Cameron County press. (Emporium, Cameron County, Pa.) 1866-1922, February 02, 1905, Image 4

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    ress. J
Kditor and Manager .
Per year SIOO
If paid is advance IS' .">0
Advertlseuientsafrepublishedatthe ratt ofoue
dollar per square for one insertion and fifty cents
per square for oacb subsequent insertion.
HLalesby the year or for six or three months are
ana TI aiforra, AND willbefurnished on appli
Legal and Official Advertising per sqoare. three
Slmesor!ess,F2 00; each subsequent
eents per square.
I.ocal n< iticesteuocnts per line for oneinst rtion
five cents perlincforeacbsubsequentconGecuUve
Obituary notices over five lines, ten CENTS per
I inc. Simpleunnounceincntsofbirths, marriages
and deaths will be inserted free.
Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 P1 > year
over five lines, attbe regular rates of advertising
No local i nserted for lets tban 75 eta. per issue.
The Job department of the PBKSS is complete,
and ailbrds facilities for doing the best class ot
No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages
a repaid, except at the option ofthe publisher.
Papers sent out of thecounty must be paid for
i uadvance.
advertisements will be accepted atless
t haa the price for fifteen words.
«ar Religious notice* free.
(nave Trouble For Seen
It need but little forsight, to tell
that when your stomach and livr arc
badly affected, grave trouble is ahead,
unless you take the proper medicine for
your di.: ase, as Mr-. John A. \ oung, of
Clay, X. V., did. She "ays: 1 had
neuralgia of the liver and stomach, my
heart was weakened, and 1 could not |
eat. I was very bad for a long time, but |
in Eleetrie Bitteis, I found just what I |
needed, for ihey quickly relieved and
cured me." Best medicine for weak
women. Sold uuuer guarantee by !J.
Tiiggart, druggist, at 50c a bottle.
A girl who looks good isn t n> ssarily
good looking.
Agonizing Burns
Are instantly relieved, and perfectly j
healed, by Bucklcu's Arnica Salv- j
Rivcubark Jr., of Norfolk. Va . write-: |
• | burnt my knee dreadfully, ti .at it j
blistered nil over. Bucklen s Arnica ;
Salve ,-top]' d llur pafn. and healed it j
without a scar." Also heals all woundti
and gores. 25c at L. Taggart druggist. ;
V poor mau doe not need t>> be a !
poor sort of a man.
Poisons Irt Food.
Perhaps you don't realize that many |
pain poisons originate in your food, but
some day you may feel a twingi if dys- j
pepsia that will convince you. Dr. !
King's New Life Pills are guaranteed to J
care all >i<-knc«. dm to poi-'-tis i' uti- :
digested food—or money back. 25c at
L. Taggart's drug Store. Try them.
liivin • 'or ouc'a land is greater far
than dying for it.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company arranged for a special personally-con
ducted tour through California to leave
New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and
Washington on February 1 <>, by the
'•Golden Gate Special," "composed ex
clusively of Pullman parlor smoking, din
ing, drawing-room sleeping,compartment,
and obs< nation cars, returning by March
21. This special train will be run over
the entire route. The best hotel.- will be
used where extended stops art made, but
the train will be at the constant com
mand of the party.
Rouud trip tickets covering all neces
sary cxp -nses, §375 for all points on
Pennsylvania Railroad except Pittsburg,
from which point the rate will be 83T0.
For iiineraries and further information
apply to ticket agents; C. Studds, Kast
ean Passenger Agent, 203 Fifth Ave,
New York; Hugh Hasson, Jr. Passenger
Agent Baltimore District, Baltimore,
Md . I» "■! N -wbold, Passcngci Agent
Soutliea> in District, Washington, I).
Tim*, ii Watt, Passenger Ageut
\V« tern D-<irict, Pittsburg, Pa.; or ad
dre-s (! .J \V Boyd, C neral Passenger
A renl. Philadelphia.
The man who was born great may not
di • that way.
Always Libera! to Churches.
livery church will be given a liberal
quantity of L. K M. paint. Call for it.
I gallons Longman \ Martimv ;.. &
M. I 'aitit niixc.l with three gallons lin
seed oil, will paint a house.
W. ii. Barr Charleston, W. .a,,
writes, Painted Frankcnburg block
with L. M. stands out asthoui'h varn
Wears and covers like gold.
Don't pay SI .50 a gallon r linseed
oil, which you do in ready-tor-usc paint.
But oil fresh lrom the barrei at 60
cents per gallon and mix it with L./; M.
It makes paint cost about $1.20 per
gallon. Sold by Harry S. Lloyd.
WANTED- Girls to learn pants mak
ing. We will pay now beginners £3.00
per week while they learn. Exper
ienced hands are earning $7.00 to $9.00
per week. Address,
Lycoming Pants 00.,
42-12t. Williamsport, Pa.
i-i'TTr-Tr*-" V- ,
Li Best Cough Syrtr Ti G • kU
pfl Use In time. by druggi-:« EJ
The slate roof we referred to last week
was the subject of a quite heated talk iu
Orum's meat market Tuesday when the
mail was late in the morning. Some said
slate would crack in a hard hail storm
and you could'nt drive cut nails without
breakin'them in it. The P.O. S. of A.,
boys are putting' up a nice hall all right
and they ought to have settled this before
they decided to put the roof on.
We reckon Gundy Ad. Logue who
lives on the Fork above the lted Bridge,
on the same nide as the Old (Irist Mill is
on, has been trappin' pretty steady
this while back bv the number of
circulars he's getting through the P. <).,
with price of Pelts on. Hope he will be
uiore successful in sellin them than
Uncle Jake was one winter. Trapped
all 1 winter and in the Spring sent all
his skins out to a Commissioner at
Columbus, ().. who din t pay any ways
near up to the prices printed and sent out
after deducting his present.
The last late election has been a great
impetus to us here. Our neighbors in
the village up at Driftwood are going to
bore for oil and some of our own Citizens
are talkin' of buildin'a dynamite plant
quite aways above the old Turtle roek
up Poorman's shanty branch in Grove
Hun. There's bceu quite a rivalry be
tween the two sections for some time
hack. Ever since the old Parsonage was
down near the old grave yard they've
been trying to move it up there. Late
las' Fall some of our B. 15. C., boys
| chipped in a:<d paid the expenses back of
some of our old ball players who don't
■ live in our midst any more to play them
on their own ground and our feelin for
them has been just about the same ever
since. Here's hopein the'll strike oil up
there and I spose maybe they would be
glad if our Dynamite factory did go up.
Well, they may be able to tie Old Sinna
' mahone but they'll never beat her.
1 We notice some of our Y. M. Sc V. L.
or • tnkin' tdvantage of the sleighing
weather in tho evenings. Tuesday night
when we were eoining from the I'. ().,
nfter the mail was changed we past two
loads. We noticed in the sled facing us
on the side opposite from the side we
were walking on the following V. M. &
Y. ]J. viz: 11. Speaker aud V. L, F.
Lightner and V. L.. Krebs and V. L.
The 4th one on the same side we eould
not make out as just then Jim Barr hit
hi.-- horses a cut. The 2nd load past us
just on the little knoll below the wagon
bridge which crosses the creek leading to
Wyside but they were joggiu' along so
last we couldn't tell who all was in.
Siime ot them knew me allright because j
(hey hollared at me by my first name.
The 1!. }'. I "s who meet at some other
house about the middle of the week i
every two weeks will join hands with some i
of (lie C. B. boys will give a masquerade j
party to those invited about tho middle I
of next month maybe. The masks will j
b.' fixed on so no 1 can tell whose their
Pardner until after supper when they will
be took off. More than 150 invitations
will be handed round or like as nougli
some will be sent through the P. 0., that
Tommy Snyder stays in. 150 is an aw
ful lot and maybe there won't be enough
togo around O. K.
As foretold in the columus of these
papers one of tho most prominent mem
bers of the C. B. left that same night in
Dick Walker's cutter with his girl in fur
Driftwood to take the 11 o'clock train to
where they were goin' to get married.
We were mistaken as to the time of there
takin' off but we were told so by an out
No. 1 seems to know whose going to
run the store which the P. 0. S. of A.,
boys are buidin' where they intend to
hoid their meetings. Hob Lightner used
to run it before it was burnt down by fire
and right after the fire he fixed up the
boys old coal shed and started to run in
it, but now they have built their Hall
nearly three stories up right in front of
Ilob"s place and you can't tell "lie is there
unless your right in front of it.
When Walter Stryker's train came
poppin in the other morning who stepped
oft but John Fink. It's been a long
while back since Jno. was seen on our
streets walkin' fast to and from to his
dinner. Many of our Citizens were
Powerful -dad to see Jno. agin, and
ehakc his hand, llis wife was along
with him and lookin' well.
C. F. Barclay struck out lor Old
Mexico Tuesdy. C. F.'B one of our promi
nent Citizens all riuht and George and
him are 2 of a stock Co., who have
powerful interests in the rubber business
down there and lie's gone to look after
it. He'll be there till the middle of
March maybe. His wife is with him.
Fine sleighing and lumbermen are im
proving the same.
The Wyside school children took a
j sleigh ride Tuesday evening.
Barclay Bros are harvesting their ice
(his week.
Mrs. Chas. Peasley has been quite sick
this week. Dr. llusscll is attending her.
Mrs. Geo. Hoover, of Pine Glen, was
over to see her mother, Mrs. P. Mead,
this week.
Mrs. Jas. Quiggle, of Lock Haven,
is visiting friends here this week.
! We think that the B. B. C. ; will have
I r ispoct enough for the new llall buildiug
| not to deface it.
Mr. A'pheus Wylie (and his able as-
I sitants are doing gool work on the P. O.
' S. of A Luilding.
The trustees of the P. 0. S. of A.,
leaned the new storeroom, when complet
ed, to Mr. M. N. Crum, who will putin
a stock of general merchandise. '
Mr. Ralph (i. Shafer and Miss Myrtle
Lloyd were united in the holy bonds of
matrimony last Tuesday evening the
2-tth, by Rev. Faus.
Nace Drum says he is not a member of
the C. C. li., but would like to be if for
nothing else than to have the praise of
some or the nice girls in town.
The A. D. It's met last evening and
passed resolutions to meet on Satuidav
evening this winter—the /. 11. P's were
find 5 cts.
The Young Ladies Batchelor Club
will hold a masquerade party on St. Val
entine eve., Feb. 14th in Brooks' Hall.
None admitted unmasked. Admission
and refreshments twenty-five cents.
The most noble and ancient order of the
Arabian Degree have a special invitation I
to attend the 15. G. C. party in uniform, j
All who do not see it will miss a treat
and a good laugh.
Capt. and Mrs. C. F. Barclay, and !
Miss Lottie Brooks, started on flyer j
Tuesday noon, for New York, where they !
will take the steamer for Old Mexico and I
Havana, Cuba and Porto Rica and other !
places of note. They except to be absent I
on the trij) about six weeks.
The Republicans held their primary !
Saturday afternoon and nominated the j
following ticket: Constable, Wui. Crum; j
Constable and Collector, M. Blodget; j
Supervisors, Wm. Swank and Amos ,
Swartwood; Auditors, Fred Williams, C.
A. Council; Judge of Election. N. 11. j
McCloskey: Inspector, Wm. Swartwood:
Clerk, (J. W. Snyder; School Directors,
Fred Williams, Miles Smith and Joseph
Edtior Presv:
Mrs. Robert Niles has returned from
a three weeks visit in Smethport and
I'urt Allegheny.
Mr. John lthoades is in Buffalo on a
short business trip.
Charles Skillman fell from the skidway
at Square Timber Bun, Monday, and ;
sustained several painful bruises. For
tunately, however, he is still able to do 1
light work.
Mr. John Johnston and son llulus, ol
Cameron Mill spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Skillman.
A new whistle signal has been putin
use by the log train crew, to bo used by !
the engineer while approaching the log j
loader, or entering Cameron yard. It is 1
one short, followed by one long blast ot
the whistle. It is considered an improve
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Farrel have j
moved from Johnsonburg into Mr. War
;ien MeConncll's house. Mr. Farrel has
' accepted a position with the ('aider Brick
| Co.
j There will be mass at tin- Catholic
I Chapel, at Cameron. Sunday, Feb. sth
at a. in., the pastor from Drift- !
wood officiating.
. v r. John Morrison has returned from
a pleasant trip to Wellsville. N. V. Mr.
Morrison looks much improved by his ;
A few words must be mentioned of :
the excellency of the mail service in Cam
eron. As a postmaster Mr. Lanniger is]
a success in every way; while Mr. Sul- (
livan who carries the mail is as regular :
as the rising of the sun. You can set!
your watch by Danny.
Mr. William Nunn. who has been ill
for the part two weeks, is on duty for the
Cameron Lumber Co., again.
Robert Niles, Engineman of the log
loader, fell irom his machine Saturday
and fractured two of his ribs. It will
be some time before be will be able to
work again.
Or. Smith of Emporium, was called to
attend Mrs. Michael Cassidy Monday
Mr. Robert (ilenn was a welcome call
er on friends at the Coal Chutes Sunday
The infant child of Frank Ivepner is
very ill with bronchitis.
Mr. A. F. Peabndy made a short visit
to his family in Olean last week.
Mr. A. A. Dout attended the theatre
in Emporium Monday evening.
Mr. A. F. I'eabody, tlie genial niana-;
ger of thi- Cameron store, has a new tele
phono running from his boarding hone
to the store, thus enabling him to eat his
dinner without interruption, as he can eat
with one hand and hold the receiver with
the other. The saving of shoe leather
more than pays for the rent of the 'phone.
Albert Card, while hunting near Sterl
ing Bun, Monday morning, came sud
denly upon a large black bear, about 200
yards East of Mr. Hub Smith's house,
f'nfortunately Mr. Card's gun refused to
work and upon examination he found the
firing pin broken. The bear went South
n .. Paint? that crick, peel and fade*
C': __ (Jj) before their time a.e ••dear" at any |
Paints I
east across the mountain and was soon
out of sight. But Mr. Card tays hu
"will have him yet."
J. P. 8.
Mrs. Trox Fulton, of Sinnamahoning,
who has been visiting her parents at this
place, returned home Sunday.
J. E. Smith and A. W. Mason attend- j
ed the funeral of Mr. Ivaul, at St. Marys |
on Saturday.
Mrs. Thoe. Quinn and Mrs. Wm. |
Sprung and little son Gerald, of Ernpori- !
um, are visiting their parents at this j
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson are 1
rejoicing over the arrival of a little j
daughter at their home.
Mr. Byron Smith, of St Marys, spent
Sunday with his parents here.
Miss Jennie Berry, of Emporium, is j
spending a few days with her parents.
Mrs. Blanch Lewis returned home
I Sunday after an extended visit with
friends in Emporium.
The public school children will hold an
entertainment and dance ia Brooks' Hall,
j Friday evening, Feb. 3.
William Sprung and Clarence Quinn
were seen on our streets Sunday.
A number of our townsmen attended
I caucus at Cameron 011 Saturday evening.
X. X. X.
Give Your Stomach a Rest.
Your food must be properly digested
and assimilated to be of any value to you
I If your stomach is weak or diseased take
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what
you eat and gives the stomach a rest,
' enabling it to recuperate, take on new life
and grow strong again. Kodol cures
< sour stomach, gas, bloating, heart palpi
tation and all digestive disorders. Sold
i by It. C. Dodson.
Beal religion never has to advertise
I for a chance to do good.
The Pneumonia Season.
Coughs and Colds in children as well
as adults are frequently dangerous at this
i season of the year, and a little precaution
now may save much trouble, worry and
j expense Kennedy s Laxative Honey
| and Tar; a combined cough and cold cure
!— a new scientific discovery in medicine
I —is a certain cure for Coughs, Colds,
, Croup, etc. The coughs and colds are
i cleared out of the system by gently mov
; ing the bowels, and at the same time the
throat, chest, lungs and bronchial tubts
j are so strengthened that there is little
probability nt danger Kennedy's Laxa
tive Honey and Tar is pleasant to take,
j Contains no opiates. Sold by B. ('.
I Dodson.
Chance is one of th<» most profane
| words in our language.
Deserved Popularity.
To cure Constipation and Liver troubles
; by gently moving the bowe's and acting
I as a tonic to the liver, take Little Karly
Risers. These Famous Little ills are
mild, pleasant and harmless, but effective
and sure. Their universal use for many
i years is a strong guarantee of their popu
; larity and usefulness. Sold by It. C.
| Dodson.
1 More enemies have been slain by mercy
i than by malice.
The Sunshine of Spring.
The Salve that cures without a scar is
I DeWitt's Witch Salve. Cuts, Burns,
i Boils, Bruises and Files disappear before
i the use of this salve as snow before the
' sunshine ot spring. Miss H. M. Middle
j ton, Thebes, 111. says:"l was seriously
! afflicted with a fever sore that was very
painful. DeWitt's With Hazel Salve
1 cured me iu less than a week." (iet the
1 genuine. Sold by It. C. Dodson.
Many a man who seems to be stupid
: and good is neither.
Fraud Exposed.
A few counterfeits have lately been
making and tryiug to sell imitatious of
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds, and other medi
cines. thereby defrauding the public.
This is to warm you to beware of such
people, who seek to profit, through steal
ing the reputation of remedies which
I have* been successfully curing disease
for over years. A sure protection, to
you, is our name on the wrapper. Look
for it, ou ail Dr. King's or Bneklen's
! remedies, as all others arc mere imita
tions, H. F. Bueklcn & Co., Chicago,
111., and Windsor, Canada.
j That Tickling in the Throat.
One minute after taking One Minute
Cough Cure that tickling in the throat is
i:one. It acts in the throat—not the
' stomach. Harmless—good for children.
Sold by It. C. Dodson.
ill IIIMIHU—I Illllft
Eiiiporiiiui Furniture Co.
Our New Year
I Introductory
I Sale
WE have just finished a wonderfully pros
perous year. One in which all our past
sales-records were thrown so far in the rear
that it will require the most vigorous and
untiring work to surpass them. But
work is our pastime and we are going to
Your splendid patronage has placed in
creased purchasing power in our hands,
the force of which will be felt in the ever
increasing values that will benefit everv
money-wise person in this county who is
wise enough to profit by it.
Keep Your Eye 01a l's ali litis Year
and Watch Us Grow.
I Emporium Furniture Co., I
| I
General Merchandise.
Ladies Petticoats
|§- J Black sateen Petticoats,
We have them in flan- adjustable yokes, good
ij|> elette, Percales and Cali- quality sateen and trim- ljJ|ii
ft °°\ l E , ve / y °' ie , 15 " ladc med with ruffles, accor- f.!'
J(Si, 111 the latest stvle and are ~ , . . ' ,
Si handsomely trimmed;the dion plaited. All made M
ffi lining is good and the full and wide. Assorted
M seams are bound. From lengths from 50c to pjj
© 90c to $2.00 each. $2.70.
Some of the best grades ol Outing that we handle Mfl
tare Lily Cloth, in plain and fancy colors and Cinderilla
Flanelette, in plain and fancy colors. These goods jfl'
; ; : i have a twilled weave peculiar to themselves, which
i makes them extra heavy and a good heavy fleece 011 m
| i! : ;J either side, etc., at 10c and 12c per yard. We also ®
,v;i have a lot of cheaper grades that are excellent values in
I a variety of colors at Sc and 10c per yard.
Our stock of Calicoes are always up to date. We |§j|
! handle the famous Simpson and American prints. W
iipjj They always hold the color in washing. Have them in ||fr
'9/, blues,l r revs, browns and black, etc., a6c and rc a vard. !M'
i NiJ ■ ' W>
The McCall Patterns are always up to date. You 14 _
S will have 110 tiouble in doing your sewing if you use fej
;Ji| the McCall patterns. Help yourself to a fashion sheet
1 ffl while in our store.
Gents' Furnishings. 1
Do not fail to see those new Storm Coats. They jj|||
| are certainly all right, price and all.