KMPORIUM MILLING PRICE LIST. Emporium, Pa., March 1, 1904. NEMOPHILA, persack «1 50 Felt's Fancy, " 160 Pet Grove, " 180 Grahaui, " 75 Rye " 65 Buckwheat, " 75 Patent Meal '• 50 Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 35 Chop Peed, " 1 35 Middlings, Fancy " 1 50 Bran 125 Corn, per bushel, 75 White Oats, per bushel, 60 Choice Clover Seed, 1 Ohoice M'iUet Seed?**' [ At Market Prices. Pancy Kentucky Blue Grass, | R.C. DODSON, THE Drugcjist, IKMPORIVH, I* A. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. it. C. nODSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution* invited. That which you rooulo like to see in this department Jet us know by po* tal card or letter, personally. H. R. Manett visited at Port Alle gany last week. Riley Warner is now clerk at the Warner House. Geo. Baxter is now employed at Climax Powder works. Peter Sclnveikart visited at Warsaw, N. Y., several days this week. Alex. McDonald, of Driftwood took in the ball on Tuesday evening. John Kelley, Esq, has returned from visiting in Bradford county. Miss Blanch Kissel 1, of Sterling Run, visited in town on Saturday last. Chief of PoliceFitzp&trick of Austin, had business in Emporium to-day. Miss Annie Schweikart is visiting friends at Williamsport this week. Mrs. M. 11. Dodge spent Sunday and Monday with friends? at Sterling Run. J. M. Walker, of Scranton, visited at his old home at this place over Sun day. Mrs. Thos. Waddington is visiting relatives at Niagara Falls, and other points. Herbert Olmsted came down from Ridgway and spent Sunday with his parents. W. J. Leavitt of Sterling Run, was up calling on his many friends last Saturday. Bert Olmsted who is attending school at State College was home to spend Easter. Chester Hockley visited his father a couple of days last week returning to Buffalo on Sunday. Mrs. Paul Smith, of Punxsutawney, is visiting her parents at this place. She will remain until next month. Miss Rena Hertic who is attending Westbrook Academy at Oiean spent Sunday with her parents at this place. A large number of young folks from St. Marys, Renovo and Port Allegany took in the Citizens Hose dance Tues day evening. Edward Hillyard left last Monday for state of Washington, to accept a first-class position with a lagre lumber firm. Misses Theresa and Helen Blumle and Katie Welsh who have been visit ing their parents a few days returned to Williamsport on Wednesday. Peter Ferguson and wife, who late ly left here for Novia Scotia, several months ago, hare returned to Empori um. Could'ntstay away. Good. Mr. Urban Boutain and wife have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. S. Vail, at Jersey Shore, assisting in taking care of their new grand child. The Rev. J. M. Johnston and family are guests at the Julian home, pending the arrival of their house hold goods in Williamsport, to which city Mr. Johnston was recently assigned as pastor of Grace Church. Mr. Josiah Howard and Mr. Henry Auchu, left on Monday for Westboro, Wis., to look after their extensive lum ber interests in that state. William Robinson, of this place, who has had charge of their extensive mercantile business at this place, will move to Westboro, in the near future, to as sume a prominent position with this firm. Prof. J. F. Davis, of Williamsport, was an Emporium visitor this week. John Dodge came up from Renovo Monday to visit his mother a few days. Postmaster Lewis of Sterling Ron, transacted business in town on Tues day. Philip Knight of Corry, is circulat ing among his old friends in town this week. Miss Ada Hacket, of Buffalo, spen Sunday in Emporium, guest of Mrs. David Murry and family. Mrs. Elmer Graybill, of Coudersport, visited in Emporium over Easter, guest of her parents and sisters. Jos. Freindel, his friends will regret to learn is laid up with typhoid fever, but it is hoped the fever may be broken. Mrs. Geo. Van Wert of the M. E. Sunday School was presented with a beautiful Easter lily, by her class last Sunday. Frank G. Carter writes the PRESS from Fort Slocum, N. Y., ordering the paper mailed to him. He is a member of the 81st Coast Artillery. Sister M Christopher, of Niagara Falls, was visiting in Emporium over Easter, guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Huff Our people will re member Sister Christopher as Miss Mary Huff. BRIEF'/IENTION. Everybody reads the PKESS Save money by buying your clothing at N. Soger's. Many of our citizens watched the log drivers last Sunday. The cheapest place buy your cloth ing is at N. Soger's. Call and see him. FOB SALE— Lot situated on Fifth street with 75 feet front. Inquire of Mrs. Jas. Morrisey. The Sophomore Class of the High School have issued invitations to the Senior and Junior classes to a recep tion to be held next Tuesday evening. Several nights ago, the house oc cupied by Mrs. Pennington on the Chas. Stfewart farm in Lumber town ship, was destroyed by fire. Have you seen the new spring goods at N. Segers? If not you should go and inspect his large and handsome stock. You will find hia prices are right. Mr. John Cairns is putting up for Mr. J. P. Felt, up at Emporia, a large packing house. When completed it will be the largest and most complete packing house in the State. Mr. Felt will have a very large crop of oranges the coming season, of the finest varie ties.—Volusia, (Fla.) Connty Record. Do It To-Day. The time-worn injuction, "Never put off 'til to morrow what you can do to day," is now generally presented in this form: "Do it today!" This is the terse advice we want to give you about that lucking cough or demoralizing cold with which you have been struggling tor seve eialdays, perhaps weeks. Take somt reliable remedy lor it to-day—and let that remedy be Dr. Boschee's Geiman Syrup which has been in use lor over thirty-five years. A few doses of it will undoubtedly relieve your cnugh or cold, and its continued use. for a few days will cure youeompletely. No matter how deep-seated your cough, even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs German Syrup will surely effect a cure— as it has hone before in thouaands of ap parently hopeless cases of lung trouble. New trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c, At all druggists. 49-lv. Many a man lives poorly in order to die rich. A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind., knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual ease ot stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 25c, at L. Taggart's Drug Store. Piles Cured by Snn-Cura. This is to certify that I had been troubled with bleeding and itching piles for seven years and was entirely cured by using San-Cura Ointment, J. C. Sterling, Maplewood Stock Farm, Titusville, Pa. San-Cura Ointment at all drug stores. 25e and 50c. For sale by It. C. Dodson. For sale. A good farm containing 72 acres, with necessary buildings and well watered. Part in good cultivation. 51 tf. CHAS. M. SPANGLER. Real Estate for Sale. The Board of Trustees of the Presby terian Church will sell the old church site and parsonage property at a bar gain. Apply to I. K. HOCKLEY, Chair man of the Board or J. H. DAY, Sec retary. 37 tf Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit Jrom this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDEK MFO. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903. 24-tf. Latest Popular Music. Miss May Gould, teacher of piano forte, has received a fuil line of the lat est and most popular sheet music. All the popular airs. Prices reasonable. 44-tf. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1904. Good Foods DAY'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE. Variety in good things is as desirable as variety in occupation —a spice that adds enjoyment and does not impair health. This Grocery store is head qurters in Emporium for supply ing the table. Goods that are above the average, at prices on a par—often lower. Theres a saving to the shrewd housekeepers in the long run by supplying the family larder at this store. Do you take advantage of our special offerings? This week FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Fancy California Lemons, OHP Large, smooth, bright, doz^"** Pure Baking Soda, one lb pp package. D U Pure Corn Starch. One lb CP packages DU "Hambuog"Champion of Eng land Peas, can, regular jJQ "Elmwood" Elgin Creamery Butter lib prints Ofif' wrapped. ZOu OC Lb. Bag Sugar <M Art Best Granulated. wli'fU Fresh Shad. Fresh Oysters. Fresh Fruits ane Vegetables. Garden Truck. High Grade Teas and Coffees. Phone 6. J, H. DAY. ■ Opera House j For Sale, The Emporium Opera House which has been all remodeled inside, stocked with the best scenery money can buy. All lash, drop and set scenery, fully equipped for all travel ing companies and lighted with natural gas; a big paying busi ness to the right party. For price and general information write or call on J. W. OLARKE, Manager. Emporium, Pa. NEW C'AMERONIIOUSE. Cameron. Pa., Opposite P. & E. IJepot, HARRY McGEE, Proprietor. Having taken possession of this house and thoroughly remodeled and enlarged the building by erecting an addition of eighteen rooms, I am well prepared to meet the demands of the public. Guests conveyed to any part of thu county. Good fishing and hunting in the immediate vicinity. fl i; .Laughlin A | B L' C 1 • Idf Pi | g Fountain M | IS THE PEER or ALL |fi« jl 1 fli rCNI AND HAS NO ig|g|>S| J, B, |pj EQUAL ANYWHERE. Sgpigl J fl &| FINEST fiBADE ML IgaM J, IS 60LD pen Hfi 1 111 gfl YOUR CHOICE tr THIII IffiS/l H M TWO POPULAR ITYLIS || ji $ J 00 II .1 H SUPERIOR TO OTHER ] fl m MAKES AT S3 jB3 lj M 91 The Lanfhlin Foantaia BBBX . { STS Pen Holder Umad* of fla- flWBWmg JJJ; iA «»t quality hard rubber, ia HfflßlM rrJ JU 112 ttcd with highest grade, ■Sifcaf Iff] RH| large aiae. 14k. gold pea, , 4 "■■tl of any desired flexibility, BRm j V 1 and hai the only perfect jfßggJ m ! feeding device known. 1 J *§i . Bither style, richly gold SM . 5* " mounted, for presentation MKH |ll purpaaea, SI. 60 extra. ■BS&I J HBI Surely yon will not he BJMIfSS |1 nfa> ,i able to secure anything at HMR&.jV 1 ( •=♦ ~2 threetlßM tb* prite that will iMßllli MI it give such continuous HHW 5| if 1 HBB pleaittre and icrriee. »W r 'j H Por Sale by I * I 1 g" s 1 1 I I 1 B ® in In S" IE JS jjjj «-o lij F® Ml Ifegas^aßHSsfiil i"?SSSSS3SSSS3:SSSSSSS2SSSSSSSSSZSSSXCSS^J « Bigger and Bigger Bargains Here Every »j J Day-As We Gradually Abandon" !! The Old Store. - jf m 1 %* |] |N M m Important Notice To ThejS N II | People of Western New| m York and Pennsylvania ..| n u H - U J N ; Our final Grand Removal Sale commences this week and we want our thousands of out-of-town customers to profit by - $g H the splendid bargains we are throwing out during our last II days in the old store. §3 M M Come along with the crowd from your own vicinity! G-et il II your share of the good things. N There are multitudes of money saving chances in every M II one of our fifty-two busy departments from NOTIONS up to || U STOVES and RANGES. M N N il £4 And while you are in Buffalo, take a look at our beautiful H new store, four blocks above on Main St. We'll be therp ** N, , o1 ' e N II before long. N M Si h i: THE WILLIAM HENGERER COMPANY, li »4 ' 9« nAIN STREET. BUFFALO N Y PEARL str EET. m I'' ' M lUinWCV 1 do nothing lil U 11 HI bufc loan mone y on real estate "Tf\ nomatterwhere located Do you desire a loan. LA 111 Write for par UH 11 ticulars. F. Armington Peavy, Mortgage Broker, Dept. M.. 1090 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ■ ■!' i I'raMgafflMWMMWw—iH———wau * —XJM | £ JUST THE PROPER IDEA. j | 0. B. Barnes' j s Family Grocery t } und Meat Market ) ( EAST EnPORIUn, PA. \ \ 'Phone 81. 4 A Call up; We'll do the rest Promptly. P £ The public are always interested in £ X matters that will benefit their pockets, s 112 While we are not entirely in business fo» ? \ our health, yet we strive to merit at least S 112 a share of the public patronage by deal- c \ ing strictly on the square with all custo- s P mers. Our goods are all marked in plain c \ figures—one price to all—and invite the S C careful inspection of our line of goods as s well as prices. We shall aim to make S > our store THE FAMILY FAVORITE, by ? \ keeping only absolutely the purest and S C best. < s OUR MEATS AND GROCERIES are > ( fresh and shall take pride in giving our C X patrons the full value for their money. S i EXTRA LINE OF GLASS AND CAN- < S NED UOODS. something seldom > r brought to Emporium. See them. c £ Give us a Call. \ \ Try Our Fresh Meats. < \ O. B. BARNES, | \ EOpposite S. D. McDonald's Hotel. POPULAR SCENIC ROUTE. Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Company. Official Condensed Time Table in Effect June 23, 1902. Sun day Week Days. Daily Week Days. Only P.M. P.M. I P.M. A.M. A.M. STATIONS. A.M. P.M.! F.M.I P.M. P.M. 510 510 11 10 715 Lv Addison Ar 10 13 413 541 541 11 41 801 Elkland 941 4 11; 546 546 11 46 803 Osceola .9 36 406 555 555 11 55 822 .... Knoxville 926 3 56 1 611 611 12 11 8 10 Westtield 9 13 343 647 617 12 17 925 Gaines Junction 836 306 700 500 700 ,U ° 1 SSft | 823 2 53: 535 740 540 p. M. p. M. 10 58 Ar Cross Fork Junction Lv 739 2 09 1 423 5 451 210 11 00 Lv. Cross Fork Junction Ar. 715 200 355 6 Ssj 300 11 50 Ar. Cross Fork, Pa. Lv. 615 100 305 | 821 624 P.M. A.M. 11 39 Ar Wharton Lv. 656 126 310 8 05 11 40 Lv Wharton Ar 10 53 3 00 A. M. | 858 100 Ar Sinnamahoning Lv 9 55] 140 I 845 613 800 A.M. 11 58 Lv Austin Ar 6 35! 1051 •50 800 7 10| 8 45! ' 12 25|Ar Keating Summit Lv 12 101 910 7 30; P. M. P. M. A. M. I I P. M.I _ A. M.j P. M.l A. M.| P. M. j ' I !P.M. A. M.j | '8 20 935 Lv Ansonia Ar 9 » oo! 8 35; 949 .Rlanhatten I 9 05: 6 44| 839 953 South Gaines «> oi' 6 40 1 842 955 •• Gaines Junction ... 8 69 | 6 38 855 10 09 Ar Galeton Lv 8 45| 625 ! IP. M.j A. M.j A.M. P.M. P. M. A. M, , „ . . I P. M. 105 630 Lv Galeton Ar 10 10! 455 124 647 ••■•Walton g 5,j 439 150 713 Newneld Junction I 9 271 415 206 7 30; West Bingham 909! 4 01 218 741 Genesee Bw . 3 52 | 224 746 • V 853 347 ! j 246 806 Ar Welisville Lv g3O 330 |_ I I P.M.I A. M.I lA, M.I P. M.I __ _J I CONNECTIONS. At Keating Summit with 15. fc A. V. Div. of Pennsylvania K. R. At Augonia with N.Y C.& HII. R. for all points north and south. At Newlield Junction with O. & P. A. Ry., Union Station. 1 At Genesee with N. Y & Pa., Ry. Union Station. At Addison with Erie R. R., Union Station. At Welisville with Erie R. R. for points east and west. At Sinuamahoning with P. R. R.—P. &E. Div. 11. H, GARDINER, Gen'l Pass'r Agt. Buffalo, N.V. W. C. PARK. Gen'l Supt., Galeton. Pa. M.J. MCMAHON, niv. Pass Ag't., Galeton, Pa. I <SYRUP LD PEPSIN Dyspepsia Cure VCURES CONSTIPATION.!* Digests what yo« oat* 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers