are subject to attacks of this dreadful disease, should always keep, handy for imme diate use, a bottle of HAMLINS WIZARD OIL This marvelous pain remedy will quickly relieve the spasms which wrack the tortured nerves, and, if taken internally, will per manently cure the cause of the disease. "I had been a sufferer for years," writes Calvin E. Kill, of Marietta, Ga., "from the frightful pains of neuralgia, and never found any remedy that would give me relief, until I tried Hamlin3 Wizard Oil, which effected a per manent cure." Price 50c and sl. For sale and recommended by L. TAQOART. Money to Loan MORTGAGES ON FARMS 4 to 5 Per Cent. TERM OF YEARS. HENDERSON & Co. 1214 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 43 3M. \ N\ \ N \ \ \ \ \ N \ N / Adam, , / Meldrum & \ t\ Anderson Co. > / u HUFFAI.O.X. V. S ' / y 396-408 Main Street. 4 / | | I New ! i ? - Wash Goods ' ; ; A dream cf exquisitrnesa arc j? ■ tl;e new wash goods for 1903 / The most charming things are p arriving daily and ;:ro rapidly / picked up. Our stock i-: the / y largest and most varied we have everoarried and the choice is /■ almostlimitlcas. JJcnd for earn- X >. p!„. , % . Imported SWIM Muslin, embroidered in ' dots, white wito color, and colored ground, 60cand UUO , - 3C-inch All-Linen Suit in::, in solid colors of pink, sky. null t, liiu-. t'rey. QQ_ , blown and tail. Special Oi?U ' / Soft finish percale in larfcc a ortnunt / of styles, taple dot and ringll l ■ design for shirt waist suits 1 tS»2 / / Real French Organdie in handsome > printings, white and tinted / lields, new designs OuL / Embroidered linen in white field with / ctiibroiderc fifrure of color; a Rorvice- / / fabric '.. " c . ighl 50c ✓ . -Mohair Orenadine in nice assortment of . styles, very serviceable fabric, CA- / principally in greys and blacks / Gauze Chiffon, a dainty sheer snbric in / white. hanilßome floral design; 1 / a very special quality -L »_)L> / Mercericed Kolicnne in solid colors of / jiink and light blue nile, champagne, 112 cadet, navy and black, / permanent lustre &UL/ Novelty Mohair Knifings, very popular S . for shirt w.iist suits, in neat O(Z designs, dark tone:; (ZiUU ' / New Batistes, Diunites and Swisses in / l iresden set figure and scrole 1 Qi A / designs, handsome colorings J. wjO / '■ Novelty Broche'Madras, shown in green, 5 blue, grey and tan, with spot -1 r . / ' of color, for shirt waist suits... iOO > r % / '/ j BUTTERICK PATTL ■>, we * are Buffalo Agents. £ / < Adam, N * / % Meldrum &- ✓ % ' Anderson Co. t / TheAinericai Hlock, 'S BUFFALO, N. Y y Y\s\\\\\ \ s \ \, \ \ Bargain in Books. A complete set of Brittanica Ency clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes and key. Are all new and in original packages. Will be sold at a bargain, Apply at PRESS office. 3(itf Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit from this office, or the Superintendant at tho works. KEYSTONK POWDEK MFG. GO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 11)03. 24-tf. Claim the Record. A crew of log loaders at Emporium claim the championship, but there is a crew here that disputes the claim front the word "go." The Emporium men loaded 811 logs, containing 170,000 feet, on 51 cars in six hours and forty minutes. The crew here load 1,520 logs, con taining 200,000 feet, an 40 cars in seven hours and thirty minutes. Ours is the champion crew of the world and Emporium will have to come quite a lot faster to beat tho record.— Cross Fork News. Poisons in Food. Perhaps yoa don't realize that many pain poisons originate in your food, but some day you may teel a twinge of dys pepsia that will convince you. Dr. King's New Life Pills arc guaranteed t <« cure all sickness due to poisons of un digested food—or tnoney hack. -.">e at L. Taggart's drug Store. Try theui. The woman who can inspire no envy feels that she has lived in vain. Reduced Rates to Washington. On account of the Inauguration of President lloosevelt on March t the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell round trip tickets to Washington, March 2, •», and *l, good lor return passage un til March 8, inclusive, front Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Oil City, Erie, Buffalo, at rate of single fare, plus 25 cents for the round trip. Deposit of'ticket with Joint Agent at Washington on or befoee March 8 ami paymemt of fee SI.OO will secure extension of return limit to leave Wash ington on <r before March 18. For specific rates and full information to ticket agents. 51-iit. Reduced Rates to New Orleans, no bile, and Pcnsacola. On account of the Mardi (Iras festi vities at New Orleans. Mobile, and Peti sacola, March 2 to 7, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will nil round-trip tickets to c-ithcr of these places from all stations on its lines, March 1 to 0, at re duced rates. These tickets will be good for return passage until March 11, in clusive on date of validation by agent of terminal line at Mobile or Pcnsacola, or Joint Agent at New Orleans. If tickets are deposited with agent at cither of the above points not later twan March 11, and fee of 50 cents is paid, an extension of return limit to March 25 may be ob tained. For specific rates, routes, and stop-over privileges at southern Winter resorts consult Ticket Agents. 3441-1-It. CURES WHERE ALL ELCF. FAILS Best Courh Tastes Coed. Lli Use In time. S.iu by clrupEists. SJ fin j> ilQWrfninn t \ j v- y.j. aa rw > 5 I | i lO , | i We're not going to | 5 tire you with a long \ «, list of articles but } i we are going tot * ofTer you some t ( wonderful bargains « j in Stoves j Bargains that will r > surely bring buyers > 4 and the prices are > s such as to make \ \ buying a pleasure. \ * If you need any- $ { thing in the s ( STOVE LINE e ? it will be worth ) } your time to call 3 ; Hiirteaii & 1 | Forbes, j ( HARDWARE, PLUMBING AND \ ( TINNING. \ CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1905. WASHINGTON LETTER. (Fromour Regular Correspondent.) | Washington, Feb. 18th, 1905. Ed ito) PTKS: 'l'he statue of Frances Willard, the gift of t-hu State of Illinois to the United States is in its place in Statuary Hall of the Capitol. Might beside it stands the statue of George Washington whose statue was moved a few inches to make room for that of Miss \Y ril lard. This is the first statue of a women to be erected in the Capitol j and the undertaking has been the enterprise of women from begin ning to end. The inspiration came from a women, the legislation was 1 promoted by women, they secured the appropriation of $9,000 from the State, and the sculptor is also a women. Women from all parts of the country were present at the unveiling and yet there is probably j not a man in Congress who is not | appreciative of the justice in hav ing the statue placed among those of our greatest men. Few, if any | of theuo, were better known than Miss Willard and none perhaps did more good for his fellow men while he lived. The inscription 011 the pedestal is from an address of Miss Willard: "Ah, it is women who have given the costliest hostage fortune. Out into the battle of life they have sent their best beloved with fear ful odds against them. Oh, by dangers they have dared by the hours of patient watching over the beds were helpless children lay; by the incense of ten thousand pray ers wafted from their gentle lips to heaven. I charge you give power to protect along life's treacherous highwav those whom thev have so loved."' The President's message accom panying the Santo Domi ngan pro tocol it is understood has made a very fa vorable impression upon the Senate and it will doubtless be well received by the country at large. The idea that the Monroe Doctrine imposes other duties upon the United States than those of mere tlefeuse from aggressive as relating to the petty republics of this hemisphere is so patent and so just that it need only be mentioned to be approved. It is expected that the Senate will eonfini the protocol if not at this session then at the called session immediately after ! the Fourth of March, The tension j between the Senate and the Presi | dent, it is thought has been very much exaggerated. As has been said of the President he does not wear his heart on his sleeve but he wears his mind on his sleeve. Anybody can know what he thinks about anything. 111 fact the only way they can avoid knowing it is to keep out ol' earshot. His words | in his letter to Senator Cullom ! when he sent the treat}' to the Senate were: "The Senate has of course the right to reject or to | amend in any way it sees (it any 1 treaty laid before it and it is clear- 1 !ly the duty of the Senatt to take ! any step which in the exercise of its best judgment it deems to be for the interest of the nation." j Those words will stand forever as a refutation of the assertion that the President attempted to usurp the treaty making power. EXPRESSIVE NAME FOR INDIGES TION. L. Taggart Has a .Simple Remedy That is Guaranteed to Cure the Truble. No one word better expresses the con dition of the sufferer Irom weak stomach or indigestion than "misery." The stom ach is weak and cannot digest tlr: food, so that there is no appetite, there are pains and gtiping in the stomach and bowels, the head and back ache, and the misery goes to every organ. Strengthen the stomach and the digestive system by the use of Mi-o-na. This is tlii* only stomach remedy known that J gives relief by strengthening the j stouiaeh and digestive organs. It is this I piineiplc that makes it a certain cute for indigestion. Other medicines may give temporary relief by helping to digest the | food, but they do not strengthen thestom- 1 ach, and that organ gets weaker and weaker nil the time. L. Taggart the reliable retail druggist has so lunch confidence in this remark able remedy that he guarantees a cure or the money will bo refunded. Mi-o na costs but 50 cents a box. Ask to see the strong guarantee given with every box. Mi o-na is in tablet lorm and should | be taken before each meal. Other | remedies for stomach troubles and iu- | digestion are taken after the meal, and 1 decompose the good food you eat, but | Mi-o-na used before eating strengthens I the stomach, soothes and heals all irrita- I tion and inflammation, enriches the blood and puts the stomach in such a healthy condition that it will take care of the ! food itself and there will be no pain and j suffering. WANTED— GirIs to learn pants mak- j ing. We will pay new beginners §3.00 per week while they learn. Exper ieneed hands are earning §7.00 to §9.00 per week. Address, Lycoming Pants Co., 42-12t. Williamsport, Pa. i Mothers and Daughters Every woman who has a crown daughter knows well the worry and anxiety which always comes at that period of life when girlhood merges into womanhood. Upon a girl's condition at this time depends her future health, strength and happi ness. Too much care can not be taken to see that she passes through this period safely. AUNT DINAH S OLD VIRGINIA Herb Tea A BOON TO WOMANKIND is of the greatest assistance to nature in bringing about the change which takes place, without dis arranging the natural functions of the system. It is a strengthening tonic. It will keep the roses in a girl's cheeks and prevent that tendency to de cline which so often endangers her life at this critical point in development. This Herb Tea is likewise of corresponding value and assistance to matrons and mothers at the end of this period. Its use will at this time prevent endless pain and worry. A woman will enter the evening of life with scarcely the knowl edge that the change has occurred. Many are the thankful women who know the value of Aunt Dinah's Old Virginia Herb Tea and are grateful for the benefits derived from its use. Kemmercr. Wyo., Nov. 29,1902. UamiinH Wizard Oil Co..ChlcHtro,lll.: Gentlemen Enclosed find 25 cents pleaso Fend mo another jwkatfo of your Aunt Dinah's Old Virginia Herb Tea. lam trruatly pleased with it 1 would not be without it. Respectfully, Miss MARY lITBBB. Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. r., 1902. llamlln o Wizard Oil Co., Chicago. 111-: Gentlemen:—l received the Aunt Dinah s Old Virginia Herb Tea ami I felt better in every way before 1 had finished taking one package. 1 feel Mire it does all you claim for it. MRS. J. L. A< KKHMAN. 10a Winslow Av. Prepared by Hamlins Wizard Oil Co., Chicago. Price, 25c. HAMLINS COUGH BALSAM Cures the Cold. Prevents Pneumonia. 26c, HAMLINS BLOOD &. LIVER PILLS For Torpid Liver and Constipation. 25c. FOR SALE AND KUCOMMENDED BY L. TAGGART. , I j •w J ,»ia. ... ■f <*' || v* j 1100 !4 MA I JjKD FR EK. .' . / VK\ ERH, Congestion^:. lion*. Lung IVwr. & Y>. r. T\ -Pi; \ l\H, Laim-r.c.' *, Injuries, : E h< it uatinra. <. <I SlisiK Tl. ? !{o;Vi, Eid&ooiic, cui i)i«tc!>:per. CURES I WOK MS, lint:'., (ii iilm. *• <'«!.!-. Iniliieii/.n, IntSaine'l vv::\ r. LII }»:•«, t*l«*i:ro-Piici;inonia. F.F.iCOLir, Ucllynche Wind-Bin* 11, li uks S Hint 1 lien, llyHciilrrj', I'rrvcntM MS&CAIIRIE. CURES! KITJM't ii BLAOUCH iIKHS. !. I. /siil\ IriSK.Mange, Erupliona, cuitiis) t Ice re, iirvn*t\ Furcy. •I. Fi. IIIAI) ( <l\niTlO\. sinriiitf Tout, CUKES ) Indiuewtioii, btontoch MtaggerM. Gk\ each; Stable Case, T<'n SpcclAcs, Book, &c., At druggiste, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William 6c John Streets, New York. | This is the ] I Store | For the People. 1 51bs bcal (.:rnnnlatccl Sugar.. .25c \ 112 lib mixed Tea 13c e s lib sack Molhet'tj Ilice, ile } \ 151b prepared S'.iickwht: I fl'»url4c 1 I 2 bars Doirtit:o Soap. 9c < £ 1 bar lion Ton Sand Soap. .. 5c \ \1 bx Deliuonte ded 110 c \ < 1 Buttle Lntx & Sehraroo pro- < r s aervt H 2-lc i 11 can & S's Baked Beans..lßc \ I lean Auto brand Corn He < 1 can Kenwcod Peas 9e \ x 1 can Tomatoes 9c \ I 1 can Pumpkin 9o c \ 1 can Table Beets 9o i i 1 can Strawberries 15c \ < ] can l*».'(i liasplit rries 15c < P 1 can Lima Beans 14c \ \ 1 can Pineapple 21c \ 112 2 lbs Prunes 9c < { §2 50 \ 112 This assortment fur the next J ten days only. 10. B. Barnes. I 112 Allegany Avenue, c 112 'Phone 81. J ir Av«V / V /v V /, V v VAa/" / W'Ww Aa^W4 TIIIJ I Windsor ' Hotel j Between 12th and !3th Sts., on Filbert St. M Philadelphia, Pa. H Three minutes from the Reading 9 H Terminal. ■ B Five minutes from the Penn'a R. Tt. H B European Plan SI.OO per day aud upwards. S ■ American Pian $2.00 per day. H H FRANK M. SCHEIBLEY. Manager. H t.'.'-S. i\ i —J.» ... -2.tik-aw i IDEALIZING V/ORK THE TAILSMAN \ OF SUCCESS \ c The royal road to suece.- s i.s unweary* i \ IIIK well directed work. ; J Idealising your work is to throw your 3 1 whole soul and energy into it, to do the 1 c best you can. i S Any possible or probable work that we \ 112 may do for yon will be done with the dei S termination that the duty will b<' per- T 112 formed the best we know how; and any i \ serviee thus rendered which is not sutis- \ <* factory will be made so at your pleasure, i \ either by doing the work over, or your 1 J money back for the asking. ' J GAS ADMINISTERED. \ I } Dr. F. M. ZELIE, ) } DENTIST, CRANE BLOCK, EMPORIUM. PA. > i 'Phone 118. •> Now is tlie Time to Fill in Your I Winter Supply of I j Clothing I Gents' Furnishings, Shoes; I and Ruhhers j 11 !| I We are Selling all Winter II H Goods :it Low Prices in order to make rocmt for Our Spring Goods j Opposite Poet-Offlce, EMPORIUM, PA. j | i& <-Sl <SK f* j*? LOOK ELSEWHERE BUT CON'T FORGET || THESE PRICES AND FACTS AT $$ ss 'lt ci"R A '■ ® || J| I IHI jH\ I*l || H js|j We carry in stock j* " it, a the largest line of Car- j M Pels, 'Linoleums ami £k, I ** U Mattings of all kinds Yt Ife-,% 8 Sf (H ever brought to this 1 \ stl town. Also a big line 3 £2 of samples. | M O A very large line of FOR Till"; ({ CJ I &* IS Lace Curtains that can- « Ala - Atvv . SASI^S6 VJ §N not be matched any- | Ora|'l»y| A(i«S £3 SHU where for the price. Vt«u wUllßf%£6&.«/&,♦ *^s "i $ Sis £2 Art .Squares and of line books in a choice library km i*** Rugs of all sizes and I select the Ideal pattern of Globe- £3 iM kind, from the cheap- i Wernicke "elastic" Bookcase. £* ** est to the best. I Furnished with bevel French £« } plate or leaded glass doors. |^jj Dining Chairs, Fon OALC ny Rockers and GEO. J. LaBAR, £* ITigh Chairs. !Sole Agent for Cameron County. m,• Alar K 112f e 8 an ; 11 si line of 1 ufted and Drop-head Couches. Beauties and at bargain prices. f| ' H »gt 530 Bedroom Suits, CJC 1 s4oiSideboard, quar- <£Qn |N || solid oak at ...... j teredoak... SOU $$ N §2B Bedroom Suits, 112 <)J | §32 Sideboard, quae- t£*JS» m solid oak at k teredoak.. . 4><£w if 5 §25 Bed room Suits, C'l »1 [ §22 Sideboard, quar- (T £f? S3 solid oak at ' tered oak, A large line of Dressers from j Chiffoniers of all kinds and jj< £ £sj §8 up. 1 all prices. I SFl# ftl ~ m The finest line of Sewing Machines 011 the market, j||j Jjj the "DOMESTIC" and "ELDRIDGK." All drop heads and warranted. A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, 111 gg »« sets and by the piece. M As I keej) a full line of everything that goes to M make up a good Furniture store, it is useless to enum- P* crate them all. i* fc* Please call and see for yourself that lam telling H you the truth, and if you don't buy, there is 110 harm *3 done, as it is 110 trouble to show goods. H | GEO. J. LaBAR. 5 if'www w 112 w \mimm nr * & *at -at a* i** *at jib dt Am. jrfc mt mm ** mm4k *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers