Lounges from S6.( X) up FANC\ r FANCY CHAIRS in numerous HALL RACKS, full line, I designs at glad time prices. $5. SO, SB, 810 and 820 MERRY HAPPY E i".:. )3 I*l CHRISTMAS. NEW YEAR, jpß | GEO. J. LaBAR'S | Jllff <* MAMMOTH FURNITURE HOUSE. *» Jfipl JjtejO x a£ CAPACITY DOUBLED TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF PATRONS. 112 - J Never since we commenced business in the furniture line in Emporium has our business so rapidly increased as during i 1904 (thanks to the kind patrons of Cameron and adjoining counties.) which has forced 11s to erect an addition to our already .. ...V ~ large brick store, giving us almost double the room, thereby giving us a better chance to display our j| n n j|p.^ I! (^arpete. \M I W e aim to meet the requirements of the public and have no I T xuj kick coming—we will add a third floor if the public demands M I j J it. We are here to do business—call and see if we are not. 112 J Thousands of Xmas Presents. , jt|\ I Jfe I*! All you have to do is totako a trip through ( .ur Wnndealand of Bargains. You will bo astonished. There is no need of going 1 I I'■ ■"? I iflioiMteU; TURKISH CHAIRS SKi' 1 **»j LftCE CURTAINS. PORTIERS AND RUGS. ' I I '_X-- j j j\ J"f' jfc CHIFFONIERS in new debigi * and handy at, a pocket in a shirt. | 1 I VNk vwi^'''■')%*'& MICCIfiW Ifacl'.w. the popular Chair of thedav. Largo Klegant line at special bargains. The attractiveness of _ „ I fmIOOfUW bnMlaO line ..ml mora "coming. Large, rJy Cin.iw these goods will at once convince you of their value. 7 1 fig I and ltockers, upholstered in leather. Fine assortment at all prices. | In addition to hundreds of appropriate presents we might H %?XmmmW4\ PUIM A CrTC One hundred pieces, beautiful designs ami magnifl- I mention, such as sideboards, dressing chairs, book cases. I i , p " e " 1 "rrr f ,O; ? l0 - 00 » * 115(,; 1 1«H« desks, couches, parlor tables, easels, framed pictures P HFiTliTt I Hi MMFkiSmW S *±°°- v ; ry .' T C T I I screens, jardineres, stands, etc.' We Have many pieces of | ii |I TOILIT Shtv? stf.soj anu $10.00! lJig'bargainH. *'| ''"rinture for the children, such as rockers and high chairs. jfi Wg carpft swffpfrs ~ J °"" Set I Hnnifio tip pAUfinn Unphinop SSfSS w M I' iilWii>B micmm'h th< j;* od j j | OwHl! 11l 111 lv llllvv luac^ itic and it will not cost c»inpic c »inpic ; Dining Chatrs, all prices; Morris Chairs, $6 to sl2. 1-aucy Rockers, all kinns from SI.OO up; Ladies' Desks from $3.50 to S4O; Iron and Brass Beds from $3.50 up CAMEKO24 COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1904
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers