jj|L SANTA CLA.US' J| HEADQUARTERS AT |ir "HLAJtFnr S. LLOYXJ'S. J§ 21 11 C'aas llllfe i£ Christmas 11 11 tzgjEjr? Greeting. 11 M M I Tb-is fl„,j<,u™fc„ i, i\fl p. 8. IsM 1 0 l^v£*. jj I fle«J«|a«rfew «Je.y jr««r Sj.«, poU«y Se a s® 9 ,t " J* Jj °p fc! AIN I), ' ar CIUI.II: /| been hard work for me to get ready for all the cliil- £2 Kgllllf--, fi l am glad to have you call at the Santa W"/ dren, there are so many of them, but lam sure that ft* JtSßsmlSl |1 Clans Bazaar in H. S. LLOYD'S Store and have you j1 112 I have not missed a single one. Your names are all £3 II enjoy the toys, dolls, games and other things that I . in my big book and yon will ftnd something from me El MiEfe y am getting ready to take to good boys and girls ~ V> : when you awake Christmas morning. ' " Vou will delight in seeing the many new toys LLOYD'S Store every vear and start from there when II ya r'Tl t,iat 1 I,ave been able t0 "lake since last year. It has I hitch niv reindeer to call at the home of every good || ft* boy an , (l girl ; 1 al , ways fintl the ! )cst to >' s at LLOYD'S Store, and this year I have more presents than ever before. §| || 1 ,nust now he getting ready for my Christmas trip, so good bye, and love to my little friends. From m @laus. Si £sf| OUR FANCY GOODS COUNTER. jfl? Y£> ON THIS COUNTER WILL BE FOUND BOXES FOR THE BOUDOIR, MADE OF THE FINEST WOODS AND LEATHER. t INCLUDING TOILETTE CASES, CIGAR AND COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES, HANDKERCHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES, , JEWELRY BOXES. SHAVING SETS AND MILITARY BRUSH SETS, IN A VARIETY OF PRICES: ALSO MEN'S BILL WBmt ROLLS AND CARD CASES. -JS^ PICTURES Gillette'Safety Razors, $5.00. STATIONERY. Framed and unframed, in many shapes . .^—r — : Rnv nflnpr , G T»ft "wo o d S1 112 r ame cUir e° p and ,in n,T P lctures are Pretty = ___ = other pretty designs; these make ana unique. _ ideal Christmas gifts> and prices JB^ r SUITABI F qPORTINP mnnc; D ° Y ° d *5 1,0W that KtlOW range from 25c to f1.25. mmM oUI ABLE SPORTING GOODS. w Women's and Children's hand and \f including Skates ffnns ^ lf what yOU oUght to know about wrlst bags ' the latest M3^& xB&A. gloves f1)ot-balls and striklne bacs » » »0K DEFARWEHT! It comprises American designs , from 25c to |3. 00. JfflT XWpMSr* ' balls and striking bags. all the late nove i s of the year- A variety of music rolls, travel- 3wjjj-p-,. " rwiMA Qift books for young and old in a ing cases and cigar cases. * I OMIINA. variety of bindings. For boys— OHRiqtmac rAKinv kiffl it * 1 0 Henty, Alger, Optic and Cooper series. UHHISIMAS CANDY. n ^ yles °f vaces, cups and For g i r i s —Meade, Carey and Sunny A large assortment of novelties in Holiday Con saucers, fancy dishes and novelties Corner series. Little Folks' books fectioneiy in P'oot Balls, Suit Cases, Kodaks and such as mustard cups , ash receivers, ranging in price from 5c to SI.OO, at l i° W P ric< ; s - J ust a fresh lot of " match and tooth-pick receivers, pin including Bustpr Rr-nwn p ft ,J LOWNhV S Chocolates and Hon Hons in >ilb and Ql trays, brush and comb trays, im- mCb »„ i.r/l, .lb boxes Also Dagsetfs and Headley's, ii. mixed ases etc pa. Baby Ballads and Fairy Tales. cand.es, the famous Xmas Hand Candy and Clear lte " Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymnals. Toys, all flavers 15c, 20c and 25c per pound. P& O •<r < o S \ \ \ \ \ X \ n \ \ \ \ \ \>c, r r i • j r y 11 T | H olidays arc A >" s N N Jl x xN Nx ij rf*H' 1 ' 7gi!i& — r* ~ '• 1 ' M IHtHSIiUfnUM ! : i m '/ " - "' TL " . The Kodaker has all the delights that others have—and has pictures besides. And x / S.\ x\x\x\\x.\\\x'xX there s pleasure in the making as well as in the possessing of Kodak pictures. /. MS& Every stepis simple nOW ' Nodark ' room at ani J sta 9 e of work, lhan ever. xNs SN .ifir C*WWWWW*WS?WWWWW*WWWWMWWWWWWWIJWWWWBB»WHBBiimBB(« m «»,.. M „ M .. _ FINE LINE OF , , Roig s Holiday Boxes of Cigars, sl.oo per Box. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 32, 1904.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers