Diastrious Wreck. Carelessness is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles. But since the advent of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and jjven the worst cases be cured, and hopeless resignation is no longer nec essary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many whose life was saved by Dr. King's New Discovery. This great remedy is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by L. Taggart, Druggist. Price 50c, and 81.00. Trial bottles free L. Taggart. Not a Hick Day Since. "I was taken severly sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relieved me. One day I saw an ad. of your Electric Bitters and determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and soon there after was entirely cured, and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of Rheumatism, Ncuraigia, Liver and Kidney troubles and General Debility," This is what B. F. Bass, of Fremont, N.C. wiiteg. Only 50c, at L. Taggart Druggist. nj GOOD jjj Cedar | jj Shingles i j{] WILL KEEP OUT THE RAIN. n] K WE HAVE THEM IN ALL {jj ft GRADES. "] C. B. HOWARD CO. I Do I s You Need g 1 It? ! DON'T YOU WANT A LOAD ™ K OR TWO OF GOOD HARD [0 g WOOD? I SELL IT. nj LROBT. CLARK. jj] 34tf J asHsasasHsas3 c rHsssasa^ \ Adam, j | Meldrum & \ | Anderson Co. i BUFFALO, .V. > V • 396-408 Main Street, J DRESS I GOODS > A SPLENDID chance to \ ) get the season's best \ J goods at a great reduction: \ P 46-inch all-wool cheviot suitings, full j \ range of all new fast colors. Everyday s 1 112e 6 . 90 50c ) J 44-inch all-wool imported French Crepe j \ de chine, 25 beautiful shade. Everyday s { 75c \ 2 54-inch all-wool Scotch fancy suitings, all V \ new color combinations. Everyday C P price SI.OO yard. VJ \ 1 Special IJO C 112 Latest novelty, green and blue checks J \ and plaids tor shirt-waist suits. Spe- C | cial at 75c, $1 d>l OK 1 1 and C 112 56-inch, 18oz. all-wool Kerseys, for jackets > \ and coats, strictly all wool; sold every- \ 112 day at f2.50. (hQ rvA > \ Special ffiiw.Uv C 112 56-inch all-rtool waterproof tweeds.for j \ tailor suits and rain eoate dj T P\i~\ \ 112 Everyday price $2 Special ip -L iU(J J {Black Dress Goods j 2 46-inch, all-woo black English rainproof \ \ storm serge. Bargain price 65c C/~v _ C 112 Extra bargain OvJC | S 5 pieces 56-inch all wool black crepechev- S 112 lot tailor cloth, high-class material | \ sold everyday at #2. d> 1 O£T s 112 Special tbJ..<&o I \ 6 pieces 56-inch all-wool black Kereeytail- S 112 or cloth. Eveyday price cfe 1 CZ r\ I \ $2.60. Special SpJ..OL) s J 5 pieces 46-inch Mesiuins black voile I > Everyday pries 12 <+> -I C J Extra special *p i. .J. Vj ? > OUR nAIL ORDER SERVICE, i J We wish to bring to the attention of | > our "out of town" customers, and to those S J who, as yet, are not our customers, the I > facilities of this depariment, through S i which we endeavor by prampt and care- 112 T ful attention tn make shopping by mail a S % simple and satisfactory method of sup- I 1 plying wants. e I Send for samples of anything you need. J > Adam. \ 112 Meldrum & \ i Anderson Co. ) 112 The American Block, > BUFFALO, N. Y. > A Mammoth Holiday Issue. The December Delineator (Christ mas Number) represents the high water mark of beauty and utility, and possibly of circulation also, in a wo man's magazine, having a first edition of more than a million copies. It con tains 240 pages. To produce the mam moth edition 728 tons of paper aud 49 presses working 25 days were required* ID addition to exquisite color work, clever fiction and strinkingly illustrat ed articles, the number includes a dis play of charming winter fashions covering forty-two pages, letters from the foreign fashion centres and illus trated articles on the fashionable fab rics and trimmings, millinery, etc. Among the notable contributs are: Richard La Galliene, with n delicate romance, A Wedding ring in the Garden, containing lyrics in the auth or's best vein; W. A. Fraser, with an Indiaa tale, the Net of Leo; Albert Bigelow Paine, with a delightful sketch founded on the foibles Of the collector; Harriet Prescott Spofford, with a love story of unusual interest, Andrew Lang j with a clever travesty on the usual fairy tale; and Gustav Kobbe, with an interesting paper describing the life of Mine. Emma Eames, in her Italian home, with her portrait in colors. There is also the third installment of the Evolution of a Club Woman, the piquant narrative of clubdom by Agnes Surbridge, and a remarkable photo graphic article by J. C. Hemment. There are many beautiful art features, among them four pages in colors repre senting Badyhood, Childhood, Girlhood and Motherhood—the work of Bernard J. Rosenmeyer. For the children there are entertaining games and stories, and for the housewife many practical suggestions in cookery and other de partments of the home, for the Christ mas season. The Best Liniment. "Chamberlain's l'ain Balm is consider ed the best liniment on the market,"writes Post & Bliss of Georgia, Vt. No other liniment will heal a cut or bruise so promptly. No other affords such quick relief from rheumatic pains. No other is so valuable for deep seated pains like lame back and pains in the chest. Give this liniment a trial and you never wish to be without it. Sold by J no. E. Smith, Sterling Kun. A .Remarkable Case. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs, causinu pneumania, is that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marion Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She says:"The coughing and straining so weakened me that Iran down in weight from 148 to 9'J pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Couurh Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strength ened my lungs and restored me to my normal weinht, health and sfreugth." Sold by R. C. Dodson. Cured oi Piles After *0 Years. Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, 0., had the piles for 40 years. Doctors and dollars could do him no lasting good. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanent ly. Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, ulcerations, eczema, tetter, salt rheum, and all other skin diseases. Look for the name DeWitt on the package— all others are cheap, worthless counter feits. Sold by R. C. Dodson. A. Oood Name. From personal experience I testify hat DeWitt's Little Early Risers are un equalled as a liver pill. They arc rightly named because they give strength and en ergy and do their work with ease.—W. T. Easton, Boerne, Tex. Thousands of people are using these tiny little pills in preference to all others, because they are so pleasant and effectual. They cure bil iousness, torpid liver, jaundice, sick head ache, constipation, etc. They do not purge and weaken, but cleanse and strengthen. Sold by R. C. Dodson. Pennsylvania Railroad Company Will Issue Clerical Orders for 1904, Pursuant to its usual custom, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will issue clerical orders tor the year 11)04 to or dained clergymen having regular charge of churches located on or near its lines. Clergymen desiring such orders should make individual application for same on blanks furnished by the Company through its Agents. Applications should be sent to the General Office of the Company as soon as possible, in no case later than December 19, so that orders may be mail ed by December 31 to all clergymen en titled to receive them. 2988-39-lt. Low Rates West and Northwest. Every day until November 30, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway will sell one-way tickets Chicago to many points on the Pacific Coast for $3:5. Never before have there been such op portunities for success as are presented in the West today. It is worth your while to write for folders giving complete infor mation. •John R. Pott, District Passenger Agent, Room D. Park Building, Pittsburg, Pa. 38-2t. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1903 15h an fog to ing In r ; *Y Fue'DE'RICK. -A. 0"BE.-R fc. 13 "• [Copyright, IK)J, by JF. A. Ober.J ONE might search the map for a week without finding the town of Tsllam, though It Is an Important shipping port in the logwood district of Yucatan, that part of Mexico which is nearest to the island of Cuba—that is, it Is quite im portant for a port without any people to speak of—and the reason why it would not be detected is that the first two letters of Tsilarn, the T and s, are replaced by an Inverted C, which has the same "power" in pronunciation. The United States consul in Merida, the capital of Yucatan, promised me that If I would He over another steam er instead of proceeding directly to Vera Cruz and the City of Mexico he would celebrate Thanksgiving day, which fell due in the interval. In a fit ting and appropriate manner. He would not tell me exactly how he intended to do it, but I knew him well enough to feel assured of something novel in store and so postponed the trip to Vera Cruz and placed myself unreservedly in his hands. "Shows you've got sense," said he approvingly, "to trust me for the time being. Now, as a great and just re ward I'm going to give you the time of your life. I've arranged for a grand 'poo,' which Is the vernacular for a wild turkey hunt, and the native natne for that turkey, by the way, is 'pavo del monte,' or the peacock of the hills. It is a smaller but more beautiful bird than the wild turkey of North Ameri ca. Its meat has a finer flavor, and its plumage is Klorious, every feather be ing tipped with a great golden 'eye,' like the peacock's, which fact has caused the naturalists to name It the Meleagrls ocellatus. "But enough of turkey terminology. You can hunt that up for yourself In the books on the subject. What I am going to do, wind and weather permit ting, is to show you the bird and give you a taste of its flesh on the day set apart for the eating of turkey In the states. And, my ollicial word for It, there will not probably be another citi zen of los Kstados Unidos del Norte, as the Mexicans call the United States, except perhaps myself, who will cele brate the day by devouring the succu lent liesh of a pavo del monte." Yucatan is a hot country, and when possible all long Journeys are made be tween sunset and sunrise; so we start ed on the turkey hunt at midnight, climbing into our volan coehe Just as the last stroke of 12 sounded from the clock tower of the old cathedral. "Quien vive?" yelled the sentinel on duty at the city Kate as we dashed through the arched portal and sped In to the country district. "AniiKos!" (friends) we shouted, but by this time we were half a gunshot away and our mules were going at such speed that if the sentinel had tak en a shot at us he couldn't have hit our flying coche. But perhaps the reader has never seen, much less had a ride In, the volan coche, or flying coach, of Yucatan. Know, then, that it is a two " '"'M} > . v -: %' '' ■' ■ V - . • ' • . THE VOLAN COCHE wheeled vehicle without springs and without seats, but in their stead a mattress, upon which the passengers Itretch out and are supposed to snooze ns the three mules in harness speed over the roads. The roads are about the roughest In the world, but the driver doesn't mind a little thing like that. Ills orders are to make time, and so he stands out on the shafts and plies the whip regardless, shouting at the top of his voice, "Moola, moola, moo, moo, moo, 11100-lah!" And away we go, like the wind on a spree. In this manner we traveled till that night and the next morning, halting only to change the mules every four hours or so, lying up from noon till C o'clock in the evening, when away again, alternately sleeping, eating, drinking and smoking, all the time on wheels, and at daylight the second morning we finally stopped for good, with a general assortment of "wheels In our heads." If there was a spot on my body not sore or bruised black and blue I do not remember having found It, aud my legs were so stiff from dis- use that at first getting on them I rould hardly stand. The town has one long street lined with one story dwellings of stone, and | as everybody seemed to be asleep our I muleteer began at one end of the | street and pounded 011 every door, then j repeated the performance back again , until finally somebody poked his head I out of a hole In the wall and told 11s Ito goto el dlablo. An old woman | showed herself at last and then a ; j-ounger one, and both set to work most Industriously grinding corn between two stones and cooking tortillas for us over an open fire. I thought this might be the end of the journey, but the consul said no, there yet remained half a day's jaunt on horseback, but all the way through turkey country, so the time would pass more quickly and pleasantly than If we were in the volan. At last the old woman brought us a stack of tor tillas a foot high and spread them out on a board for us to eat, while the younger female, a comely mestlza. A VENDER OP FRUITS. played on the guitar and sang to the popular tune of the "Toro." This was our Thanksgiving breakfast, tortillas and frljoles, the latter being beans fried In fat and the former just plain everyday flapjacks. We had 110 knives save our hunting knives and no forks or spoons, but we rolled up the thin tortillas Into scoops, with which we ladled In the beans, with another tor tilla as a plate, and after the beans were gone devoured both plate and spoon as well. So, there being 110 dish | es to wash, the two women saddled our horses for us when the repast was over, saw to it that the girths were tight and the rlatas coiled on the pom mels and then gave us "adlos" with much grace. Four Maya Indians tramped the trail ahead of us and led the way through the logwood forests, where we wound between the crooked trees and among immense ant hills big as houses. Each Indian was naked to the waist, wear ing nothing but a pair of pantaloons cut short at the knee, and in the hollow of his loft arm carrying a wicked look ing machete. When well into the for est they spread out like a great fan, ranging for turkeys, and not an hour passed before the consul and myself each had a shot, and each brought down a plump gobbler with plumage af golden bronze shining like the sun. When at last we reached the palm thatched hut on the coast where we were to pass the night each of us had three tine turkeys at his saddlebow, and the consul carried behind him a venado, or native deer, which he had shot 011 the jump as It plunged be ueath the logwoods. The camp was reached late in the afternoon, but out four Indians went to work with such energy that by sunset they had our table spread with the viands smoking hot. It was set near the beach beneath the golden rooftrees of the cocoa palms, tvhere a eool breeze tempered the heat nf this tropic region and banished the mosquitoes. As our friend had promised, our Thanksgiving dinner comprised the golden turkeys, two of them adorning cur table, their heads neatly tucked beneath their wings, and which, stuff ed with breud nuts and acajou, were more delicious to the tnate than tongue can tell. Then we had venison, with guava jelly; faisan, or native quail; two kinds of fish peculiar to the coast of Yucatan; such fruits as the mango, orange, pineapple, and vegetables like the yam, eddoe and sweet potato. For drink we had amolli, 11 gruel made by mixing maize meal in water, pulque, bottled, and mescal, from the high lands of Mexico, and vino tinto, or claret, from Spain. All the drinks and comestibles had been brought by the Indians In hampers on their backs, all except the game, which they were in strumental 111 securing by acting as guides to the haunts of the pavo del monte. As we ate and drank we heart ily agreed that Thanksgiving day In Tsllam was indeed a day on which to be thankful. A FREE game inside each package of Lion Coffee 60 different games. Fall and Winter Announcement. R. SEGER & SON, Next to Bank, Emporium, Pa. Have completely renovated and greatly im proved the interior of their More, now having oteof the most tastily arranged Clothiog and Fnrnishing Goods Stores. » They take pride in t ailing attention to their very extensive line of STYLISH TAILOR MADE GARMENTS from the celebrated factor ies of COOPER & CO., lltica. N. Y„ f-CHOLOSB & CO., Baltimore, Md.. and HART, SHAFFER & MARX, Chicago, the most popular makers in America. These goods are all strictly up to date and warranted to give satisfaction. The finest in the land. GOLD WATCH GIVEN AWAY. We give our customers, both ladies and Rental checks which entitle a number to a beautiful jrold watch Coupons will be issued unuit JANUARY Ist. These time pieces are ofbes make. Call and see for yourself. OUR JEWELRY CABINET Has been given careful attention this year and we have added many handsome designs in this department—not cheap trash, but good, honest goods and neat, handsome and reasonable. This is the largest line in Emporium. IN FURNISHINGS ™ sortmenl comprising the popular makes in SHISTSand UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, TIES, and COLLARS. We are agents for the Lion Brand of Shirts. No better made. The popular See-an-EI Hat on sale. Don't forget we have a full line of TRUNKS. SATCHELS, TELESCO PES. SUIT CASES, Etc. If You Don't See What You Want Ask for it- R. SEGER!& SON, Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers to the People. c Lu f tio' a Earßy Eftisers The famous little pills. SDR. CALDWELL'S ■■ YRUP FEPSIN CURES CONSTIPATION. I • 1 —' Watch This Space iuttniM. HARDWARE, STOVES Emporium, - Penn'a. ■ L. TAGGART, the Popular Druggist Whose aim is always to serve the Public with only the best of everything in his line. Has been successful in securing THE SOLE AGENCY For a Remedy which they do not ask you to buy on the strength of Published Testimonials but will give it Free for 10 days to each per son who desires to try The Greatest Blood, Nerve and Stomaeli Remedy Ever Offered to the Suffering Public. Ask them for a free trial package of the | Dr. Lyon Home Treatment for Catarrh, ] Blood, Nerve and Stomach Disease. IT IK GUARANTEED to cure all Stomach, Bowel and Liver Troubles, and the best medicines for pale, weak women. This j medicine has stood the tests. It is rec : ommended by physicians and all who use is. IT IS FREE TO THY. It will cleanse, soothe and heal the mucus mem brane of the whole system. Makes new | blood and ftrong nerves. IT REMOVES THE CAUSE OF DISEASE. Nature will do the rest. It contains no stimulant, opiate, or other poison. It is a puro botanical product, which restores health to all who use it. Procure the free trial to-day at TAGGALLT'S. ORDINANCE: NO. 43. An Ordinance granting permiision to THE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH AND TELE PHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA to construct its lines of poles, irires and fixtures upon the public nays of the Borough of Kmpor.uvx, Pennsylvania, upon the terms and conditions therein stated. HE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Borough of Emporium, Cameron county, Pennsylvinia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same that THE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, its successors or assigns, be and the same hereby are, granted the right, privilege and authority to construct, operate and maintain its lines of poles, wires and fixtures upon, along, over nnd under the public ways of said Borough of Emporium, upon the following terms and conditions, viz: SECTION 1. All poles shall be reasonably straight; they shall be erected under the direc tion and supervision of the Street Committee of said Town Council and shall be subject to their approval, and they shall be so placed as not to interfere with the public and customary private uses of said public ways, impede the flow of water in ditches or drains, or obstruct entrances to gate-ways or drive-ways. SECTION 2. Said Borough shall hold said Com pany responsible at any and all times for any and all damages caused by the construction or negligent maintenance of said lines in said Bor ough. SECTION 3. Said Company shall be subject to any and all general ordinances of said Borough now in force, or which may hereafter be passed regulating the use of the public \yays or other public places in said Borongh, or taxing poles and wires generally in said Borough. SECTION 4. It is expressly provided thatsaid Company, its successors or assigns, its agents or employes shall not climb, cut, iujure or in any manner interfere with any tree in said Borough without the express consent of theownertbereof. SECTION 5. In consideration of the rights and privileges herein granted said Borough shall have the right to attach the wires of its fire alarm and police telegraph system to any and all poles erected under the provisions of this ordinance, in addition to the right of taxing said Companv's poles and wires as provided in Section 3 hereof and according to law. SBCTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from und after the earliest period allowed by law. Ordained and enacted into an Ordinance this 12th day of November, 1903. G. F. BALCOM, President. ATTEST:— C. J. GOODNOUGH, Secretary. Approved: November 13th, 1903. JOSIAH HOWARD, Burgess, Notice of Application for Charier, IN THE COUBT OP COMMON PLEAS POR TUB COCHTV OP CAMERON. NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made to the said court on the 21st day of December, A. D., 1903, under the "Corporation act of one thousand eight hundred and seventy four," and the supplements thereto, bv CHAS. SEGER, E. D. WHITE HENRY AUCHU, J. C. JOHNSON and F. C. RIECK.for thecharter of an intended corporation to be called BUSINESSMEN'S CLUB OP EMPORIUM, the character and object of which is for the maintenance of a club for social enjoyments, and for these purposes to have pos sess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privil eges conferred by the said act and its supple ments. 86-3t. c. W. SHAFFER, Solicitor. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers