Your Home Furnished FREE ofCHARGEbyI | CHAS. DIEHL'S U P- to - Dat e Crocery | j Read Our Original and Unique Plan and see how it is done without Cost to You- Ik Great Cash inducement with Each Ticket Purchased. Your House Furnished Free with Furniture and Groceries ! Read the following and see for yourself. With every $5.00 ticket bought at our store to be traded out in groceries, fruits, meats, etc., we will present you with a coupon good for 50c at SjZS Geo. J. Laßar's Furniture Store. These coupons can be spent at once or secured until the purchaser of our $5.00 tickets gets enough to purchase a fine piece of furniture. We also have SIO.OO tickets (cash). This amount entitling the purchaser to SI.OO to be traded out in this manner. Thus in paying a small amount of $5.00 in cash purchases the buyer is entitled to 50c free 5 enabling him to furnish his home with the handsomest furniture and his table with the best groceries and freshest meats, fruits jgg ; and confectionery. No Xmas present could equal one of these $5.00 or SIO.OO tickets and free coupons for the house-wife en | abling her to choose her own furniture or finest box of bon-bons or anything she may wish in our line, which is one of the best in Ejp | in town, and true to our motto, "PRICES AS LOW AS POSSIBLE.'' Igpj j There i« Positively no Advance in Prices B ! II G- ijtii ii ~~j I G | i ffl § A Fern Specialties for plj rMgjj/kk' O Ml* | ,Hela«e, " C 1 j| ottun's H I | days, from ioc to $1.50 per [ EXDLESS VARIETY OF H 1 boltle ' 'WRte P M SI co T ton's talcom n: 111 xv jyoveiTies ag| POWDER, ioc, 15cand 20c J |^ |(| and Christmas Tree Decorations. We will -HB "'y/ELCIDMIE . 112 J t § C\nrif\\r Fresh for the Otir GrOCeHeS —OURMODE..— IS Gk y Holidays. " " M eat Market is .< ] 01 " , " ctcd 11! Are only the best grade and our prices are positively the lowest for first care ' 1<: fcISS 1 u„;,j• .i /-> j . quality goods. If your are not already a customer of ours, we invite you ing our aim to serve our patrons with the best in the S^g opeeiai ri ices on riign-Oraae Ooods . ~ , , . , K2|g to call an(l examine our goods and compare prices and we will convince Meat line. We handle only Jacob Dold's meats, both 0K IS DAGGETT'S Popular Confectionery by box, >' ou lhat 112 th,s 18 the chea P est |!° use to trade with in Emporium. If you 112 reputation of this popular line Hal SSS pound or pail. Read the list and call. are one of our customers we solicit a continuance of your patronage and ' 1 this popular line /Sg aKSfI Chocolate Cream, the best per lb. - - 4(ic we pledge ourselves to do all within our power in the future, to serve of meats is of so high standard that we defy competi. k£3| rSjf Assorted Candies, very fine, lb - - :{<)c yOU W ' l * l 1C * )CSt oods an(l serv ' ce at l ' lc ' owest possible figures. tion as to quality or even price. The best is the j&nZd H Walnut Flake, popular idea, ]b . -ale keep abo,,t ever V thin K to be foimd in an up-to-date grocery H HH Clear Candy Toy«, lb - - - - store and .112 pnretee one of Mr t.ckcW and gn-e >.s a trial wc will ' . HI . T , "L • not be sorry! but will be well pleased. See the fac-sinnle of our Ten We endeavor to give our patrons the best goods {gagg t resli Top Corn Halls, ... I c , , ... _ \ , . ,- . , „, . 0 gMI 112..... n /itf . , Dollar ticket with coupon attached, in left hand corner of this advertise- and service and if there is anv dissatisfaction on their yVv . felNifl Dihcious Box Confectionery, put up 111 handsome ur) .i * s 1 . , «uu kimi.c ouu 11 nine u <wy uissaubwcuonon meir IsJLJa wro , , ment. With every $5.03 ticket you get a coupon worth 50c 111 trade at . ~ , , , , , , . fIFfK PSW one-half pound, one and two pound boxes @ Hoc to Geo. J. Laßar's Furniture Store, and with every #IO.OO ticket, a coupon part WC WO " ld bc pkaSed to lm ' e them nlake ll SJSs Prices Tell. In Cheese we have Cream, Switzer, Neuge Telle, Rocquefort. I known if you have one. ||l PAC-SIMILE OF »STICKET. 11 11 11 1t 11 2**2** ha :t :t :t :t Oall Early and select your Christmas Candies Save this Coupon. Us Good (or aild Holiday GOOdS. Good for Five Dollars in Trade „ ... „ , . . , l&g . Our patrons will find our store in the front rank,readv 50c in Trade at ================================== , ~ . . , YXA MM to serve the people justly and fairly. yM Ceo. j. Laßar's at The Up-to-Date Grocery Furniture Store. No.. CHAS. DIIiHL, Proprietor. CHAS. DIEHL. i No. 2525 2525 50 50 50 50 CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1904
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers