Busiuetifi Cards. B. W. 13KEEN. attornby-at-law, Emporium, Pa. A buslnessrelating to estate, collections, r«aj ißtates, Orphan's C«urt and generallaw business ■rlllreoeive promptattention. it-lf. J. C. Johnson. JOHNSON & MoNARNEY, A'reORNEYS-AT-LAW Ehporiom, Pa. Will give prompt attention te all buslneMsa; raited to them. 18-ly. mOHAELBRENNAN, _ ATTORNEY AT-LAW Collection* promptly attended to. Real estate »nd pension claim agent, g5-ly, Emporium. Fa. rHOMAS WADDINOTON, Einporiura, Pa., CONTRACTOR FOR MASONRY AND STONE-CUTTI NO. AH orders in my line promptly executed. All Mads or building and cut-stone, supp >sd at low *rio«». Agent for marbiQ or grauite monument*, •tterlng neatly done. American house, .. East Emporium, Pa.. JOHN L. JOHNSON, Prop'r. Raving resumed proprietorship of this eld and "«mll established House I invite the patronage el i 'die public House newljr furnished aid tnor '\"JT hly renovated. *Bly j» D LBBT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and INBURANCR AQT. EMPORIUM, PA IABD OWNMS AND Othkm l» Cimsoii i»l ADJOININO C®U»TIM. I have numerous calls for hemloi'k and hard* •irAed timber lands,also etumpageAc., anil parties r]setting either to buy or sail do well toc»ll «a a« F- D. LEET. THE NOVELTY RESTAURANT, (Opposite Post Office,. Emporium, Pa. William McDonald, Proprietor. I take pleasure in informing the publlo that) Slave purchased the old ana popular Novelty Heataurant, looated on Fourth street. It will b< •ay endeavor to serve the public In a mannei that shall meet with their approbation. Oive m« j* call. Meals and I'incheon served at all houra no a7-lyr. Was. McDONALD. «T. CHARLES HOTEL, THOB. J. LY9ETT, Paoraiwrom Near Buffalo Depot, Emporium, Pa. This new and commodious hotel is now openet 'tor the accommodation of the public. New in a! ttsappointments, every attention will be pal' t« the guests patronizing this hotel. 27-17 ly MA.V OOULD, TBACBBB or PIANO, HARMONY AND THEORY Also dealer in all the Popular Sheet Muuo, Emporium, Pa. Scholars taught either at my home on Siath -street or at the homes of the pupils. Out oftowo •ohoiars will be given dates at my roomsinthli place. V, C. RIECK. D. D. 8., DENTIST.; Office over Taggart's Drug Store, Emporium, Pa gr- wr (las and other local anaesthetics ad <sl^3ministered for the painless cxtractloa of teeth. SPEClALTY:—Preservation of natural teeUs, i» Blading ''ravn and Bridies Waek- NEW CAM ERONHOUBE. Cameron. Pa., Opposite P. & E. Depot. HARRY McGEE, Proprietor. Having taken possession of this house and thoroughly remodeled and enlarged the building by erecting an addition of eighteen rooms, I am well prepared to meet the demands of the public. Guests conveyed to any aart of the county. Good Ashing and huutiug in the immediate vicinity. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yo«* eat. POPULAR SCENIC ROUTE. Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Company. Official Condensed Time Table in Effect June 23, 1902. Run day Week Day,s. . Daily Week Days. •Only M. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. STATIONS. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 510 i 510 11 10 715 Lv Addison Ar 10 13 443 541 S4l 1141 801 Elkland 941 4 11. | •5 46 546 11 46 806 Osceola 936 406 555 555 11 55 822 Knoxvillr 926 356 611 611 12 11 840 Westtield 913 343 647 647 12 47 925 Gaines Junction 836 306 ,J'" '"JSftl •» «» •« 1 740 5 40: P- M. P. M. 10 58 Ar Cross Fork Junction Lv 739 209 423 545 210 11 00 Lv. Cross Fork Junction Ar. 7is 200 355 655 300 11 50 Ar. Cross Fork, Pa. Lv. 615 100 306 I 824 624 PM. A.M. 11 39 Ar Wharton Lv. 653 i 26; 310 ; 8 05 11 10 Lv Wharton Ar 10 53 3 00 A.M. 858 100 Ar Sinnamahoning Lv 955 I 140 845 643 800 11 58 Lv Austin Ar 6 35! 105 950 800 710 845 12 25 Ar Keating Summit. ...Lv 12 40 9 101 7 30! P. M. p. Ml lA.M. | A. M P. M. >A. M.I P. M.l A. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. 820 935 Lv Ansonia Ar *9 "i *7 no 835 949 005 644 839 953 P? lne "; 901 040 842 955 V Gaines Junction 859 B3K 855 10 09 Ar Galeton Lv 845 625 ; I P.M. A.M.: A.M. P.M. P. M. A. M. _ _ , , P. M. 105 630 I ' v galeton Ar !0 jo 455 124 647 -v" Y, a !, OI J 951 439 1 150 713 ™. eW . fi £ d ■' l,nc " on 927 415 2"6 730 % Bingham, g f) g 4 ( ,i 218 741 Genesee „ 58 352 , 221 746 i*. v 853 347 ] 2 16 BOC Ar Wellsville Lv 838 330 I I A. M.I P. M.L CONNECTIONS. At Keating Summit with B. & A. V. Div. of Pennsylvania R. R. At Ansonia with N.Y.C.At H R. R. for all points north and south. At Newfield Junction with C. & P. A. Rv., Union Station. At Genesee with N. Y & Pa., Rv. Union Station. At Addison with Erie R. R., Union Station. AtWellsville with Erie R. R. for points east and west. At Sinnamahoning with P. R. R.—P. &E. Div. H. H. GARDINER, Gen'l Pass'r Agt. Buffalo, N.Y.| W. C. PARK. Gen'l Supt., Galeton, Pft. M. J, MCMAUON, Div. Pass Ag't.,Galeton,Pa. G.SCHMIDT'S, HEADQUARTERS FOR fresh bread, popular P " Ncv "" crean. 9tjj| f5 nui CQN FECT|ON ERY Daily Delivery. All orders given prompt and skillful attention. WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY They have «tood the test of yeat. V I PfIMP » and have cured thousands ol QJ I nUIIU AV / MOtk 0 112 / peases of Nervous Diseases, such jA> m jffi Debility, Dizziness, Sleepless* AP A I 1 and Varicocele,Atrophy,&c. HUKIII I 1 They clear the brain, strengthen ... perfect, aud impart a healthy g vigo- to the whole being. All drains and losses are checked permanently. UnlcssAatients - pfoperiy cured, their condition ofteu worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death. Mailed sealed, rnce 112 i per bo*; 6 boxes, with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund the mouey.fc.oo. Send lor ftee book. Addrcis, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland. 0. Forsaleby R. O. Dodsro, Druggist, Emporium, Pa. TIME TABLE No. 27. COUDERSPORT & PORT ALLEGANY R. R, Taking etteot M* y 27th. 190). KASTWA RD. I 16 I I I 4 | • I 2 STATIONS. 112 j P. M. 'l'. M. A. M. A.M. Port Allegany,.. Lv. 3 15'.... 705 11 36 Coleuian, *3 23j.... »11 41 Hurtville »3 30 ! 7 IB 11 47 1 Roulette 3 40, | 7 25 11 55 Knowlton's «3 45'.... | 00 »11 59 Mina, 3 69 | 7 S. r v 12 05 Olmsteil *4 05 *7 38 *l2 09 Hammonds, 00 00 .... *l2 13 Coudersport. j 420 "e 00 'l 00 North Coudersport *8 15 00 1 *1 115 Frink's 6 2 1 ) *6 10! *1 12 Colesburg *6 40 *6 17 120 Seveu Bridges *6 15 »6 21- *1 ?4 Ravmonds's, *7 001 *6 30 135 I Gold, 705 630 141 Newfleld 00 14ft i Newtleld Junction, 737 64i 150 j Perkins ■ *7 40 *6 48 *1 53 Carpenter's, i 7 46 00 *1 57 i Crowell's | 7 50 «6 53 *2 01 Ulysses, Ar. 805 705 210 .A.M.! I P. M. WESTWABD. I I I B | 8 "j STATIONS. A. M. P. M. A. M Ulysses Lv. 720 225 9 10 .... i Crowell's, «7 27 *2 32 * 9 19 I Carpenter's, °° •2 31 *9 22 Perkins *7 32»2 37 * 9 26 Newficl<l|J unction 787 242 932 Newfield »7 41 246 00 Gold 744 249 940 Raymond's »7 49 2 54 * 947 Beven Bridges »8 01 »3 08 *lO 02 Colesburg »8 04 309 *lO 10 .... Frink's »8 12 *3 17 *lO 20 North Coudersport, °° *3 28 *lO 35 .... ( Ar. 8 25 3 30 10 45 Coudersport, < P.M. ( Lv. 828 800 120 Hammonds, 00 00 i 00 | Olmsted, »8 33 *6 05 «1 31 j Mina 837 610 137 Knowlton's 1 00 "en! 00 Rc Jlette 847 621 151 Burtville. 854 628 2 011 Coleman, j OO *6 34 °° Poit Allegany, I 9 08! 640 2 251 (*) Flag stations. (°°) Trains do not stop ♦ i Telegraph ottces. Train Nos. 3 and 10 will carry passenger*. Tains 8 and 10 do. Trains run on Eastern Standard Time. Connections—At Ulysses with Fall Brook K'y for points north and south. At B. &S. Junc tion with Buffalo & Susquehannaß. R. north for Wellsville, south for Oaleton and Ansonia. At Port Allegany with W. N. Y.&P. R. R., north for Bullalo, Olean, Bradford and Smethport; soutl; for Keating Summit, Austin, Emporium and Penn'a R. It., points. B.A.McCLURE OJen'lSupt. Coudersport, Pa. j S The Plate to Ihiy Cheap S Kodcl Dyspepsia Cui'O Digests what you eat. i Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. BANNER SALVE "-■» mo-* salve in tho world- CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST n, 1904. I " ' I News From War Arena GEN. KELLER KILLED. St. Petersburg, Aug. 2.—The great est anxiety prevails here for news of the general advance against the southern and eastern positions of Gen. ICnropatkin's army. The report of Lieut. Gen. Count. Keller's death is confirmed. He was killed July 29 while repelling the pre liminary attack of Kuroki's army on the Yangze pass, 30 miles east of Liao Yang. The general wan standing near battery which was subjected to a .erriflc fire when a shell burst, close to him. He fell, mortally wounded, dying 20 minutes later. JAPS WIN TWO BATTLES. Tokio, Aug. 3. —Geu. Kuroki has ad ministered a defeat to the Russian forces which defended the Russian east flank at Liao Yang, winning sep arate actions at Yushulikzu and Yangze pass. These two places are 2G miles apart, but the two actions were fought at the same time. The Rus sians held strong positions. At Yushulikzu the Russians had two divisions of infantry and some artil lery, and they resisted the Japanese assaults vigorously. Both attacks were begun at dawn on July 3). At Yushulikzu the Japanese carried the Russian right and left MAP SHOWING HOW THE JAPANESE FORCES ARE CLOS ING IN ON THE RUSSIANS. \Ym MA rWH PORT ARTHUR TO - • iuot Qtrow mropt. about 2so mho xx j W id □ □ ;sLjjrvK l. ft** 1niJK RUSSIAN TROOPS mm wings, but on account of the strength of the main Russian position they were unable to press the attack. At "lawn on Monday the Japanese resumed the attack and by noon they had dislodged the enemy and driven him four miles to Lacholing. At Yangze pass also the Japanese were successful. Their artillery open ed on the enemy and the infantry moved forward from Makumeza. The attack on this place was made at 1' o'clock on Sunday and by nightfall the Japanese were in possession of a ma jority of the Russian positions, al though the enemy had resisted with determination. The Japanese forces passed the night in battle formation and another assault was made on Monday at dawn. By 8 o'clock Mon day morning Yangze pass and the sur rounding heights had been captured. St. Petersburg, Aug. 3. —Gen. Kuro patkin reports that the Japanese have occupied Ikhavuen, east of Liao Yang, and the Yangze pass, 30 miles east of Liao Yang. PORT ARTHUR ATTACKED. Che Foo. Aug. 4. —The steamer Wu chow, which has just arrived here from New Chwang, brings further de tails of the latest Japanese assault on Port Arthur. When nearing Che Foo, he Wuchow picked up a junk carry ing seven men, four women and one boy who left Port Arthur Tuesday. They reported that the fighting north of the city of Port Arthur occurred at Wolf Hill and was sanguinary, result ing in the repulse of the Japanese. Tokio, Aug. 4.—The Japanese de feated the Russians at Simoucheng j and drove them toward Haicheng in a sharp fight which began last Saturday and ended on Sunday. The Russians left 1,500 dead on the field and lost six guns. St. Petersburg, Aug. 5. —Gen. Sak harofx' reports that 29 officers and over a thousand men were killed or wound ed in the engagements of July 30 and July 31, and that six guns were aban doned. Tokio, Aug. 5. —The Russians began abandoning Haicheng August 2. The Japanese entered Haicheng without Ex-Gov. Pattison Dies. Philadelphia, Aug. 2. —Robert E. Pattison, who was twice democratic governor of Pennsylvania and twice controller of Philadelphia, died early Monday at his home in Overlook, a suburb of this city. Pneumonia, com plicated with a weakness of the heart, was the cause of death. He was 53 years old. Mr, Pattison was a candi date for governor on the democratic ticket against Gov. Pennypacker in 1902 and had not been a well man since his laborious campaign iu that year, when hi« tour of seven weeks covered every county in the state. j resistance at noon Wednesday and the Japanese occupied New Chwang the I same day. Twelve torpedo boat destroyers, four torpedo boats and some gunboats emerged from the harbor at Port Ar thur on the night of August 1. but were driven back again by the Japa nese warships on guard outside. London, Aug. 5. —A dispatch to a news agency from An-Shan (half way between Ilaicheng and Liao Yang) says:"The Japanese advance is be ing continued with great energy against the southern army. The Rus sian main forces continue their re tirement northward, but the cavalry has checked the Japanese Hank move ment." KUROPATKIN HEMMED IN, New Chwang, Aug. 5. —Geu. Kuroki with 100,000 men is now behind the Russian forces; Gen. Oku with an army of 50,000 men is on their front, while flanking them on the left is Gen. Nodzu with his division of 50,000 men. If Gen. Kuropatkin is defeated in this battle he must either move west ward or surrender. The Russian troops at Port. Arthur have been driven back to the last line of their defenses. The Japanese at tacking force has 350 guns in action. Vladivostok, Aug. 5. —The prize court has decided to confiscate such portion of the cargo of the steamer Arabia as was consigned to Japanese ports, namely, 5,900 pounds of flour and the railroad equipment. Che Foo, Aug. 5. —Twenty-one sur vivors of the British steamer Hipsang, which was sunk by a Russian torpedo j boat in Pigeon Bay on July 16, arrived | here Thursday on board the German 1 steamer Sulberg. Among tlie surviv ! ors are three Europeans, j Mukden, Aug. 6. —It is reported j here that the Japanese attacked the J Russian position at Anshanshan (mid t way between Haicheng and Liao Yang) on August 2 and were repulsed with heavy loss. The Russian casual ties are not known. Tokio, Aug. 6. —The Russians left 700 dead on the battlefield at Simou cheng, and the Japanese casualties • during the same battle aggregated 800. ; The Japanese captured six guns at j Simoucheng. London, Aug. 6. —A dispatch to the | Japanese legation from Tokio an ! nounces that Gen. Kuroki estimates j the Russian casualties at the battle of j Yushu pass and Yangtze pass as at I least 2,000. The Japanese captured I eight, officers and 149 men, two field guns, many rifles, etc. The Daily Illustrated Mirror says that two Russian cruisers have just left the Baltic Sea and are chasing a I steamer which left England July 30 j for Canada, carrying ammunition de j stined for Yokohama by way of the i Canadian Pacific railway, j Berlin, Aug. C. —The National 7,el | tung prints a private telegram l.m j Tokio dated August C in which it is I stated that there are five Japanese di i visions before Port Arthur, part of them within three and a half miles of the fortress, and that there are alto gether 20 Japanese divisions in Man churia. The telegram says that. Tokio is expecting the fall of Port Arthur and the capitulation of Gen. Kuropat kin on the same day. Parker Resigns as Judge. Albany, N. Y„ Aug. 6. —Judge Park er's resignation as chief judge of the court of appeals was filed with the secretary of state yesterday. This will enable the issuence of the necessary orders to bring about the election of a successor to Chief Judge Parker this | fall for the full term of 14 years in j stead of an appointment by the gov ' ernor for one year if the resignation 1 had been delayed until after August 10. I Union Miners are Enjoined. Springfield, 111., Aug. 2.—Joseph Leiter's coal company yesterday ob tained an injunction from Judge Humphrey in the federal court pro hibiting union miners from picketing or patrolling the premises of the com pany at Ziegler, 111.; from entering upon the property, from interfering with rneji who wish to work, from ! -threatening or persuading men to quit work, from interfering with or enter- I ing trains or cars going to and from Zeigler. The restraining order is temporary and the case is set for j hearing September 15 in this city. & I nnif CI QCU/UCRC BUT DONT FORGET THESE i m LUUrV tLotWntnt PRICES AND FACTS AT y L a BAR S I $ S3O Bedroom Suits, solid OC S4O Sideboard, quartered {tOH '^r 0 oak at 4>Z J oak J)OU S2B Bedroom Suits, solid Cll $32 Sideboard, quartered (TIC ISi. ■4 oak at 4>Zl oak J)/0 rj $25 Bedroom Suits, solid S2O $22 Sideboard, quartered .sl6 £ £1 A large line of Dressers from Chiffloniers of all binds and §8 up. prices. w A large and elegant line of Tufted and Drop-head $ A Couches. Beauties and at bargain prices. $ | —— a .Q, The finest line of Sewing Machines 011 the market, jyL rf the "Domestic" and "Eldredge". All drop heads and W warranted. w A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, in sets and by the piece. $ 5# As I keep a full line of everything that goes to make $r V up a good Furniture store, it is useless to enumerate them a & all - call and see for yourself that I am telling you jvL the tiuth, and if you don't buy, there is no harm done, as YT it is no trouble to show goods. W | GEO. J. LaBAR. 112 •*, $ '*?-=• taTTssJ s?iT=J fersJigns. ißalcom & Lloyd. 1 L ■ . * "I 1 Prepared | I F° r | I the Season I | We have opened and are displaying a 11 I choice line of . . ill IFANCY I DRY GOODS I p specially selected for the . . 01 j Summer! 112 ® Season. I ill p Ml lf| We have gathered such articles as ||j combine elegance with jj and utility at jj| I Very Reasonable 1 I Prices ~ I a. — b | Balcom & Lloyd. I 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers