8 Woman's Ills How rare a thing to find a woman who is perfectly healthy. Fully seventy j>< r cent, oi the sex sufiti - from ailments which often render life a burden. These ulilictions t »nse nervousness. irritability, melancholia, hysteria, etc. They entirely unfit a woman for life's work and deprive her of most of its joys. AUNT DINAH'S OLD VIRGINI A WOMAN'S SAFE GUARD. Those suffering with disordered menstruation, j female weakness, prolapsus, etc., will find itu» 1 mediate relic 112 from the use of Aunt Dinah's Old Virginia Herb Tea au ! in the majority of cases it j will bring about a complete cure. It is a positive cure for chronic constipation, sick headache and ! indigestion. Iu cie «>t nervou .ess and sleep l lessness this tea will be found indeed a boon. It has a soothing and quieting effect on the nerves j and invariably induces sound, refreshing sleep, i A cupful at bed-time i all that is noce iary to make a woman well and keep her well. Mayesvllle, B. (*., Dec. 8,1903. ! Hnmllns Wizard Oil Co.. < liit ii.'n. 111.: Two years u_"» 1 uttVrcd **. ill* female complaint ami | iij-ctl your Aunt Im-ihli" •»1«I Virginia H«»rb T«-;i v. itli ! In at I li:ive ju t Ik* (run I .mil it atfain a : t 1 feel much N'Ujii «r citicl nufferercouM knew the relief ."ho would experience by ! u.-imr .your Ilerb Tf.a slie v < ul<l never l»e wit limit it. It , i> a most wonderful i« medv and I ml;" rle.i ;;r«- in rec ommending it to any lady who i - n:!« ; irjjr with female troubles. MishO. L. Cahi kntkh. | Mow, Leo County, Aril.. Dec. 1, It>o2. ! li null ' Wizard Oil Co . <ie >. <>. ill.: 1 am ir eatl. pie;-, i-.l with .vour Aunt Dinah's Old : Virpiinri li •! )• Tin Indeed 1 think t)o :<• i nothing like it fot headache an«l : tomach l - ouble nnd I find it ex eeediuu'lv iroo«I for clearing the comple: lon. I would not be without it. Yours truly. Miss Nkta McCorklk. Prepared by Hamlins Wizard Oil/Co., Chicago. Price, 25c. HAMLINS COUGH BALSAM Heals the Lima's. Wards Off Consumption. 25c. and HOc. HAMLINS BLOOD & LIVER PILLS Regulate the T.lvt-r. Clran*o the System. FOR SALE AND RUCOMMENDEO BY L. TAGGART. - ' ' v ' -.i.-Y ■ 2 \ U,: . I DOK 9IAILED FREE. \ . ;i r\ »"oni.T tlonu, Ktifliiiiimn.- , • ' " . I.nu-' £'V\er, ."V2Uk K wr. '• 'it l?\s. < ■' ICil- 1 MilllMil. J.!*.' s ' ')* ■' *•'!' - f'ttOAT, Quinsy. Epizootic, ( V • "VK3, ZJots, Grubs. » '• luHueir/n, fnfinmed • ' •• • > L«n . i " % i4rt»-l'ne«:moiiia. r. I BHlv«'»ehe Wind.! own, ■ <;.<«. Pre venil MISC MIIUACE. ni. ?• •• ' * •*» "V Vsl."'. •« e, j c;;i >n t!• (•!••). t,.euxe, * arry. ; | r 112 \ ji; iit ;\ 112 i-tfirlirz C'mi, : •*!••••». :.i »» 1 k Cr », Tc 11 :*lflcs,l)«»ok,&c.,sT. | 1,1 Uciiio Go., Cor. William & John • TiQofnj . Specialties I Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Hot Plates and Ovens, Farmers Tools, New Line of Cutlery, Agate and Plated Ware for Kitchen and Table, Carpenters Saws and Planes. Something New in Saws, Window Screens, Carpet Sweepers, Clothes Wringers, Celebrated Lucas Paints, Tin and Iron Goods. Get our prices on Stoves, Bath Tubs, Chandeliers and gen eral Plumbing. "Phone us when you need us—we'll do the rest. FieieUiin. The Fourth Street Hardware Men. SHSHSHBr; | p Rockwell's | jjj Drug Store. jj[| lii The Colli Cmim Hint p] we make is unsur- |n I ' [2 passed for fact- ami []J j : In bands anil will make | |]j the skin soft and jj| white. We have •{] N'ail, Tooth and Ln Hair Brushes, Wist [n Hroonis. Chamois [}| ! Lr| Skin and Sponges. rJ | [}! No hotter goods on the market. When j ju you want your favo- In rite recipes tilled | y Bring them to us. "j Our stationery leads. ill i ffi Alsoourtoiletcream, toilet water, toilet ! nj soaps, perfumes and sashet powder. All j} | j{j the latest. * pi Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure [jl ifj is an exoellent tonic. A specific nj jjj for all diseases*'of the kidneys. uj | M. A. ROCKWELL. & a IfBH HSTP-HHSPH 53 ? | j U m i® . I : i]j Before buying elsewhere I it will pay to <;et our prices, !ru Bananas from 15c to 25c ir j a] a dozen. [} ! J{] White Puff Baking Pow- [r ! der 8c one-half pound can. [jj I Oi Regular price TOC. nJ in Golden Schild 'Corn ni [}{ Starch, 6c. Regular price, n] jn ® c * t , n! [H We do not handle any- !{) fjj thing but the best, and if U] p) you get anything here that uj -j is not right, bring it back ffi and get your money. js In Our ]\ieat Department is (n first-class. Wc handle nJ ! )l nothing but the best. j|] Do not forget the place. n] IS * k ! GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. $ 'Phone 21. pj i ||G. H. Gross k Co. |! I !"52aseSr5Si , EHSasaSH555E' c :5T: : J j : 112 II Ik | V, 11 Hl| :|j Ij If |j |i Jf| n; Mot "Weatlier ?)l 111 CciiL ON FLOWERS STREET HATS AND DRESS SHAPES. j GENUINE BARGAINS. Call and see our Beautiful Summer Goods. L 11 nun CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1904. What Dewey Said. "Giitlly, you may lire when ready.' | ; These words destroyed the .Spanish iieet I ! and amazed the world. Thompson'; l j ; BaroHin.i Kidney and Liver Cure will ! I destroy di.-rases just as tjuiekly and ef fectively. It not only quick relief j but makes a permanent cure. The pro- I • prietors of Thompson's I'urosuia guar antee all that is claimed for it. Thomp- i son's liiit'osuia is also warranted purely I vegetable and harmless. It hpleasant to i take and suitable for all ages. 81, or <1 , bottles for 85. lie cannot teach who will not bo j taught. The Doath Penally. A little thing sometimes results in 1 death. Thus i mere scratch, irisignifi- i cant cuts or puny boils have paid the ! death penalty. It is wise to have Buck-1 lens Arnica salve ever handy. It's the | best Salve on earth an will prevent fatal j ity, when Burns, Sores, I 'leers and Pili.- I threaten. Only 25c, at I>. Taggart s | Drug Store. Extraction is not giving. Suicide Prevented. The startling announcement 1 hat a pre- ! ventative of suicide had boon discovered J will interest many. A run down \s'. in, ' i or despoudency invaiiably precede -uieide ; and something has been foun<l that uiil prevent that condition which makes ui- j cido likely. At the first thought of self destruction take Electric Bitters, it being a gre;.t tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the | system, [t's also a great Stomach. Liver and Kidney regulator. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by L. Tasjgurt, Druggist. The bootblack improves each shining ' hour. When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and certain to act, always use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For said by Jno. E. Smith, Sterling llun. A Perfect Painless Pill. Is the one that willl elease the system, j set the liver to action, remove the bile. ' clear the complexion, cure headache and | leave a good taste in the mouth. The j famouus little pills for doing such work j pleasantly and effectually arc DeWittV Little Karly Risers. Bob Moore, of La- : layette. lud.. says. All other pills I j have u.-cd gripe and sicken, vhil ■ D•- j Witt's Little Karly KIM IS an •imply j period." Sold by 11. Do3son. T'.i! mod"! women is eie- w!. 1 g, • Puts an End to it All. A -.: i it v. us wail oftimes cm- as a' result of unbearable Turin Irom ovw ; j i:.:. d or. an . Dhzim--. Back 1 the, Liver ' to Dr. Kit./ - New Li!' I'i!!.- they put ;.u ; I i:" : _": . \ '' A Continual Strain, Many men and women ar.- c<; n:'_. I hubjeeted to what they # commonly term j '1 : : .ii-i - - them bolfr l:;enta'l\ and physi- j ( ally, affi •■•ting their nerves bally and I 1 biingitig on liver and kidney ailment . ! with the attendant evils ot constipation, ; 1.-s of appetite, sleeplessness, low vitality | aud dispondeney. They cannot, a- a j rule, get ride of this 4t continual •rain, j but they can remedy its health lotroy- j ing effects by taking fV ou n: u. •• .112 > (rteen's August Flower. It ton up '.he liver, stimulates the kidneys, insures healthy bodily functions, gives vim and spirit to one's whole being, and event- 1 nally dispels the physical or mental <!i- { tress caused by that '-continual -train. Trial bottle of August Flower. 25c; reg ular size, 75. At all druggists 48-ly. : Even the nearsighted girl may have a faraway look in her eyes. 1 Taken With Cramps. Wm. Kirnise, a member of the bridge 11 gacg working near Littleport was taken j I suddenly ill Thursday night with cramps j and a kind of cholera. His case was so severe that he had to have the members ot the crew wait upon him aud Mr. Clif ford was called and consulted, lie told them 110 had a medicine in the form of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera :u 1 I'iarr- I hooa Benredy that he thought would help 1 him out and accordingly several doses i were administered with the result that j the fellow was able to be around next i day. The incident speaks quite highly j of Mr. (iifford's medicines.—Kikador. lown. Argus. This remedy never fails. Keep it in j your home, it may save life. For sale ! by L. Taggart. Administrator's Nottcc. EntiUs of PATRICK HALEY, Deceascd.l N'OTICEis hereby given that tlu; under- j signed has been appointed Administrator ; of the estate of Patrick Halby, late ofßmpori- i 11m, Pa., deceased. All those having claims j against said estate will present the same and > those indebted make settlement. JAMES HALEY, Administrator, < Emporium, Pa., July 27th, 1904. —23-6t. Administratrix's Notice. Mutate 0/ MA V HOLliltOOKi Deceased. I ETTERS testamentary on the estate of MISS I J MAY HOT.BaOOK, late of Emporium Bor ough. Cameron county, Pennsylvania deceased, ; have been granted to I>li:s. Minvik h. I-'ohhes, i i to whom all persons indebted to said estate ;ire | requested to make payment and those having claims or demands, will make known the same 1 without delay. MRS. MINNIE If. FORBES, Administratrix. < • July 15, 1904. -22-6t. I , Queer Queries About Liberty Bell. , Reserve Policeman Patrick J. Gar- j ; rity, who is stationed at Broad street 1 j and South Penn square, Philadelphia, ! is having his own troubles guarding : I tho Liberty Bell ab the St. Louis Expo | sition. 111 a letter to a friend he ex- ; presses his deep regret that he did not ; spend several months in the different ; | libraries of thoeity saturating his mind 1 I with data concerning tho sacred em blem of liberty he watches so carefully. Garrity is asked all kinds of questions about the boll, and in most cases is I compelled to plead ignorance. He lias ; kept a Hat of some of the queries and requests made to him. A fow of these are: : "Will you kindly sit on the bell and hold my baby, while I take a snapshot I | of you all?" "How old is tho Liberty Bell?'' "Fs this the real bell, or is it a fake?" I "Who owns the bell?" "Who made the crack?" i "How much will you give me tore- i pair the crack?" "Didn't the original bell get lost at 1 sea, while it was being sent to England j for repairs?" "Wasn't this bell made from pennies I contributed by the school children of I the United States?" "What would you do if someone ; stol9 the bell?" "How much will you charge for a chip of the bell?" "Is it against the rules to kiss tho bell?" "Wasn't the Liberty Bell sant to Cuba to ring out their independence?" "Did George Washington pay for tho ; bell out of his own pocket?" "How is it that the officials do not | send a Democrat to guard the bell?" "Did Betsy Ross make that flag that surrounds tho bell?" "Why don't you have the clapper 011 tho outside, so we can see it?" "What time of day do you ring it?" "Wasn't the Liberty 801 l given to I William Penn by the Indians, when lie 1 made the treaty with them?" A Wonderful Saving The largest Methodist Church in Georgia, calculated to use over one I hundred gallons of the usual kind of I mixed paint in painting their church. They u.-ed only .'32 gallons of the L ">n _- ! man A: Martinez l'aint with 24 gallons I !of lin-eed oil. \ctual cost of paint mad.' ; j was less tlrm §1.20 per gallon. I Saved ' i aim . and i ot a bisr dona'ion be-i 'e >. i I liberal quantity wh w ver th y ; aint. j Many I. 11-'- are well paint d with lour gallons of L. & ?■!., and three .1- ; of.in 1 oil Hiii : ii. r.-v.-ith. • The-e (' '.iriitcl i'aint- ; are- - ilu by Harry : . Lloyd. I Port! ,c fiils S.ow k';;te su:ida> tl\cur-.l&r.s > !:• iVnn.•'' i.unii Ivii'roiu!. On Sri. itv-. Je.'i" 17 ami M, AnguM ! I 1 and 11-. the Penn v vlvan:a Kstilrontl J Company ' : • run •;• : 'I excursions to | Portau • Fall.- - . A .->■ ' •! train vii! I ; run <o the rwi-i,: m;Ki 1 ul-• and • cur-i' ir ticket-. id only en date of * ' cm. 1' i el! sp eial train in each dir eti-ei. i will be -el at rati - ((noted iVoin the . i|- | lowing stations: Train Lenvta. lo'tc. i Kinporiuin 8 oa. m., 112 l 00 i Kifiporium Junction 8.0; " j (.0 I S.t:\ S. t :\ ,4 K< a 1 ■ Summit 8.83 ,k iOO 1 Port Allegan 8.50 " 1 co I Larabce ... 1)08 " HO KSdr. (1 9.14 4i 7 » S Portville.,.. 9.29 " er» ! Olcan 9.45 50 I Porlago Kills Park. Ar. 11.30 " .... I Ueturning, special train will leave i I'oitag ■ Falls i'ark .*».!."» p. m., arrivinu' • Olean (i."> 7, Emporium S.-I5 p. m. Children between 5 aud 12 years of ago, half rates. 21 -7t. ! Lyiest Popular Music. i\lios May Gould, teacher of piano- j forte, has received a fuil line of tho lat- ; est and most popular sheet mu3ie. All i the popular airs. Prices reasonable. | 44-tf. | <Myt.t«in«jK;'aKßi'jHni i ii. vmi rs ! fMy Friend | 1 Read This! 1 nj l)r. J. M. CariPs Hrancli Dental Oflice, [j] m ol' I .mporium, Penn'a., located owr Metz- pj , nj Jewelry Store, oflers for the next [n I |n tltree months, these inducements, viz: pj j |fj Full Upper or Lower Sat of p] ! Teeth, - - - $7.00 nj j [n Full Gold Crown for any of 4] fli the ieu Anterior Teeth, $4.00 I'i rJ Full Gold Crown for any of In the Molar Teeth, - $4.50 Ii; |L Li j j] Ordinary Silver Fillings, 50 Cts i [] Gold Fillings. SI.OO and up. ft! trj ; ,-j] A well established reputation for j}: [n Painless Extraction of Teeth. n) ! I 1 [n REFERENCES: —Ask your neigh- [0 ru born; they all carrv my work In iin in their inouthn. [}j All Material guaranteed. The best to be n] | nj purchased at any price. The work in In talks fur itself. n| i In Remember these prices are limited to nj ! nj the next three menths only. |n I | TERMS STRICTLY CASH. | | afJHSHSP' q asa£s&seSHsHsc^ Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. I 'f *' i'i ' .'ii. -i " ii West End 8 m\ Grocery ii::,: Hot Weather Notes. Too | warm to enumerate. i |! it: Specials This g Week. K,,:, 33c. #! Soap, ten bars for 25c. I Sugars, in bulk at low- _. J 1 i! est market rate. 1 „ , liams Dold's finest %;■; ' hams for boiling, as well as large Hams for slicing. I'M " ! i] Meats—Fresh daily and : no raise in price. Mark 0! | this and note our prices , v.:it-:. you call. H | Watermelons,' Loupes, ■ !j|;j New Potatoes, Sweet [lit ! j ■ii 22c , dozen ' Xcw H , ; Cabbage, three cents, ar- ■ riving daily. Fresh im- ;:§}) j portation. M.. We aim to furnish only » ip.j l the freshest goods and de- ■ S.'> sire our customers to call fe! iPjj us down if we fail to p please. Staple line of dress and j : 'f| jVii;! tlry goods, taleom pow- fe ders and tooth powders. Buy at Dieiil's and get a Set of g : , Dishes Free. fi T a 11 ■ uiias= Diehl. § • . -.p V • and \ .if ' "• T• *v; r •••. : ";■>, ... ... • . - . . . . _ t ifcw is the Time to Buy Ciothlag isi m . || F you are short in the Hue of Summer jl| g&j Clothing yon can get them at ||k Jasper Harris'. He will sell you cloth- m ing that will fit you as well as a tailor- jH made suit, at prices that will be very Bj satisfactory. The goods are of the latest HI fancy that fashion has decreed for the well dressed man. Our goods are al- H ways right, likewise the prices. H If you can spare the time to look our BB line over, it be a great benefit to you. JASPER HARRIS, THE PEOPLES CLOTHIER Adam, | j A/leldrum & 1 ) Anderson Co. { | Bt;H'FAJ,(),N. V. C 112 396-408 Main Street, S S HALF PRICE\ \ %h\vt W I | uiill I si dlbl 1 1 Suits. I Smniner Smniner Sli irt Waist \ \ Suits and Dresses in plain ) } wliite dimity, plaicl oxblood, } \ pink and white ejects. \ £ £I.OO Suits, now $1.50 » fy 3.75 Suits, now I.HB i 112 1.5'» Suits, now 2.25 \ \ r».00 Suits now 2.50 J T 7.50 Suits, now 3.75 > ,5 Sills Shirt Waist Suits in limited 4 } number were #ls, sl6 Cflfi s I and $lB, now JSiU \ 112 S2O Suit b, now sl4 > \ 28 Suits, now 10 t > Brilliantine Skirts > ( Were—ss, $7.50 and $lO. Now Half Price. \ \ Silk Garments \ } In jackets, blouses and < > fancy silk coats, children's i i coats in black silk and pou- } I gee, and children's wash \ S dresses and wool dresses and \ ( wool dresses, Half Prick, T \ Rain Coats > Advance styles in Worn- ? > en's Rain Coats, tan, steel < i grey, green mixtures and \ fancy effects. j I $lO S2B | 5 i ? Adam, X { Meldrum & ?' > \ S Anderson Go. 5 t T " w " rt * BUFFALO, N. Y. i' v V v V VVAa/'V i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers