EMPORIUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., April 14,1904. N-EMOPHILA, per sack *1 50 Felt's Fancy, " 1 #" Pet Grove, " 1 00 Graham " 75 Rye 65 Buckwheat " Patent Meal., " 50 Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 35 Chop Feed, " 1 85 Middlings. Fancy " 1 *0 Hran, 125 Corn, per bushel, 75 White Oats, per bushel 55 Choice Clover Seed, "I Choice Timothy Seed, \ At Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed, pmcy Kentucky Blue Grass, I R. C. DODSON, THE Qrucjcjist, I EMPORIUM. PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. K.. C. !H>I)SO>. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL OHPAETTJIENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contributions invited. That which you ivmiln like to see in this department,let us know jy pr,s tal card or letter, personally. Rev. J. M. Robertson leaves to-day for a short visit to Chautauqua Lake. Mr. Theo. Metzger and family left on Saturday to visiting Coudersport friends. Miss Edna Crnice visited the past week at St. Marys, guest of her friend Nadine Morgan. Mrs. Reed, of Williamsport, is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. O. B. Barnes, on East Allegany Avenue. Rev. Sypher, pastor of Cameron Circuit, was a pleasant visitor to PBESS sanctum on Monday. Miss Ellen Lyman, of Coudersport, who has been visiting at Geo. L. Day's left for Austin Thursday morning. Harry Jordan, who came home from Chicago to attend the funeral of his brother, returned to his duties on Saturday. Mr. A. C. Blum, Secretary for Key stone Powder Company, is making an extended trip in the interest of his company. Mrs. M. H. Dodge and son John, left on Tuesday for Coudersport to visit relatives and take in the big centen nial celebration. Mrs. J. E. Smith and Miss Kissell, of Sterling Run, stopped in Emporium between trains on Monday enroute for Coudersport where they will visit. Ray Chad wick, who resides on North Creek, is celebrating the arrival of twin girls at his home, the beautiful little ladies making their bow last Fri day. Miss Lillian Heilman, who has been employed in the office of Williamsport Grit during the past two years, came home last Saturday to remain some time. Mr. W. W. Mattison, of Ridgway, visited in Emporium during the past week, guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Green and family. He left for home on Tuesday. Mrs. J. D. Lord, of Friendship, N. Y., who has been visiting at her daughter's, Mrs. Herbert Day, return ed home on Tuesday, J. Harold Day accompaning her. Norman H. Parks, a clerk in the P. & E., freight office at this place, badly sprained his ankle yesterday after noon while taking car numbers on a switch at Rolf'e. He fell from a pile of lumber, and will be off duty for a few days.—Jolinsonburg Press. Prof. Arling R. Baker, teacher of Mason Hill school, while visiting in town laat Saturday, called on the PRESS and pushed his paper into 1905. Prof. Baker is a native of northern part of Potter couuty, is an energetic teacher and a pleasant gentleman to meet. Call again. Miss Eva Sturdevant, of Couders port, who came to Emporium last week to attend the funeral of the late Orlow Jordan, returned to her home on Saturday. We understand the young lady and late Mr. Jordan were engaged and expected to be married which was posponed on accout of his failing health. Mrs. R. C. Dodson visited at Buffalo on Monday. L. S. Fisk, of St. Marys spent Sun day in town. Mr. J. H. Holt spent last Sunday at ; Camp Punkey. Miss Eneie Howard is enjoying a sojourn at Atlantic City. Miss Margaret Murphy is assisting ; in the postolllee this week. Ye editor and wife are enjoying a ' vacation at Atlantic City. Mrs. H. A. Cox, of Philadelphia, is , visiting her sister Mrs. Guinn. Mr. B. J. Collins, of Huntley was in town on business last Saturday. Mr. Bruce MacGuire, of Philadel phia is the guest of Mr. Fred Lloyd. Mrs. J. L. Wheeler has joined the Emporium summer colony at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Loader, of Jersey City, j visited F. C. Reick and family over I Sunday. Mr. A. F. Vogt and two sons leave late this week for a brief stay at At lantic City. Miss Lena Evans returned last Fri day from a pleasant vacation spent at Smethport. Moses Harris has been on the sick list the past few days, but is able to be about again. Jasper Harris left Tuesday evening for New York city, to buy his fall and winter stock of clothing. Miss Carrie Huff, the obliging clerk In the post office at this place is visit friends at Coudersport this week Guy Thompson camo home from Pittsburg last Saturday, very sick with typhoid fever. He is confined to his home. J. C. Lynch and wife, of Boston, Mass., spent a few hours with friends in town on Wednesday on their return from St. Louis. Geo. Barker, accompanied by his daughter Cora and son George, left this morning to attend the big celebra tion at Coudersport. Mrs. A. P.VanGelder and her sister Miss Poole, left last Friday for New Jersey, where they will enjoy an ex tended stay with friends. Mrs. Frank Caskey of Ridgway, who is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter and other friends here, made the PRESS a pleasant business call yesterday. Albert Gaidus who has been visiting his father and Mr. Chas. Nelson and family, (Mrs. Nelson being his sister), the past ten days returned to his labors at Alleghany, Pa., on Monday. Miss Mattie Collins returned last Saturday from a ten days visit to the Wolds Fair and is profuse in her praises of the exhibition, pronouncing it unequalled by any of its predeces sors. Mrs. Harry Ness and daughter, of Allegheny, Pa., and Mrs. David Wiel and son, of Buffalo, N. Y., have been visiting in town the past week, guests of their brother R. 11. Hirsch and fam ily and other relatives. What Dewey Said. "Gridlv, you may fire when ready." These words destroyed the Spanish fleet and amazed the world. Thompson's Barosma Kidney and Liver Cure will destroy diseases just as quickly and ef fectively. It not only gives quick relief but makes a permanent cure. The pro prietors of Thompson's Barosma guar antee all that is claimed for it. Thomp son's Barosma is also warranted purely vegetable and harmless. It is pleasant to take and suitable for all ages. SI, or 0 bottles for 85. When a girl sets her cap she might just as well set it for a capitalist. Reduced Rates te Portland, Ore. On account of the American Mining Congress, to he held at Portland, Ore., August 'S.i to 27, the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will sell round-trip tickets to Portland from all stations on its lines, from August 14 to 17, good returning within sixty days, including date of sale, at reduced rates. For specific informa tion apply to ticket agent?. 3272-25-11 The model women is one who gets paid for posing in a department store. Porte.gc Falls Low Rate sunday Excursion* via Pennsylvania Railroad. On Sundays. July 17 and 31, August 14 and 28, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will run special excursions to Portage Falls. A special train will be run on the following schedule and ex cursion tickets, good only on date of ex cursion on special train in each direction, will be sold at rates quoted from the fol lowing stations: Train Leaves. Kate. Emporium 8.00 a.m., $1 00 Emporium Junction 8.03 " 100 Shippen 8.13 " 1 00 Keating Summit 8.33 " 100 Port Allegany B.f>o " 1 00 Larabee 908 " 80 Eldred 9.14 " 75 Portville 9.29 " 65 Olean 9.45 " 50 Portage Falls Park Ar.11.30 " .... Returning, special train will leave Portage Falls Park 5.15 p. m., arriving Olean 6.57, Emporium 8.45 p. in. Children between 5 and 12 years of age, half rates. 21 -7t. Subscribe for the PRESS; only $1.50 a year in advance. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1904. Reduced Rate* to san Francisco. On account of the Triennial Conclave, Knights Templar, and Grand Lodge I. O. O. F , the Pennsylvania | Railroad Company will sell excursion I tickets to San Francisco, Cal., August I 15 to September "J, good to return until j October '215, at reduced rates. For parti | culars regarding specific rates, route!-, and | stop-over privileges consult ticket agents. 3273-25-2t. Reduced Rated to the Seashore. Pennsylvania Railroad low-rate fifteen 1 day excursion for the present season | from Erie, Bouscvillle, Corry, Dnnkirk, j Buffalo, Olean. Rochester, Bradford, [ Tionesta, Warren, Clermont, Dußois, j and principal intermediate stations to lie. j novo, inclusive to Atlantic City, Cape | May, Sea Isle City, or Ocean City, N. J.. I will be run on August 15 and 2.">. Excursion tickets good to return by : regular trains within fifteen days, will be i sold at very low rates. Tickets to At | lantic city will be sold via the Delaware i River Bridge Route, the only all-rail line, jor via Market Street Wharf, Philadel ; prii i. Tickets from Krie. Rouseville, Tionesta, Summerdalc, Ludlow, and in termediate stations will be good going on train No. 1 leaving Erie at 5.35 p. m., and connecting trains therewith, j Tickets from .other points good going on j all regular trains. Train leaving Buffalo at 11.00 a. ill.will be rur: through to Atlantic City. Stop over can be had at Philadelphia | either going or returning. For information in regard to specific j rates and time of trains consult hand | bills, apply ticket agents; E. S. Harrar, j Division Ticket Agert, Willlauisport, j l'a., or B. P. Fraser, Passenger Agent, I Buffalo Division. 307 Main street, Elli- I eott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. 4250-25-2t. A woman sometimes kills time by | suppressing a tew of her birthdays. - j TAKES LESS.WIEARS LONGER. Del.ancey Gregory of Fort Plain, IN. Y. To Longman X Marine/, Paint Mak ers, N. Y.' "Its a surprise how little L.it M., Paint is required to paint a big house. Have sold the L. & M., for over tweuty five years. "Many houses are well painted with four gallons of Longman & Martinez L. & M.and three gallons of Linseed Oil mixed therewith, Actual cost of L. & M., less than §1.20 per gallon. Wears and covers like gold. Sold by Harrv S. Lloyd. It isn't every musical composer that can borrow money on his notes. find of Bitter fight. "The physicians had a long and stub born fight with an abcess on my right lung" writes J. F. Hughes of DuPont, Ga., "and gave me up. Everybody thought my time had come. As a last resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and 1 was on my feet, in a few days. Now I've entirely re gained my health." It conqueis all Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed at L. Taggart's Drug Stnre. Price 50c, and 81.00. Trial bottles free. When .1 fellow begins to build castles in the air it's all up with him. Tour to the Yellowstone Park and Pacific Coast On account of the Triennial Conclave. Knights Templar, to be held at San Francisco, Cal.. September 5 to* 9, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will run a personally-conducted tour, visiting the Yellowstone Park, the principal cities and beautiful resorts of the Pacific Coast, Salt Lake City, Colorada Springs, Denver and the St. Louis Exposition, in addition to affordidg five days in San Francisco. Tickets, covering every neces sary expense en route except hotel ac commodations in San Francisco, will be sold at the low rate of 8250 from all stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad. A special train of high-grade Pullman equipement will leave New York, Phila delphia, Harrisburg, and Pittsburg, Wednesday, August li The full tive and one-halt day's of tour of the Yollow stone Park will be made, three days will be spent at Los Angeles, two days at Colorado Springs, and two days at St. Louis, the party reaching New York, Monday, September 19. Stops for sight seeing will be made at Seattle, Taconia, Portland, San Jose, Monterey, Santa I Barbara, Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, and Denver. A descriptive itinerary will be sent on application to Geo. \V. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. 3254.24-2t. mm, FINDLEY LAKE, N. Y. Greatest season yet. Noted leetur j ers, entertainers and artists. | FOUlt PJtOGRAMS DAILY. [ i School of elocution, dramatic culture, | physical training, language, j Rates for room and board, $-1.00 to 1 $5.00 per week. Entertainment, recre ' ation and education. Season closes, 1 Aug. 29. J For information or catalogue write I to Dr. BYIION KINO, Program and | Platform Mgr., Findley Lake, N. Y. Groceries: HIGH GRADES AND STAPLES. |D A Y'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE. It will pay managing housewives to watch our grocery news. Every day adds proof of the helpfulness of this PI KE FOOD STORK. It steadies prices; keeps them fair Ito you. It does more—it supplies safe foods. If any desirable article is offered to us at a lower-than-usual-price, or that an offer to take a quantity will bring a lower price, we get bargains for you. Its the shrewd housewife who realizes the import ance of small economies. The list below is for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY This week Housekeepers should take ad vantage. Royal Baking Powder. /CP lib can, 'frOo Pure Baking Soda, fj P I lb package, 01/ Pure Lard, in bulk, SHf 1 a pound, lUb Pearl Tapioca, in bulk alb /(P 7 lb. for 25c. "tw Laundry Bluing, QP Large bottle. OC Lb. Bag Sugar £1 Best Granulated. Housefurnishing Hardware, China, Glass and Crockery. Pratt's Stock and Poultry Food and Veterinary Remedies. Crushed Oyster Shells for Poultry. rb.no, J. H. DAY. CENTRAL State Normal School, I.OCR HAVEN, PA. J. R. FLICKINUE.R, Principal. Fall Term 15 weeks begins September 5, IPOS. Last year was the most successful in the his tory of this important school—about 700 students. Location among the mountains of Central Penn sylvania, with fine water, splendid buildings and excellent sanitary conditions make it an ideal training school. In addition to its Normal course it also has an excellent College Prepara tory Department in charge of an honor graduate of Princeton. It also has a department in Music, Elocution and Business. It has a well educated Faculty, fine Qymnasium and Athletic Field. Address for illustrated catalog, THE PRINCIPAL. I Notice! | 111 SATURDAY, JULY 23rd, IS THE || LAST DAY THAT YOU CAN M l||| GET A SI.OO BOITLE OF ||| || DAVIES NON-ALCOHOLIC || | Wa-Hoo, J | SIOO SSSS" 35C 1 jj|ji GET IT NOW ||js| | The Old Reliable | | Drug Store, 1 L. TAGOART, Prop'r. | CIRCUS 111 Hii!|ii!iiiiin, Friday, iiii L> BTH TRIUMPHAL TOUR Amerk '"" HARGREAYES' 3 Monster Ring Big Railroad Shows. 8--MARVELOUS FLORENCE FAMILY. Every promise kept. Every Featute shown. A QUADRUPLE SHOW, FOLK IX ONE. Tripple Circus Millionaire Menagerie. Monster Museum Real Roman Hippodrome. 1<>() exclusive novelties. Peerless Prodigious Performances. Here for one .day only. Performances: Afternoon at 2 and in the Evening at <S. Doors open one hour earlier. • Htsif Glittering, Gorgeous Free Street Parade 011 morning of Exhibi tion with Countless Wonders, Startling Surprises, 10 Open Dens of Wild Beasts and a Galaxy of Daring Riders. See it. JUMBO 11. the (ioliah of All Beasts. The Biggest Elephant in the A Ponderous, Pleasing Performance. nm»i... ■""T1HJ—TM1BIIII Willi lll—ranffllllllfa Pleased and Satisiied Customers ours are to be found in nearly every home in this county. You ought to be one of them! We carry the LARGEST and BEST stock of FURNITURE In this county. All made by SKILLED labor. Our Bed-room Furniture Was all made in 1904. CROSS BANDED VENEER and SOLID ends. Steel beds from fr/ to COO Cfl Guaranteed against breaking Ol yZOiuU Mattresses from Ol OC to C|C Hfl Also guaranteed vlaj&O vJiUU Baldwin Refrigerators Do refrigerate, and the price is within C*C flO UP the reach of all We have the best Go-Carts in town and.[challenge comparison. Quickest and handiest adjustment and prices no higher than low grade goods. Lace Curtains from 60c per pair to SIO.OO. Carpets from 15c per yard to $1.50. Linoleums from 37 per yard to $1.50. All prices marked in plain figures are positively the lowest for the goods we offer. Emporium Furniture Co., BERNARD EG AN, Manager. UNDERTAKING Hi mi 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers