EMPORIUM MILLING PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., December 20, lat'l. Nrf VtOPHILA, per sack 11 Bi Kelt's Fancy, " 175 Pet (Jrove, " 1 <3 Urahatn, " 8® Rye " I? Buckwheat " Patent Meal " 60 f!.»a,-se .Meal. per 100 j 2) ■ I hillings. Fancy " 1 Bran, ... 1 25 Coin, per bu- i.l •" While ')ft 112, i t ■Mishel.. IK New OaK Chicken Wheat. ... 1 In ■Mi 'H fl Seed, rimothy S. oil, v , Ma rkel Prices, •hnice Millet Seen, irancy Kentucky Bluelirass, | R.C. DODSON. THE Druggist, KMPORIII.M, I* A•' LI LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. si. H. C. HODBON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Contributed. While siting by your fireside, Or riding on the train, You wish to read the latest news, And information gain. You surely will be up-to-date, And get the news that's best. tf you subscribe with Mr. Mullin, For the CAMERON COUNTV PRESS. --TIIE SQUARE TIMBER POET. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution* invited. That ■< Mch you mould like to sec in thin depart nie n I,let us by pon t it card or letter, personally. Miss Frank Huntley, of Driftwood, \'isited in town on Tuesday. Mr. John Gloason, of Driftwood, transacted business in town on Tues day. Judge McDonald, of Driftwood, was A welcome PKKSS visitor last week. Mr. William Krebs and Grover Mason, of Sterling Run was in town Monday. Mr. Patrick Mahoney, of Sterling Run, made this office a business call last week. -;Mrs. J. L. Fobert is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Bair, in town this week. Mr. John F. Parsons attended the funeral of Mrs. Emery at Westport, last Tuesday. Mrs. John Clark, of Cameron, was the guest of Mrs. Ed. Morse last Mon day and Tuesday. J. M. Bair came over from Olean Saturday and spent Sunday with his parents at this place. Miss Grace Hill, of Jersey Shore, is expected here Friday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Strayer. Mr. S. Belden was a pleasant caller at the PRESS last Friday and squared himself with yeeditor. Mr. Matt Pheonix, of Cameron, was a welcome visitor at this office last Saturday, and made us happy. Miss Dora Sizer, of Sizerville, called at the PRESS office last Monday and carried away a receipt for 1905. Mr. and Mrs. Coppersmith took in the excursion to Buffalo and Niagara Falls on Washington's Birthday. Mrs. Cladius, of Williamsport, visit ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Cramer, in town over Sunday. Mr. David Toner, of Beech wood, made the PRESS a very agreeable soc ial and business call last Tuesday. Mr. Amos Barber, one of Driftwood's oldest residents called at this office last week and took away with him a re ceipt for 1900. Mr. Barber is a gentle man of exemplary habits, Mr. H. J.iTewton, of Rich Valley, one of Cameron county's prosperous citi zens made this office a business call last Saturday. He can conscientiously read the PRESS during 1905. Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Larrabee's many Emporium friends wers pleased to receive the glad news that Donald Lincoln Larrabee had called at their Philadelphia home Feb. 12th to remain permanently. Of course congratula tions are in order. Grand-pa and Grand-mother, M. M. Larrabee, of Emporium, are stepping unusually lively these days. Here's to the health of Don Lincoln Larrabee, another to be-depended- upon Republican. A. C. Blum loft Tuesday on a busi ness trip. Mrs. W. G. Egbert returns to Ithaca, N. Y., this afternoon. Mrs. Owen Wade, ot Sterling Rnn, is shopping in town to-day. A number of Emporium Masons are attending the Shrine at Erie, Pa., to day. Fred Ileilman, the efficient assistant in First National Bank, was on the list of indisposed this week. Miss Irene Ritchie entertained a number of her young friends last. Thurs lay evening. Miss Nellie liecknian, of Couders port, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M. 11. Dodge at this place. Mr. Horace Smith, of Renovo, at tended the dance given in the Opera House Wednesday evening. Mrs. H R. Klees has been laid up the past week but is somewhat im proved and able to be about at this writing. Mrs. Frank Bortz nee Ella Newton, of Greensville, Pa., is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Newton at this place. D. 11. Lamb and wife, of Galeton, are expected in Emporium on Friday or Saturday, as guests ot Mr. and Mrs. C. Jay Goodnough. Miss Addie Garrity, of St. Marys, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at this place, and entertained the "Bachelor Girls" Saturday even ing. Owing to the illness of Miss Lena McDonald, the obliging telephone operator, last week, Miss Taylor acted us day operator and Miss Bell John ion, night operator. Mr. Brehm, of St. Marys, who is carpenter for the Emporium Powder Company, is an artist on the violin and has kindly acquieced his services to the M. E. Sunday School orchestra. Our old and valued friend Andrew Ullrich, made ye editor a pleasant soc ial and business call last Saturday evening and placed the long green in our hands for the PKKSS. Call again, friend. Mr. Sylvester McDonougb, one of the efficient employees of tho Empori um Iron Works, returned home from j Reynoldsville, Monday afternoon, I where he had been looking after the j coke shipments. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Seger pleas- ! antly entertained a number of their j friends last Thursday evening at their | home on Fourth street. Dainty re freshments were served after the even ing having been spent in Pedro play- | ing. Tho Florida party—Mrs. A. E. How ard, Mrs. E. M. Hurteau and Miss Ada Hockley—are expected home next Saturday. Dame rumor has it that a wedding is 011 the program, a great surprise to Emporium friends. We promised not to mention it and must keep our promise. E. E. Forbes, of the hardware firm af Hurteau & Forbes, left for Maretta, 0., 011 Tuesday, where he has oil and gas interests and he being Supt. of a gas company will be compelled to spend most of his time there. His son Bert will look after his interests here, while he is absent. Hon. Geo. A. Walker and family spent Tuesday at Austin, guests of W. S. Walker and family, the occasion being the Judge's birthday. It was a pleasant gathering there being present in addition to W. S. Walker's family, W. L. Sykes and family, Buffalo N. Y., J. M. Walker, Scranton and Mrs. W. CJ. Egbert, Ithaca, N. Y. Joseph Do Shelter, of Johnsonburg, A. Do Shetler and J. Vine Hanscomb, of Sinnamahoning, were PKESS visitors yesterday. They came to Emporium hoping the trip would assist J. Vine, in digesting the "good things" his neighbors piled into him Monday even ing. Alex Do Shetler says Vine has not been able to lie down since the "Surprise." Secure seats now for Bob White. Tax Appeals will take placeTucsd ty, March 21si. Remember the date—this is correct. The Republican State Convention will be held at Harrisburg, Wednesday, April 26th. Rev. O. S. Metzler preached a fine sermon last Sunday eveningoll the up rising in Russia to a congregation that crowded the church. "William H. Audrews, United States Senator, New Mexico," is the way the hotel register will have itsometlne day and his brother is practicing on the signature. "Wesley R. Andrews, Gov ernor of Pennsylvania," the dickey birds say.—Harrisburg Telegraph. Here's a farmer's simple remedy for getting rid of rats: "On a very large number of old shingles I put about one teaspoonful of molasses and on that I scraped a small amount of concentrated lye, and then placed them under the cribs. The next morning I found some forty dead rats; the rest vacated the farm. I havecleared many farms ofthe pest in this same way and have never known it to fell."—Millerton Advocate. Poultry for Sale. Choice young and old BuffWyan dotts, at low prices. 50-tf ALFRED NELSON, Emporium, Pa. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1905. In The Sunny South. Capt. C'. P. Barclay, accompanied by his wife and niece, Miss Brooks, who are en route for Mexico, mails us a postal from Habann, Cuba, containing a beautiful picture of the President's palace. The change, of climate must be delight fill. A Newspaper 'I hat Speaks Out, On Feb. 2nd the Pittsburg Times was 125 years old. Its owners claim its un diminished popularity Is demonstrated l»v ihe frankness with which it ban discussed subjects of public interest. Whenever there is before t lit; people some question of absorbing import ance newspaper readers are 011 the qui vive to know what The Times has to say, and what The Times says is right to the point. It hews to the line. That, however, is only one of the merits claimed for i!s publishers. Its general news service is comprehen sive and complete. It is accurate in its financial department and up-to-date on its sporting page. Its serial stories are by the best modern authors. It pays especial attention to the news and views of all the churches, and in this respect has won the admiration of the best people. Its editorial page is a daily feast of the best and brightest thought. It endeavors to avoid the "yellow" and caters only to the people of the home and the family It has no Sunday issue. Six cents a week, s.'? a year. l-4t. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte, has received a fuil line of tlie lat est and most popular sheet mu3ic. All the popular airs. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. The man who has no enemies may al so have no friends. " Dependable Groceries "j|, I B.SHOP-S „ A V'C FINEST 1 I »" s DAY o ELCIN ! l||l JELLIES, CREAMERY PRESERVES The Satisfactory Store BUTTER SIX FACTS Which ought to bring you to us in a hurry providing you jjlg'l want Groceries, Provisions, Fruit and Vegetables, and want to | Ml buy them right. I.—The Character of Our Goods. Ml 2.—The certainty of R asonable Prices. ij^j! j(@jj 3.--The Candor of Our Statements. '® <W, 4.—The Iloliabi ity of Our Service. |Mjj 5. —The Responsibility of Our Guarantee. |iSj | [|®j! 6.—The Completeness of Our Stock. *|f Special Grocery List for i . I I Friday and Saturday S TIHS WEEK. || iflc'fi HA MS—California Hams (trimmed MAPLKSUGAR—The genuine article l[®Jj shoulders), fresh sugar cure d, O « in small cakes, 2to 3 lbs 1 0/-» medium size, lb OO each. Per lb .. JL uL : jrffi) ROLLED OAT.S—Schumacher's Rolled STOVE POLlSH—Enameline Q „ Ivji.l A vena, none better. 71bs for An stove polish 10c sue Oo M< 25c. Per lb. rrC £% TOILET PAPER—Regular 10c roll, m\ "FORCE" FOOD—ISc Pkge "1 O I 10W sheets fine toilet paper O « "Force" ±&2L> a roll 8C <'i, SOAI'-sc«akeAcmeorOak L af/1 0 SU< rAR 251b bag A | £* J ij||! soap, 7 cakes for 25c. Per cake best granulated 01. 0 0 !iM | PRAISE HER COOKINGI There's no easier way to become popular with % women. There's no better way for women to deserve such praise than to use our £ §> IMPROVED COOKING UTENSILS,J ; SELF-SE*LI*B t: |j|j| pies A simple and 112 J. H. DAY, ! J 'Phone 6. Emporium, Pa. KODOL ALMANAC _ IRIL LL DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Zk f\ri OHO WP A R «£§ Ij|jf§ Hw fi§§ SP|f Th® sl-00 bottlecontalns2 l / 4 times the trial sfz-?, which sells for 50 cents. CJ II LI f-UU I LL./"\ n K»25 V® JSF \pS! [&jf PREPARED ONLY AT THE LABORATORY OP PAI FNHAR" H E. C. DCV/ITT & COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILL. l_/Mn. g 1(l , ~ c Dodson, Drueeist. | ; .LAUGHLIN A I I A FOUNTAIN M |< □ : Kjl i. THC Pit* OF ALI | if H PENS AND MAS NO SSfEj jfjf I EQUAC ANYWHERE. BHlj|l§ rT []! FH FINEST GRADE 14E. IF |F [H |l| GOLD PEN II i* VOUR CHOICE OK THESE ttffli '| _ MT, '■ L&F 3UPERLOR T0 OTHER J«|' .' J ! HR-al The Laughlin Fountain /jflßD*' M ~ -m Pen Holder is made of fin- -t [J | it A est quality hard rubber, is | tfSft M . ] i fitted with highest grade, i Mi '» | ■ I T | «§'IH large size. 14k. gold pen, I irji 112 ~"'|l of any desired flexibility, i' U| . |,i " and has the only perfect |] . | ' - ■ feeding device known. flnB 1 'm ;i»J fj ' Either style, richly gold i JgBB V lIH ' , mounted, for presentation caß'V (J 1 [purposes, $1.50 extra. ] -SB* M rr| =, Surely you will not be li able to secure anything at ['IB 9 rr ' —,, jj three times the price that will |%HK !W 111 I l&'m S' ve such continuous IluKI jfl rrl JB PlC!l,Ur<! Bnd ,erV ' CC ' ! I S" I 1 =§ S If c=s- fgj ril m LSJ K IG IN P § 8 m «=: 111 p 3 m ill " i fl T3 lij] I P* 1 Fox Hunters and Quaker Maids in Miss Bob White. Lucas Paints 1 will increase the cash value of your house, and the H — more surface and do it thoroughly. They have a I ■ FOR I richer gloss. They last—and the color lasts. I SALE John Lucas & Co Philadelphia rETjEr =~=l wr ~*m East Emporium's | 1 Cash Store | | l Special Bargain Day Every Tuesday i ' I || Tuesday, Feb. 28th | 112 we will Sell !i l| |l ri ... Ij IM Fine Sugar Cured gap Choice Marrow /r* I' Hams, lb ISU Beans !| i=J Fine Sugar Cured Cali -"i I p ] Lot/and Schram ;j for ilia Hams, II) J-U ; Pickles a do/. JL> | ij Rich American full inp Imperial 1Q bars HCP Cream Cheese lib Soap M lO Ij] W ; ; ; uf ffl Call and see our line of Linoleums, Floor and [fill 111 Table Oil Cloth. |jr Also Tinware, we have a complete line. Dinner ffjji |U : Buckets, Tea and Coffee Pots, Pails, Dippers. fej H Nickle Plated Copper Bottom rim, enameled nn ] handle Tea Kettles, each o'>UU J I I I Crockery we Have a Full {J t Assortment. I I 1 I ~ » I i i Watch this Space for Special jgj |[ Bargains at m - i i I Tompkins & Norris. Phone 109 iJ vfe- • ,r r lf 1— :— 4f cKr n □ □□ ~_zr □ □ □ } 1865 1904 N "T \ N. SEGER C Furnishing Goods, Shirts, ? / Neckwear, Trunks, J i Gatc.iels, Suit Cases, C Etc.. Etc. C \ A fine line at v V bottom prices. / Clothing; \ 112 J-OU ALL. J / Men's. Youth's and S ) Boys' Clothing, / A new stock just in. > / Give me. a call. \ THE PIONEER. One SSlifiiute Cough Cure For Coughs, Coicis and Croup.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers