KM I'OUII M HILLING COMPANY. TMiICK LIST. Emporium, Pa., June 29,1903. NE.VlOt' 11 LA. per sick #1 25 Felt'* Fancy, *\ 1 4<» Pet Grove, " 1 40 Graham, •• Ho Rye ... " Ho Buck\r!i«*t, •• Patent Meal., " 50 Coarae Meal, per 100, 1 35 Chop HVed, " 1 35 Middling*. Fancy ' 1 40 llran,. 1 'M Corn, per bushel, 75 WhsteOam.per bushel. 55 Choice Clo r Seed, 1 Choice Timothy.Seed, ! ~ Market Prire. Choice Millet Seed. 112 »»™el»"rtce». Kancy Kentucky BlueOrasa, | R.C. DODSON, THE IDrdcjcJist, IvNORIVH, PA. IS LOCATED IN THE CORNER STORE. At Fourth and Chestnut Sts.. K. C. DODSON. Telephone, 19-2. LOCAL DIiPARTMENT. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Contribution.* invited. That which you would like to aee in thin department,let ut know by pos tal card or letter, personally. Miss Byrde Taggart has returned from a delightful visit to Philadelphia and Reading. John Rutz expects to send his third son to Philadelphia, to enter the deaf and dumb school. Miss Margaret Murphy is assisting in the postoffloe duriug Mis 3 Huff's ab sence on vacation. Miss Belle Robison was a passenger to Olean Saturdry morning where she visited friends a few days Miss Nadine Morgan, of St. Marys, is guest of her cousins, Misses Ethel and Rena Housler, at Four Mile. Miss Clara Vosshage, of Ashland, Pa , is visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Julian, on North Broad street. Miss Myrtle Gregory is spending her vacation at WHliamsport; Montgom ery and other eastern points of inter est. The Rev. Mr. Knox, and wife, ar rived in town last Saturday and are now occupying their East Fourth street home. Miss Belle Cleary entertained a number of her friends at her home, last Thursday evening, it being her sixteenth birthday. Miss Beatrice Ellis left Saturday noon for Williamsport, where she is now visiting friends, expecting to be absent some time. Geo. Leavitt, of Truman, has been kept quite busy at home assisting in caring for the young lady who came to •delight their home last Thursday. Jos. C. O'Byrne, who has been at tending school at Boston, Mass., came home several days ago to visit with his parents until Sept. Ex-Sheriff Swope, who has been as sisting Frank Craven with his lumber job, cime down on Saturday to spend a few days with his family. William Wykoff, one of our Cameron subscribers, was a pleasant PRESS call er on Saturday and carried away a re ceipt for another year's PRESS. Three of Emporium's happy young ladies—Misses Iva McDougall, Pearl Lewis and Belle Cleary made the PRESS sanctum a brief call on Monday. Mrs. Samuel Weaver, of Cross Forks, attempted to depart from this world by the laudanum route. The doctors pumped her back again. Domestic trouble. D. C. Johnston and wife, of Pitta burg, visited his brother J. A. John ston and family, at this place last Fri day, returning home Saturday morn ing. Edward Huff has returned from visiting in Oregon, Washington and Colorado. He reports work plentiful in the far west, but he evidently pre fers Pennsylvania. C. C. Lewis of Emporium, the real estate man, was in town Tuesday on a business mission While here "Cal" found time for some of his usual stor ies.—Port Allegany Reporter. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carpenter, of ! East Allegany Avenue, are rejoicing 1 over the arrival of a beautiful firl baby at their home, the little MWs ! making its advent Inst Thursday. Frank Siffln !. nuw clerk at City 1 .Hotel. Editor \V. B. Shaffer of Renovo Record, vi.siteii in Emporium hist Hun- I day. The Barr-Miller wedding party, from Sterling Run, registered at City Hotel last Tuesday. United States Marshal P. C. Leonard was in town on Tuesday, en route for Coudersport. Mr. Paul H. Earl has returned from Ridgway and is assisting R. C Dodson in his pharmacy. Pred Dinniny came down from St. Marys, last Saturday, to visit his mother and brother, Mrs. L. B. Evans and daughter Laura are visiting their daughter and sister, Mrs. Paul Smith, at Punxsutawney. Mrs. J. C. Bonham, of Franklin, Pa., is visiting friends in Emporium, guest of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Hackenberg. Richard Martin, of East Ward, took time to rush into the PRESS on Tues day and push the date ahead on his paper. Henry Wright, of Lebanon, Pa., brother of Jas. Wright, has located in Emporium and is employed at the furnace. Mr. and Mh. E. D. Mumford and daughters, Lucy and Jennie, visited Kane and Johnsonburg last week. Of course Jene took in the ball game. Miss Ella Newton, of Emporium, is a guest this week at the residence of Mrs. Julia McPheeley.— Johnsonburg Press. Mrs. Edward Blinzler and children have been visiting St. Marys relatives and friends over Sunday. Ed. went up and remained until Monday. Misses Emma and Hattie Ness, of Allegheny, Pa., are _ visiting R. H. Hirsch and wife at this place. Both are very pleasant young ladies. Mr. and Mrs. John Robt. Whiteley, of Philadelphia, who have been guests at the W. H. Howard home, are taking in the sights at Niagara Falls this week. Mrs. W. C. Clarke returned to her home in Reading, Tuesday noon, after an extended visit with her sons, Edwin and J. W. Clarke and family, at this place. Mrs. Geo. Riahell (nee Minnie Haver) and son Allison, of Erie, are visiting friends in town, guests of Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Mr. Rishell is expected to arrive here Saturday. Mrs. Coudrick, Niagara Falls, and Mrs. Martha Calvert, ofStaten Island, were guests of Mrs. F. P. Strayer— their niece—last week, at the same time visiting their many friends here. Jasper Harris spent Sunday at Cuba Lake, enjoying a vacation of a couple of days with friends. Mr. Harris, who has built up a very prosperous business and is attentive to his trade deserved a rest. Coudersport Democrat: The ap proaching marriage of Miss Bessie, daughter of H. C. Olmsted, of Couders port, to James Mack, a teacher at Dick inson Seminary, is announced. It will take place next month. Geo. A. Baxter, night clerk at War ner House, is spending a few weeks at a Kirk, N. Y., Sanitarium, receiving treatment. He orders the PRESS to follow him. During his absence Ed win G. Clarke tills his place at Warner House. Rev. W. A. Pugsley, who is spend ing his vacation in Canada, writes his friends here that he is having a pleas ant time. The Rev. gentleman will return the second week in August. Mrs. Pugsley is visiting at Trenton, N. J. Postmaster Chas. A. Counsel, ofSin namahoning, is rusticating at Atlantic City for ten days, for the benefit of his health, which has not been the best for some months. His friends hops he may return fully re covered. Dr. and Mrs. Bardwell will go to New York city in the very near future, where the Dr ,will have the new electric appliance fitted, when he hopes to hear a pin drop. The Dr'a many friends hope he may be benefitted by the new invention. H. W. Graham, the Broad street ton sorial artist, was a PRESS business caller on Tuesday and renewed his sub scription for another year. Mr. Gra ham has been a very respected citizan of Emporium for almost twenty-five years and attends strictly to business. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Davison, of John sonburg, came to Emporium last Tues day and visited with friends during the day. Mr. and Mrs. Davison are well pleased with their home at Johnson burg, yet are always pleased to visit Emporium, where they resided for so many years as respected citizens. Jos. M. Butler is in receipt of a mounted moose head, sent him from New Brunswick, Can., by his brother T. W. Butlor. The animal, a mammoth specimen, was shot along the upper waters of the Miramichi River by Mr. Butler during the early summer. The mounting is a supberb job and the pro prietor of the Uonnolly house takes great pride in exhibiting it to his friends a* nn evidence of the prowess of his brother as a hunter. Go in and see it when in town.—Port Allegany Reporter. OA MICRON COUNTY PRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 190;, The "Look-Out" camping party will return on Friday. (100. H. Hephnns has moved his family to Ridgway. Miss Barclay, of Sinnamaboning, | visited in Emporium yesterday. Mr. Frank (iinter, of Buffalo, visited j in town between trains yesterday. L. E. Green, of Eldred, Pa., is now employed in Taggart's drug store. Geo B. Barclay, of Sinnamahoning, visited in Emporium on Tuesday. Miss Carrie Huff, clerk in the post office, has returned from her vacation. C. G. Catlin is erecting a dwelling on lot formerly occupied by old gymna sium. Mrs. Thos. McGrane has returned rom an extended visit to Williamsport friends. ... Geo. Pepper and wife have returned from visiting at Watkins, N. Y., and report a pleasant visit. John T. Howard left this morning forWestboro, Wis., to look over the country for a short time. A. C. Blum returned yesterday from anothsr business trip in the interest of Keystone Powder Company. Father Meagher, of Ridgway, visited in Emporium yesterday, shaking hands with his many friends. I. K. Hockley is spending the week on the farm, near Munoy, visiting his aged parents and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rishell are to be congratulated on the arrival of that young man at their home Saturday. Edgar Henry, a Keystone Powder Co., employee, is iaid up with a lame back, at his residence on Sixth street. Walter Palmer was quite sick last Sunday, but was able togo to Luzerne county on Monday,where he had engag ed to work. Mrs. Edward May, of Olean, accom panied by her children, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Haley, at this place. Geo. Skinner, a young lad employed by Climax Powder Co., is minus two fingers, having gotten his hand fast in a shell machine. Mrs. D. C. Hayes left on Monday last to visit at Binghamton, N. Y., and other points. Mr. Hayes goes to mor row to spend a few days. ExSheriflf Kriner returned this morning from attending his brother's funeral, that he might be present at the funeral of Michael Zimmitt. Mrs. S L Stoddard is visiting friends in Buffalo this week, and before re turning home will take in Toronto and the Thousand Islands. Moses Y. Norton, the oldest passen ger conductor on Buffalo Division and always popular has been retired,having reached the 70th mile post. L. S. Hinkle, wife and son, of Wil cox, visited with John J. Hinkle and wife over Sunday. IP,. ninkle is man ager of the big r'jre at Wilcox. Wm. F. Deckart, of Renovo, con ductor of P. & E., construction train, has brought his family to Emporium and are boarding with Ex-Sheriff Warner. Rob't B. Warner informs the PRESS of the arrival of a dandy girl baby at his home, the young lady taking pos session last Monday morning at eleven o'clock. Chas. G. Schmidt, the Fourth street baker, has been quite seriously ill for several days but is now able to be about again. Mr. Schmidt has been a very sick man but Dr. Bardwell hopes to have him in apple pie order right away quick. Mrs. U. A. Palmer and daughter Miss Fay, also Walter Palmer, have returned from Hartford City, Ind , to remain here we are informed. Their many friends welcome them back. Mr. Palmer will remain in the West, being under a term contract. Our old friend C. C. Fay, hale and hearty in his 78th year and looking as young as he died 20 years ago, was a pleasant PRESS visitor. Mr. Fay is one of the few old-timers left and is full of interesting experiences in Em porium in the early days. Edward Murry, you no doubt have I noticed, has been sporting his best ! Sunday clothes this week We thought ! perhaps he intended going to Buffalo to attend the wedding of his brother, but Ed. promptly informed us that they had a handsome new girl at his home, last Saturday—no time for wed dings. Now is the time to buy your clothing aud the place is at N. Soger's, the old reliable dealer. I L QD g maD Marti" 62 PAINTS I ih GAL L 4 *■ PA,NT AT • *' 6s /\a\- 4 1 gal. PURE LINSEED OIL AT 65 .51 Actual cost $1.22 per gallon. Any building not fp h - ii - satisfactorily painted will be repainted at our ex- [o] Jj * MAKES l| CALLONS FOR • • • $2.16 l>ense. 27 years of sale. Sole Agent. HARRYS. LLOYD, j ; THIS COSTS YOU NOTHING. Ta(ffc. ,r t Will Mclund Your Money If fli-o-na Doe* no< c ure "yupepala and Increase I'lesh. There are hundreds of people in Em porium when they read in the PKKMH that L. Taggart is sellit.'GrMi-0-na under a guarantee to refund the money, in case it did not care indigestion and in crease weight. The remarkable preparation is a true | flesh forming food, that builds up good, , healthy, solid tissues, and makes thin ' and scrawniness a thing of the paat. It tones up the digestive organs, aud will cure the wort case of indigestion, headache, dizziness, or the depressed, weak condition that afflicts nearly , everyone who suffers with stomach trouble. Miona does not simply re : lieve; it does lasting good. In 98 out of everylOO cases where Mi o-na is used, the result is a restoration of perfect harmony between height and weight aud an absolute and per manent cure of all stomach troubles. There are to-day hundreds in Em porium who are recommending Mi-o na because it cured them. A few months ago they were thin and could eat nothing without fear of stomach trouble. Since using Mi-o-na they have made noticeable gain in flesh,can eat what they want, and when they want, without fear of suffering. Bemember that you risk nothing in buying Mi o-na. If it gives you the desired effect the cost is trifling, if it fails L. Taggart will pay for the remedy himself. ! The Eureka Mfg. Co., of East St Louis, 111., want a man with rig to in troduce Poultry Mixture in this coun ty. They guarantee $3 50 a day to a good worker and they furnish bank j reference of their reliability. Send , stamp for particulars. Eureka Mfg. Co., Box 99, East St. Louis, 111. i 46 1-ly. THERE'S MONEY IN IT ! FOR YOU WHEN YOU TRADE AT DAY'S THE SATISFACTORY STORE. Our system of careful buying and selection of goods for our dif j ferent departments, with the end in view, first to please the trade, gives you better values than you get elsewhere. A careful compari son will convince. SPECIAL THIS WEEK FRIDAY ANJ SATURDAY. JA-MA-KA COFFEE, lb. - 20c It makes a dilicious and refresh ing cup. Better than much that costs more. CALIFORNIA HAMS, - 10* c Dokl quality. FULL CREAM CHEESE, - 14 c Mild, rich flavor. BIRD HEED, 10c package - 7 C Cuttle fish in each packiige. BAKED BEANS, large can, 0C Belle of Boston brand. QC Lb.Bag Sugar CI /fl Best Granulated, vI ■ HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE. Picnic and Quick Lunch Supplies a Specialty. Try our Mixed Sweet Pickles. Phones. J, H. DAY Kstray Notice. Came to the premises of the undersiKned on Salt Run, June 15th, 1903, one dark brown steer, branded on the left side "Z Y;" right ear cut The owner U hereby notified to call, pay charges B «?oT^u r io i:w otherwise wni beL - July 14, 1003. EMMA KEPHART. j " 1 - ... >•••.. - I USI] BANK BY MAIL * per cent interest and absolute protection of this strong bank. Assets over $7,700,000. GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK I WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS PITTSBURG, PA j > v Agent for E. B. THOMAS |y|Q T Q R CYCLES. E. J. SMITH, Agent, Emporium, Pa„]j] G.SCHMIDT'S, 1. HBADQUARTERS FOR r_ pRESH BREAD^ popular p '" kcv O NUTS # " CONFECTIONERY Daily Deliverv AllordersgiTc* promptand skillfulattention. SHSHSHSBSaSHSSSH^HraSTBS^ I T 11HIS should interest all m X men who wear up to date g{ TAILOR MADE CLOTHES, n] Fobert, the Tailor j SUITmGS a andTROUS 112 fresh from New [Jj Remember men, the f{] best is the cheapest in [Jj the end. My motto is, ru j "6et Your Money's Worth." give you your money's ui worth. I employ only [j| first-class workmen and n] handle only flrst-class In goods, and our prices nj are within reach of all. {{] Give me a trial. uj J . L. FOBERT, 1 SI. | Emporium, Pa. WHEN IN OOUBT, TRV They hava stood the te»t of years. OTDnUD . and b*ve cured thousands off ■T 1 A I tillßn 10 112 /yeaiei of Nervous Diseases, such ,V A J wiiiwnw If mjrtrel wJfjLlA**Debility. Diulaess.Sleepiest- B ▼ H |OA|H I C ocele,Atrophy.&c. It 1 Ahl||| I They clew the briin, itreQ|thea X the circulation, make digestion Jf&\ perfect, and impart a healthy to the whole being. All drains and losses are checked ftrmantntly. Unless patienta are properly cured, their condition often worries them into Insanity, (Consumption or Death. QWKIT Mailed sealed. Price $1 per box; 6 boxes, with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund ti# money. #y oo. Send for free book. Address. PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland, 0. For sale by R. C. Dodaon. Druggist. Emporium, Pa. 1 PILES Suppository I n. Mtll. Tharnpaon, Jhipt. I I \ I ® V 1 I ' OradM R<rhooli, Stat««?UU, N. C., wriua "I CAB cay H \ I A a H 112 they claim for them." Dr. 8. M. I)fror«, H 1 > I ||V V ■ Rar*n Ro«k, W.VVat. t " They fi*« lalia H ' i I mmm V B M.> faction. I>. MeQIII, writea : H I \ > praoti-e have found ao ramady to B \ •quai j oar a." Pmci, so Cinra. Sample* Fre«. Hold ■ / Send model, sketch or pholo of inTention for < ¥fl»nifft«u. MARTIN NUDV, LANCASTER, PA. H \ ,r eereport on patentability. For tree book, ( 1 ■ff" ■"rT? l^V.^ Un l RAPE-MARKS Sold ill Emporium by L. and K. C . 112 , Dodson. Call for free sample. i 1 The Place to Buy Cheap S $ / J. F. PARSONS' ( .hi V_ _ i Syrup pepsi nl VCURES CONSTIPATION.II 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers