ress. J HTTABMKIIKI) lIV C. B.GOULD. HENRY H. MULLTO, Kditor and Manager . PUBLISH KD EVERY THURSDAY TRRMK OK SUBSCRIPTION: Per year SIOO If paid is advance IS' .">0 ADVERTISING RATKB. Advertlseuientsafrepublishedatthe ratt ofoue dollar per square for one insertion and fifty cents per square for oacb subsequent insertion. HLalesby the year or for six or three months are ana TI aiforra, AND willbefurnished on appli cation Legal and Official Advertising per sqoare. three Slmesor!ess,F2 00; each subsequent eents per square. I.ocal n< iticesteuocnts per line for oneinst rtion five cents perlincforeacbsubsequentconGecuUve insertion. Obituary notices over five lines, ten CENTS per I inc. Simpleunnounceincntsofbirths, marriages and deaths will be inserted free. Business Cards, five lines or less $5.00 P1 > year over five lines, attbe regular rates of advertising No local i nserted for lets tban 75 eta. per issue. JOB PRINTING. The Job department of the PBKSS is complete, and ailbrds facilities for doing the best class ot work. L'AKTIUULAK ATTENTION PAID TO Law pfinting. No paper willbe discontinued until arrearages a repaid, except at the option ofthe publisher. Papers sent out of thecounty must be paid for i uadvance. advertisements will be accepted atless t haa the price for fifteen words. «ar Religious notice* free. (nave Trouble For Seen It need but little forsight, to tell that when your stomach and livr arc badly affected, grave trouble is ahead, unless you take the proper medicine for your di.: ase, as Mr-. John A. \ oung, of Clay, X. V., did. She "ays: 1 had neuralgia of the liver and stomach, my heart was weakened, and 1 could not | eat. I was very bad for a long time, but | in Eleetrie Bitteis, I found just what I | needed, for ihey quickly relieved and cured me." Best medicine for weak women. Sold uuuer guarantee by !J. Tiiggart, druggist, at 50c a bottle. A girl who looks good isn t n> ssarily good looking. Agonizing Burns Are instantly relieved, and perfectly j healed, by Bucklcu's Arnica Salv- j Rivcubark Jr., of Norfolk. Va . write-: | • | burnt my knee dreadfully, ti .at it j blistered nil over. Bucklen s Arnica ; Salve ,-top]' d llur pafn. and healed it j without a scar." Also heals all woundti and gores. 25c at L. Taggart druggist. ; V poor mau doe not need t>> be a ! poor sort of a man. Poisons Irt Food. Perhaps you don't realize that many | pain poisons originate in your food, but some day you may feel a twingi if dys- j pepsia that will convince you. Dr. ! King's New Life Pills are guaranteed to J care all >i<-knc«. dm to poi-'-tis i' uti- : digested food—or money back. 25c at L. Taggart's drug Store. Try them. liivin • 'or ouc'a land is greater far than dying for it. California The Pennsylvania Railroad Company arranged for a special personally-con ducted tour through California to leave New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington on February 1 <>, by the '•Golden Gate Special," "composed ex clusively of Pullman parlor smoking, din ing, drawing-room sleeping,compartment, and obs< nation cars, returning by March 21. This special train will be run over the entire route. The best hotel.- will be used where extended stops art made, but the train will be at the constant com mand of the party. Rouud trip tickets covering all neces sary cxp -nses, §375 for all points on Pennsylvania Railroad except Pittsburg, from which point the rate will be 83T0. For iiineraries and further information apply to ticket agents; C. Studds, Kast ean Passenger Agent, 203 Fifth Ave, New York; Hugh Hasson, Jr. Passenger Agent Baltimore District, Baltimore, Md . I» "■! N -wbold, Passcngci Agent Soutliea> in District, Washington, I). Tim*, ii Watt, Passenger Ageut \V« tern D- elette, Percales and Cali- quality sateen and trim- ljJ|ii ft °°\ l E , ve / y °' ie , 15 " ladc med with ruffles, accor- f.!' J(Si, 111 the latest stvle and are ~ , . . ' , Si handsomely trimmed;the dion plaited. All made M ffi lining is good and the full and wide. Assorted M seams are bound. From lengths from 50c to pjj © 90c to $2.00 each. $2.70. 1 OUTING, Some of the best grades ol Outing that we handle Mfl tare Lily Cloth, in plain and fancy colors and Cinderilla Flanelette, in plain and fancy colors. These goods jfl' ; ; : i have a twilled weave peculiar to themselves, which i makes them extra heavy and a good heavy fleece 011 m | i! : ;J either side, etc., at 10c and 12c per yard. We also ® ,v;i have a lot of cheaper grades that are excellent values in I a variety of colors at Sc and 10c per yard. CALICO Our stock of Calicoes are always up to date. We |§j| ! handle the famous Simpson and American prints. W iipjj They always hold the color in washing. Have them in ||fr '9/, blues,l r revs, browns and black, etc., a6c and rc a vard. !M' i NiJ ■ ' W> McCALL'S PATTERNS. The McCall Patterns are always up to date. You 14 _ S will have 110 tiouble in doing your sewing if you use fej ;Ji| the McCall patterns. Help yourself to a fashion sheet 1 ffl while in our store. Gents' Furnishings. 1 Do not fail to see those new Storm Coats. They jj||| | are certainly all right, price and all. |J C. B. HOWARD & CO. I