EM POll IUM MILLING COMPANY. PRICE LIST. Emporium, PH., Sept. 23, 1903. NEMOPHILA, per sack »l 25 Felt's Fancy, " 140 Pet Grova, " 1 40 Orabara " tw Rye " 65 Buckwheat, " 75 Patent Meal., " 50 Coarse Meal, per 100, 1 35 Chop Feed, "..... 1 35 Middling. Fancy " 1 50 Bran, 1 20 Corn, per bushel, 75 White Oala,per bushel 50 Choice Clover Seed, T ChoiceTiinothySeed, ! \t Market Prices. Choice Millet Seed. Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass, | R.C. DODSON, THE Orucjcjist, liMPORtITN, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. K. C. HODHON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DEPAHTJIKNT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Coutribntionn invited. That which you would likt to tee in thin department,let u« fcnoio by pot talcard or letter, personally. All I Ask. Give me a name, not great, not bad; Give me a smile sincere and glad, A manner frank and free from care, A large amount of savoir-faire, And all the beauty in the town I'll envy not! Give me a heart that's always true; Give mo the will to see and do, A spirit that can cause no pain, A helpful word, a thoughtful brain, And all the riches in the world I'd covet notl Give me the strength to say, "I will!" Give mc a love my life to fill, Some little child to smila upon Who'll do what good I've loft undone, And with the proudest in the land I'd not exchange! Give me the soul to feel ashamed If for my fault another's blamed; • Let me for justice take a stand, In friendship clasp my neighbor's hand; Then at the closing of life's dream, I'll gladly die! Give me a thought when I am dead, And sometimes say the words I've said; A flower place upon my breast; Forgive my faults, and all the rest, And speak of me with charity! 'Tis all I ask! Pay Tcmpleton. Hon. L. Taggart is again able to be at his store, attending to busines. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Douglas came over from Olean to attend the ftmeral of Harry Thomas. Mrs. J. H. Swain, of Keating Sum mit, has been visiting in town for several days. Mrs. Franklin Housler was taken worse yesterday nnd is in a very pre carious condition. Chas. and Geo. Howard took in the Yale-Princeton foot ball game at New Haven, last Saturday. Rev. J. M. Robertson, Rector of Em manuel Church is in Erie attending Convocation Services. Dr. R. P. Heilman spent last Thurs day at Rldgway, attending a meeting of Elk-Cameron Medical Society. The many friends of Mrs. John Koh ler will be sorry to hear that she has been quite sick at her home on Wal nut street. A little lady made its appearance at the home of John Shade on the Por tage last evening, to remain perman ently. Frank B. Hoag, of Sterling Run, who is located at Dußois, where he has charge of the Stock Exchange, don't forget the PRESS. Mrs. William Robinson, of west ward, was a pleasant PRESS visitor this morning and pushed the date on her PRESS up to 1905. W. L. Thomas and Fred Tompkins have returned from visiting Philadel phia and Chester county, being de. lighted with their trip. Mrs. Joslah Howard and two c hil dren, accompanied by Miss Jea nie Haldermar., are spending a few days at the Strand, Atlantic City. U. A. Palmer, who has been located at Bradford, for several months, has returned to Emporium, having resign ed his position at that place. Miss DeliaJClair, of Renovo, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Lynch in town for several weeks, re turned to her home on Wednesday. C. R. Husted, the East Fourth street i merchant, was a PRESS visitor yester -1 day and like all good citizens desired |to be square with the printer. Mr. H. is attending strictly to business and is, we are pleased to learn, receiving his share of trade. Capt. Geo. B Barclay, of Sinnatna honing, while transacting business iu Emporium on Monday passed a very pleasant half hour, at least to ye editor, in the PRESS sanctum. Mr. Barclay is regaining his health, which will be pleasant news to his many friends. Three of Emporium's capitalists, bondholders and all-round wide awake business men, Geo. J. Laßar, A. C. Blum and D. W. Webster, entertained ye editor with Zem Zem and Lu Lu yarns yesterday afternoon. Fremont Mott and family returned last week from visiting relatives in Bradford county, his former home. He called at the PRESS office this morn ing and made sure of receiving his paper by depositing the long green John Trebeswether, one of R. Seger & Co.'s reliable taslors, with his usual punctuality, remembers the printer and pushes the date on his paper ahead another year. Mrs. Henry Auchu returned last evening from attending the funeral of Mr. John Hill's wife at Williamsport. Mr. Hill formerly worked in Empori nm. His wife leaves four children. Roy Brady, the little colored lad left motherless last week, writes the PRESS from Jersey Shore, to thank his friends for their kindness during his sad affliction. Miss Mary Welsh and Miss Anna Cleary, two of Shippen township's most popular teachers were PRESS business callers on Saturday evening. Dr. Wilcox Will Preach. The Rev. Thos. S. Wilcox, D. D., Presiding Blder of Williamsport Dis trict will preach in the First Methodist Episcopal Church next Sunday even ing, at 7 o'clock and hold the Third Quarterly Conference Monday even ing, Nov. 23, at 8 o'clock. Married. Mr. Edward Über and Miss Ella Bel den, both of Shippen township were united in marriage by M. M. Larrabee on Wednesday, Nov. 12th. Mr. Warren Jackson Mead and Miss Lena Belle Summerson, both of Sinna mahoning, were married on Monday, Mr. Larrabee tieing the knot. Obituary. On Monday at four o'clock, the re mains of John Richey, of Keating Summit, was brought to Cameron, where he was hurried, in a private cemetery. Mr. Richey was well and working on Thursday, last, and on Friday evening complained of feeling badly, and at 5:20 he died. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Oyler, at Keating Summit, in the M. E. Church, and Rev. R. J. Knox, of Emporium, Pa., accompanied the remains to Cameron. The deceased was aged 54 years, 11 months and 17 days. Desirable House for Kent. The newly constructed twenty-one room house, located on Sixth street, Emporium, Pa., suitable for hotel or boarding House,is elegantly construct ed and ia supplied with gas, steam and two bath rooms, as well as all other modern conveniences. CLIMAX POWDEH M'F'O CO., S3-tf. Emporium, Pa. Real Estate for Sale. The Board of Trustees of the Presby terian Church will sell the old church site and parsonage property at a bar gain. Apply to I. K. HOCKLEY, Chair man of the Board or J. H. DAY, Sec retary. 37 tf Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden from trespassing upon the property of this Company without a permit trom this office, or the Superintendant at the works. KEYSTONE POWDER MFG. CO. Emporium, Pa., August Ist, 1903. 24-tf. A Runaway Bloycle. Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. It developed a stubborn ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years. Then Bucklen's Aioien Sabe cured. It's just as good for Burns. Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c, at L. Tag gart's Drug Store. Subscribe for the J'RESS; only $1.60 a year in advance. A Late "Madam," said the leader of th« brigands, "we'll have to hold yon until your husband ransoms you." "Alas I" replied the woman. "I wish I'd treated him a little better!"— New Yorker. Th* Ide«S She —Am I the first woman yon ever loved? He—Yes. Am I the first man who ever loved you? She (tempestuously)— You are Insult ing! Every Night. Teacher—What comes after "t,"* Ruth? Ruth—The fellow what's goln' to I marry my sister Jane, ma'am. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1905. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is Pleasant to Take. j -The finest quality of granulated loaf sugiir is used in the manufacture of j Chamberlain's Couah Remedy, and the | roots used in its preparation give it a 1 flavor similar to maple syrup, making it quite pleasant to take. Mr. W. L. Rod erick, of Poolesville, Md., in speaking of this remedy, says:"l have used Cham berlain's Cough lieuaedy with my children for several months and can truthfully say it is the best preparation of the kind I know of. The children like to take it and it has no injurious after effect. For sale by L. Taggart. JUST WHAT YOU NEED. Chamberlain'* Stomaoh and Liver Tablets When you feel dull after eating. When you have on appetite. When you have a bad taste in the mouth. When your liver is torpid. When yosr bowels are constipated. When you have a headache. When you feel bilious. They will improve your appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach, and regulate your livei and bowels. Price 25c per box. For sale by Jno. E. Smith, Sterling Run. Bargain In Books. A complete set of Brittanica Ency clopaedia,consisting of thirty volumes and key Are all new and in original packages. Will be sold at a bargain, Apply at PRESS office. 36tf Captain liiirtlrtt'n 111 err Clii'fm. A series of Revolutionarj scenes were given in a London theater some months after the close of that memor able war. On the one side was the English army in full red coated uni form, with every button in Its exact place. Opposite them was the Ameri can army, composed, as the theater bill stated, of "artisans, cobblers and tinkers," arrayed in their working dress, with buttons of every size and hue. When the curtain dropped. Captain Bijrtlett of Plymouth, Mass., the cap tain of a ship then in port, stood up in his seat in the pit and in a voice as if given from a quarter deck in a squall called, "Three cheers for the artisans, cobblers and tinkers who were too much for King George and his red coats," and with a wave of his hat he gave these with a will. For a short time there was silence in the theater, followed l>y an enthusiastic, John Bull, appreciative cheer for the pluck and assurance of the Yankee captain, wlto became the lion of the city, receiving invitations to clubs and free tickets to theatrical and other entertainments while he remained in port.—Boston Transcript. A Loffend of \antueket. About Vineyard sound there are nu merous legends of a famous Indian giant. It is that the rocks at Sea eonnet atfe the remains of his wife, whom he into the sea there. He turned his children into fishes and emp tying out his pipe one day formed Nan tucket out Its ashes. This latter story of Nantucket's source must ac count likewise for the well known story of that old Nantucket captain who was accustomed to make his reckonings by tasting the earth brought up on sound ing. One day the lead was dipped in some eartli brought on board ship from the island, and the captain, after tast ing, leaped from his berth in great excitement, exclaiming, "Nantucket's sunk, and here we are right over old Marm Haekett's garden!" Naturally he would recognize the taste of tobacco ashes. Cairo Street Wnrnlnj**. In oriental countries the recklessness of drivers of and their disre gard for foot passengers are very mark ed, but in Cairo they have a series of curious cries witli which they warn a footman. They specify the particular part of his anatomy which is in dan ger, as thus: "Look out for thy left shin, O uncle." "Boy, have a care for the little toe on thy right foot." "O blind beggar, look out for thy staff." And the blind beggar, feeling his way with the staff in his right hand, at once obediently turns to the left. "O Frank ish woman, look out for thy left foot." "O burden bearer, thy load is in dan ger." "O water carrier, look out for the tail end of thy pigskin water bot tle." How the Gorilla Walk*. The gorilla has not only a crouching habit, but he walks on all four of hia legs and has the motion of most quad rupeds, psing his right arm and left leg at the same time, and alternates with the left arm and right leg. It is not exactly a walk or a trot, but a kind of ambling gait, while the chim panzee uses his arms as crutches, but lifts one foot from the ground a little in advance of the other. He does not place the paliu of the hand on the j ground, but uses the back of the fin gers from the second Joint j I Laughlin A | I j| Fountain O | r[ ■ is THf 'til OF AIL ■ ]l jTC| PC N ( AND HAS NO '§ Wt FINEST GRADE 14L Iff , [j ®| GOLD PEN Mm !') I I Wl YOUR CHOICE OF THISI S»: 'I UK TWO POPULAR WLiSFO* }f II SJ.O0 1 1 Wl 9 SUPERIOR TO OTHER jl pJ m makes at w H 'j liH The Laughlin Fountmla B= HS Pen Holder U made of Ab- 911 ri* est quality hard robber, ia HHK <=] fitted with highest grade, ]l til large size, 14k. gold pen, !rn * ** ® of any deaired flexibility, Jl 112 Land hai tke only perfect H r 1 feeding device known. II 111 - Either atyle, richly gold [WK (i • ' mounted, for prescntatioa ■IB >f, j purposes, 11.60 extra. rH r J Surely you will not be FT A able to secure anything at L- - % M Ibrtt Hats lfc« pric* that will |M»' 11 it WS Kive such continuous Uflt' r.J | ij co ilii I " !!> I i l m ® 0) si! i i i - s i i ? i Notes From Howardville. EDITOR CAMERON COUNTY PRESS. E. L. Mason and .James Wright were hunting last Friday. No damage was done to wild or domestic fowl. Mr. Carpenter, foreman of mill No. 2, has a new hat that is a dandy. The crown is some eighteen inches high. Geo.Hurteau's dog is back again. This dog seems to be like a diamond ring, now on your linger, now on your "Uncle's" finger. Mr. Mattison has his corn all in. It was run through a husking machine. He is now ready for winter having his farm work in good shape. We hope his streak of ill luck has come to an ' end. The mill is running very well lately, with the filers,Dairymple and Mason, tak ing turn huuting phesants. After tramp ing a combined total of hundred and fifty miles up and down hill, Mr. Dalrymple has succeeded in capturing one pheasant and one chipmunk, while Mason has shot one turkey, for which he paid $1.50. The closing of stores on Sunday seems to end the Sunday movement. There are many workman in Emporium who are obliged to work on Sunday in order to hold their situations. Some of these were in hope that the Sunday movement might come their way and include them. I am acquainted with professors of reli gion—church members—that are obliged to work on Sunday. I don't know how they are going to come out in the end, without turning to seventh day people, and keep Saturday. I would recommend reading Eccl. 12: 13.; Hev. 22: 14, XXX. TO ALL CATARRH SUFFERERS Hyomel Uuaranateed to Cure by L. Taggart or rioney Refunded, The popularity and the increase in the I sales of Ilyouiei are unique in the annals i of medicine. Such astonishing cures j have been made by this remarkable rem- j edy that the proprietors have authorized i L. Taggart to (it'll every package of Hy- j omei under an absolute guarantee that it will cure catarrh. It it not the pur-1 chaser can hare .• his money refunded by ! E. Taggart. Hyomei is no ordinary remedy. It is j the only method of treatment that sends, by direct inhalation to the most remote 1 part of the air passages, a balsamic air that destroys all cattarrhal germs, in the breathing organs, enriches and purifies the blood with additional ozone, and makes permanent and complete cures of catarrh. The complete Ilyomei outfit costs but 81.00 and consists of an inhaler that can be carried in the vest poekt, a medicine i dropper, and a bottle of Ilyomei. The inhaler lasts a lifetime, and if one bottle j does not cure, an extra bottle of Ilyomei ' can be obtained for 50 cents. It is the i most economical of all remedies adver- j tised for the cure of catarrh, and is the | only one that follows nature in her meth- I od of treating diseases of the respiratory ' organs. Breath through the inhaler for a few minutes four times a day aud your cat arch is cured. That's all. If not cured L. Taggart will refund your money. PHOM SOUTH AFRICA. New Way of Using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from Durban. Natal, South Africa, says: As a proof that Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is a cure suitable for old and young, I pen you the following: A neighbor of mine had a child just over two months old. It had a very bad cough and the parents did not know what to give it. I suggested that if they would get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and put some upon the dummy teat the baby was sucking it would no doubt cure the child. This they did and brought about a quick relief and cured the baby. This remedy is for sale by L. Taggart. S3O Thirty Dollars S3O. Every day until November 30tb, The Missouri Pacific Ry., will sell one way colonist tickets from St. Louis to point# ita California, Washington, and Oregon at rate of |30.00, Also special one way colonist tickets on the first and third Tuesdays of each months to points in Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico at about one half rate. For in formation, schedule of trains, rates, etc., address Jno R. James, Central Passenger Agent, 905 Park Bldg., Pittsburg, Pa. Doesn't Respect Old Age. It's shameful when youth fails to show proper respect for old age but just the contrary in the case of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They cnt off maladies no matter how severe and irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Con tipation all yield to this perfect Pill 25c, at L. Taggart's Drug Store. Slnnamahoning Items. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arch DeShetler, a daughter on Saturday last. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Huff, on Wednesday the 18th, a daughter. Two weddings are booked for this place this week. Let the good work go on. Fine weather for fall work and the farmers are all about done with their fall work. G. W. Gore slaughtered the largest hog of the season. It tipped the scale at 5501b5. Quite a tew of the nimrods of this place were hunting last week, with poor success. 11. M Fry captured two bears one day last week. They weighed about 100 lbs each. There has not been many birds killed so far this soason. There seems to be a scarcity. I A big flood in the creek this week, caused the mill to shut down for a few days. G. W. Gore and party were hunting on the river hills at Keating last week and bagged a fine buck, and report there were plenty of d<er signs in that locality. Henry Snyder, who was struck by an I engine about three weeks ago is getting along <|uite well. He is able to set up part of the time. He says he will keep off the railroad after this. A reinforcement, with an extra supply of spirits, went out on Karthaus, Sunday to see if they can break the spell that is jon the deer out there this fall. We look for a report from them soon, j One of our nimrods, who hunted with I a 38 56 modle last season and failed to j get any game, as the game was too far off, I is hunting with a 30-30 calibre this fall. ! He will probably get a Gatling gun for ; next season. Frank Wolf made a short visit out on Karthaus mountain last week, with a party of hunters who are stopping there through the hunting season and this is his report: Deer seem to be quite plentiful, but hard to shoot, tor one day there were seventeen of the party in a ridge hunt, three to drsve and fourteen to watch, when a fine deer came out to the watchers and eleven of them got shots at it, but failed to cut a hair, and as they were all armed with improved fire, arms they seem to think the deer are "hoodooed" in that locality. It is claim- | ed that seventy-three hhots were made at 1 the one dear. Resolutions of Condolence. The following resolutions of condol- i ence were passed by Citizen Hose Com- ; pany, of Emporium, Pa.: WHKBEAS, The Great and Supreme Kuler of ! the universe has, in His infinite wisdom, seen fit to remove from our midst one of our loved broth ers, Harry M. Thomas, and WHERKAS, The high position of trust and hon or which he filled in this company makes it emi nently fitting that we record our appreciation of him, therefore be it Remilred, That the worthy and efficient ser vices he rendered in times of danger, and his counsels will be ever held in gratfui remem brance. Resolved, That the removal of a life like his from our midst leaves a vacancy and a 9hadow which will be deeply felt by all members of the company, and will prove a serious loss to the company. Resolved, That we extend our heartfelt sym pathy to the bereaved relatives of the deceased. We express our hope that even so great a loss to us all may be overruled for good by Him who doeth all things for the be^t. Resolved, That our charter be draped in mourning for a period of sixty days and that copies of these resolutions be presented to his family, spread upon our minutes and printed in our Ilorough papers. S. E. MURRY, D. O. WHEATON, 8. 1.. LACEY, < Committee. Emporium, Pa., Nov. 16th, 1903. For sick headache try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets; they will ward of the attack if taken in time. For rale by L. Taggart. NEW CAMERON HOUSE. Cameron. Pa., Opposite P. & E. Depot. HARRY McGEB, Proprietor. Having taken possession of this house and thoroughly remodeled and enlarged the building by erecting an addition of eighteen rooms, I am well prepared to meet the demands of the public. Guests conveyed to any part of the county, (food fishing and hunting in the immediate vicipity. T rial Mrs. Rorer Roll »a Heat and Kood Chopper Flo. 11. At TOurdealrr'a.iO* Bj mailor expreas 7i«. Your HONEY BACK i foot ■at I ■ factory. BOLLII.iI mra. CO., UO Peaa Ato. 9 Uj, Flu Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Dlgoots what you eat. •j Notice! - - -1 111 | A MINK the litt'e red I|| ! m I box in front win-low of M Old Reliable B Drug Store. This box contains twenty tffS silver dollars There are a Jsaic thousand keys belonging to [f®]| this box, three of which will ffl s%<. open the lock. Every person Hwj making a cash purchase of [®| lj|3i ONE DOLLAR is entitled to |ffl M> a key, first key presented that Mi jjSlj will open the lock will get ten [jffll Vyjj dollars, second key six dollars ffi) and third key four dollars. nffijl It costs you nothing to get a [®] >M k(> y- When keys are all out, (Ml m notice will be given; then pre- xvx ©1 sent your keys and get money |(o| lm 38 abovo stated. There is not I® • IS®: a living person knows which J|£ UD| key will open the lock. '|®| S|| Respectfully, k&j L. T AG-GART. ® iST teis. DAY'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE. All that's nice and desirable for Thanksgiving Feasting. Never before in the history of this store have so many fine tilings to tickle the palate been gathered together. No trouble to market here, 110 need to look further. Just leave your order, we'll do the rest. Our space will not admit of an enumeration of all the good things, the're too numerous. Here's a special list for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Every article money savers. Thanksgiving Mince Meatlbj |Q New Walnuts, lb . . 20C California Ham lb, 9C Malaga Grapes lb IBC Carolina Head Rice lb new 1C Hamburg Champion of IOP England Peas,can *)C Lb.Bag Sugar CI AH Best Granulated. New Figs, Dates and Nuts, Celery, Cranberries, Vegetables, Boiled Cider, Pure Olive Oil. Bishop's sL. Packed at Los Angeles, Cal. Choice Fresh Fruits. "Royal" Mocha and Java Blend, the Queen of table coffee. Leave your order early. p,,.... J. H. DAY InManT^iOeail'sl A wife, certain relief for Suppressed I Menstruation. known to fall. Safe! ■ Sure! Speedy! Satisfaction Guaranteed ■ or money Refunded. Sent prepaid for H (1.00 per box. Will send them on trial, to ■ -—"—l Sold inEmporium by L. Taggart and R. C Dodaon 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers