8 Auditors' Report Of the Receipts. Expenditures. Assets and Liabilities of Emporium Borough for Year 1902-03. W. F. LLOYD, Treasurer, in account with Em porium Borough Fund, March 1,1903. RECEIPTS. Cash on haml as per last audit, $203 64 Received on account sundry licenses,.. • HO 00 do do fines,... 135 50 do for sewer pipe sold, 54 15 do acct. loan from Mrs. Holbrook, 1,000 00 do do do do do E1we11,... 1,000 00 do from Frank Mundy, dirt sold,. 78 20 do on acct. liquor licenses 1,482 00 do from Audt. Uen'l, foreign Ins., 66 80 do for cleaning sidewalks, 12 75 do State tax from E.L. bond-hldrs, 26 08 do donation Iroin Josiah Howard, acct. Fourth street, 173 00 do from P. R. K., plac. arc lamp,. 420 do do F. X. Blumle, donation, acct. Fourth street,. 16 00 do do C. H.Jessop, col. 1900 tax, 87 18 do do do. do 1901 do 372 86 do do do do 1902 do 1,765 39 do do do 19*>2 dog do 15 83 Total receipts, $6,333 58 EXPENDITURES. Gas. St. Marys Gas Company 1243 90 ~ • > *2*3 90 Police. Frank Mundy, for salary S6OO 00 John Montgomery, for services, 24 00 Clareuce Richie, for services, 2 00 Joseph Freindel, for services, 2 00 ss2B 00 Fire Department. A. Murry, for hauling cart, $8 25 T. R. Lyons, for hauling cart, 18 50 John Crosby, for drying hose, 2 00 0. W. Udell, do do do 200 Frank Wheaton, do do do 400 Charles C'olson, do do do 100 John Schweikart, do do do 100 R. Wheaton, do do do 100 D. Wheaton, do do do 100 Wm. Robinson, do do do 100 Frank Heindel, do do do 100 J. A. Law, do do do 100 M.Dorval, do do do 100 Harry Thomas, do do do 100 Mountaineer Hose Co., appropriation,.. 50 00 Citizens' Hose Co., do .. 50 00 Hamilton Hose Co., do .. 50 00 Rescue Hook & Ladder Co., do .. 60 00 *236 75 Lumber. S-SWacket, $228 40 C. «. Howard Compauy, 141 60 K. P. Heilinan, Treasurer, 13 40 Printing. The independent, publishing audit,.... 922 oo Cameron Co. Press, do do .... 22 00 The Independent, advertising ord., 40 (>0 Cameron (Jo, Press, do do .... 40 00 Sewers. Murry & Coppersmith Co., invoice,.... $46 39 tirst Baptist Church, 5 29 Stone Crossings. Philip Schweikart |122 57 a. . # 122 57 Streets. Walker, Howard & Co., for supplies,... $2 00 A. McAulay, Mgr., for labor, 725 John Montgomery, do do 195 S3 D. W. Shugart, do do 70 68 R. Robinson, do do 633 John Welsh, do do 51 69 Thos. Cavanaugh, do do 93 01 A. Dalphy, do do 500 William Stevens, do do 300 Alex. Shnyder, do do 90 J. R. Hemphill, do do 420 E. D. Drum, do do 20 46 L. Smith, do do 76 Charles Griffith, do do 285 K. liinney, do do 74 93 James Davin, do do 94 38 John Hogan, do do 160 James Haviland, do do ... 200 E. C. Davison, do do 240 Fred Leutze, do do 868 William Miller, do do 85 D. C. Hayes, do do 390 S. S. Hacket, do do ... 31 00 8.8. Hacket, do lumber, 30 52 Thos. Robinson, do labor, 3 75 John Rutz, do do 45 40 C. B. Howard Co., do do 578 43 John McClenahan, do do 16 50 B. A. Slocum, do do 53 60 Henry Sassman, do do 10 80 H. D. Johnson, do do 39 50 Alton Housler, do do 69 80 B. Leutze, do do 13 76 C. Leutze, do do 810 F. Gaidus, do do 521 A. J.Seifreid, do do 78 85 J. B. Blinzler, do do 64 00 F. X. Blumle, do do 16 00 J. A. Fisher, do do 87# W. Carpenter, do do 500 A. Murray, do do 20 13 Jacob Troup, do do 457 Thos. Radigan, do do 262 Henry Robinson, do do 26 25 Daniel Beisel, do do 128 P. E. Normauly, do do 260 George Bwartz, do do 350 Mark Ellis, do do 350 John Narby, do do 260 John Metzger, do do 87 George Skinner, do do 50 Frank Dean, do do J63 George Leavitt, do do 175 Patrick Haley, do do 417 R. Murray, do do 150 C. Dorsey, do do 60 Reuben Fountain, do do 242 Barry Shadman, do do 87 F. Robinson, do do 50 Electric Light. Emporium Machine Co., supplies, sl2 45 Geo. Metzger, Jr., do 8 35 Robert Clark, draying, 175 Williamsport Electric Co., supplies,.... 77 93 Robert Green, salary, 300 00 do do labor, 18 60 A. F. Brown h Co., supplies, 24 98 S. E. Murry & Co., sunplies, 3 26 1. K. Hockley, cement, 65 00 Manhattan Gen. Cons. Co., supplies,... 201 05 C. B. Howard Co., for supplies, 10 70 K. Kinney, do labor, 11 25 Thos. Cavanaugh, do do 825 John Hogan, do do 900 Joseph Henneld, do do 855 James Davin, do do 825 Thomas Quinn, do do 19 50 R. Bingman, do do 210 A. N. Fornaily, do do 120 W. C. Quinby, do do 300 James Berry, do do 100 Asa Murray, do do 100 F. Knack, do do 200 Raymond Klees, do do 200 Frank Richie, do do 200 John Houser, do do 800 Amos Davis, do stone 46 00 E. Waterman, do supplies 25 00 Murry & Coppersmith Co., do 11 85 Atlantic Refining Co., for oil, 34 11 Struthsrs, Wells & Co., for sapplies,.... 69 65 Peter O'Malley, for salary 180 00 do do do labor 43 30 G. 8. Allen, for insurance, 54 60 John McDonnell, for salary, 180 00 do do do labor, 5 00 u. 8. Battery Co., for supplies, 4 06 American Machinist, for advertising,... 2 00 Press Co., for advertising, 50 Robertson Electric Co., for supplies 11 t» „ ~ . $1,458 42 Sundries. • ;f< . J. A. Fisher, invoices S4B 05 8. E. Murry & Co., supplies 13 94 Murry & Coppersmith Co., supplfes 40 21 Emporium Machine Co., do .... 75 13 D. C. Hayes, for draying, 12 25 D. C. Hayes, do damages, 500 W. F. Lloyd, freight and expressage,... 20 12 Penn'a R. R. Co., freight, 40 James Haviland, hauling sand, 12 25 Johnson & McNarney, retainer 50 00 E. E. A. Williams, invoice, 1 eo Best Street Co., for light, 4 25 Fireman's Relief Ass'n, H. Wheaton,... 25 00 A. Murray, for draying, 3 50 F. Wheaton, shingling hose house N0.2, 20 00 C. L. Butler, labor 2 50 A. C. Blum, making audit, 11 00 A. F. Andrews, do do 10 stt. E. D. White, do do 10 50 Robert Clark, draying, 11 25 Haupt & Hauber, invoice, 26 39 Paid note at First National Bank, 700 00 M. Schaller, repairs to City Hall 5 95 L.K.Huntington, invoice, 6 91 J. Holcom, damages, account injury to daughter 58 00 Keystone Powder Mfg. Co., invoice 8 10 8. J. Hacket, invoice 1 55 Paid State Treas., tax on bonds 36 48 C. J. Goodnough, salary as clerk, 50 00 Balcom & Lloyd, invoice 12 25 C. A. Van Lew, work on pest house 12 !I0 S. S. Hacket, invoice 48 <>o $1,333 96 Total expenditures, $6,385 37 Balance in hands of Treasurer, $l4B 21 RECAPITULATION. Total receipts #6,533 5t Total expenditures, <6,385 3" Balance in hands of Treasurer, $l4B 21 ASSETS. Cash in hands of Treasurer, $l4B '2l DuefromC. H. Jessop, col. dog tax, 1899, 43 (H do do do do do do do 1900, 59 0( do do do do do tax, 1900, 58 41 do do do do do do 1901, 542 41 do do do do do dog tax, 1901, 27 0( do do do do do do do 1902, 38 00 do do do do do tax, 1902, 87# 7S $1,793 7£ LIABILITIES. Due Mrs. Holbrook, on acct. of loan,. SI,OOO OC do do O. F. Elwell, do do .... jI.OOO oc $2,000 oo Excess of Liabilities over Assets, $206 21 W. F. LLOYD, Treasurer, in account with Em porium Borough Bond Fund. RECEIPTS. Balance on hand from last audit, $-491 3u From C. H. Jessop, col., 1900 tax 229 70 do do do do 1901 do 270 51 do do do do 1902 do 1,236 Oil $2,227 60 EXPENDITURES. Paid 26 coupons, No. 31 to 56 inc., <<A $2.50, s6l 00 do 26 do do 31 to 56 do «■ $2.50, 65 00 do 70 do do Ito7o do (a $2.00, 140 00 do 70 do do Ito 70 do o> $2.00, 140 00 do 5 bonds do 31 to3sdo<" SIOO.OO, 500 00 $9lO 00 Cash in hands of Treasurer, $1,317 60 ASSETS. Cash in hands of Treasurer, £1,317 60 Due from C. H. Jessop, col., 1901 tax,... 460 53 do do do do do 1902 do ... 615 40 $2,393 53 LIABILITIES. Outstanding Borough Bonds $2,100 00 do Electric Light Bonds, 7,000 00 6,100 00 ,706 47 W. 112. LLOYD, Treasurer, in account with Em porium Borough Water Fund. RECEIPTS Cash on hand from last audit S6O 22 From C. H. Jessop, col., 1900 tax, 237 83 do do do do 1901 do 158 82 do do do do 1902 do 837 41 $1,294 28 EXPENDITURES. Paid balanco on order No. 92 $260 00 do order No. 184, 560 00 do on account of order No. 98, 460 00 $1,280 00 Cash in hands of Treasurer 14 28 ASSETS. Cash in hands of Treasurer sl4 28 Due from C. H. Jessop Coll. 1901 tax,... 366 58 Due from C. H. Jessop, Coll. 1902, 492 13 $873 00 LIABILITIES. Due on account of order No. 98 SIOO 00 Outstanding order No. 177, 560 00 $660 oe EXCESB of ASSETS over LIABILITIES $213 00 We, the undersigned. Auditors of the Borough of Emporium, do certify that we have examined, audited, adjusted and settled the accounts of the Treasurer of the Borough with the various Bor ough Accounts, and that the foregoing state ments of the same are true and correct. Witness our hands this day Ootober 1903. A. F. ANDREWS, E. D. WHITE, C. E. CRANDELL, Borough Auditors. The Salve That Heals. Without leaving a scar is DeWitt's. The name Witch Hazel is applied to many salves, but DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the only Witch Hazel Salve made that Contains the pure unadulterated witch hazel. If any other Witch Hazel Salve it is a counterfeit. E. C. DeWitt invented Witch Hazel Salva and De- Witt's Witch Haze! Salve is the best salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, or blind, bleeding, itching and pro. truding piles. Sold by li. C. Dodson. Tour to the Pacillc Coast. On account of the meeting of the Nat ional Bankers' Association to be held at San Francisco, Cal., October 20 to 23, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company offers a personally conducted tour to the Pacific Coast at remarkably low rates. This tour will leave New York, Phil adelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and other points on the Pennsylvania Rail road east of Pittsburg, Wednesday Octo ber 14, by special train of the highest grade Pullman equipment. A quick run westward to San Francisco will be made, via Chicago, Omaha, Cheyenne, and Ogden. Fve days will be devoted to San Fran cisco. Returning, the special train will run to Los Angeles, where two days will be spent among the resorts of Southern California. Santa Barbara, Del Monte, Salt Lake City, Colorado Springs, Denver, and St. Louis will be visited on the journey eastward, the party will reach New York on the evening of Nov ember 4. Round-trip rate, covering all expenses for eighteen days, except five days speut in San Francisco, 8190. Rates from Pittsburg will be 85 less. For full information apply to Ticket Agents, or Gto. W. Boyd, General Pas senger A»ent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. Pa. 2959-33-3t. Low Rates West and fyorthwest. Via Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, every day until November 30, 1903. 833, Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and many other Pacific Coast points. 830, Chicago to Salt Lake City, Ogden, Grand Junction and many other points in Utah, Colorado and Wyoming. Low rates to hundreds of other points. Through train service, Chicago to San Francisco. Only 80 for a doublo berth, tourist sleeper, all the way. To the Northwest via St. Paul or via Omaha. Write today for folder John R. Pottt, Room D. Park Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 30-st. Reduced Kates to Pittsburg. On Wednesdays, September 9,1(1, 23, and 30 and October 7,14 and 21, 1903, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets from points on the Low Grade Division, including the Sligo Branch, to Pittsburg, at reduced rates, ncluding admission to the Exposition. These tickets will be good going on regular trains on day of issue, and will be valid for return passage within four days, including date of sale. CAMERON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903. L. TAGGART, the Popular Druggisl Whose aim is always to serve the Public with only the best of everything in his line. Has been successful in securing THE SOLE"AGENCY For a Remedy which they do nol ask you to buy on the strength of Published Testimonials but will give it Free for 10 days to each per son who desires to try Tlie Greatest Blood, Nerve and Stomach Remedy Ever Offered to tlie Suffering: Public. Ask them for a free trial package of the Dr. Lyon Home Treatment for Catarrh, Wood, Nerve and Stomach Disease. IT IH GUARANTEED to cure all Stomach, Bowel and Liver Troubles, and the best medicines for pale, weak women. This medicine has stood the tests. It is rec ommended by physicians and all who use is. IT IS FREE TO TRV. It will cleanse, soothe and heal the mucus mem brane of the whole system. Makes new blood and strong nerves. IT REMOVES THE CAUSE OP DISEASE. Nature will do the rest. It contains no stimulant, opiate, or other poison. It is a pure botanical product, which restores health to all who use it. Procure the free trial to-day at TAG(?ART'S. "The man who has it in for news papers in general has had the bitter truth told about him once by some un usually frank reporter and has a big sore spot Saves Two Prom Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fa tal attack of whooping cough and brou chitis," writes Mrs. W. K, Ilaviland, of Armonk, N. ][., "but when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our neicc who had Consumption in an advanced Bta«e, also used this wonderful medicine and to-day she is perfectly well." Des perate throat and lung diseases yield tc Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and 81.00 bottles guar anteed by L. Taggart. Trial bottles free. "The man who brings in the longest obituary of the late deceased was not a model husband always. A Love Letter. Would not interest you if you're look ing for a guaranteed Salve for Sores, Burns or Piles, Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo., writes, "I suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Salve cured me. It's the best Salve on earth. 25c at L. Taggart's Drug Store. NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSION. Last Low-Rate Vacation Trip, via Pennsylvania Railroad, for the Season. On October 16 the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will run the last popular ten-day excursion to Niagara Falls from Washington and Baltimone for the pres ent season. On this date the special train will leave Washington at 8:00 a. in., Bal timore at 9:05 a. m., York 10:45 a. ui., Harrisburg 11:40 a. m., Millersburg p. m., Sunbury 12:58 p. m., Williamsport 2:30 p. m., Lock Haven 3:08 p. m„ Re novo 3:55 p. m., Emporium Junction 5:05 p. m., arriving at Niagara Falls at 9:45 p. m. Excursion tickets , good tor return pas sage on any regular train, exclusive of limited express trains, within ten days, will be sold at 810.00 from Wathington and Baltimore; 89.35 from York;S10.00 from Littletown; 810.00 from Oxford. Pa.; 89,35 from Columbia; 88.50 from Harrisburg; 810.00 from Win chest er,Va.; 87.80 from Altoona; 87.40 from Tyrone; 8G.45 from Bellefonte; 85.10 from llidg way; 80.90 from Sunbury and Wilkes- Barre; 85.75 from Williamsport; and at proportionate rates from principal points. A stop-over will be allowed atj Buffalo within the limit of ticket returning. A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will be run through to Niagara Falls. An extra charge will be made for parlor-car seats. An experienced tourist agent and chaperon will accompany the party. For descriptive pamphlet, time of con necting trains, and further information apply to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Apt., Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. 2970 For Sale. An ideal driving horse. One that will please you all day long. One light single and one light double harness, one pair light sleighs and one platform wagon. One yoke oxen, one two seated car riage with top, one road cart with top, and two open road carts. As I have no use for the above men tioned, I can and will give you the worth of your money. Terms: Cash, or approved paper, with reasonable time. 27-tf. FRANK SHIVES. EVERY WOMAN Sometimes needs a reliable V monthly regulating medicine. .A DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are prompt, safe and certain In result. The genu ine (Dr. Peal's) never disappoint. (1.00 per box. Sold by R. C. Dodson, druggist. A Cure For Dyspepsia. Iliad Dyspepsia in its worst form ant felt niiscarablc most all of the time. Die not enjoy eating until after I used Kodo Dyspepsia Cure which has complete!) cured me—Mrs. W. W. Saylor, Hillord Pa. No appetite, loss of strength, ner vousness headache, constipation, bad breath, sour risings; indigestion, dyspep sia and all stomach troubles are quickly cured by the use of Kodol. Kodol rep resents the natural juices of digestion combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. It cleans, es, purifies and sweetens the «tomach. Sold by R. C. Dodson. jjj GOOU ijj Cedar jjj jjj Shingles g S WILL KEEP OUT THE RAIN. 3 |{j WE HAVE THEM IN ALL g ft GRADES. ft C. n. HOWARD CO. Ij Do 3 £ You Need » i it? ft DON'T YOU WANT A LOAD £ ft OR TWO OF GOOD HARD [J K WOOD? I SELL IT. H g s ft ROBT. CLARK. jjj aSHSHSHSHSSSa THE CHAMPION MIXED PAINT Sold by L.. TAttGART has nr superior. Fourteen years ago I painted my house with these paints and am now, for the first time since, repainting it. H. L. Smith, the painter, says he never knew of a house in better condition for painting after having stood so long. A gentleman, whose name I will not mention, living in our town, painted his house thirteen years ago, with these paints and he has engaged some paints to repaint, saying that he would have no other. Dr. Heilman will also testify as to the merita of these paints. County jail painted four years ago. John Lind's two houses painted two years ago and many others, all speak for the virtue and staying qualities of these paints, and is better evidence than any man's word. Look at them; then buv the Champion paints and paint your house and be happy. Also paper your house with the ele gant wall paper at Taggart's and be doubly happy. Dr. Humphreys. After fifty years Dr. Humphreys' Specifics enjoy the greatest popularity and largest sale iu their history, dae to intrinsic merit. They cure the sick. NO, CURES. PRICES. I—Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .25 2—Worm*. Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .25 3—Teething, Colic,Crying,Wakefulness .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25 T—Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25 B—Neuralgia,B—Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceaohe 25 9—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10—Dvapepsla, Indigestion, Weak Stomach.2s 11—Suppressed or Painful Periods 25 12—Whiles. Too Profuse Periods 25 13—Croup, Laryngitis. Hoarseness 25 14—Salt Ilhouin, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .25 15—Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains 25 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague. .... .25 19—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head .25 JO— Whooplng-Cough 95 27—Kidney Diseases 25 28—Nervous Debility 1.00 30 —Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .23 11 —Grip, Hay Fever 25 Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. *sr Dr. Humphreys' New Poekat Hanual of all Diseases mailed free. Humphreys* Medicine Co., Cor. William anil John Sts., New York. DeWitt DeWltt Is the name to look for when Mk you goto buy Witch Hazel Saive. ~ DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the original and only genuine. In fact DeWitt'sis the only Witch Hazel Salve that Is mads from the unadulterated Witchllazel All others are counterfeits—base Imi tations. cheap and worthless even dangerous. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve I- Is a specific for Piles: Blind, Bleeding, ■ Itching and Protruding Piles. AisoCuts, ■ Burns. Bruises. Sprains, Lacerations, ■ Contusions, 80113, Carbuncles. Eczema, ■ Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all other Skin Diseases, SALVE ■ PItUPAItKD BIT 1 E.C. DeWitt 4 Co., Chicago I ®§|fei I BANK BY MAIL raj And the 4 per cent annual interest and abs ° lute protection of this strong bank. ■ Assets over $7,700,000 Eermania Savings bank WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS PITTSRURG, i> A motor c ;:r BRS E. J. SMITH, Agent, Emporium, Pa. G.SCHMIDT'S,^ FOR FRESH BREAD popular p '" ncv "e c«a«. rj NUTS 1 * iJ< m * CONFECTIONERY Daily Dclivsrv Allordeihgiven prompt and skillful attention. aSHSHSHS SHSHHHSH SHSHSHSE SHSHSHS2 SaSHSHSH 52 5P | Fall and Winter Woolens j | Have Just Arrived. g Ln [jj H lam now ready to please the public, having [JJ just moved my Tailor Shop to the Odd Fellows }{j n] Block, in order to cut down expenses. I can }{] n] now make clothes much cheaper than they can uj sj be made any where in this section. I employ Uj Ifl only first-class workmen and invite the public [jj Cj to call and inspect my stock. nj | REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. I l I J. L. FOBERT. | i # asasasasasasasasasasas x£? §WHEH IN DOUBT. TRY Theyh*7 c stood the test of yean, CTDHIIO _ - and huve cured thousands of ki I Mllnh laJ 0 /JV of Nervous Diseases, sucb U IIUIIU ttpy Debility. Dizziness. Sleepless* AO 1111 I oess and Varicocclc.Atrophy.&c* All AIPI ■ (J| They clear the brain, strengthen 11 \ the circulation, make digestion vigor to the whole being. All drains and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients are properly cured, their condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death. Mailed sealed. Price $i per box; 6 boxes, with Iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund tbf money, $5.00. Send for free book. Address. PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Clovtland. 0. For sale by R. C. Dodsoti, Druggist. Emporium, Pa. 1 4 Fall Quarts Pennsylvania Rye or Bourbon 7 Years Old 01(1 FOR 53.00. OUR REFERENCE: Any Rank or Merchant in Pittsburg. Express charges paid to your nearest station. All goods packed in plain Bealed cases. Thisisavery fine OLD WISKEY aged in the wood. Which inakesitßlCH. RIPE and MELLOW. We guarantee it to give satisfaction or refund the money. We control the output of one of the largest distilleries in Pennsylvania and must sell the product direct to the consumer hence we can give you better service and better value than any other house. Order a sample lot to-day. Remit tance can be made by check, registered letter or money order. We carry in stock all grades of Wines, Whiskies, etc. Special inducements for Club orders. Send for our PRIVATE PRICE LIST. Morris Forst & Co., Cor. 2d Ave. and Smithfleld St., PITTSBURGH, PA. H tmvr nn A cure |n »r.nw<-<l if too um R I PILES supposttonj | Sj D. Matt. Thompson, Supt. B ra (iraded Schools, StateiTlllc, N. C., wriu«: "I c»u »ay O u thej do all you claim for them." Dr. 8. M. Devore, ■ [u Kaveu Kosk.W. Va., writ™ : " The? fire universal n jj faction." Dr. H. D. MuGill, t'Urksburg. Teun., writes: jfi N '• lu a practice ef 23 yearn, I have fuuad no renieJy to f\ R| ri]ual youn." Pkici, 50 Cum. Samples Free. Sold 3 wy w'll' wftRTIN H U° y . LANCASTER, PA. Sold in Emporium by L. Taggart and R. C Dodson. Call for free sample. Biodol Dyspepsia Gur® Digests what you eat. °tW EarEy Risers The famous little pills. mnm < Send model, sketch or photo of invention for 112 112 free report on patentability. For free book, 112 < How to SeiHireTQ fl P|C MARIfQ Write < JmentsandirWUJ^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers