8 No. 3286. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BAXIC, AT EMPORIUM, IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS. MARCH 28, 1904. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans »nd Discounts *280,044 28 u , g(ock paj( , , n ,50 000 M Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 1,446 26 Surplus fund „• 37,600 00 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 50,(100 00 Undivided profits leas expenses and; 24g()3 U.S. Bonds to secure U.S. Deposits... 100,(100 00 notes outstanding 4H.3UO 00 U. S. Bonds on hand 1,000 00 j jj ue to othe. National Banks 6,540 55 Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 11,768 76 1 Due to State Banks and Bankers 8 00 Bonds, secureties. etc 63,714 86 ,nd ™.^P o "' B BUbjeCt t0 <3t 8,927 86 Banking house, furniture and fixtures. 7.998 90 Demand certificatesofdeposit 1,470 CO Other real estate owned 6,530 49 !j Certified checks J® Due from Nat l Hanks (not reserve agts) 994 64 1 "poJlu.8"', 000 00 441,351 10 Due from approved reserve agents.... 60,684 15 j j Notes of other National Banks 1,010 00 il Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 213 01 LAWFUL MONBY RBSERVK IN BANK: Specie $23,239 05 Legal-tender notes 6,160 00 29,399 06 j Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer, 5 per cent of circulation 2,500 00 , Total $607,304 38 $607,304 38 State of Pennsylvania, County of Cameron, S3: —l, T. B. Lloyd, Cashier of the above named Bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. H 1.1.0vn, caaiiler. Subscribed and sworn to before me ) I _ this 2d day of April, 1904. ) I COBBBCT— Attest: „™ „ „ , „. „ 1 GEO. A. WALKER, ) C. y>. SUA FPKR, Notary Public, I JOSIAH HOWARD, > Directors, Com'is'on expires at end of next Session of Senate I N. SEOER, j * - Spring is Here And we wish to say that we are better prepared than ever before to supply you with all kinds of Hardware and Builders Supplies. We have in addition to our regular stock, (the for business of U. A. Palmer, known as Hockley's Coal Yard) consisting of Brick, Lime Cement, Wall Plaster, Shingles, Coal, Hay, Hardwood, etc., etc., a full line of PAINTS, COLORS in OIL, PAINT BRUSHES, etc. Plumbing and Tinning is among our specialties. Costs you nothing for estimates in these lines. All our work is positively guaranteee to give satisfaction. Stoves and Ranges. Don't forget we carry the largest assortment of STOVES and RANGES for gas, coal or wood in county and every one guaranteed by the maker. NIURRY £ COPPERSMITH CO. —i—— ——— | Adam, j Meldrum & s \ Anderson Co. I J BUFFALO, N. Y. \ * 396-408 Main Street, 3 I Rugs and I Carpets. ) r No matter what the color or \ > size rug you desire there is just \ 112 the thing in this vast stock of J } ours. We are the only direct \ > importers of rugs in Buffalo, \ > and we have the largest and best J J assortment of perfect rugs to j \ be found west of New York City. > } Antique Persians } 5 of rare beauty in all sizes. We J J have a splendid lot of these in i X various sizes which we are sell- \ s ing as low as S2O. J 112 Our stock of Persian, Indian \ \ and Turkish rugs in carpet sizes \ s is not equalled in this country. J i Domestic Rugs \ r Over 150 designs in the differ- j sent sizes of Wi'tons, Axministers i * and Body Brussels. ? j Carpets 6 All the new patterns for spring } \ are now shown in all their beau- 3 * ty and richness of design and s P color effects— c r AXMINISTERS, \ J WILTONS, 1 > BODY BRUSSELS, } X TAPESTRY, \ \ INGRAINS, < 112 in all reliable makes and exclu- J 3 eive patterns. \ J MAILORDERS. All mail orders j \ are filled the same day received. 1 * Send for Samples. c > Adam, ? ( Meldrum & r > Anderson Co. J 112 The Ara eric an Block, j 112 BUFFALO, N. Y. ) 112 I Worry wont cure a cough. When I I you find a cough holding on— | I when everything else has failed— j ShiloK s ' Consumption | Cure K; ic LunE I It is guaranteed to cure. If it doesn't, we'll refund your money. | Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 4 25c. 50c. sl. Lcßoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. I Dr. HumphreysT After fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity and largest sale in their history, due to intrinsic merit. They cure the sick. *O. CURES. PRICES. I—Fever., Congestions, Inflammations. .545 tt-Warnii, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .23 3—Teething. Colle.Crying,Wakefulness .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 7—Cough., Colds, Bronchitis !J3 | H—Neuralgia, Toothache, Faccaatie as 9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .S3 I 10—Dyapepsla, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.2s 1 I—Suppressed or Painful Periods 43 ! lit—'Whites, Too Profuse Periods 25 I 13—Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25 ! 14—Salt Khrum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 1 3—RheuinatUni, Rheumatic Pains 23 16—Malaria. Chills, Fever and Ague 25 19—Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .25 3SO—Whooping-Cough 25 27—Kidney Diseases 85 2M—Xervoun Debility 1.00 30—Urinary Wenkness, Wetting Bed.. .23 I 77—Grip. Hay Fever 25 Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. | ■#«* Dr. Humphreys' New Pocket Manual I of all Diseases mailed free. Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William anil j John Sts.. New York. Easy and Quick! Soap=Making with BANNER LYE To make the very best soap, simply j dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold j water, melt 5 lbs. of grease, pour the I Lye water in the grease. Stir and put | aside to set Full Directions on Every Package Banner Lye is pulverized. The can may be opened and closed at will, per mitting the use of a small quantity at a time. It is just the article needed in every household. It will clean paint, floors, marble and tile work, soften water, disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. Write for booklet "Uses of Banner Lye " —free. Tha Penn Chemical Works, Philadelphia S The Place to Buy Cheap S j X 18 AT J j ) J. F. PARSONS' CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1904. A Cure Ouartnteed. Many people after taking certain remedies are to all appearances cured but the question always arises, ''Do they stay cured?" The great claim for that splendid remedy, Thompson's Barosma, backache, Kidney and Liver Cure is that it. makes a decided and lasting cure aud that the general health is restored. Send for circulars of testimonials to K. K. Thompson & Son, Titusville Pa. For sale by 15. C. Dodson. The work of this life writes the lease 4or the next. Are You a DytpepticP If you are a dyspeptic you owe it to yourself and your friends to get well. Dyspepsia annoys the dyspeptic's fiienda because his disease sours his disposition as well as his stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will not only cure dyspepsia, indi gestion and sour stomach, but this palat able, reconstructive tonic digestant strengthens the whole digestive apparatus, and sweetens the life as well as the stom ach. When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure the food you eat is enjoyed. It is digested, assimilated and its nutriment properties appropriated by the blood and tissues. Health is the result. Sold by R. C. Dodson. It is wonderful how brave the average man is after the battle. The Most Fatal Disease. Diseases of the kidneys cause more deaths than any other one class of dis eases. Most people who have kidney diseases do not know they have it. The first symptons are either not noticed or mistaken for something else. This is why insurance companies always require a strict aualysis of urine before grauting insurance. Thompson's Bar asma will at once relieve any conjestion or inflamation of the kidneys and has made remarkable cures in Bright's disease, sciatica and all diseases of the kidneys and liver. Pleasant to take. For sale by R. C. Dodson. When a boy looks saintly send for a doctor. The Best Family Salve. DeWitt's Witch Hazel gives instant relief from Burns, cures Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Eczema, Tetter and all abrasions of the skin. In buying Witch Hazel Salve it is only necessary to see that you get the genuine DeWitt's and a cure is certain. There are many cheap counter feits on the market, all of which are worthless, and quite a few are dangerous, while DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is perfectly harmless and cures. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Th serious life expresses itself in M'mplicity. Good For Children. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immed iate relief in all cases of Cough, Croup and LaGrippi because it does not pass immediately into the stomach, but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes and cures permanently by enabl ing the lungs to contribute pure life-giv ing and life-sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take and is good alike for young and old. Sold by It. C. Dod son. la laterrapted Prartr. When Meredith P. Gentry was de feated for the gove;norshlp of Tennes see by Andrew Johnson, afterward president, he was much chagrined, principally, he said, because he "had been run over by that great calf," as he contemptuously designated Johnson. Gentry's melancholy over the result of the election Increased as time passed, and he went into a decline. Ho some of his friends visited him In order to cheer him up and, as was the custom In those days, emptied several demi johns of whisky during the evening. It was very late before they thought of retiring, and then Gentry announced that as there was a clergyman present (I'arson Browulow) he would request him to offer up a prayer before the company went to bed. Brother Brown low, whose specialty was exhortation, began to pray. lie included everything In his petition and at last said, "And, O Lord, if in thy inlinite mercy it be possible, have mercy also upon An drew Johnson." Gentry *vas 011 his feet in an instant. "Stop, Mr. Brown low; stop!" he exclaimed. "You will exhaust the fount of infinite mercy!" The Olive. The olive has been applied for vari ous medicinal purposes since old Barn eses I. held sway over his dark skin ned subjects in northern Africa. In tlie days of ancient Borne tlie leaves and bark of the tree were used by the remarkable medical experts of that time to allay and cure violent attacks of intermittent fever, while the res' inous gum which exuded from the tret in the hot season was used for many of the ills to which flesh is heir. The oil of the olive itself later was used by the Roman athletes to soothe their heated bodies after indulging in heroic attempts to break the early records for 100 yard dashes and putting the dis cus or shot. Then the oil of the wild olive was employed as an extraordi nary panacea, guaranteed to stop the ravages of ail ailments. Last of all, in more modern times the women of our own day use the olive oil in the form of soap to beautify the complexion by softening the pores and nourishing the rt'in itself. Subscribe for the PRESS; only $1.50 a | year in advance. i JOS. A. FREINDEL. 6EO. E. HURTEAU Fremiti lien General Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Etc. Since opening onr new store we liave been kept on the jump continually arranging our new goods. We have not had time to tell the PRESS readers what we are doing, so they are all in vited to call and see for them selves. Our line of goods now com prise a full line of Hardware, Stoves, C>ar<lcii and Farming Impliments, General House Furnishings, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. In fact anything you may need# If we have not what you want we will order for you on short notice. Our prices are right and we will not be undersold. Plumbing, Roofing and Tin Work. Having had eighteen years ex perience in this department we guarantee all work entrusted to us. Keep your eye on this space. FREINDEL & HURTEAU. jjj Rockwell's jjj jjj Drug Store. j| CI s S The Cold Cream that in n] we make is unsur- [jl |j] passed for face and jjj l/i hands and will make Gj the skin soft and }{] [Jj white. We have j{] nJ Nail, Tooth and In n] Hair Brushes, Wist Rl Brooms. Chamois [jj In Skin and Sponges. til [}{ No better goods 011 n gj the market. When jjj nJ you want your favo- pi rite recipes tilled n] j{] Bring them to us. ui Our stationery leads. nJ [}! Also our toilet cream, [{] P toilet water, toilet tfj u soaps, perfumes and n] sashet powder. All [n Jj] the latest. jjj j{] Our Botanic Dry Kidney Cure fr m is an exoeilent tonic. A specific nJ |"U lor all diseases of the kidneys. ui $ M. A. ROCKWELL, ffi 9 P liSH HSHSHSc -3 HSHSHSHS E5 ? 5 SHHJ To any person suffering with I Asthma or Hay- Fever One full size box of DAY'S ASTHMA POWDER Name Address. Write your name and address in space; cut out coupon and mail to us at once. IWM. D. DAY & CO., l.awrenceville, Tioga Co., Pa. or 1306 BROADWAY. BrookIyn. N.Y. I $ LOOK ELSFWHFRF BUT DON T for get these .112 LUUIX LLOLWnC.nL prices AND FACTS AT jjf LAB AR S: $ S3O Bedroom Suite, solid Sideboard, quartered t S2B Bedroom Suits, solid ff«)| $32 Sideboard, quartered (TOP p oak at 3*l oak, J>ZD Cf & s2f> Bedroom Suite, solid $ 22 Sideboard, quartered J|g 4^ A large line of Dressers from Chiffloniers of all kinds and & yj $8 up. prices. 'W V? A large and elegant line of Tufted and Drop-head ft Couches. Beauties and at bargain prices. A . The finest line of Sewing Machines on the market, M r? the "Domestic" and "Eldredge". All drop heads and nr warranted. $ A fine line of Dishes, common grade and China, in w n sets and by the piece. Jo( & As I keep a full line of everything that goes to make W up a good Furniture store, it is useless to enumerate them V <r aIK & "U Please call and see for yourself that lam telling you v JX the tiuth, and if you don't buy, there is no harm done, as Jvl 'rf it is no trouble to show goods. W I GEO. J. LaBAR. I 112 Now Ready for Spring. V¥7E have just received a fine ™ line of CLOTHING for the Spring trade and if you want goods that are strictly up to date ■ you should see our stock. Our Clothing is perfect in style, workmanship and fit, for solid 1 comfort and our guarantee accom panies every article we sell. We want all our customers to" be perfectly satisfied. Never any • chance for a kick. We have pur v chased a large stock for the spring :i trade, and our goods are sure to please in every particular. The place to buy your clothing is where you are [sure to get your moneys worth and we think you can find 110 better place than here. Our prices are always reasonable. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Shoes, I Hats. Shirts and in fact every thing to dress you in an up-to-date T manner. Come in and see us and Jasper Harris, 1 The People's Clothier.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers