8 Womanly Health, Strength and Beauty Strength and beauty in woman depend entirely upon her health. A woman cannot look her best if suffering from one or more of the many ail ments peculiar to her sex. These ailments in variably cause, sooner or later, the loss of her symmetry of form and freshness of complexion. AUNT DINAH S OLD VIRGINIA Herb Tea Makes Strong and Beautiful Women. It is a most pleasant and effective remedy for the troubles which cause so much Flittering among women the world over. It relieves immediately and eventually cures all cases of disordered men struation, female weakness, prolapsus, chronic constipation, sick head ache, nervousness and sleeplessness. These are the ailments which de prive a woman of her youth and beauty and make her old before her time. The use of the Herb Tea will enable her to retain these qualities. It clears the complexion and improves the form. A cupful at bed time will give a woman health and strength. Chicago, April 19.1903. Hamlins Wizard Oil Co..Chicago. 111. Gentlemen My wife* had been nnirerintr with female weakness ami extreme nervousness which latter the physician who ha* been attending her for a long time attributed to her being unable to sleep. Alter tossing about all night she would invariably rise in the morn, ing with a terrible headache. The doctor seemed to be able to do nothing for her and *he was constantly get ting worse. She decided to try your Herb Tea and drank a cupful before retiring. In the morning she arose after a good night's iest and without a headache for the first time in months. She has continual taking it during the past three months and has forgotten what a sleepless night means. She is feeling splendid and every one remarks how well she is looking. Her com plexion Is as clear as a young girl's and her figure has improved wonderfully. Yours truly. N. K. TAYLOR. 5338 Cornell A v., Chicago. Prepared bj Hamlins Wiurd Oil Co., Chicago. Price, 25c. HAMLINS COUGH BALSAM Soothes the Throat. Stops the Cougli. 86c. and 50c. HAMLINS BLOOD &. LIVER PILLS Act Gently and Without Pain. 25c. FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY L. TAGGART. For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hem orrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate—cure certain. Thre« Sizen, 25c.,6t»«% aud £I.OO. Sold hy DriiguiiitM, or Meat prepaid oil receipt of price. Humphrey*' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John fct*., New ork. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Vital Weakness and Prostra tion from overwork and othei causes. Humphreys' Homeo pathic Specific No. 28, in use over 40 years, the only success ful remedy. $1 per vial, or spec ial package for serious cases, $5. Kold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price. Humphreys' Med. Co., William & John Sts., N. Y. JOS. A. FREINDEL. GEO. E. HUFtTEAU fieiilMlin General Hardware Stoves, Tinware, Etc. Since opening our new store we have been kept on the jump continually arranging our new goods. We have not had time to tell the PRESS readers what we are doing, so they are all in vited to call and see for them selves. Our line of goods now com prise a full line of Hardware, Stoves, (iardcit and Farming 112 mplimcnts, General House Furnishings, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Iu fact anythingyou may need. If we have not what you want we will order for you on short notice. Our prices are right and we will not be undersold. Plumbing, Roofing and Tin Work. Having had eighteen years ex perience in this department we guarantee all work entrusted to us. Keep your eye on this space. FREINDEL & HURTEfiU. Excursion Train Wrecked. Last Sunday a Berious wreck occurred as the train neared Portage Falls. The following from Bradford Star in the main, is correct: The train was running through the village at a good rate of speed, when the locomotive and baggage care left the track and ran along the ties for about 600 feet. The locomotive crashed into the sides of a tool house, wrecking it complete ly. The tender was thrown to the op posite side of the track. The emergency brakes on the cars were automatically set, as soon as the locorr.otive became detached from the train and the cars were brought to each a sudden standstill that passen gers were thrown forward in their seats and in the aisles with great force. The moat seriously injured person was Mrs. Harriet (Joe, of No. 80 Sum mer street. She was walking toward the water tank for a drink when the cars stopped. Mrs. Ooe is 80 years old, and had not sufficient strength to withstand the shock. She was thrown violently to the floor and rendered un conscious. Constable William W. Tadder was standing in the aisle. He was talking to Constable and Mrs. Charles Spreter, and he was thrown with great violencs against the seats ahead. He sustained injuries to his right arm, body and hip. Mrs. E. F. Logan, of No. 18 Summer Street, had her spine injured. She did not feel the effects of it until she reach ed home. She is in a serious condition today. Mrs. M. Love, once a resident of Bradford, an Emporium woman, Mrs. John Hurst and Mrs. Charles Spreter were all either cut or bruised, but not seriously. Minor injuries were sustain ed by many people on the train. Mrs. Coe is in a serious condition at the Bradford hospital. Her face and body were badly cut and bruised and owing to her great age the shock is a serious feature of her condition. She has not improved any since the wreck. R. C. Dodson. Ask the readers of this paper who are suffering with indigestion or dyspepsia to call on theui at once and get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. If you know the value of this remedy as we know it, you would not suffer another day. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a thorough digestant and tissue building tonic as well. It is endorsed personally by hundreds of people whom it has cured of indiges tion, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart and stomach troubles generally. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. It is pleasant, palatable and strengthen ing When laith prays it goes out to work for an answer. Ten Thousand Churches Painted With L. & M. There is not much money lost in buy ing one pint of ready mixed paint, but when a quantity is needed, then its big loss to buy any ready mixed paint. The Longman & Martinez L. & M., l'aint is I semi-mixed, and quickly made ready for use as follows: To four gallons of'L. .t j M., at 51.05 per gallon, add '•> gallons of : Linseed Oil at 50 ets. per gallon, thus making 7 gallons of paint for 88.ll) or 81.1(5 per gallon. Wears and covers j like gold. Sold by li. S. Lloyd. Love ie always on the market but I never on sale. i Piles Upon Top of Piles. Piles upon top of piles of people have the Piles, and DcWitt's Witch Ilazel j Salve cures them. There are many dif ferent kinds of Piles, but if you get the genuine and original Witeli Hazel Salvo made by E. C. DeWitt & Co., of Chi cago, a cure is certain. 11. A. Tisdalc, of Sunnnerton, S. C'., says,"l had piles 20 years and DeWitt's Salve cured me after everything else failed." Sold by R. C. Dodson. Hurtling the ledger will not balance the books. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weak ness into strength, listlcssness into ener gy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 2.1 c per box. Sold by L. Taggart. Light is the only protection against darkness. Night was her Terror. '■l would cough nearly all night long." writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough fright fully and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed three 81.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured tin; and I gained 58 pounds." It's ab solutely guaranteed lo cure Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and 81.00. Trial bottles free at L. Taggart's drug store. Brutally Tortured. A case came to light that for persist ent aud unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equaled. Joe (iolobick of Colusa, Calif., writes. "For 15 years I endured insufferable pain from Rheu matism and nothing relieved ine though I tried everything known. I came across Electric Bitters and it's the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it completely relieved and cured tue." Just as good for Livpi and Kidney troubles and general debility. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by L. Taggart, Druggist. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano- j forte, has received a fuil line of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All I the popular airs. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY ax, 1904 THE COUNTY. MASON HILL. Splendid hay weather. Mr. A. W. Mason was seen on our streets Sunday. Raymond Russell. of Straight is visit ing his grand-parents at this place. "Met" Burr oi Hix Run, passed over the hill on Saturday, enroute to Sterling Run. Mr. Ataberson Smith, of Castle Gar den, transacted business at this place on Monday. Mr. A. R. Baker, accompanied by Ilarry Marsh, paid Driftwood a visit on Saturday. Mrs. Oran Joidan, of Huston Hill, called on some of her Mason Hill friends on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Saville McCracken, of Straights, Pa., are the guests of the lat ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Russell. Harrison Lupro and son, of St. Marys, hearing the reputation of Mason Hill lor huckleberries, came down expecting to be abundantly supplied with these deli cacies, but were sadly disappointed anil returned home with empty baskets. Sv ME's. FIRST FORK. Raspberries (black caps) and buckle berries are plenty now. Will Mabon has moved his family down to Mr. Bowen's, having rented his property at Costello. J. M. Brooks has moved into one of Mr. Coleord's houses near the mill, so as to be handy to his work. Dr. and Mrs. Colcord are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Marion Berlield, ot Cou dersport, a daughter of Mrs. Colcord. N. Thileges and family have moved over from (ialeton and are working for Mr. O'Brien, through haying and har vest. Farmers are commencing hayin», those who have been lucky enough to get their buckwheat in and hoeing done between showers. Uncle Hugh Caldwell is suffering with the dropsy. He is the oldest man in town now, and perhaps in the county, be ing 80. His daughters, Mrs. Waters and Mrs. Sutnmerson, of Kettle ('reek, are visiting him. Nuff Sed. SINNAMAHONING. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Berlield, a son, July oth. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Swart wood July 14th, a daughter, rmil from P. it K. trains and.l. Henry Logue from B. S. F S. trains. Fine weather for the past week and farmers have been busy haying. Huckleberries are not very plenty this season on Karthaus mountain. Sinnamrhoning has two mail carriers now. Mrs. Martha Belden carries the Several parties are camping on the old campground in tirove Run, through the hot weather. A wreck on the B. S. & S. road Thursday evening at this place. Several ears were off the track. Miss Bessie Walker went to Williams port hospital last Saturday, to be treated for catarrh ot the stomach. A party from Brookville are tenting near the Sinnamahoning House on the Island, for a few weeks and enjoying themselves hunting the festive ground hog and fishing. Mr. Jessie Michaels, was called to Lock Haven very suddenly last week, ou the acaount of the death of his brother Win. 11. Michaels, who was killed at Ilyner. Deceased leaves a wife and live children. Parties were out "gigging on Saturday night and killed a lot of fish and left them lay in the creek. It seems that they done it just for sport. Next time they had better stay at home and not violate the fish law or they will be looked after. The Fulton Bros., have the outside painting done on the I*. O. S. of A. building and it is a fine job and done in good shape. They will commence to paint and decorate the inside this week. All who want a first-class job done would do well to engage them to do the work. Marriage bells were ringing at the j home of the groom's parents, on Saturday ! evening. July 10th. Mr. E. M. (J. j I'easley, of this place, and Miss Pearl 1 Moore of Potter Dale, Clinton county, j were united in the holy bonds of matri- j mony by 'Squire Vine llanscom. A | iarge number of friends were present and i partook of a wedding supper and after some select music by the string band and | wishing tlieni the best of happiness all i went home, wishing that joy go with | them and that all their troubles be little j ones. Deb.se. July 20, 1904. Through Daylight Train to Atlantic City via Pennsylvania Railroad. On Sundays and Thursdays the Phila- j delphia parlor cars on the Day Express | of the Pennsylvania Railroad from But- | falo, arriving Philadelphia, Broad Street ! Station, 7..'12. p. in., will be run through I via Delaware River Bridge Route to Atlantic City, arriving at Atlantic City 8.10 p. m. Day coaches will also be run 1 011 this train to Philadelphia and from | Philadelphia to Atlantic City. This is the only line by which through j cars are run to the chiel seashore resort j of America. 3187-21-2t. Bargain in Books. A complete set of Brittanica Ency- j clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes and key. Are all new and in original packages. Will be sold at a bargain, j Apply at Press office. 36tf A Little Girl's Troubles. My little girl, five years old, was j doctored for several months for bladder j trouble but without success. She was very bad and caused us much anxiety. | Finally we put aside the doctors' medi j eines and tried Thompson's Barosma or Kidney and Liver Cure. Five or six I bottles made a complete cure and she is j now a sound, healthy girl. N. F. Leslie, Oil City, Pa. For sale by R. C. | Dodson. The turn of a woman's head often J turns a man's head. A Large Heward. Is herewith offered to any case where I Thompson's Barosma has cured any dis -1 tress of the kidneys and liver and the | cure has not remained a permanent one. j Thompson's Barosma is the secret of the success of a great physician who is a spcialist on kidney and liver diseases. It is pleasant to take and agrees with the | most delicate &touiach. Druggists. For j sale by R. C. Dodson. Politics has made a few men and ur- I made many. For a lazy liver try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They in vigorate the liver, aid the digestion, re g ulate the bowels and prevent billious at tacks. For sale by L. Taggart. A little practice proves more than a lot of polemics > A Continual Strain. Many men and women are constantly subjected to what they commonly term "a continual strain'' because of some financial or family trouble. It wears and I distresses them both mentally and physi r cally, affecting their nerves badly and bringing on liver and kidney ailments, with the attendant evils ot constipation, , loss of appetite, sleepleasness, low vitality . aud dispondeney. They cannot, as a rule, get ride of this "continual strain," but they can remedy its health destroy ing effects by taking frequent doses of 1 Green's August Flower. It tones up the liver, stimulates the kidneys, insures healthy bodily functions, gives vim and spirit to one's whole being, and event ually dispels the physical or mental dis tress caused by that "continual straiu." Trial bottle of August Flower, 25c; reg ular size, 75. At all druggists. 48-ly. Self conceit throws salt, into the wounds of pride. No Pity Shown. "For years fate was after me con tinuously' writes F. A. (juilcdgc, Ver bena. Ala. "I had a terrible ease of Piles causing 24 tumors. When all fail ed Buckien's Arnica Salve cured me. ' Equally good for Burns and ail aches 1 and pains. < >nly 25c at L. Taggart's ! Drug Store. To err is human and the ability to I hide it is divine. Piles, Piles, Piles, j Samuel Mahannah, of Centreville, Pa., | says:"l had beeu troubled for years I with piles and must have spent 85(10 j doctoring. The doctors said 1 had the j worst case they ever saw. San-Cura j Ointment stopped the pain and cured me in a short time." San-Cura Ointment, 25c and 50c. At all druggists. For sale by R. C. Dodson. When trouble calls it usually finds a man at home- A Serious Matter. "The third dose of Thompson's Barosma made me feel like a different j man. I suffered about a year with pain lin back, side and uroin. My hands, j arms and side of face became numb; would wake up numb all over; have to get out of bed and go through gymnastic exercises to get sleep. I had decided to sell out iny business but was cured by Thompson's Barosma. This was two jyc ars ago and I have been in perfect | health ever since.—J. J. Borne. Titus j ville, Pa. For sale by R. C. Dodson. ft I ■ II!■■ ■— ■■ I ■■ II I—B—KM ■■■III «Tg|yrg,-3 g My Friend! 112 j Read "~Th iiT j |n] Dr. J. M. Card's Branch Dental Ollice, [n |n of Emporium, I'enn'a., located over Metz- nj n| ger's Jewelry Store, offers for the next [n [n three months, these inducements, viz: nj Full Upper or Lower Set of (]j Teeth, - - - $7.00 p] [n Full Gold Crown for any of n| ;ru the ten Anterior Teeth, $4.00 m I [u Full Gold Crown for any of Ln the Molar Teeth. - $4.50 Ordinary Silver Fillings, 50 Cts [}j Gold Fillings, SI.OO and up. [}j | A well established reputation for j! |ln Painless Extraction of Teeth. n] m REFFRENCES: —Ask your neigh- rO | [tJ bors; they all carry my work lo j J{j in their mouths. {„ i m i [f| All Material guaranteed, The best to be n] | m purchased at any price. The work In [n talks for itself. nj [n Remember these prices are limited to nj I jj] the next three menths only. [j| m TERMS STRICTLY CASH. | i Chas. I Dielil's | Special IJ I Bulletin. | 1.. . , II W Eggs 23c until furtlier |MJ j|S>> notice. (j||j Wf Five Bars Soap, five ||| fi cents. I'M IJ Dold and Libby's Can- |fl M> ned Meats of all kinds. |§| jh| Just what you want for |(M| j|x outing parties. Pure and [ W ||| nice—cheap, too. || FRESH MEATS of all ||j |P kinds daily. Mil M Friday and Saturday aM J m car of fresh Vegetables. ass : jjj|j Melons and' Loupes will |||| j m County Produce taken f|| j jjjffilj in exchange for goods. [Mi j r M-' We invite our custo- 111 ||f| mers to call and see the |j|| r Pa many improvements, new I'ff j 111 counters, etc., that we |l| M have ju?t made. We js|; please our customers and Jj&- 1 [||J meet their wants. jjj| Diehl j| ■ i J.C and /nr .aids. , rjvents pneumonia. I Why Not Buy Clothing that looks neat and dressy and ■ at the same time give you serviceable wear and comfort. M This is the kind we sell. We offer these goods at the ■ same price and in many instances much lower than ■ others. I 111 all men would only investigate our statements f|p and buy our clothing and furnishings there would be less complaining adout ready to wear clothing. If you |||? have been disappointed at other stores, come here. |g| Therere are cheaper stores than ours but none so <;ood Hj and cheap. See the point? Jasper Harris, 1 The People's Clothier. [ Adam, i Meldrum Meldrum & > Anderson Co. \ ) MUFFALO.X. V. S < 390-408 Main Street, > I SAMPLE ! I WAISTS | j Half Price | \\/E have sold thousands C < of these beautiful C j sample waists to delighted * J customers during the past } > two weeks and have hun- ) s dreds of more —a belated } i shipment just received. \ C They are the newest styles \ £ and include such well known \ ) waists as — i j The ' Geisha," i \ The "Opera," ) !The "Essenelle," i "Fisk, Clark & Flagg," | THE BEST WAISTS MADE. J Waists were SI.OO, now 50c { Waiste were $1.75, now 95c \ Waists were $3.75, now $1.95 112 WAISTS OF PURE LINEN. \ Embroidered and hand drawn, were 17.00 1 and $7.50. Extra special, d»Q PxO c 13.75 and CpO.i-JW £ Beautiful SILK PETICOATS I j 112 Were $. r >.oo, now $3.75. \ i \ Were $7.50, now $5.00. x \ Mail Orders. \ \ We fill all orders the same day received, i J Exchanges made promptly; money re- J j 1 funded instantly if unsatiyfactory. I > Adam, } Meldrum & c Anderson 00. J i P The Americac Block, J £ BUFFALO, N. Y. )
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers