fianpepwi) &®ur)iy [f ress, R<«TABUIIIKD BY O. B.GOULD. HKNRY H. MULLIN, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED BVERY THURSDAY TERM SOP SUBSCRIPTION: Per year $2 00 If paid is advance |1 SO ADVERTISING RATES. Advertlsemcntsarepublishedat the rate of one dollar per square for one insertion and fifty cents pecsquare for each subsequent insertion. Rates by the year or for six or three month sure ow ana uniform,and will be furnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising persquare. three times or less, $2 00; each subsequent i nsertlonSO cents per square. Local noticesten cents per line for onei nsertion, five cents perline for each snbsequentconsecutive insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten cents per I ina. Simpleannouncementsofbirths.niarriagCß and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less f.5.00 per year v«ver five lines, at the regular rates of advertising No localinserted for less than 75 cts. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PRBSS is complete, and all'ords facilities for doing the best class of work. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Law Printing. No paperwillbe discontinued until arrearages a re paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers sent out ofthe county must be paid for i n advance. tfgrNo advertisements will be accepted at less than the price for fifteen words. Religious notices free. A favorite model for Spring is a walking suit with pleated skirt and double breasted eoat. Small toques and hats are all light for morning wear: but the big hat is the smart caper for after noon. Dancing gowns are on white or tinted silk mull, trimmed with cobweb like lace and a profusion of small flowers and foilage. Sixteeners' Reunion. The graduate Sixteeners of Mt. Joy S. O. School will hold their 18th An nual Reunion at Mt. Joy on the 22(1 inst. The meeting this year will be a mem orial one as a committee will be ap pointed to place a Bronze Tablet on the Monument to bo erected in mem ory of Ex. Gov. Curtain at Bollefonte, Pa. There will be addresses by promi nent mon as the usual entertainment and dance in the evening. A large number of sixteeners of other schools will be present. And all Sixteeners, former teachers and friends invited. Thos. C. Knowlos, of Potts ville, Pa., is Secretary and will give any information desired. School Report. Report of the Sizerville school for the month ending Fob. 8, 1905. Enrollment 23; number present every day 6; number sick 5; number of visit ors 1. HONOR ROLL. Mildred Sprung, Kirby Martindale, Mary Market, Guy Edwards, Lena Agliardo, Harry Victory. GERTRUDE GERMOND, Teacher. Sinnamahoning. h'fltior Press: I see in the PRESS of the 9th inst., some one has made a personal attack on me, accusing me of writing for the PRESS and Independent. I wish to in form the writer that I write for neither of these papers referred to or any other paper. I attend strictly to my own business. To be sure I run a pea nut roaster and work on the shoo bench aid strap the razors, all of which be long to me and I have a right to use my outfit as I see fit Should I lose funds in making an honest living, I am willing to lose them. I own a gum slot machine which I don't deny, but I never ask anyone to patronize the ma chine. Should the writer see it he probably would drop a cent in the slot, thinking it was a contribution box, unless some "kid" would tell him the difference. As far as the Gazette is concerned, I have never written a word for that paper. Should I over happen to send a local, I assure the writer, I will not say anything personal to the injury of another. I don't know enough. My name will be signed to all arti cles that come from me. M. BLODGET. Feb. 10th, 1905. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte, has received a fuil line of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. Real enjoyment is had when reading hat clever magazine, The Smart Set. Washington's Birthday Excursion to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. On Washington's Birthday. February 22. the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will run n special low-rate excursion to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Round-trip tickets, good going on above date on trains stopping at stations named I' 1 thru ray 22 and 23. will be sold at rates quoted: Train Leaves. Hate Emporium 8:25 a.m. $2.50 Emporium Junction 8:30 " 2.50 Sizerville •' 2.50 Kuating Summit. 9:05 " 2.50 Port Allegany !i:27 '• 224 F.ldred 9:51 " 200 Ifiugara Falls. Ar. 1 lo " *Stop3 on signal or notice to Agent to receive passengers. Children between five and twelve years of age half rates. Tickets sold at above rates will not be good in Pullman .--leeping or parlor THE COUNTY. FIRST FORK. Howard Moat left for home Saturday. Mr. Ed Bawers, who lias been sick all winter is gaining slowly. Martin Bo wen is recovering from the injury received a few weeks ago. Mr. Knight killed a very large otter in Lorshbaugh Run a few days ago. Louis Lamb and Percy Swank killed a couple of wildcats one day last week. Miss Jfaud Wykoff treated her school to a sleigh ride down to Millers school on Friday, where they had a speaking piece exercise. Thos. Murdock's four teams that have been working for Barclay Bros., since Christmas are through and left for Pot ter county, Saturday. Well, the ground-hog has already demonstrated his superiority over the re3t of the "weather sharps" and is hold ing his own, to-day, (Sunday) being one of the worst storms ot the season. Barclay Brothers have finished their lumbering operations in Rattlesnake and Muley Buns, and have hauled the oak logs across on the ice to the R. R., for the Emporium Lumber Co.'s mill at Austin. Nufk SED. CAMERON. Valentines are welcome iu any style. Mrs. Robert Shreeves is on the sick list. The infant son of Roy Page is ill with pueumonia. Everybody has a new diamond ring in Cameron now. We are glad to hear that Robt. Lord's son is curi:d of diphtheria. Mr. Geo. Market of Beech wood was a welcome visitor in town this week. Jas. O'Grady is slowly recovering from an attack of rheumatism. Samuel Dininny and son Henry are visiliug friend" in Poughkeepsie, N. V. Mamie Young of East Emporium, has resumed duty after two weeks illness. Miss Mildred Hazlette has been pre sented with a pet dog, by a young man from Sterling Run. Miss Georgia Lupro, who has been working in Emporium for some time past, has returned to her home. A social hop will be uiven at the K. G. E. Hall, Friday evening, Feb. 17th for the benefit of the Catholic church at Cameron. Joseph Robinson, Dan Sulli van, Fat Farrell and Robert Glenn have charge of the arrangements. All are in vited. The progressive euchre club, of Square Timber Run, meets atW.H. Jolloff's resi dence every evening. Mr. Chas. Mc- Laughlin is ahead on points, while Wal lace Fields and Nathan Prentiss are close seconds. Everybody enjoys themselves at William's, for his latch string is always out. Mr. M. T 'oner of Ber.chwood, who works at Square Timber Run, had hard ly finished distributing cigars to celebrate the arrival of a 14 pound boy, when along comes Mr. Albert with two boxes of choice Havanas, as he was married to Miss Nettie Skillman of Moore Hill last week. Long life and happiness to all concerned. J. F. S. SINNAMAHONING. [ am unable at this writing to state when the ladies auxilliary of the R. I'. LI., will give their next fete. It all de pends on the Committee having charge of the G. &S. C. C., to whom we are much indebted for news of what is going on I am told. The R. P. U's entertainment was grand You wouldent think they could command Good feeling of a community Not over loaded with'unity Putting forth good fellowship* hand. The Ball rolled away fine And we all danced in line Amid the bright streams of light As we did not get tight We ga»« a hearty goodnight And were glad that we had a good time. But it was a great task For us all to unmask In colorsmi fashions S3 say We all made a hit The R. P. U„ will admit As the doors closed Ail togo away; We reckon ther'll be a shootin' match here on Mr. Washington's birthday j which comes on the 22d of February ! every yv ir. Sprue they'll bo a big kick if they try to run it at the same old place where they used to viz Ike Barber's long field which ruusel 'iu up to the wood-. The B. &S. cut right and lett 3 limes through this patch and moren likely lhe'll b-j mad as thunder if any of our Citizens get to shootin' through it. Wonder how many of our Citizens recol lect the shootin' match way back in the 80's when they tied a turkey with a I string by the leg way up at the head of ! the clearin' and Tke Barber flopped its ! wings the first pop also the glancin' shot j Bill Foultz made when he killed f>. P's j spotted calf. Ike was in our midst agin j lately. It must be mighty nigh onto 10 years ! now since Newt. McCloskey took to driv iu' the store team, lie's hauled a ! Powerful lot of goods from the Depot ' and back again in these years and done a : heap ol deliverin' besides includin' hay | and coal & other Grocs. Did any of you's ever notice how mighty willin' Mack is to do anyone a turn without any grumblin* chucked in. We recollect the j names of a good many hands that drove i before Mack, v' /.: —HI lick Metzger, who I dtovc high onto 2f> years ago, then come i his Bro. Sam, betwixt that time and the 1 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY,FEBRUARY i 6, 1905. present the following also have drove:— Lawrence Smith, John Iless, Ed. Beldin, Young Squire Shafer and Lon Logue and then comes Mack and we reckon he's been the steadiest of them all O. K. Dad Brobst who everybody don't know maybe has been seen on our streets hust lin' lately back and forth gettiu' his Props all cut and in on his Contract with Kate Wvkoll which is up soou. Things looked pretty blue for Dad for awhile back on aoeouut of him not bein able to get 'cm off in time but just when it was look in' the bluest, for Dad who should step in but Our Enterprising' Citizen (J. S. Bailey and put his shoulder to the wheel with his '1 team and now thepilin' grouud is well nigh takeu' up betwixt the P. 11. R., and Nathan's store, 0. K. There's goin' to be right smart doins here on Washington's birthday in the evening at the Town Hall when the I'. O. S. of A., Ladies will give a Colonial Supper includin' Roast beef, Stewed Chickin, Baked Potatoes, & etc., also Ice Cream, Cake and Coffee will be served. All our Patriotic Citizens ought to turn out as usual and give the ladies a lift as there is always a heap of other fun con nected with these gathering viz, hearin' the C. Band play, seein' the cake walk ed off by the Y. M. & Y. L.; and seein' who gets the Silver Set chanced off this time. I was ridin' down the 'Fork one day last week behind Little Dick' Crum's team on his bob sleds I couldent help thinkin' how the stealin' hand ov time has changed things in cur little village and joggin' down the long hill by the Red Bridge my mind coufdent help re verten back to once before when I rode down with Wash Bailey behint his yoke of oxen and we tied up at the blacksmith shop at the foot of the hill and chatted a lyng spell with Josiah Fink and as Dick and I cut the corner I thought Joe >l. would not be standing ori the porch with his welcome for every 1 nor (J-. A. at the store with his cane and his dog with 'em maybe and as we drove on up I couldn't help thinkin' how the hand of civilization had tore Squire's farm assundcr and drove him like the lone Indian further into the west. When we reached the bridge where I met the .-leigh load that night I left and hobbled home to other re flections. We have a powerful lot of brave men in our midst (>. K, when last week some of them was workin' lor Arthur Barclay up Ellicks Run gettiu logs out they treed an old bear and four cubs in a cave iu the rocks. While they were shufflin around to draw cuts to see who would go in, Newell Bushore crawled right iu and chased the old one out and got the four cubs. Then they drawed cuts agin to see who would fall heir to the cubs. Tanner Losey got two, Jim Fiskus got one and Newall got one. Fiskuses froze, Troner fed hisn .too much beeaused it whined and it puffed up and died. New all has his alive yet. Pap Blodgett who we mentioned in the columns of these papers once before is 1 of our most respected citizens, he and his estimable wife arc liked by exery oue. When we wrote the piece about l'ap we reckoned he'd crack his sides laughin over it and understand it the same as we intended. The compassionless current which speeds its message of gladness to some and its message of sadness to others, broke its sad one to our community, Monday afternoon, when it told of the death in Philadelphia of one of our boy's, David Fulton. Dave, as we were wout to call him, grew to manhood in our midst, and his many warm friends here cherished the hope that in his long bat tle with the grim messenger he would finally win, but it was not to be. Rather let us believe that he did win even in death and that his closing eyes caught visions of sweet fields beyond. He will be remembered as a man who tried to do his duty well, one who was held in high esteem by his employers and known all along the!'. & E. as one of the best Passenger Conductors in the service. Mahunon. Letter to F-rank Judd. Emporium, Pn. Dear Sir: There.are these five ways of badness in paint: (1) stuffed out with chalk, or some thing like that; ('!) barytes. better that chalk, but no covering to it; nobody knows it:: there: (3) benziue in the oil, or water, or other such stuffing, (4) too thin—too much liquid, what ever it is, for the solid: (5) short measure. Now will you buy by the price per ''gallon? We furnish our agents with a state chemists certificate of analysis that tells what's in Devoe. Yours truly F. W. Dkvok & Co., New York. I'. S. Murry <V Coppersmith sell our paint. Mercerized effects are noted in most every line of dress goods. That Tickling in the Throat. One minute after taking One Minute Cough Cure that tickling in the throat is gone. It acts in the throat—not the stomach. Harmless—good for children. Sold by I!. C. Dodson. Music. Mrs. J. W. Trotter, Diploma and Silver Medal of the Imperial Conserv atoire of Music, St. Petersburg, lias vacancies far pupils. Rubinstein and Lesehetzky methods. 41) 4t. j-roorl painter knowsß a ; ood thing when he H a Lucas I gj Paints I |9j spread < asicr and go I ||j iarther than other I jj| rials l>y a reliable house I E once. He knows they I cost less all around. I |f| He knows they turn | ; I out better in the end. H I So does his dealer. I John Lucas & Co 9 PhHadelphla J Qlve Your Stomach a Rest, Your food must be properly digested and assimilated to be of any value to you. If your stomach is wc-ak or diseased take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and gives the stomach a rest, enabling it to recuperate, take ou uew life and grow strong again. Kodol cures sour stomach, gas, bloating, heart palpi tation and all digestive disorders. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. A ledger makes a hard pillow. The Pneumonia Season. Coughs and Colds in children as well as adults are frequently dangerous at this season of the year, and a little precaution now may save much trouble, worry and expense Kennedy's Laxative lluuey and Tar; a combined cough and cold cure —a new scientific discovery in medicine —is a certain cure for Coughs, Colds, Croup, etc. The coughs and colds are cleared out of the system by gently mov ing the bowels, and at the same time the throat, chest, lungs and bronchial tubra are so strengthened that there is little probability nt danger Kennedy's Laxa tive Honey and Tar is pleasant to take. Contains no opiates. Sold by It. C. Dodson. A love that's true and earnest uever dies. Deserved Popularity. To cure Constipation and Liver troubles by gently moving the bowels and acting as a tonic to the liver, take Little Early Risers. These Famous Little I ills are mild, pleasant and harmless, but effective and sure. Their universal use for rnanv years is a strong guarantee of their popu larity and usefulness. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. Wit is logic reduced to a geometric point. The Sunshine of Spring. The Salve that cures without a scar is DeWitts Witch Salve. Cuts, Burns, Roils, Bruises and Piles disappear before the use of this salve as snow before the sunshine ol spring. Miss H. >l. Middle ton, Thebes, 111. says:"l was seriously afflicted with a lever sore that was very painful. DeWitt's With Hazel Salve cured me in less than a week.' Get the uenuine. Sold by 11. C. Dodson. Both light and dark plaids will be popular for spring. Hraud Exposed. A few counterfeits have lately been making and trying to sell iuiitatious of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, and other medi cines, thereby defrauding the public. This is- tn warm you to beware of such people, who seek to prulit, tlir.nigh .sickl ing the reputation of icJiii •. s which have been successfully cuii j; disease for over .'ls years. A sure protection, .'•> you, is our name on the wrapper. Look !'l-ir, mi all Dr. King's or Buck leu's remedies, as all others are mere imita tions, II K. Bucklen & Co.. Chicago. 111., and Windsor, Canada. Ileal pink coral beads areng; iu iti (irave Trouble l : or Seen. It needs but little for.-ight, i > tell that when your j-tomai-h and liv.-r arc badly affected, grave troub..' i.- i, unless you take the proper ttt 'dii in - l< r your disease, as .Mrs. John A. Vouiij, ol Clay, N. Y., did. She says: had neuralgia of the liver and stomach,. my heart was weakened, and L could not cat. 1 was very bad for a long tim-. but in ElectricJJitters, 1 found just what 1 needed, for they quickly relieved and cured mo." Best medicine for weak women. Sold under guarantee by L. Taggart, druggist, at f>oc a bottle. COLLEGE \ 112 / // /imimrtfi a Honmi y/ y / / / A ItWHiIM'IMI v I'.cluca _.J jpi'v InffT yonnj; 67 / men and women a Jy start, in life, enabling th«nii to earn a liveli hood in this ago of rom mercp. NoKummer VlM alion;enterat:iuy time. Win. 11. I>UW. l*roK M rittHhurg, l*a. C. R. HUSTED & CO., Opposite M. E. Church, Emporium, Pa. Will for the next sixty days give 10 PER CENT. OFF 011 all goods sold for cash or j cash in two weeks and FIVE PER CENT, of! all bills paid in full at the end of thirty days. We make an exception when selling FLOUR and SUGAR accompanied by no other groceries. Call us up, on phone, No, 74. Goods Delivered Free and Promptly. THE FOURTH STREET GROCERY C. R. HUSTED & CO., Proprietor*. Special Sale Friday AND Saturday Matches, regular price 50c, 40c Canned Peaches, 25c kind, 20c Canned Plums, 25c kind, 20c 31b. Java and Mocha Coffee, 96c Regular 35c kind. Sun dried Tea, 30c kind, 2~> c Baking Chocolate, - :ilic Half pound cans Cocoa, - 20c Regular price 25a 21b pail of Cottelene . 23 c I 41b pail " 45c | 3 cans Tomatoes . . 2He 12c canned Corn - JOc Give Our Meat Department a Trial, j Home Made ! Sausage 10c. We can save you money I on your Meats and Cirocer- I ies. Give us a trial and we I will convince you that this I is the cheapest place to buy. § Our goods arc cheap be- 1 cause they are good. It's I not the price that makes I them cheap, it's the quality. I Don't forget we sell depend- I able goods. Dependable I goods are not to be obtained I in every store. You can't I buy any other kind here. We don't keep them. 'Phone 21, G. H. GROSS & CO. J EVERY WOW!A!V? Sometimes nwh a r.-ti.-bto v monthly repulatir.g jiiuiicine. o J. or?, psai/S PENNYROYAL p-13, at.-! .••<•»•♦ .in result. Tl: r. i s Dr. r» I ) never diappoint. $1 • ■ • ••' tnx Hot. ©ssr® 5 'Mwm SEEDS GROW AND i Si! 11l EE d WIN MORE PRIZES I than the products of any other brand! Besides several (iold Aiedals, they won the* only (irand Prize for vegetables at St. Louis Exposition. ®*3>'"lf you intend to tryßurpee's Seeds, we will mail free our Complete Catalogue of 178 pages, with beautiful colored plates and illustrations from photographs taken at our famous FORDIIOOK. FARMS, the largest Trial Grounds in America. Write TO-DAY ! W. ATLEE BURPiiE & CO. _§£ia^g°w^£PHIUDELPHIA | jj Rockwell's | Drug Store. | ! Cj <J] i ru The Cold Cream that Si we make is unsur- [}; I Jjj passed for face and pi U hands and will make ' (}j the skin soft and fjj i jjj white. We have jO I ru Nail, Tooth and ITair Brushes, Wist jn jjj Brooms. Chamois [" b Skin and Sponges. Oj No better goods on the market. When h fij you want your favo rite recipes filled Oj ' Bring tliem to us. ju uj Our stationeryleads. ol ;Oj Alsoour toilet cream, !{] j [j! toilet water, toilet |{| ru soaps, perfumes and [n uj sashet powder. All l the latest. tii ! j{] Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure [a Uj is an exoellent tonic. A specific n] i flj for all diseases of the kidneys. l/l jffi M. A. ROCKWELL. § SSaSBSHET aSHSSBJU | SP SHS as d S-3SHSHS 3. S2SHS^ I [}] Next to Hank I 8 i| The Popular j | Store. jjj luj We have taken extra pains to ru | js serve our patrons with the best "] |nj of the season's offerings. Huw Oj j In well we have succeeded you can al ! (J! tell by taking a look at our beau- p !ru tiful display. We invite you all n] !Ln to drop in. While we do not Ln 0j pose as u bargain counter, yet [jj nj we r ail upon our patrons who n] Ifl desire to purchase practical and ID [Ji reliable goods. We are prepar- U] nj ed to satisfy the most critical [n Ln buyer, with an arrav of GOOD m ft PRACTICAL THINGS for the "j ru season that iire annually found [} i Ln only in the large city stores, n I 0| Our prices are right for good | m goods. j P jg | Artsi©l@s § s 'n Coats and Mufflers, 50c, to $3 00 nj [}j Silk Suspenders, 50c to - 2.00 "I ru Silk and fancy Hosiery, 25c to 3.00 m jn] Silk Handkerchiefs, 25c to 1.50 [jj jj Silk Umbrellas, §1.25 to - 10.00 ™ jjj House Coats, $5.00 to - 12.00 nj ,n Bags and Suit Cases, SI.OO 15.00 nl ]j Trunks, §4.00 - - 15.00 "j gj Bath Robes - - §4.00 to 8.00 K 1 m Smoking Jackets, $4 00 up. ! Ln Popular Brauds of Shirts and Ln [Jj Collars, Exclusive Agents [5 ril for the most popular m Hats. [jJ n] The largest and best line of Oj Suits and Overcoats [n jU in the County. flj ffi 1, Seger | I son> gj jjj Call Early. Next to Bank. [}j H?SSHSHSHSH? 5255^ | Main Dean's | $ A safe, certain relief for Suppressed &J yf. Men .'rualion. Neverknuwntofitil. Safe! t; ffl Hun'! Speedy! Satisfaction (iimrantcert »: ,■*. <ii money Refunded. S. rit prepaid f.>r ; ' H 3I.O) per !inx. \\ ill send them mi trial, to !M fj I . f..r when r. lii ved. Ssunpl. u Five, i . | j . :.DMto C' L -MlVll-.. -MlVll-..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers